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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: None
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Medicine Cat: Lightningstorm
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Old July 19th, 2024, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by ellie View Post

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The High Priestess ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆

❀⊱ { - 2 moss // - 1 boneset // - 1 elder flower // - 0.2 honeycomb } ⊰❀

❦ The soft thud of white tipped paws landing on the hard packed earth as the lanky medicine cat leaped over the rivulet that cascaded down the cracked and creviced wall and tumbled into the starting did a small but meandering stream was the sole sound that echoed through the burrow of stoney soil and roots, the humming silence of a hot newleaf day slowly edging its way to summer was only interrupted by the snivelling and weak coughs that came for the minuscule kit that bumbled between the tabbied enforcer commanders large front paws and with a nod of his oriental shaped head Mossfreckle set the herbs he had preemptively selected after a quick medical gaze to assertion a brief but thorough understanding of the kits ailments before he made his way form the belly to the mouth of his den with graceful haste. White twinged corners twitched up to confront his face with a momentary grimace of distaste as he took in Fishkit, his starry mind was reeling at the idea of leaving the future at the mercy of a cruel mother, to fate which bore them all in a danse macabre between sick fascination and deadly games - it was no one’s fault but the one who left the little one but the herbalist couldby help but pity the poor thing as he turned to address the larger tom in respectful tones as he moved forward to shuffle the kit from between Hawkbite’s paws, ”Thank you Hawkbite, they seem well enough but I don’t like the way the way they breathy, it’s laboured and their snivelling with a cold and at the moment I cannot tell if it’s simply just the wear of a long day and a lack of care or something more serious…” this was all too familiar…”That all being said, I would like to keep them in the medicine den with me for a while - a quarantine - so as to avoid infecting those who reside in the nursery. Please grab a queen though to nurse Fishkit, they look in need of a good meal… find someone who doesn’t mind staying, it’s a moot point to quarantine if the queen will just carry the disease back and forth, the case doesn’t seem bad enough to really affect anyone but the young who are more susceptible but I don’t want to risk an outbreak because of something easily fixable in hindsight,” a long medical spiel to simply say that Fishkit was staying but probably fine… call him hyper conscious… but it was better safe than sorry. Grousepaw had made his way to sit at the spotted tabbies side, his leg sprawled out on one side in a casual yet characteristic stance, Boneset is a bushy plant with varying heights but its oftentimes on the taller side, its leaves are long ovals that come to a point and have slight serration. Most characteristically though, at the top of the stems is a cluster of small, thin, white spiked flowered that branch out in an almost inverted conical manner. It is eaten to treat colds and the early onset stages of lung infections like white cough and green cough,” the tom spoke absentmindedly in disconnected tones as he went to gather a damp ball of moss to tidy the kit up, the knowledge was instilled deeply with the annals of his mind, it was second nature and took little effort to recall and recite the descriptions and uses - anyway, the eclectically patterned tom soon gained a visual as Mossfreckle pointed with a peteite paw to the puffed flowers as he passed.

❦ Fishkit resided now between the healers white tipped paws as he gently wiped Awh the few weeks of grim the almost newly born kit had acquired, quick rubbing paw movements followed the gentle, cold strokes of the stream damp moss that washed away the mud and earth that had made a home on the little one’s pelt, his paws replacing the moss every other moment to assure her temperature remained normal and the cold didn’t spike the fever she seemed to be on the brink of at the moment. Chunking the moss into the rivulet which would carry it forward and out of the den and soon out and away form the camp, the lanky feline began to knead together the Boneset and elder flowers as his mossy hues flitted to settle within fiery ambers to address his apprentice while his paws work diligently below him, Elder flowers are used to help alleviate congestion and fever, soothe aches, and stimulate appetite - a useful herb overall to treat colds - Lostspark said that Elmshadow said to combine Boneset and Elderflowers which is what I’m going to do now - he hadn’t tried it but I trust the judgement of the two. In appearance it is similar flower wise to the Boneset but it is a much taller bush - admit tree like - and has broader deeply verdant almost dark purple twinged leaves,” finished with his second lesson and the muddling of the two herbs into a manageable paste - a quick taste had him slipping off to gather honey and another water soaked ball of moss which he then coated with the herbs and a drizzle of honey to make a sweet drink that was more palatable for the molly, ”Here you are you floppy little fish,” he cooed to the little one in chipper tones, a truthful action but a ploy to get the herbs down nonetheless, ”You are going to stay with me for a bit but I promise someone will be coming for you in a bit, I am sure you are hungry - but this will be a yummy drink while you wait, it will make you feel better too.” Mouthed words told Hawkbite to keep an eye on the kitto for a moment as the oriental’s feathery tail twitched in a directional movement for Grousepaw to follow him with the den, Honeycomb comes from beehives and the golden liquid - honey, as you know - can be used to coat and soothe aching and sore throats as well as be added to oral herbal mixtures to sweeten them, in a pinch it can also be used as a mild antiseptic when marigold and cobwebs aren’t an option but I see few times that will ever be the case as it’s easier to gather those two than honey,” paws shuffled up extra herbs in their organised crevices as he spoke, eyes flitting to vivid star shaped sunny star shaped flowers that grew within the den alongside a decent stockade, Blazing star is a rarer herb and can be used to treat the onsets of unknown diseases, it is very recognisable by its almost star burst apprentice and vivid canary hues,” the tom lectures briefly as he picked his way back to were the enforcer stood with his dark hued eyes fixated on the little one as directed.

❦ Gingerly, caines found their way to Fishkit’s scruff as Mossfreckle picked the kit from the earthen floor and carried her to a downy and moss nest as she flopped ungracefully against his chest as she dangled, with utmost care the tom tucked the molly up - fluffy moss here and there until she appeared warm and snuggly within her nest. Flitting to the lichen shrouded mouth of his burrow the freckled healer curled up a bit away form the kit and waited for the requested queen to make her way through the curtains, a precaution but a necessary one… Shadowclan always came first… over any singular feline and over himself most of all, it wasn’t as if he wanted to isolate Fishkit by any means but the situation called for cation and the secondary solution wasn’t one he was or would ever me comfortable taking - the kit was sick and while they may be utterly uncontagious a few days of quarantine for one was better for the greater good than simply letting the kit enter the nursery and infect the current young inhabitants whom resided there already.

{ @Spider ~ Fishkit // enjoy Moss time /w\ she will be quarantined at your discretion, just ease the symptoms when you no longer want her there, since it’s an needed characteristic decision and not critically necessity to the rp guidelines } { @SuspiciousMindz ~ Hawkbite } { @redshiftreign ~ four herbs for you o7 // also we will be doing honey in 0.2s from now on }

(I have a word processing and memory disorder so please be patient as long posts like this take longer for me to understand <3 If you ever see I've gotten something wrong please let me know so I can fix it <3 )

Mothcloud padded into the medicine den after hearing a mewling kit. The queens motherly instincts turned on fast, "Poor Fishkit....... little mite must be freezing and hungry." Mothcloud fretted in her soft, gentle tone. The queens orange tabby tail flicked upwards in worry. "Oh my...... this poor little thing. Where was it found? Is the kit injured?" Mothcloud fretted, frantically sniffing the little kit. Mothcloud closed her eyes to calm her nerves and looked gently at Fishkit. Looking at Mossfreckle, Mothcloud hesitantly settled next to the kit, sniffing it gently and licking it gently, being careful and not wiping anything off that may have been put on. Mothcloud warmed the little one a bit. Hoping Fishkit would smell her milk and naturally come over.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
- Park Seonghwa
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here
Rose littered this profile with flowers

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Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 42 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend, Mind Reader
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Chariot ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Flashpaw - @Blaaze ] [Grousepaw - @redshiftreign ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker helped Flashpaw inside, depositing her on one of the nests and glancing around as she called for the medicine cats. Once one of them arrived, the deputy would dip her head. "Flashpaw was attacked by Starrypelt in the territory. She can relay the events to you." Mistlewhisker did not want to skip over anything that Flashpaw had gone through, in case it was important for treatment. "I am going to report this to Dawnstar. Call for me if you require me." With that, she dipped her head again and turned to leave.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old Yesterday, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den


⋆˖ The Fool ˖⋆
"now i'm pretty sure there isn't gonna be some little fix, the game wasn't rigged by accident."

[ @Blaaze [ flashpaw ] , @Mica [ mistlewhisker ] ]

grouse decided that maybe he didn't hate it so much. it being the medicine den. what he had perceived as an earthy coffin had grown into a much gentler cradle, sheltering his mottled pelt from the elements and the tempest of judgement and hatred. it was a shell, in a way, and he deigned to allow himself brief moments of reprieve within its husk, even if he still spent most of his time out in the clearing, flickering boldly between clanmates in a desperate social spiral.

when mistlewhisker strode into the den, flashpaw injured in stride, grousepaw cut his losses and stood at her behest like a diligent sentinel, focus sparking like flame to kindling behind amber eyes, catching in the sparse rays through the root network overhead. purpose. a purpose.

he knew it was all an elaborate distraction. keep his paws and mind busy, stifle down the flames that spread. it wasn't working.

if anything, this inside view only poured gas on the fire. but that wasn't the point.

flashpaw needed healing.

as mistlewhisker departed, grouse gave a grunt of acknowledgement and jerked his head over his shoulder to beckon flashpaw to one of the nests. "you look rough. what happened? uh. . . if you want to tell me, i mean. i don't really have to know." he asked with a friendly and relaxed smile as he trotted to the herb stores, collecting up what he needed with a diligent eye. on his return, he scooped up some moss wet in the rivulet through the den to clean the wounds with.

if he looked nervous, he knew his patient would get nervous too, so grouse kept a steady head on his shoulders, cleaning up the shoulder wound with the damp moss, marigold and cobweb rested neatly at his paws. he carefully ran the cool water soaked moss over the irritated and pulled fur of her stomach. it would do good to make it less inflamed and sore, especially since he pushed a small seed towards the she-cat on a mottled paw. as he sat the now-dirty moss aside, he said "here, for the pain." and offered her the poppy seed.

chewing the marigold into a nice paste, grouse kept his eye on the wound and made sure to double check her for any others. upon finding nothing, he let out a sigh through his nose and smoothed the marigold over the freshly cleaned wound, then bound it in with cobweb. sitting back on his haunches, he surveyed his work one final time and then nodded.

"not to bad, huh?" he mused, head canted slightly to the side. "you're all-right to sleep in the apprentice den, but. . . just, be careful. don't re-open your wound or anything. i'd hold off on any training for a few days and say to get plenty of water, food, and rest."

[ -1 moss, -1 marigold, -1 cobweb ]


grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Emberkit | Burningnight | Rush Casket
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