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Old January 27th, 2025, 09:44 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

| Lightningstorm |
25 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Active | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive | Katty Krueger - Inactive

A small giggle escaped the medicine cat as Leechscar was described as old, the mental image of the tom's deadpanned glare far too amusing to not have a chuckle at. Her gaze softened slightly as he admitted that he had been having some issues making friends himself. The tom was young. Not even ten moons by her estimation. Yet she knew far too well what it was like to be alone even at that age. By ten moons the only cats she really spoke to were Cowtuft and Firestorm, and back then the orange tabby was a newly made warrior who had an eternal bone to pick with her over a small misunderstanding that ended up amounting to nothing in the end. Even as she cleaned the tom's neck, she purred sympathetically at his plight.

"It's all most of us can do, innit? Our best? You're training to be a warrior though, ain't ya? I bet you'll make a lot of lovely friends you can share a nest with," the medicine cat mewed encouragingly as she turned her attention towards her herbs, grabbing the dandelion she had brought to the entrance chamber from the stream where she had deposited it.

Placing the dandelion on her poultice making boulder - thank the stars her memory addled self had understood what the smooth, scratched up stone was for instead of throwing it away - she grabbed another loose stone - this one less important and more often replaced - and she began grinding the moistened bloom into a pulp, the rehydrated petals making a nice, thick paste. Large, oriental shaped ears twitching as Cottonpaw began speaking, Lightningstorm glanced up at him, pausing momentarily in her well practiced motions with a thoughtful look on her face. While she had been contacted by StarClan for most of her life - the cats from Silverpelt seemingly finding her fascinating even as a young kit - the message regarding the cure for the plague had not arrived for her. In fact, she wasn't certain if there had even been a message. She remembered the wind guiding them, even as they travelled underground and past the glowing mushrooms to dimly lit chamber of roses deep within the territories that composed their old home. And yet if there had been a communication prior to that, she hadn't a clue. Everything had been so... urgent and chaotic at the time, even her overly curious self hadn't had the time to ask her new mentor while he recovered from the plague himself.

"You know Cotts, I've no clue," she remarked in an almost absent minded voice. "I wasn't medicine cat apprentice then, you see. In fact, it was only by mere chance that I joined Tufty on the search for the cure that night. Couldn't sleep, you know? I do know that there was a wind that led us there, though. This... strange breeze that kept guiding us to where we had to go and wouldn't let us move elsewhere. Funny story is I had asked the medicine cat that same day why StarClan didn't like... beam down a light from the sky or something or other to let us know if there was some cure to be had. I was a lot more naive back then and thought StarClan cared as a whole. Failed to realize they are a clan just the same as the rest of us. In a way though, I guess it worked. Wasn't no beam, but it was definitely a way to have us storm our way though the dark."

As she spoke, she finished her poultice, and with careful steps she took it towards her patient, attempting to slather the numbing, infection fighting herb on his injury. With this, no issues should arise from his bite and it should stop aching shortly. This action done, she would grab the cobwebs she had brought along and bandage the injury, ensuring that both the poultice remained in place as well as any blood that seeped out would be trapped there. From what she had seen, it should begin sealing on its own soon enough, but not every cat was the same, and she preferred to avoid risks in situations like these. With a grin, she looked down at her work and nodded, pleased with the results.

"Well, just as promised, love. You go get a good rest and you'll be feeling much better in the morrow. And with any luck that leaf-bare coat will kick in better than mine and cover up that bald spot so it isn't as exposed to this weather. You ever need anything else, don't be a stranger, alright?"

@Daragca [Cottonpaw]
| Healing is complete! Cottonpaw's injury should not have a down time and he should be ready to go for any sort of training as soon as you'd like. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Last edited by Alchemist Kitsune; January 28th, 2025 at 09:43 AM.
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Old Yesterday, 09:10 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

he/him | Windclan Apprentice | 9 moons
The Collector - Lucky Duck T3
The Stowaway Child
Cottonpaw found himself offering up a sheepish grin at Lightningstorm’s words, he was doing his best. It was real comforting to hear. He was going to become a warrior one day like he dreamt, make friends and protect Windclan. And as long as he tried his best everything would work out quite alright. ”I.I am, I wanna b.be a r.real strong warrior, I’ll g.g.get there if I t.try hard I k.k.know it.” The smile that played upon his lips this time was a lot more enthusiastic, warmth ebbing at the corners of his lips.

He watched as Lightningstorm began to make some sort of paste on a boulder, smashing and smushing the yellow flower into a thick paste. It was a fascinating process, taking something and making it something new altogether. The way her paws worked oozed experience, similar to how Leechscar was so deft on his paws. So effective at the art of battle, but instead an altogether different form of work. Cottonpaw listen in carefully, hanging off each and every one of Lightningstorm’s words. ”S.Starclan works i.i.in funny ways I s.s.suppose, I.I try to keep an e.eye out for them b.but I’m n.n.not always sure what to l.l.look for. I’ll k.k.keep that in mind, I s.suppose you only really know if y.you f.feel it.” His words were said cheerily, with spirit behind them. Of course he hadn’t quite gotten to the question he really wanted to ask but he’d save that for another time.

Maybe something as simple as a breeze really did mean that Starclan was with him. Perhaps that meant his sibling were with him too, the ones that didn’t make it through the cold. He was the only kit that got saved by Twilightstar that day, the only one who made it. He knew Leechscar said that those who don’t believe, don’t go to Starclan. Which is perhaps what made him scared to ask the question, in case the healer agreed. For now in his little head, he could go on believing for just a bit longer that they were with the stars and they were safe.

T.Thanks for h.healing me up Miss Lightningstorm, w.w.when I’m b.bigger….if y.you ever n.need anyone to h.help g.guard this p.place or y.you. Y.you should let m.me know, I’ll b.be strong by t.then.” Cottonpaw flashed her yet another cheesy smile, holding his paw up to his heart to show that he was super serious. He’d help defend her or the strange herbs any time she wanted. He gave his little nubbin tail a wiggle of goodbye before he trotted away, head held a little higher. With a better understanding of healing, Starclan and Windclan history in his repertoire.

[​ @Alchemist Kitsune ]

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Old Yesterday, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Foxlily View Post
Juniperflower limped into the medicine den, her head hanging. She was not expecting the rabbit to come out of the hole right next to her and hit her head on. she walked numbly into the musky, herb smelling area.
@Alchemist Kitsune

| Lightningstorm |
25 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Active | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive | Katty Krueger - Inactive

The herbalist had been out. Tending to her own nutritional needs in the form of a rather delicious vole. Tongue swiping across her whiskers as she cleaned the last traces of her meal, Lightningstorm paused at the entrance, noticing a quiet, eerily still standing feline in the middle of the entrance chamber to the warren like den. Ears perking up, she rushed forward, recognizing the feline as Juniperflower, one of the clan's warriors. If she wasn't mistaken, she had seen the she-cat heading out on a hunting patrol earlier that day. She'd seemed fine and spirited then, a clashing look to her now downed head.

"Whoa there. You're looking a bit roughed up there, love. You alright?" the medicine cat spoke up, her voice soft as to not scare her even as she approached.

Slowly, she lowered her own head, attempting to gaze into the eyes of the odd looking warrior. Externally she seemed fine, but Lightningstorm had been a medicine cat for most of her life. It was instinctual to understand that not all injuries were surface level at this point. If anything, those she could not see were most often the worse. Her eyes seemed only somewhat unfocused. As if in shock more so than a full blown concussion. She might need to coax her out of her shell. The lack of any evident external trauma gave her hope that there had been no battle or impromptu encounter with a predator - foxes could be deadly the less prey there was, and leaf-bare was not exactly the most thriving of seasons - but it was best to make sure what she was dealing with all the same.

Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old Yesterday, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Pineswipe limped through the camp and into the Medicine Cat's Den, not putting any weight on his left hind leg and breathing heavily. Though most of the bleeding had stopped, there was a red trail that followed him in. He barely made it into the den before everything started spinning and he felt himself collapse. Pain shot up his sore leg as the other three crumpled beneath him. Yet he was still conscious, albeit barely, as he saw the blurred outline of what he presumed to be Lightningstorm further in.

@Alchemist Kitsune
Forgive me for any errors I make, as I might be doing multiple RPs at once or just having a Dyslexia spike.

Feel free to RP with me anytime today! I afk and check every 30 minutes or so, just VM/PM me if I haven't done an RP with the specific pair/group of characters before. I almost always notice AND respond within 7-12 minutes.
I probably won't start an RP, but you bet I'll make it fun as my Characters are mostly extroverted, and each has its little quirks.

Have a great day and GOD BLESS!

Last edited by Pineswipe; Yesterday at 10:37 PM.
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