Getting experience in a patrol was good, but Embercloud knew that she needed to do more work with Midnightpaw before they were ready. She sat near the nursery, blinking slowly as her tail-tip twitched thoughtfully. Hmmm...what do we work on today... Thanks to Owlthroat's generosity, she was able to take Midnightpaw hunting. So that was good.
The long-furred tortie rose to her paws and trotted over to the apprentice's den. She delicately cleared her throat as she craned her head to call into the den. "Midnightpaw? Could you come here please?"
@Ome - Midnightpaw - thought I'd get a training thread going.
Embercloud purred as Midnightpaw approached. "I thought we could do some more training today! Since your herb patrol and hunting practice went well." She explained. "Forgive me mi'dear, could you remind me what training you have left now?" She knew they did some hunting, but she may want to work on that more...though they should stay within the camp so perhaps they can count that as being taken care of. Hmmm...let me see what Midnightpaw says about it.
Embercloud purred as Midnightpaw approached. "I thought we could do some more training today! Since your herb patrol and hunting practice went well." She explained. "Forgive me mi'dear, could you remind me what training you have left now?" She knew they did some hunting, but she may want to work on that more...though they should stay within the camp so perhaps they can count that as being taken care of. Hmmm...let me see what Midnightpaw says about it.
『 Midnightpaw 』
⚝ SC App ⚝ Non-Binary ⚝ 12 Moons Old
Short black fur with bright green eyes
Mentor :: Embercloud (@/Luna16)
"We could work on my Warrior Code? Or maybe Stealth Training?" The apprentince suggested with a tilt of their head.
Embercloud purred and nodded. "That sounds lovely! How about both?" She recommended, sitting across from Midnightpaw with her tail wrapped delicately around her paws. "Let's start with the code. What do you know of it?"
『 Midnightpaw 』
⚝ SC App ⚝ Non-Binary ⚝ 12 Moons Old
Short black fur with bright green eyes
Mentor :: Embercloud ( @Luna16 )
"The Warrior Code is the code we all must follow as Clan cat. When Apprentinces get their warrior name, they have to promise to abide by the warrior code," Midnightpaw says with a slight hum of excitement in their voice.