How active are you and would fallenspirit mind her already being a mother? (making him non related to her currents kits other then a step father), and would you mind them being friends then developing feelings so it’s not us throwing them into it and being awkward? ^^
Im usually active throughout the day, my work schedule is super random but im usually on a couple times a day. And yes of course he won't mind, and yes we can work up to the developing feelings stuff eventually and start as friends.
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Re: Rp finder
Originally Posted by Shadowstar24
Im usually active throughout the day, my work schedule is super random but im usually on a couple times a day. And yes of course he won't mind, and yes we can work up to the developing feelings stuff eventually and start as friends.
I’d say this is accepted then, i’ll let you know when she back from missing to be able to rp!
Poetry is what helps me remember that even in my fragments, I am whole. -Jennifer Huang
They're one of Heronkit's siblings, and is a sweetie with extreme conflict aversion. They're a bit clumsy due to having oversized paws, but still enjoys to play as much as sitting around and chatting. They need some friends who aren't her siblings.
Bump Policy: Bump me after 2-3 days if i haven’t given a notice
Posts: 353
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Re: Rp finder
Originally Posted by Nahbois
Oh, I'll offer up Lichenkit for this!
They're one of Heronkit's siblings, and is a sweetie with extreme conflict aversion. They're a bit clumsy due to having oversized paws, but still enjoys to play as much as sitting around and chatting. They need some friends who aren't her siblings.
This could work, I’ll let you know when we can set something up! ^^
Poetry is what helps me remember that even in my fragments, I am whole. -Jennifer Huang