Entschuldigung, bitte? Excuse me? Was Jaggedpaw really.....admiring Riverclan? That was kind of insane, if Deadmoon was being honest. Like....why was that a good thing? It was in no way a good thing! She was kind of (actually a lot) tempted to snap at him, and shove him over the border to join the fishes if he thought they were so cool. Because really? Murderous psychopaths were a good thing? That was Shadowclan behavior, not something a Windclanner should be saying! Deadmoon was aware that a lot of cats were more....force oriented than her, more interested in settling differences with claws than words. She understood the need for it, to a degree. But random violence? Perhaps he simply hadn't understood? That must be it. No son of Snowybreeze would be impressed by wanton, indiscriminate violence, surely.
I wouldn't go saying that in camp, kiddo. Deadmoon muttered, shooting him a sideways glance.
Most cats don't take too kindly to good nice words about Riverclan. Shadowclan had been the boogeycats once, but after their moments of working together, the burying of the grudge by Twilightstar at least, Crowtooth and the other, more violent elements of the clan had been forced into silence. Deadmoon had less of a grudge, her selfish nature allowing her love for Rookscreech and Marigoldpaw to reduce her anger at the bloodshed, but she too would be irritated to hear any cat yapping about how nice Shadowclan was.
Ah, so it was that typical kit thing. 'I'll be the greatest warrior the forest has ever seen, every other clan will fear us, I'll be a great leader, etc, etc, etc.' Deadmoon had heard it all, many, many times. So perhaps this was usual enough. Perhaps Jaggedpaw wasn't completely insance. This was comforting, in a rather funny way. So, in a not-at-all (totally) patronizing way, she mewed
I'm sure you will, kiddo. Once you're a warrior, and all that. The next question was a bit more interesting, and she took a moment to ponder it. Not exactly as the most powerful, but the most stable. Twilighstar's doing, that.
We're not known as the most powerful, Twilightstar tends to prefer to avoid violence when she can. We're the most stable, I think. Twilightstar is by far the oldest leader, I don't think there are many cats alive who remember her predecessor. Deadmoon certainly didn't, and if she had to guess she'd say that Twilightstar had already been leader for 10 or 20 moons when she was born. Stars above, how old WAS their leader?
Because Twilightstar's the oldest, and the most resilient, the other clans don't tend to mess with us unnecessarily. Conflicts get shut down quickly enough most of the time, and when it needs to happen, Twilightstar is ruthless. Riverclan was case in point. They had been given chance after chance, but when it was no longer possible to let them keep going they were PUNISHED.
They had reached the falls now, icy and gleaming in the sun.
This is Twilight Falls. Deadmoon mewed, a rather deadpan mention.
Named after Twilightstar, of course. It's quite impressive in greenleaf, lots of water and noise and whatnot. You can swim in the pool below it if you're careful and know how to swim, but I'm not a fan personally. There's generally good moss to be found, and there're all kind of rumors about things behind the falls. I've no idea if they're true though. A cave, a tunnel, nothing, twoleg lights, shiny rocks, the stories were endless. She was never going to be brave enough to find out, and so it would remain a mystery to her at least. @