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Old January 8th, 2021, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

[ @Slushie; @spade; @~Fox~; ]

Thrusheart let his half of the warriors body onto the ground to start digging. He hadn't spoken the whole walk there. Now that he gave them a bit of silence he was ready to start talking again. The tom stopped his work to look at the cat who had spoken up about Thunderclan's happenings. "Thunderclan is known for picking our feet up. I'm sure we'll be fine. Death comes to us all at one point. There's no use in trying to stop it.", he meowed. Death was around every corner. Every cat had no clue when specifically they will die and how. Its not something that could be stopped.

Plus look Thunderclan had survived two fires and they were back on their feet in no time. He was sure this time would be no different. Thrushheart began to dig again, wanting to get it done so he could wash himself up.

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

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Old January 8th, 2021, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

[ @~Fox~, @spade, @Funtime Foxy ]

Buckstar had moved next to Thrushheart to scrape away a grave for the two deceased warriors, but as Thunderchaser's questions reached his ears, he paused with a sigh, staring silently down at the shallow hole.

"Thrushheart is right," he said after a moment. "Death comes to all of us eventually. But that doesn't mean we have to spend every second of out lives dreading it." He raised his head to blink at Thunderchaser with a small, reassuring smile. "Of course we're going to survive lead-bare. We have for countless seasons before - I have no reason to doubt this season will be any different. Herbs are a problem we can fix. Cowtail will be fine. Beetlepaw isn't a threat we need to worry about anymore. And even though we've lost two warriors today, we have a brilliant new one who will make sure ThunderClan stays safe, and five more on the way."

He leaned forward to touch his nose to her ear in a brief, comforting manner, before he went back to digging. "There's no need to be scared. ThunderClan can face whatever hits it head on, and come back stronger than ever. I'll make sure of it."
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Old January 8th, 2021, 07:14 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

[ @Slushie @~Fox~ @Funtime Foxy ]

Though Badgerleaf wanted to keep digging, if only to finish the duty quicker, she halted as well, paws still halfway in the snow as she flicked an ear to catch Thunderchaser's words. Though the words she spoke rang true - this leaf-bare did seem harsher than most - the beige molly was certain that ThunderClan would prevail. They were strong, resilient, and more than anything, knew how to pick their feet up and keep going just like Thrushheart had mention. Grief and sorrow held the stage for now; tomorrow, a new hope and working towards strengthening the Clan.

She listened as each of the patrol members comforted Thunderchaser, waiting until Buckstar had pulled away to lay her own tail across the frightened she-cats back. "We'll take care of each other. We always have. This is fare from ThunderClan's worst hour." She hoped that the molly could find comfort in her words, hope glittering in the depths of her hazel eyes. She believed with her whole heart in the survival of ThunderClan. They would survive this. They would thrive.

With a glance around to Buckstar, Thrushheart, and lastly Thunderchaser again, Badgerleaf felt her heart swell with pride. These were her Clanmates. This was her home.

[eeep 700th post lets go ^^]

Last edited by spade; January 8th, 2021 at 07:15 PM.
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Old January 8th, 2021, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

Just because we've survived the ones before doesn't mean were going to survive this one. No one can tell the future Like what if right Now shadow clan attacked? And we weren't there to help. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye. This leafbare isn't like the rest. Buck star.. How do you lead thunder clan so perfectly? Nothing has happened its scary. How do you stay so perfectly calm ? How? How? How? Thunder clan isn't fit for a leader like you . I just dont get it . ~thunderchaser kept her paws on cold snow as they were shaking and tears dripped down her face and onto the snow making little holes from where the snow had melted ~ This leafbare Thunder clan is at its weakest. Frostpaw is being a complete ass to Rainywhisker because you demoted her. And if we do get attacked we have nothing to heal our wounded. But in spite of that I thunderchaser am nothingm . Like in the fire I did nothing help I ran away like a damn baby. ~thunderchaser let her paws sink into the snow as her tears kept running down her fave like a river
@Slushie @spade @Funtime Foxy

(sorry to make this sadder than possible)
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Last edited by Astraea; January 9th, 2021 at 12:45 AM.
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Old January 9th, 2021, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

Thrushheart stopped once again when Thunderchaser broke down. He had no clue why she was acting this way. Thunderclan would be fine. They can't spend everyday worrying about something hasn't happened. It was pointless. "Our clan is strong and plus Shadowclan's more focused on Windclan right now. As long as we don''t provoke them we'll be fine.", he meowed. The tom just wanted to get the digging done, but everything was now stopped.

When she asked his half brother why he was so calm. "Most likely he isn't calm. Leaders need to show to be strong and he has proven to be strong. He can't worry about something that won't happen for a while. Shadowclan is more focused on Windclan. We're the lease of their problems.", Thrusheart responded, getting irritated by the second.

[ @spade; @Slushie; @~Fox~; ]

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

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Old January 9th, 2021, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

[ @spade, @~Fox~, @Funtime Foxy ]

Buckstar pushed another pawful of cold dirt away from the hole. "Again, yeah, Thrushheart's right. ShadowClan and WindClan are pretty focused on each other. I'm not worried about them." That was a lie. Of course he was worried about ShadowClan - or at the very least, wary of them."Just because nothing's happened since I've become leader isn't because of me. Our streak of bad luck might have just come to an end, finally. And I'm not... I'm not scared, I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm calm all the time. No one is, even if they act like it."

As Thunderchaser carried on, Buckstar turned to face her again, eyes flashing with determination. "Even if we're at our weakest right now, we'll find a way to bounce back again. Frostpaw is something that can be taken care of. And you know what? During that fire, Softbriar was the one to run off. Our deputy abandoned their Clan in its time of need. Duskfeather left not soon after. But you're still here, right? So don't beat yourself up about it. You're better than either of them."
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Old January 9th, 2021, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

[ @Slushie, @~Fox~, @Funtime Foxy]

Even though she'd never say it outloud, Thunderchaser did bring up some good points. But Badgerleaf had faith - in StarClan, in Buckstar, in the warriors that made up one of the greatest Clans in the forest. They had survived a majority of leaf-bare already. Newleaf was certainly on it's way, and short after that, greenleaf. Prey would start to be plentiful by then, and hopefully ShadowClan would still be preoccupied by WindClan. Let them tear into each other if it meant ThunderClan was left unscathed and thriving.

"Buckstar and Thrushheart are right," the molly offered, glancing briefly at her leader before back at the distraught Clanmate. "So many of our own abandon us. But those that are still here, that chose to fight instead of flee... That just proves your strength. Your loyalty." Badgerleaf could only hope that her words were adding comfort instead of the opposite. She hadn't done a terribly good job with Sunpoppy earlier, so perhaps this was her chance to make up for it. "I mean, you're out here fulfilling your duty to your Clan right now, despite the potential of all of us getting frost bite. I think that speaks volumes." There was a slight joking tone to her words as she cracked a smile, hoping to lighten the somber mood.

Last edited by spade; January 9th, 2021 at 02:44 PM.
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Old January 9th, 2021, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

(Eeeeeeeek , thanks guys for bringing thunderchaser up! Ily... )

Thank you. Thank you for being here with me. And your right I'm better than softbriar and duskfeather. I can be there for my clan and put my best paw forward although we might not have suffered in the past that won't happen , not on my watch now or in the future. ~thunderchaser raised her head and stopped her tears of sadness. And say those words to the world! It was her duty as a warrior and she's wasn't going to fail~
@spade @Funtime Foxy @Slushie
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✭ "The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it... Be brave.Live!" ✭

Last edited by Astraea; January 9th, 2021 at 03:16 PM.
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Old January 9th, 2021, 11:33 PM
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Default Re: Firefly Cove

Thrushheart hadn't expected Buckstar to tell him he was correct again. He was starting to feel better about today. He didn't think he was right about anything usually. Now he was more confident. The had more energy to get the job done. He helped dig until his paw couldn't do anymore. He kept his mouth shut to get the job done, so he can head back and have a nice piece of prey.

[ @~Fox~; @Slushie; @spade; ]

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

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Old January 12th, 2021, 10:17 AM
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owlkit got there (finally) he realized it's better at night so he'd come back later in the meanwhile he needed to figure out how to be apprenticed [BOLD] maybe muskrat mire?[/BOLD]

ooc oops sorry about the [BOLD] and [/BOLD] I meant to do this

no muskrat mire's dangerous

(ooc thoughts. key:orange normalreasonable cyanunreasonable red) no way I go to muskrat mire ahh but you see it's all up to owlkit hey owlkit go to muskrat mire get your apprentice name no NO? NO? BUT APPRENTICE I AM MY OWN PERSON UNREASONABLENESS RIGHT ON OWLKIT MY DECISION IS FINAL I AM NOT GOING TO MUSKRAT MIRE!!!!
(OOC wow that was a long post)


And at that moment if you payed enough attention you would see a red shadow peeling away from owlkit that was his Unreasonableness

(OOC btw how to become apprentice?)

getting rid of a side of you is really draining so he went unconcious
hey there my favorite quote from the warrior series is

“Fire will save the Clan...you never understood, did you? Not even when I gave you your apprentice name, Firepaw. And I doubted it myself, when fire raged through our camp. Yet I see the truth now. Fireheart, you are the fire who will save ThunderClan. You will be a great leader. One of the greatest the forest has ever known. You will have the warmth of fire to protect your Clan and the fierceness of fire to defend it. You will be Firestar, the light of ThunderClan." - Bluestar”

sorry if I don't respond quickly

Last edited by dino.; January 12th, 2021 at 02:38 PM.
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