SillyLittleCherry @
seeingstars @
With the frog grasped in her jaws, albeit grimacing as the residual dirt and grime on it's skin coated her tongue, Deadmoon made her way back into camp. Hollyhawk should be right behind her, and if Maplepaw had managed to catch up or something then the apprentice was welcome to join them. If not, well, at least she had an offering of some sort, however inedible most of the cats in Windclan might find it. She certainly had no interest in consuming it. Perhaps she could pawn it off on a curious kit or apprentice, or something.
Nothing much going on at the Shadowclan border. She mewed, dropping the frog gratefully and pawing it gently.
There were frogs in the mud and we got ahold of one no DUH
but I'm not sure who'll want to eat it. I'd certainly rather not. She really had to hope that someone would, or else it would go to waste. But also it was a frog. Did it really matter? Only Shadowclan would have eaten it anyway. Right? RIGHT?