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Old November 10th, 2023, 01:00 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

˚✧₊⁎〜☆〜⁎⁺ ˳✧༚
[She/Her | Black and russet calico with green eyes]
[Active Purrks: Silver Tongue]
˚✧₊⁎〜☆〜⁎⁺ ˳✧༚

The calico feline made her way into the gathering, an air of confidence surrounded her elegant gait. Her tail flickered slightly as her green gaze began to scan the area. Reflexively, her nose scrunched up at the mere sight of the amount of cats gathered in one space. To Cherrysmoke, she found it utterly ridiculous how so many can chat with their enemy like long lost kin, it’s better to be realistic than to be fake. Luckily for half the ugly mugs here, she was about as real as you could get, she mostly only came to get all the gossip first hand, poke fun at some of the squirrel and fish lovers that seem to go through their leaders like they do their freshkill…glare at some rabbit eaters…okay…maybe she was here for something else entirely. She made her way further into the gathering, her ears flickering as she ease-dropped somewhat on mindless chit chat, someone sounds upset. ’Hmm~’

“Yeah things have been not so great, my lucky rock went missing and I got sick not long after!”.

Hearing some random Thunder-nerds chat, she quickly stopped ease-dropping, obvious lethargic expression on her features.’A lucky rock? Boring’. She quickly looked around slightly, spotting two WindClan shecats whispering to each other. She tried her best to listen in, although made herself look busy by looking the opposite direction.

“I heard that Gingerstar is dead! Do you think it’s true? …It must be, why else is RiverClan’s deputy up there instead?”

Her ears perked up in interest, her eyes narrowed slightly as she side-eyes them, now this is what she was looking for. It seems like some little ol’fishes have been dwindling in numbers. She wondered how Dawnstar will react to the news, she supposed it wouldn’t be very surprising considering they have had a bad reputation for lousy leaders thus far. Sometimes she questioned how there hasn’t been a full out rebellion yet, from many of the clans. Cherrysmoke now snapped out of her thoughts as she caught sight of a particular pelt. Her green eyes widen for a moment before she composed herself. A small smirk gathered on her maw as she spotted said “something”, he was looking as collected as ever. She got up from her spot, checking herself over momentarily to ensure she looked presentable before she swayed, making her way over to the lanky tom-cat who seemed preoccupied. Coming up behind him, she gave a small scoff, making her presence known. Although her tone seemed like her regular venomous and cocky self, you could tell it was much more lighthearted and maybe even some subtle teasing in her tone.

“Seems a little fish left the compounds of their small puddle for once, swimming with the sharks are we Rushwater?”

˚✧₊⁎〜☆〜⁎⁺ ˳✧༚

[ @redshiftreign ]
[ I hope this starter is alright!! ]


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Last edited by TawnyNeedsACoffee; November 10th, 2023 at 01:35 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 03:16 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering


Springpaw - she/her - AMAB
post 10
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Huh?? Who was talking to her again?? She was staring at something...something like...uh...that...tree...over there..yea..because uh...she was just waiting for something..or anything! But she's back right now so yey! The apprentice looked at the older she-cat that just said hi to her just now "Hellooo!" she mewed back excitedly, smilling- wait what did she just say her name is..? Springpaw?? Wasn't that name her name?? "Springpaw...? " ack! So confusing!! Was this other cat a copy of her?? Oh wait..she seems younger than the other Springpaw so...is she the copy?? "Springpaw's name is....also..Springpaw.." she said, pointing her paw at herself, confusion still running through her and it's visible in both her face and voice. So there is a river-Springpaw and a wind-Springpaw? For how long? What if the two gets mixed up?? It'll probably be unlikely since the two are from different clans but it could still happen. River-Springpaw seems like a nice cat though; thinking about it again, maybe they could be a Spring-duo! Or...the Spring-something-else! Wouldn't that be fun?? Having the same name and turning that fact into something fun!
╰─▸ ❝ @Leafy [Springpaw]
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Last edited by Minkuu; November 10th, 2023 at 03:17 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 07:23 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

(Yay we can finally get this plot moving.)

Shademoss padded into the gathering, fluffing his fur up. It looked like another day just sitting alone and trying to stay warm. That really was the only reason he came, to stay out of the cold and lonely warrior’s den. He stopped suddenly, spotting a she-cat that was…huh, rather beautiful. He felt his heart tugging towards her, and despite his better intuition, he padded over to her, clearing his throat. “Hi there, nice night, isn’t it?”

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

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Old November 10th, 2023, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by ChaosBringer. View Post

Fawnpaw followed Bumblestar to the gathering, her wounds healing nicely from the battle. She couldn’t see out of her right eye, as there were cobwebs over it. “Nightgaze!” She squealed with happiness, trotting over.
Thunderclan Hornet

Hearing a familiar voice call her, Nightgaze pricked her ears curiously and smiled very widely when she saw who it was "Fawnpaw! Hiya!" she purred cheerfully her eyes shining with affection as she shuffled to make room for the young she-cat to sit next to her hopefully.

"How's my favourite apprentice doing eh?" she asked while attempting to ruffle the hair on Fawn's head with a slim paw "Amazing I hope! You were awesome in the battle! You really did gr-" the small hornet stopped as a horrible stench hit her nose and her pelt bristled in an instant as she realised another group had joined.

Shadowclan. The clan of fox-hearts had arrived, and she did not welcome there presence at all in fact she thought it disgraceful to even show there faces...they might have won the battle at Sunkissed creek but she certainly didn't have any respect for them so acknowledged their presence with a cold glare and started to pull her apprentice closer to her in a protective action "Stay close"

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Last edited by Morrigan; November 10th, 2023 at 09:22 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post

Thunderclan Hornet

Hearing a familiar voice call her, Nightgaze pricked her ears curiously and smiled very widely when she saw who it was "Fawnpaw! Hiya!" she purred cheerfully her eyes shining with affection as she shuffled to make room for the young she-cat to sit next to her hopefully.

"How's my favourite apprentice doing eh?" she asked while attempting to ruffle the hair on Fawn's head with a slim paw "Amazing I hope! You were awesome in the battle! You really did gr-" the small hornet stopped as a horrible stench hit her nose and her pelt bristled in an instant as she realised another group had joined.

Shadowclan. The clan of fox-hearts had arrived, and she did not welcome there presence at all in fact she thought it disgraceful to even show there faces...they might have won the battle at Sunkissed creek but she certainly didn't have any respect for them so acknowledged their presence with a cold glare and started to pull her apprentice closer to her in a protective action "Stay close"


Fawnpaw had been smiling and purring once her mentor saw her, nuzzling their shoulder. Everything was perfect for Fawnpaw. She hasn't been seeing her mentor much, but she still loved her. (In a friendly way, staff.) The brown apprentice opened her mouth to speak and answer her friend's questions, but she too smelt the horrid stench of Shadowclan. She hissed slightly and pressed up against Nightgaze.

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Old November 10th, 2023, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering


DreamingBloom padded in with her clan, a cloud of confidence and power surrounding her. The molly's head was held high. She wouldn't be disrespected by some war-waging squirrels, fish, and skinny rabbits. Her scars were shown proudly, showing that she could survive a battle and come out fine.

She listened to the gossip and hissing from the other clans, smirking as she looked up to the Riverclan deputy. Looks like a fish died. Soooo sad.[OPEN]

Here But the wounds are scars now, and her left eye is now blind from the wound.

PLEASE KNOW THAT MY CHARACTERS HAVE VERY DIFFERENT VIEWS AND OPINIONS THAN ME!! And that they may think or act in ways you might not deem acceptable, but I do not think or act in these ways.

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Old November 10th, 2023, 10:02 AM
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Clans Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by ChaosBringer. View Post

DreamingBloom padded in with her clan, a cloud of confidence and power surrounding her. The molly's head was held high. She wouldn't be disrespected by some war-waging squirrels, fish, and skinny rabbits. Her scars were shown proudly, showing that she could survive a battle and come out fine.

She listened to the gossip and hissing from the other clans, smirking as she looked up to the Riverclan deputy. Looks like a fish died. Soooo sad.[OPEN]

Here But the wounds are scars now, and her left eye is now blind from the wound.

Shellwhisker, a RiverClan warrior, shot Dreamingbloom a glare from cold, ice-blue eyes. She had noticed the way that the warrior had been looking at her leader, and Shellwhisker wasn't very fond of that look. ''Stop glaring at my leader unless you want some more wounds to worry about!'' She hissed.

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Old November 10th, 2023, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by poppy View Post
Birdsnow padded into the gathering place, eyes darting around before she settled down in a loafing position. She usually avoided gatherings due to poor past experiences, but she didn't want to hide anymore. She was going to be here, because she was a warrior and she wasn't afraid of cats anymore.

That was a little white lie- she was still afraid of being attacked here like she had been in the past. But she didn't want to be afraid anymore. That counted for something.

BadgerBlood Of WindClan Is Gong To Her First Gathering In MANY Moons. Needs A Friend To Help Lift Her Spirits From When She Was Brutally Mauled By A Dog As And Apprentice!
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Old November 10th, 2023, 10:28 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

featherpelt made his way into the clearing
"you idiot. we couldve been.. us."
hope left a banana peel here. careful, don't trip!
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Old November 10th, 2023, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering


you’re nobody ‘till somebody wants you dead.

purrks: agatha kitty, mind reader, go with the flow

[ @TawnyNeedsACoffee [cherrysmoke]]

rushwater had been near the front of riverclan’s pack when they arrived, and admittedly being the first clan to arrive was about as boring as one could imagine. if he wanted to waste time sitting in a circle of cats he knew all to well he could have just as sooner stayed at camp and listened to his clan mates talk his ears off. after far too long, windclan arrived. rushwater watched the moor-cats pool in with mild indifference tail swaying slow and languid. he gave his chest fur a few good licks so he looked all the more tidy.

it wasn’t terribly long until thunderclan strode into the clearing, as prideful and foolhardy as ever. he didn’t hate thunderclan- rushwater couldn’t say he hated any of the clans (he didn’t have any strong emotions towards them any which way) -but if he had to pick a least favorite, he’d be torn between thunderclan and shadowclan. at least shadowclan had one thing that rushwater would be sad to see go.

speak of the devil and she shall come, they say.

he didn’t pay much mind to shadowclan’s arrival barring the occasional glance. instead, he had his focus locked on the leader stone, trying to discern the tone of the now-four ‘stars. when he couldn’t make out anything over the motion and noise, he attempted to rely on body language. all the sleuth could discern was a lack of hostility. for now.

a scoff, familiar, caught his attention. rushwater let a low, rolling chuckle escape him as he turned his head to face the calico.

“like calls to like, doesn’t it? what more fitting a place for a shark to be than among sharks?” the blue-grey tabby hummed, his heavy lidded indigo gaze staring through cherrysmoke (though not unkindly), “pray tell, has your world been as hectic as mine? though, i figure a wild one like yourself is well used to the chaos,” he mused, the only indication of his amusement the subtle flick of his ear and faint twitch of his muzzle into a smirk. the signs of rushwater’s mirth were subtle, but those who could read the stoic tom knew the signs were as clear as day.

grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

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