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Old May 13th, 2024, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering


purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge t2
she/they . rc . 15 moons . one lame leg
tags ; @taillow
trigger warnings for this post: none

cobwebpaw showed up to the gathering a bit late, trailing behind dusklion with her eyes trained on her paws. when dusklion spoke, though, she dipped a grateful head and smiled to her. ' right. thank you. '

' bitter choco decoration,
eat it all without saying a thing '

cobwebfern ☆ warblerpaw
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Old May 13th, 2024, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Omari View Post

Midnightpaw trudged alongside her clanmates to Seastones, anxiety fueling her oddly timid pawsteps. She had only attended one gathering thus far–and if she remembered correctly, it had gone down in chaos… But, it seemed that all gatherings were bound to be chaotic in some way, shape, or form from what she had heard from her clanmates. Nevertheless, she decided to attend this one.

Alongside her walked her… Homeboy? Homesizzle? Bestie? None of those terms really fit, but Batpaw was her closest pal nonetheless.

She sat herself near a Windclan fellow, although she didn’t make much of an attempt at starting a conversation with them, other than a simple, “Hope it’s okay for us to sit here.”

[ @silver. - Batpaw, @Kaybug. - Dovepaw, @Mica - Birdpaw ]

Originally Posted by Kaybug. View Post

- @silver. (Batpaw), - @Mica (Birdpaw)

Dovepaw jumped a little in surprise. "Oh- oh! Yeah. Go ahead." His blue eyes were wide as he looked at the group of cats sitting with him now. The apprentice who had spoken seemed timid just like him and so he cracked a tiny smile as he knew how anxious it is to be at a meeting. Especially with all that has been going on...

Nevertheless, they made room for the other two cats she had brought with her... Maybe they could become friends...? Eh... it'd be rough with Windclan and Shadowclan's long history... besides weren't our clans enemies? Oh well, he didn't want to think about that right now so he dismissed the thought with a slight shake of his head.

Originally Posted by silver. View Post

he/him // 16 moons // shc apprentice
purrks: shadow fiend, burn baby burn


Another one of these things. Ugh. Batpaw despised the fraternizing but if Midpaw wanted to go, then he couldn't let her outdo him. Walking silently at her side, he realizes that she's... Finding a seat next to a stranger. What did this stranger possibly have that interested her? Even just their response was pathetic. A hiss on his breath he decides he won't let it be so. Midpaw wouldn't be sullied by this filth. He worms his way between the two of them so he's in the middle, a large, threatening grin tugging at his features as he leans in a bit too close to Dovepaw's face. Orange eyes wide and staring, expecting something.

"Good evening." He sneers, head slowly tilting off to a side. "You stink of rabbit. Did you know rabbits are my favorite thing to eat? Kufufu..."

midpaw | @Omari // dovepaw | @Kaybug. // birdpaw | @Mica
she/her | 7 moons | 23/100
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Birdpaw wasn't sure why, but the apprentice she had been with on the patrol not too long ago had been steadfastly avoiding her, even though she had been so nice when they were on patrol. She wondered if it had something to do with the fact that she chewed a weird stick and got all sleepy. Mama scolded her about not eating random things off the ground, but Birdpaw had seen her take a few of the twigs back to camp so maybe she actually did help!

Regardless, Birdpaw was once again alone at a Gathering. Last time she had been so enraptured by the ocean that she had hardly paid attention, but this time she needed to get her head in the game. Birdpaw sort of trailed behind some older apprentices. They reminded her of Freckle, though admittedly less cool. They sat down next to a cat who smelled like wind and grass, and Birdpaw pieced together that this must be a WindClan cat. How cool!

Birdpaw watched as Batpaw--yeah that was his name, right?--squeezed himself in between Midnightpaw and the WindClanner, shooting off some weird comment about rabbits. "I thought WindClan cats were the only ones that ate rabbits." She chirped from behind them, in an eerie rendition of one of her many siblings' voices. She peered at Batpaw. "Are you secretly a WindClan cat?"

As they turned she smiled at them, plopping herself down next to Midnightpaw. "I'm Birdpaw! Wow, you're all super big!" It was true; compared to Birdpaw and her underdeveloped form, the taller apprentices were practically giants.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old May 13th, 2024, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
shadowclan warrior | she-cat | 25 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal


Briarsplash's tail twitched in interest — she hadn't known that Lostspark would be stepping down. At least it was another strong warrior back in their Enforcers; they could use the extra muscle. And she was sure Mossfreckle would do fine.

More news... oh, a juicy tidbit, however. A ThunderClan apprentice seeing a RiverClan warrior? A bit maliciously, Briarsplash had to stifle a laugh. That kind if disloyalty on both sides nauseated her to think about — but since it had nothing to do with ShadowClan, she could enjoy the disruption that it brought. Served both the fishes and the squirrels right.

The large she-cat fluffed out her fur, eagerly waiting for Twilightstar's words and... whoever that new guy was, up on the rock. Both of them seemed the most tense — and if she'd heard right, it was because of each other. A small, tiny part of her almost wanted either leader to say something lizard-brained just to rile the other up; would they stay true to the truce, or go with their guts? It would be entertaining, nonetheless.


very large & muscular light brown tabby tom with stark greenish-blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 1

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 50 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart sniffed as the announcements went on — nothing too out of the ordinary, until...


His fur bristled. A relationship with a ThunderClan apprentice! How could she do such a thing? The mere thought of that sort of disloyalty made his paws burn with contempt. If he saw that apprentice — now demoted to kit — roaming around, begging entrance to RiverClan, he'd just about claw the cat's ears off right there. The small part of him wished he could, though he knew it was just fruitless. Exile should be punishment enough.

But what's Fadingsun gonna do with Sweetsong?

The large warrior swiveled his gaze to his leader, brow creased in concern on how he'd react.
I will be on hiatus from July 21st — July 28th due to volunteering at a summer camp. Please leave me a vm or tag for anything and I'll get back to it as soon as possible! <3

*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!
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Old May 13th, 2024, 09:36 PM
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Default enter, stage left.


any/all | riverclan warrior | 23 moons

. . .
@silver. [venomblight]

ravinethift places each careful pawstep with practiced grace and diligence as she moves, effortless, across the well-traveled path into the massive clearing. at her heel followed loyally her beloved sister, whom she passed a cursory glance to and the slightest of smiles over her shoulder. it'd been some time since she'd been to one of these little fraternizing meet-ups with the other clans, and she planned to make the best of her charm and precision to stifle any hostilities she could it was the least she could do. plus, if it helped her stay in fadingsun's good graces, she would consider such a thing successful.

humming softly under their breath, the tabby streaked across the fray of countless warm pelts, gaze hooking and turning to watch any of particular interest as they passed to their usual seating arrangement. they were floating, she felt, one paw in front of the other. gliding, graceful and elegant. four paws off the ground. that's how it felt, and that's what she saw.

it had gotten good at telling reality from the unreal, even when its mind tricked its eyes with whatever suggestion had swayed it recently. though she was floating, the conscious mind was acutely aware of the subtle feeling of dirt under its paws, and it closed its eyes as it retraced a familiar path, as though this were an ornate dance it was remembering the steps too.

finally, she crested into her little clearing where her and venomblight often found themselves, away from the prying ear but deep enough in to catch any interesting eyes (oh how she adored to catch eyes. it lit a fire in her, a pride like nothing else to know she was worthy of attention) and sat, tail curling over her flank modestly. her head canted to her sister, a slight toothiness in her smile.

"after the mess that was the last meeting," they whispered sweetly, "i can only imagine how this gathering will go."


grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Emberkit | Burningnight | Rush Casket
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Old May 13th, 2024, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

she/her // 23 moons // rc warrior
purrks: n/a


The large tabby stalks her way toward the Seastones behind her sister, keeping a close eye out for any daring enough to steal a glance. Anyone that dare look at her receives a seething glare from the molly behind her, eyes narrowing and nose wrinkling in a sneer. She didn't like coming to these Gatherings. The stink of other clans made her stomach churn. But leaving Ravinethrift alone was not an option. Too many strangers would delight in their beauty and that was something Venomblight was not willing to let happen. So she must deal with the sand between her toes and the mixing scents of enemies assailing her nose.

Watching Ravinethrift carefully from behind, she takes note of the way she eyes the bodies they pass. Would any of them pass her judgement? Would any of them actually interest her enough for her to stop and speak to? The molly can only hope not. It's a relief when she's led to their usual spot away from the uncomfortable hustle and bustle of the communion. There's a pause in her stance, head moving to survey the area until she is calm enough to find herself a seat beside the other.

Her sister comments on the misgivings of last moon's meeting and she cannot stop the gruff laugh that leaves her throat. It seems as though these things only proved to be a waste of time with each moon. One of these times a clan would strike and it would be all out war. She patiently awaited the day.

"This cowardly lot won't do anything." She scoffs in response, deep blue sweeping over the crowd once more. "If it were up to me we wouldn't even hold these things anymore. What business do I got with other clans' ongoings? Don't mean anything to me."

Perhaps she was alone in that opinion. And if she was, she didn't really care. All the clans hated Riverclan anyway. So what difference did it make if they bothered showing up? One of these times they wouldn't be welcome here. She's sure of it. Giving her fluffy chest a few bored licks, her attention returns to her sister, offering her a curious stare.

"What do you aim to get from these things, anyway? They don't deserve your time-- and I don't like the way some of them look at you. I swear I'll shred their eyes into blades of grass..."

[ both are open to interaction ! ]
ravinethrift | @redshiftreign

" oh the places you'll go, little love of mine "
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Old May 13th, 2024, 11:15 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

| He/him | TC warrior | Moons: 19 | No purrks |

Orangeblossom followed behind the others in his clan, green eyes glinting in the moon's light as the seastones came into view. As per the usual, Thunderclan sets the par and is first and soon he was watching his high ranks climb up to their rightful spots. Man, Bumblestar, Spiderthroat, and Springlight and Drizzlecloud were all so cool! Honestly, Thunderclan was really something alright and based on what he heard about the last gathering it was clear that Thunderclan was the only one with a good head on their shoulders with all their high ranks acting as they should. No missing deputys or missing everything in Riverclan's case. That was what he was thinking as he found a place, ready to sit back and watch the others chitter amongst themselves while waiting for the leaders to begin talking about all the new news.

Thunderclan's most recent meeting was fresh on his mind. More so Thrushkit and that whole disaster of a cat. So Orangeblossom had more than heard about what happened to Redhawk at the last gathering. That she threw that ungrateful apprentice from being crushed beneath a sudden boulder that came out of no where, risking her life, and landing with a pretty serious injury to show for it and what. Thrushkit turns around and throws it into her face, betraying his clan and siblings all in one fell swoop for what? Some fish that probably was only using him to get information for their clan of fox hearts. Ugh, he was tired of being upset though, Bumblestar had already dealt with it and all was said and done but still! Orangeblossom couldn't fathom leaving his siblings or even just his clan for some cat he hardly knew.

Speaking of the fish, guess who just showed up to mess with his mood even further. Darling, fantastic. Not only that but they come up with a full set of high ranks and Orangeblossom could see the gathering cats reactions ripple through the space. Whispers and glances; Claws flexing in the moonlight and and anger clear. Fadingsun, Dusklion? Never heard of them a day in his life and it was likely he was just going to throw the names out and need to replace them with the next set next moon given the fishs' track record. That was annoying though, they were struggling to pull themselves together and now they decide they can throw on some faulty mask of strength and sure words of their supposed strength and turning around would be heard next. The moment that catfish opened his mouth to speak.

Yeah, no, with the show they've been putting on, any sensible cat would see right through the facade but Orangeblossom wouldn't lie, if nothing else this Fadingsun character was a good actor at least! Hah, see how far pretending will get them. Nothing else too interesting happened yet. The high ranks were all chatting amongst themselves. Then came in Twilightstar, Windclan in tow and he could tell immediately that the molly and her clan could rival Thunderclan's fury at the fish and that was really saying something. As much as he would like to see the fish get sliced up, he respected the stars and there rules, Riverclan on the other paw wouldn't in the slightest, so he wouldn't be starting any fights but he wouldn't be scared to finish on if the situation called for that.

Shadowclan came in last with some high rank changes of their own it seems as Dawnstar took her place, another feline he didn't recognize took a spot with the deputies. Interesting. Dawnstar kicked off the gathering almost immediately and he was curious about what she had to say given the tensions from the last gathering with Thunderclan and what happened along that border. It was pretty basic stuff, apprentices, new clanmates?, a warrior, and then the new deputy was addressed. Mistlewhisker. oh, Oh! That was interesting as well. Lostspark was stepping down and leaving Mossfreckle to pick up the title. Moving swiftly on, it was Bumblestar's turn and he was kind of dreading announcing what had happened but it was something that would be important-ish to know. So perhaps the fish could avoid any sketchy new clan mates on their borders, or perhaps they wouldn't care. Thrushkit would fit right in. Sorry, that was rude, Orangeblossom sighed to himself.

He really wasn't in the best mood right now, not at all. The last meeting and then Riverclan threw him off really bad he guesses or something. At least he was happy to hear his sibling's name being announced! Vixenpaw was going to be one of the best the clans have ever seen and that's a fact that Orangeblossom was willing to bet on! They were a dedicated little thing and even got a jumpstart on their training and with a great guy from what the warrior had seen of him. Brackenclaw, all sorts of serious, but Orangeblossom would prefer a stick in the mud rather than a neglectful mentor for Vixenpaw. perhaps Orangeblossom should check in with Brackenclaw, just to make sure he would keep up with Vixenpaw's training.

Everything else was pretty standard, with a few territorial changes that Orangeblossom was curious of what Riverclan's reaction will be. If they'll be entitled or if they have the sense to be at least a bit grateful that Bumblestar offered some pity. His green eyes passed through the others under the high ranks and listened out for any interesting whispers.

He/him | WC Apprentice Tunneler | Moons: 7 | Purrks: None| Part Manx cat

Right, his second gathering. It was just as nerve inducing as the last one as Riverclan has continued its attacks on Windclan from afar. Never staying to deal with the consequences and likely thinking they were getting away with it. They'll be sorry for sure! Though he wasn't prepared to see the clan at all, he had expected another no show from the group but they were there, alongside Thunderclan. That was scarier than he would like to admit, hehe. So he found himself padding as far away from the Riverclan as he possibly could and rather focused on the other cats in the clearing and he wasn't up to trying to socialize out of his clan. It was too... Fallownose's body flashed in his head, now joined by Fernrise. Rabbitpaw was way more scared than he would ever say out loud to anyone. He needed to show off Windclan's strength and being scared of some.. some.. umm... some catfish wouldn't be appearing very strong.

well, umm, no worries! His green eyes landed on the newest Windclan warrior, Whisperinghive and Rabbitpaw realized that he never had the chance to go congratulate the older feline! He bounded over as he heard more cats start to appear after Windclan's entrance and while walking towards Whisperinghive he turned his gaze towards the new cats which appeared to be Shadowclan appearing. He wasn't sure how to feel about them still but he was happy that they helped cleared out those dreadful minks. It was one less thing that his clan had to worry about. His mind went to the new threat in the skies. Then he shook those thoughts out. Nothing to worry about now, he needed to be happy and not scared. The apprentice padded over and took a seat next to Whisperinghive and offered the newly named warrior a smile, "Heya! I never got to congratulate you, Whisperinghive is such a cool name!" Was all Rabbitpaw was able to finish before Dawnstar began to go over her clan news.

New apprentices, new warriors, ohhh a new deputy and a new full medicine cat. That was cool. Rabbitpaw wasn't super interested though, and his green eyes shifted from the leaders and other high ranks back to the warrior beside him and Rabbitpaw did as Rabbitpaw does and started the conversation with a smile. "Being a warrior must be so cool! Do you miss staying with us in the apprentice den? What was your assessment like? Oh wait, was your assessment the mink fight! Thank you, those things seem very tough, you must be super strong, I wish I got to go but Crowtooth and Lightningstorm said that I was too small still. Next time though, I'll be sure to help out as much as I can!" Rabbitpaw rattled on and tried to ignore his growing unease as he realized that Riverclan had their full high rank team, and strong ones at that.

Then Bumblestar was speaking and oh.. that didn't sound very good. Thrushkit? Oh wait... Crowpaw? Wasn't that the tom that Rabbitpaw had helped at the last gathering after his mentor got hurt? And now he was exiled, that was kind of weird. That the apprentice was one that he had spoken too not too long ago, and he seemed to be like any other apprentice, like himself even, and then he went and betrayed his clan for the fish of all clans. Rabbitpaw couldn't imagine, he would give his life to Windclan in a heartbeat if it was needed. He wouldn't leave it for any cat. That was for certain. His eyes moved back to Whisperinghive again and he whispered his distaste to him, "What do you think of that? I wouldn't ever leave Windclan for anything, that's for sure!" It still felt so weird. Man, he really hopes that the warrior that saved Crowpaw was doing alright, they seemed to really care for him. Rabbitpaw felt a bit sad for her. Though he flicked an ear and waited patiently for Whisperinghive to answer his admittedly bombardment of words thrown at the older feline. Oops, hehe.
[ @ChaosBringer. - Whisperinghive ]

Rabbitpaw gif made by ramen!

| She/they | ShC Enforcer | Moons: 22 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |Beefed Up Tier 1 |

Ah, unfortunate that they were last but quickly after scanning through the crowd, Moonmeadow's slight disapointment was replaced by genuine shock. Given their record, the enforcer didn't think that Riverclan would show but here they were. Well, not her problem, as long as they stayed in their own lane then they weren't a thought. Though based on the tension it seemed that literally every cat at the seastones were just a heartbeat away from jumping forward, claws shining, onto the clan. Made quite a few enemies. Though that was what happened with stability, and some ways some of the actions was something that Moonmeadow very distantly was scared that her own clanmates would turn up as if their current behaviors weren't fixed. Mostly with the patrols and laziness. Next thing you know, you have cats like Doeflame teaching kids and then who knows what will happen next.

Moonmeadow was trying not to hold much against Doeflame but she really couldn't help it. The enforcer was seething. But it would dull with time, the shadowy feline just couldn't let something like that be forgiven so quickly. Young lives had been on the line. She shook out her pelt and found a space towards the sides of the seastones, her eyes as per usual were killing her with the odd lightning that accompanied every gathering but that was something that the enforcer had grown used it in time. Though her head was really aching, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to just listen for the time being. Hopefully it would be relatively straight forward and Dawnstar picked up the gathering with the first report. All stuff from the meeting. Apprentices, new clan mates, Mistledep, and Mossymed! All great things, smooth sails for the most part and especially amazing was Goopywhisker! She made a note to personally offer some congrats to Mistlewhisker, Mossfreckle, and Goopywhisker, they were all amazing cats and needed some appreciation for sure!

Next to pick up the their report was Thunderclan. Bumblestar started with some pretty basic stuff, apprentices and the likes, and then got into something that was certainly more interesting than Moonmeadow expected. Thrushkit, huh? Thunderclan chasing after a warrior of Riverclan? That wasn't something to laugh at for sure, or maybe it was, but it was something certainly odd given the squirrel fish fighting that has been happening for some time now. Moonmeadow made sure to keep an eye out for if this Thrushkit decides to try their paw at Shadowclan's borders. Doesn't seem like the kind of cat that Shadowclan needs right now. Then more territory shifting which she was surprised to hear but supposed that it made sense in some way. Though why give Riverclan territory given the status of the two clans' relationship? Was this some sort of trying to fix things? Doesn't seem like Bumblestar's style and for good reason too. Riverclan doesn't seem the most trustworthy as of late. Moonmeadow curled her tail around her front paws as she waited for the new Riverclan leader or Twilightstar to start up their reports.

Moonmeadow gif made by ramen!

[ I plan to get to Seab's post tomorrow I promise :famine: I am so tired, Moon and Orange are open to interactions if any one wants. ]

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!
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Old May 13th, 2024, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

she/her | riverclan deputy | 28 moons

With one ear perked to listen to her brother's response, Dusklion found herself... disappointed. More and more it seemed her brother was making decisions that made no sense. She was all for Clan pride, but even she wasn't naive enough to think that they could get away with not offering a single necessary apology in this battle. The small deputy knew if the situation were reversed, she would be hounding the Clan's High Ranks until given an answer that satisfied her more than a half-assed answer. But now wasn't the time to argue to disagree with Fades, especially in front of the other Clans.

She flashed the ThunderClan leader a somewhat apologetic glance, though it was gone rather quickly as she turned her attention back out towards the sand. WindClan was arriving, and the glare that Twilightstar sent her way was expected. There was a flash of guilt across her face before it was covered up by her best attempt at neutrality. Part of her even... searched for Fallownose, even though Dusklion knew he wasn't coming. She wondered if it would be smart to apologize right off the bat for the three RiverClan warriors who had invaded the camp - but she knew her brother would likely have her tail if she stepped on his toes, as much as the words burned the tip of her tongue.

It was at that point she made the mistake of glancing at the empty spot - and her blue eyes widened in shock as she saw Fallownose staring back at her. His words reverberated in her head from that night in RiverClan territory. He said nothing but his glare turned her blood into ice. Her jaws parted briefly, the terror taking over her face, before she remembered where she was. Gathering. All four Clans. Eyes on her. Newest. She couldn't lose her cool - not here, not now. But for a good few seconds she simply stared at the blank space beside her, doing her absolute best to slow her heart down.

Swallowing the bile in her throat and making it a point to pointedly ignore the hallucination next to her, Dusklion glanced over at an unfamiliar face joining them. Mistlewhisker, if she had heard Dawnstar correctly. But she offered no greeting which earned just a soft snort and a flick of her ear, eyes going forward to survey the gathered cats once more - and flatten her ruffled fur. "Seems we're the newbies," she muttered under her breath to the bigger she-cat beside her, tossing a half-smirk Mistlewhisker's way. "Dusklion, by the way. Though I'm sure Fades - er, Fadin'star, will announce it." Had her brother gotten a leader's name? Nope. Would she call him anything other than Fadingstar in the presence of other Clans? Nope again. They needed unity and a strong presence after the hell the past couple leaders had put RiverClan through, that was for sure. Although some were better than others, they were still stuck in this pit - and Dusk would be damned if it wasn't her and Fades that finally dragged them out.

The other news wasn't anything much out of the ordinary outside of ShadowClan's medicine cat having stepped down. It made Dusk wonder what other announcements RiverClan had missed while they hadn't been here. Next up after the massive tabby was Bumblestar, and her news drew a sharp breath from her. Sweetsong? Meeting with a ThunderClan apprentice?? It made a low growl rumble in her throat - because the last thing they all needed right now was another fluff-for-brains warrior twisting the Clan into their foolish actions. Dusklion let her narrowed blue gaze scan the crowd - it appeared that Sweetsong hadn't shown up, but if Fades didn't get to her first she would have some words for the soft-bellied warrior.

She tucked that away for now, listening as Bumblestar... was giving Cattail Pond back? Dusklion didn't trust that in the slightest and immediately felt the fur along her back raise up. Badgers... well that explained why they were giving it back. Already her mind was working on how best to get rid of the creature, or creatures if there were more than one. It would need to happen soon, that was for sure.

Next up would either be Fades or Twilightstar, and for the sake of the truce she wasn't sure who she preferred to go first. Part of her sincerely hoped her brother swallowed the pride she knew they both had, ducked his head, and apologized for what the three fluff-brains did when they'd decided to raid WindClan's camp. Truth be told though she wasn't sure where his head was at these days, because ever since he'd gotten into a position of power he had... changed. It made her nervous as her claws came out to scrape the rock before she realized what she was doing and quickly made a point to sheathe them.

[ Mistlewhisker - @Mica ] [ Bumblestar - @dino. ] [ Fallownose Ghost - @Ian ]


dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old May 14th, 2024, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Watching the cats mingle from his position the fury's eyes lingered on the various going ons, none of particular note besides that shadowclan was far more late then normal and that Twilightstar was barely hanging on to her temper. Fair to her, had it not been an act that'd earn the stars ire Crowtooth would've hauled the two arrogant new high ranks off the rock by their throats.

He'd sink his fangs into a riverclanner another time, and tonight would be to be calm and chat to Mistlewhisker.

....Who proceeded to walk right past him when she arrived, what the hell?! The tom was just about to haul himself to his paws and chase after her to badger the other warriors when, in a rather startling move to him, the molly jumped up onto the seastone to join the deputies.

Crowtooth had a single wide eyed moment, watching her settle down, before he calmed figuring it made sense and she was probably the best rat of the bunch for the role. A 'rat' who was looking at him, creating the perfect opportunity to be a clown. Listen the tunneler could be both happy for his friend and mock her.

The fury let his jaw drop and eyes bug in a silent moment of overblow shock, gesturing to Mistlewhisker and mouthing a 'astonished' "YOU?!?!" as if Dawnstar must be addled to choose her. He even scanned her up and down and pulled an even more befuddled expression, comical for how unwarranted and overblown it was.

First stage done he moved on to the second in his planned clownery, eyes flicking between Mistlewhisker and Dusklion before he mimed a silent howling laughter at the shadowclan deputy, pointing with a single paw up at the seastone. Which, to be fair was an actual honest reaction, it was hilarious that Mistlewhisker had to share a perch with a rotten fish. Ha! So Crowtooth alternated between mock gagging at Dusklion and silently laughing like a loon, tail smugly flicking behind him.

Did he probably look stupid? Yes but Crowtooth never really cared what anyone thought of him so even after he was done the tom ignored any confused bystanders and gave Mistlewhisker a cattish thumbs up, settling down again to listen to the announcements.

None of which were of note, bar more riverclan bad behavior. Stars, Dusklion was barking up the wrong tree trying to be all chummy given how much everyone around her seemed to hate the fish, Crowtooth doubted she'd have any luck with her fellow deputies at all.

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Old May 14th, 2024, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Determined ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Lawful Good ⋆ She/Her ⋆ Beefed Up T3
“One day I’ll be the greatest warrior of all the clans!”

Well that was a pleasant delight to hear from one of the more fowl of cats in this forest. Thunderclan was giving up Riverclan's rightful land and returning it to them. While she never got to see this land herself she was willing to fight for it but those plans had quickly got pushed to the side. Nevermind it now as it was given back without bloodshed. Though the badgers didn't sound fun but when she thought hard enough about the badger Adderpaw let out a little laugh. Oh this brave and mighty clan couldn't deal with a single badger? That was sad. Maybe they were dealing with a secret illness and were mostly sick and couldn't defend themselves much less defend some land. That means they would be easy to attack!—Thoughts a lunatic would think, did cats actually just want to randomly kill cats—Wait nevermind.

Last edited by Fish; May 14th, 2024 at 12:25 AM.
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Old May 14th, 2024, 02:48 AM
CloudlessEve CloudlessEve is offline
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Tallstar View Post

Vinepaw - 7 moons - mentor-Dustbunny

As Vinepaw was walking along looking for familiar faces he bumps into honeypaw “Oh my bad sorry” he looks at honeypaw “I didn’t see you there.I guess I’m just nervous about this gathering are you nervous aswell?” He curls his tail around his paws and glances around at all the windclan cats he desperately wishes he was with Dustbunny

7 Moons
Purrks: Flock Together T1

Honeypaw turned to her clanmate. "Nervous? Why would I be nervous? It's so cool to see other clans. They all smell kinda funny though. I know RiverClan doesn't like us...and we don't like them..but I kinda wanna talk to someone from another clan. Do you think they'd start a fight?" She had heard bad things just about every other clan, although recently the alleged problem clan had been RiverClan.

"The beach is really pretty too. I wonder what Twilightstar is gonna say. Probably how we're the best clan ever!" She trilled, excited to even have left camp, let alone gone to a gathering and representing her clan. She'd do the best she could at that.

(ahh sorry I was so late)
Characters: Honeypaw(WC): Honeypaw bio Rosekit(RC): Rosekit bio
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