All love letters have been delivered by Percivalentine. Now, time to look for that special someone and send in your PMs by February 16th at 11:59 PM ET. Good luck!
It’d been long enough now that Flowerhawk could head back. Everyone else had probably met up by now. She traced her path back to the large willow tree, carrying her three stalks of horsetail, and made it back just in time to hear the end of Spiderlingpaw’s proposal. Although she hadn’t heard the whole question, she guessed that the ‘paws were asking to head back without the warriors. That was not happening. The very thought of facing Bumblestar’s and Spiderthroat’s wrath for possibly endangering them made her shudder. “No need,” the tabby warrior mewed as she stepped up beside Ravenfire. “We’ll go together.”
It’d been long enough now that Flowerhawk could head back. Everyone else had probably met up by now. She traced her path back to the large willow tree, carrying her three stalks of horsetail, and made it back just in time to hear the end of Spiderlingpaw’s proposal. Although she hadn’t heard the whole question, she guessed that the ‘paws were asking to head back without the warriors. That was not happening. The very thought of facing Bumblestar’s and Spiderthroat’s wrath for possibly endangering them made her shudder. “No need,” the tabby warrior mewed as she stepped up beside Ravenfire. “We’ll go together.”
My character's thoughts are not my own! Please talk to me if an interaction makes you uncomfortable!
I've just moved house -- and will not have proper WiFI until the 24th of Feb, apologies if my posts are slow and not as detailed as usual!
Last edited by sleepyyjax; January 5th, 2025 at 06:13 AM.
Peachpaw's a brisk and silent walker the way here. Not much to say when you've decided you would much prefer to Get Chore Done and Be Done With Chore than talk. He's got a late arrival last go-around to make up for, after all, doesn't he?
He only quits the purposeful march once the gravesite goes from looming in the distance to being all around them and from there does a commendable job of looking about for whatever thyme must be as well as keeping an eye on the warriors in case either of them stumbles upon the right plant before he does. Goes straight up. Minty floral-y. Long, wide leaves...or was it long and round?
Lynxpaw follows Sparrowpelt, his eyes widening as they pass through the entrance to camp and into the territory. He isn't expecting it to be so...big. The trees seem huge, and he has to tilt his head upward to see the the highest branches. Despite the cold, the snow only makes the territory more beautiful. "It's so pretty! Is the entire a territroy a forest?" he asks as he eagerly follows Sparrowpelt.
ThunderClan Warrior
Killer Aptitude T3 | Just A Scratch | Hulk SMASH
Sparrowpelt kept leading them along, letting the snow crunch beneath his large paws. It'd pretty much be the only noise to ring through their surroundings aside from some chirping birds or rustling branches caused by prey trying to escape them. They weren't exactly being quiet out here. "For tha most part, yep. ThunderClan is known for the trees 'n numerous prey items. Everythin' from birds ta small rodents, even rabbits. I've even seen cats bringin' back duck eggs er larger birds that I forgot'a name of," he commented as they approached a large willow tree.
"'N speakin' of the forest, this is the most iconic tree we got. This is a Willow Tree, signifies Willow's Rise. This is where we bury tha dead. Sometimes we can hunt 'ere, but we gotta be respectful. Sometimes we can hang out 'n just enjoy company," Sparrowpelt spoke, looking towards a specific spot. He would pause their walk and glance at Lynxpaw to ensure he was keeping up. The last time he'd hunted here was with Foxstep (Alder- at the time). Sparrowpelt had gotten his foot caught in a mouse hole and the former warrior had helped him out of it. Sometimes the large tom missed that grumpy furball.
Oh, gosh. He cannot seem to locate the warriors. Had he gone on too far ahead...? They must have been around roughly in the area, but now he can't see them and his paws are going numb and he still isn't really sure what the heck a thyme looks like but—
[ 3 ]
—yeah, no, it's just not happening. Peachpaw would go absolutely ballistic to learn that thyme fares well in leafbare, because right now he's using the quiet excuse that it must be frozen useless like all the other plants to justify bailing now, rounding back the way he'd come and hoping he's got enough luck to not get terribly lost the way he frankly should have on the way up.
As Peachpaw started ahead, Violetfreckle found herself walking after the apprentice. She couldn’t quite blame the kid, considering they’d been standing around a bit. Whoops.
She saw the apprentice looking frantic, juuust as she spotted some thyme. Though she didn’t quite smile, the tabby let out an amused snort. "Hey, Peachpaw." She tapped the apprentice’s shoulder with her fluffy tail and gestured toward the patch of green leaves… honestly just kind of sitting there. She wondered how he’d missed it. "Thyme. Right there. Pick some from this patch, I’ll find some more." Hopefully Minkpelt was close. They were running short on daylight.
It didn’t take her long to find another patch and grab 4 thyme leaves. She then met back up with Peachpaw and hopefully Minkpelt.
// @nyme @FANNIBAL my apologies for the delay!! i’ll see if i can get another couple days extension
Lynxpaw's ears twitch at every little noise. He keeps his head on a swivel, taking in every little detail as he follows Sparrowpelt. Finally being out of camp is so exciting! And they can eat eggs?! Lynxpaw's never had an egg before, but now he wants to try one. "Have you ever had an egg? What do they taste like? Can you find them on the ground, or are they always in trees?" he asks, firing off the questions at a rapid pace.
After Sparrowpelt's response—whatever it is—Lynxpaw's attention is snatched by the giant tree. His mentor informs him that it's a willow tree, and marks a part of ThunderClan's territory known as Willow's Rise. His excitement dampens when he learns it's a graveyard and a serious look overtakes the tabby-chimera apprentice's face. "I understand," he mews seriously, pausing for a moment to silently thank the ones buried here for their service to ThunderClan, and mourn those buried who never had the chance.
Peachpaw nearly jumps out of his own cream fur. —Oh! Violetfreckle!! His earlier apprehension around her is gone, rain rolling off duck feathers. He's just glad he hasn't lost both of his warriors completely; that'd be pretty humiliating to explain on top of returning empty-pawed. The bobtailed apprentice sighs, palpable relief lighting his gaze and only growing brighter as she points him toward the right stuff.
"Oh, uh. I didn't...see that. Thank you, Violetfreckle." Peachpaw's head bobs in an awkward but deeply grateful nod. He is still much too relieved to feel embarrassed at overlooking it. The herb doesn't look quite how he'd imagined, but one good whiff of it and suddenly Hollowpaw's explanation makes sense; it's a pretty distinct scent. Peachpaw decides he doesn't at all envy medicine cats for having to memorize all the different things that they do or fill their mouths with all these strange, pungent plants day in and day out. A warrior's duties are much simpler. Is that small critter a cat? No? Well it can probably be eaten, so hunt it. Is that large critter attacking you? Yes? Well that's no good, so attack it back. Easy-peasy.
Peachpaw looks to Violetfreckle quietly, getting an idea of how she goes about the harvest before gingerly repeating the process—even the amount. He doesn't want to do anything wrong, so he will do exactly as she does and then wait quietly for her to make it back from the other patch she'd found. Well, quietly except to call out (with a mouth full of seasoning): "Min'pel'?"
No idea where that one's gone to. Hopefully not eaten. He's clearly not that worried, the way he attentively perks up at Violetfreckle's return.
It was getting late, she was getting antsy. And there was Minkpelt. "Grab some and let's get going. That patch Peachpaw took from still has plenty." She wasn't quite sure why the kid hadn't taken any more, but honestly she didn't have the bandwidth to care all that much. She waited a few moments, then headed back to camp, thyme and hopefully two patrolmates in tow.