* She stirred at the prodding from Maple. She lifted her head up and looked at the tiny kit. She grumbled a bit. *
" Is everything okay? "
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@Ria Zhang @sylvia26
Hey, My name is Red'fur or Red as you may call me. I've been on WCO for a bit and never had a good looking signature so here is a new one. Oh and here is Red my old OC reborn and forever immortalized as a picrew image. Oh and go check out my finder. Red's Roleplay Finder
"Everything's fine, but the sun is already up and you said you would take us hunting today! Remember?" meowed Maplekit eagerly. "I waited sooo long for you to wake up, but I got bored and so I couldn't wait anymore!" she continued rapidly. "So, can we go hunting now?" she asked, bouncing around in eagerness.
Maplekit: female, 2 1/2 moons old, brown-orange tabby fur, emerald-green eyes. Thinks/seems older than her age.
* She shook her head and rubbed her paw along her eyes. *
" I said I go hunting today. Not us. You two are gonna stay here. Where it is safe. "
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@Ria Zhang @sylvia26
Hey, My name is Red'fur or Red as you may call me. I've been on WCO for a bit and never had a good looking signature so here is a new one. Oh and here is Red my old OC reborn and forever immortalized as a picrew image. Oh and go check out my finder. Red's Roleplay Finder
Fire of the loners 4 moons old
✦▭▭▭✧◦✦◦✧▭▭▭✦ ・
"One day I'll rise up like a wildfire...Big and tall like daddy!"
・✦▭▭▭✧◦✦◦✧▭▭▭✦ ・
゚。 She Turns on her side, Still trying to sleep, Her paws Flexing her Claws every now and then...like she was Trying to catch something...but then she coughed, Waking up with a pained expression. She was still sick, She didn't bother to say anything.. She felt so sad...the memory of her dying father...it hunts her dreams and she doesn't like it.