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Old January 8th, 2025, 05:11 PM
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ShadowClan Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Pondlily saw her former mentor arrive out of the corner of her eye, and she blinked a greeting at him before turning back to his kit. “Try it again, Talonkit,” She encouraged with a wave of her tail.

[ @GreenTheGreat // @Aroogi ]

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Old January 8th, 2025, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

cw; grief

the brown tabby molly slunk out of the apprentice's den, her half-blind green eyes scanning the clearing. t was cold, very cold. cloverpaw couldn't remember a time it was this cold. but as she normally does, the heavily scarred cat searched out a secluded part of camp and sat down, watching the clearing as normal. most of the time she wasn't paying attention, but instead quarreling with her mind. today was one of those days. but prehaps someone would come bother her (stars she really hoped not, she enjoyed her peace), but that was unlikely.

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Old January 8th, 2025, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Mica View Post
ShadowClan Warrior
she/her | 13 moons
[Grey tabby with a dark overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby, Don't Mind if I Do!
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Fool ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Rockjaw - @korok ]
· · ────────────── · ·
So, Grandmother had decided to doom another one of her family members to death. That was fine and all, since she was literally the supreme ruler of the clan, but Birdecho was decidedly less than pleased about the whole situation. Sleepysunrise in the medicine cat position... Birdecho would be lying if she said she hadn't considered sabotaging her older sister, just to keep her safe from the cursed position. Which, if asked, Birdecho would absolutely lie about. Just to be clear.

Besides, Grandmother had appointed two new positions to help out the medicine cats! Frankly, Birdecho just felt as though it was lining up more cats to the slaughter. But if Rockjaw and Darkpaw were truly going to work with her sister... she better get a read on them.

Hence why Birdecho was now perched on a bough of one of the cedars, watching the older Aide putter about camp, her wide amber eyes unblinking. He was pretty, she'd give him that. Her mother's voice echoed in the back of her head, whispering suspicion and paranoia into the young warrior's mind. Birdecho hissed, snapping her head to the side. "Shut up." She muttered. "Mama wouldn't say that."

Focusing her attention back on Rockjaw, Birdecho wondered just what sort of cat he was. Was he funny? Serious and stoic, like every stars-dammed cat in this place? Seriously, Birdecho was losing her carefree nature, just living with these rocks. Haha. Rocks. Rockjaw. Speaking of, what a messed up name to have. Birdecho wondered absently just what had happened to the young warrior to get his face all messed up.

[Stalker headass]
Originally Posted by kira View Post
ShadowClan Warrior | She / Her | 18 Moons
Silver Tongue Tier 2 | Kitty Softpaws Tier 2 | Mind Reader

Pondlily looked up from where she was eating a blackbird, Birdecho’s irritated hissed catching in her ears. Lips downturning slightly in a frown, the blue-gray mackerel tabby made her way onto her paws and shouldered through the crowd of ShadowClanner’s until she reached her friend’s side.

In an instant, Pondlily could tell that there was something bothering Birdecho. The warrior settled down beside the other she-cat, touching her nose to her Birdecho’s ear tip. “What’s wrong, Birdy?” Pondlily meowed softly, wrapping her feathery tail around her paws. “I can tell that something is bothering you.”

[ @Mica - I think Bird needs some Pond company // @korok ]

header by @/daracga
He/Him | ShadowClan Aid | Herbal Knowledge Tier 1

Pacing around the edges of the clearing, the newly appointed Aid's whiskers twitched in anticipation. While he loved being a warrior, deep down he felt it wasn't his true calling. Of course, he would still be upholding warrior duties (proudly), but would get the chance to help his irresponsible clanmates in another way. Speaking of irresponsible...

Rockjaw's gaze whipped around to glare at an vaguely familiar she-cat staring down at him from a cedar branch. He scowled at her. "I can feel ya burnin' holes inta the back o' my skull. Ya need somethin', princess? Ya could fall up there." He called up to her, amber eyes flitting to another she-cat as she approached. "Two o' ya?" The tabby rolled his eyes. "Ya know, if ya have a question, ya could just ask me. I don't bite." He clicked his twisted jaw. "Well, maybe." Despite his snappy tone, a small twinkle of amusement glimmered in his eyes (though really it was at himself- he thought he was hilarious. Why couldn't any other cat see it?)

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Last edited by korok; January 8th, 2025 at 10:53 PM.
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Old January 8th, 2025, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

art and design by Pieris on TH
32 Moons


Dovehaze's belly was getting more and more swollen.
It's annoying.

But, once again, she has forced herself up to go out into the clearing.
She's aiming to just... have more space for a little while.
The nursery is unbelievably stuffy.

After exiting the nursery, she sits down.



Caveclaw is a Lionheart of Riverclan, mention me if she is needed!

art by @/snowflake.
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Old January 8th, 2025, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Firelight walked up to where he saw his sister sit down. He couldn't believe how big her belly is! He licked her forehead when he go close enough. How have you been? Except for the huge belly and stuffed nursery, of course. He sat down next to her, brushing his fur against hers, and sitting close enough so his body heat will keep her a little warmer.

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Old January 8th, 2025, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

art and design by Pieris on TH
32 Moons


Dovehaze looked over as someone approached.
It was Firelight, one of her littermates.
Ugh, finally, she's honestly been aching to talk to someone she actually knows.

"Restless, I guess is one word for it." She answered "How about you?"



Caveclaw is a Lionheart of Riverclan, mention me if she is needed!

art by @/snowflake.
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Old January 8th, 2025, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Me? Just the same old things. Hunting, eating, sleeping, patrolling, flirting, and flirting some more... He trailed off with a smile. Are you hungry? Or as I should be saying, are the kits hungry?

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Old January 8th, 2025, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

art and design by Pieris on TH
32 Moons


Dovehaze sighed.
"Not right now, no." She replied "I think I've eaten enough for the day, anyway."

"How've... uh, patrols been, I guess?"
She needs to know something about the outside.
She hates being so... confined.



Caveclaw is a Lionheart of Riverclan, mention me if she is needed!

art by @/snowflake.
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Old January 9th, 2025, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

I've been doing mostly hunting patrols and they have been fine I caught a raven! It was huge! But other than that and a couple frogs, that's it really. Other than that its just plain cold. Fireshine shivered like he was remembering being out in the cold. Have you decided on some names?

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Old January 9th, 2025, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spider View Post

»»—— ► Fishpaw| Shc | She/Her | Apprentice ◄——««
" - when does a ripple become a tidal wave - "

Fishpaw perked up when she saw her mentor enter the apprentice den and got up with a long stretch extendinging her cream and ginger legs out In Front of her " Okay! she smiled with a twitch of her whiskers. She was so glad to be getting out of camp for once. Fishpaw saw mudslide leave the den and went to follow after her mentor who was now nowhere to be found...strange. Fishpaw looked around the camp her deep green eyes scanning the clearing but couldn't zone out mudslides brown pelt " hmmm she hummed sniffing the air trying to single out her mentors smell, fishpaw closed her eyes and sniffed hard the cold air stinging her lungs as she caught the whiff of mudslides earthy and damp smell.

Bingo she smirked as she raced over to the spot where her mentor was hiding.

Fishpaw stared at mudslide for a moment quietly in the shadow of the cedar tree “so” she muttered, sounding almost similar to mudslide's own voice it was almost eerie of how close it sounded to the enforcers cold tone.

@Marigoldwhisper - muddy (not sorry fishy is being spooky got to use her Purrk lol)

She, Her\Enforcer\21 moons\Shadowclan
"There's blood in the water. The quiet are restless, the silent are still"

Lybirds Lullaby [ACTIVE] Mind Reader [ACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

- - -
Hm, that was unexpected.

As the enforcer stood still in shadow, she watched her apprentice sputter to find her. She watched how she sniffed the air and finally figured it out by that alone. It was certainly a skill, especially since Mudslide wasn't exactly around Fishpaw often, and yet she still managed to catch her sent.

The warrior blinked, not moving from her enveloped solitude. Yes, Fishpaw had found her, that was obvious, but now she had to learn stealth herself.

Then something happened.

Something really weird. Maybe that wasn't the right terminology, because weird didn't exactly describe how unbelievably disturbed she felt. She knew she herself could mimic voices to a tee... But, hearing her own coming from a mouth that wasn't her's startled her. Out of instinct, maybe even her own doing, she raised a paw and batted the scarred apprentice on the head, her tail thrashing. Stop. Don't do that again.

Afterwards, she flicked her tail to the shadow around her. "Still. Quiet, low." While it was always possible to stand while being stealthy, it was a bit more difficult. Crouching would help shield silhouettes better, like the cat was nothing more than a loose stump, or a pile of dirt.

She enforcer walked out from her hiding place, expecting Fishpaw to follow. She then sat and waited. Waited for Fishpaw to blend into her surroundings best she could, and Mudslide would critic as needed. But for now, she was waiting.

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Owlstar is the current Riverclan LEADER.
She has an open den policy!

Do not quote/mention me at the Skyridge!

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Mudslide is a Shadowclan ENFORCER, if she is needed, who ya gonna call?
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