As Owlstar's call carried through the camp (Irisfrost couldn't help noticing it was quite different to to the traditional one Stormstar always used), the tortoiseshell she-cat padded towards the Skyridge and took a seat in the gathering crowd. Looking up at the new leader, she wondered if she would choose a deputy at this meeting or wait, as many of her predecessors had done. But in the end, unless Owlstar died between this meeting and the next (she wasn't sure if she had extra lives, but Stormstar had been given two and she lost both of them at once), it didn't really matter.
Gender: she/they pronouns preferred, but any other pronouns are also fine <3
Bump Policy: Please bump every 8-24 hours, I have a horrible memory
Posts: 114
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Re: RiverClan Skyridge
"I just wanted everyone to be happy..."
Streamkit perked up when he spotted Whisperingpaw in the crowd. He speedwalked over to his friend- he hadn't seen her since she became an apprentice! He smiled at Whisperingpaw. "How's being an apprentice?" he asked her, sitting down a tail-length or so away. He was going to be an apprentice soon, too, he was sure, and then he and Whisperingpaw could see each other more often.
Being up there, in the cold air and low pressure was enough to make one sick. And Owlstar was no acception. Claw marks rested beneath her calloused paws, a sign of those before her. She'd been up here before, to call for an event, but now she was here for a different reason. Because Stormstar was gone, and Owlstar was left.
She raised her tail despite the chill that came to her and licked her muzzle before she yowled. "Riverclan! Clan meetin' get yer paws o'er 'ere if ya fancy knowledge." Which, they all should. Meaning, everycat should be there.
Cloudgaze slowly trotted his way over, tail swishing softly.
Upon hearing Owls call through the camp, the tom padded out from the warriors den, to the clearing. A new dawn, a new day, huh? RiverClan had a lot of that…that change. It was a living hell if you asked him, but no cat did good sitting and moving and whining, and crying everyone a river, huh? So that’s not what he’d do. He would sit out here and do his part. He looked up to the new leader. Nothing can happen to her. She’s strong and…something about her feels more familiar. No way in hell though, would he accept losing another one. A friend. Well…this is probably about the patrol to kill the coyotes, yeah? OwlStar already invited him to go along previously, and he was still happy to do so.
[OPEN - I accidentally deleted the og post a few pages back…y’know…life]
my characters opinions are not my own!
_____________________________________ RowanMane is one of RiverClans Lionhearts. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me. DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aids. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.
"I just wanted everyone to be happy..."
Streamkit perked up when he spotted Whisperingpaw in the crowd. He speedwalked over to his friend- he hadn't seen her since she became an apprentice! He smiled at Whisperingpaw. "How's being an apprentice?" he asked her, sitting down a tail-length or so away. He was going to be an apprentice soon, too, he was sure, and then he and Whisperingpaw could see each other more often.
Whisperingpaw turned and smiled as Streamkit joined her, greeting her friend with a purr. "It's...not bad." She admitted, not wanting to tell him that she hadn't started doing any training yet. "Will you be apprenticed soon?" She asked curiously, eyes bright.
Being up there, in the cold air and low pressure was enough to make one sick. And Owlstar was no acception. Claw marks rested beneath her calloused paws, a sign of those before her. She'd been up here before, to call for an event, but now she was here for a different reason. Because Stormstar was gone, and Owlstar was left.
She raised her tail despite the chill that came to her and licked her muzzle before she yowled. "Riverclan! Clan meetin' get yer paws o'er 'ere if ya fancy knowledge." Which, they all should. Meaning, everycat should be there.
HookPaw padded over, his gaze directed towards OwlStar.
It was easy to say that he wasn't quite used to calling the she-cat that.. But he would for sure have to get used to it. Although.. The bad thing was that HookPaw was bad with names. Maybe he'll get it eventually!
With all harshness, he probably won't.
Sometimes I won't be able to reply right away, and if I don't reply within a day after the post, please bump me/remind me of that ongoing RP! + Please mention OR quote me in posts of RPS, don't do both!
━━━━━━━━━━━━ "May StarClan light your path."
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Gender: she/they pronouns preferred, but any other pronouns are also fine <3
Bump Policy: Please bump every 8-24 hours, I have a horrible memory
Posts: 114
My Mood:
Re: RiverClan Skyridge
"I just wanted everyone to be happy..."
Streamkit purred. "That's great! I should be an apprentice soon, I know it, and I'll be the best apprentice- and warrior- there ever was, you'll see!" He meant it, too. He would devote himself to his training, no matter what happened, so he could protect all his Clanmates, and they would never know loss in battle again.
stonepaw, she/her, 8 moons
riverclan apprentice
a pale gray she-cat with dull blue eyes.
A meeting... Stonepaw walked over to where all of Riverclan was gathering, unpleasantly chilly and tired. The longer she existed in leafbare, the more Stonepaw began to realize just how little she liked it. Everything was too cold, nights came sooner... and something about the cold just seemed to make Stonepaw ache. Leafbare came with its own beauty, but at times it was a little hard to appreciate it.
Would this be the meeting Owlstar picked her deputy? She shivered slightly, thinking about what happened with Salamanderpaw when Stormstar died. Maybe she just shouldn't ask about it.
Stonepaw silently sat next to the white Snowkit. She was still Snowkit, right? Or had the kit already been apprenticed? Stonepaw wasn't keeping up well. She flashed Snowkit a little smile, just to show she wasn't a scary grumpy cat. Now, to listen...