Bump Policy: Anytime! <3 (I won't be able to respond on Tues and Thirs as well as wensday and Sunday morning!
Posts: 58
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Re: RiverClan Nursery
(Mistykit)-(4 moons)-(Riverclan kit)-(Genderfluid)
Mistykit was playing around when they found a purple flower, they decided to wear it in their pelt as a accessory.
(Open to interactions)
My character's thoughts and actions dont reflect my own thoughts/feelings, Thanks for reading! ^-^
Last edited by Spottedraven; November 5th, 2024 at 11:24 AM.
Reason: I used the wrong oc TvT
ততততত▣ ▶������◀ ▣ততততত
"As the river flows I'll show you who swims like a true warrior!"
BeachHeart of Riverclan
20 moons old
▁▂▃▅▆▇ beachheart nodded, watching the kit. "alright, lets start with the crouch, it was good but needs more practice" he then stood by raccoonkits and lowered into a crouch. "paws have to be tucked in like this and your tail needs to be low, not touching the ground but low so the prey doesn't see it." he did everything he said as he looked at raccoonkit "when moving, keep your paws silent with each step, slow and set them down softly, this way if your hunting a mouse..it wont hear you or a frog wont even know your there." he stepped forward with quiet pawsteps "last but not least, and remember this depends on the type of prey, leaping is important, you push all weight on your back paws and jump up, when going down, your claws are to be out and your paws slam onto the prey and that's when you end it with a killing bite" he then sat up and smiled "its a lot now but by the time your an apprentice, I'm sure you'll get all of this and be the best hunting in the clan" he purred "fish is a whole new thing and I'm sure your mother has taught you how to swim?" he tilted his head. ▇▆▅▃▂▁
please @ me when mentioning any of my cats or me please ^^
[TC]Hollykit(she), Sunfall(she)
[RC]beachheart(Tom), frostkit(she)
[Outsiders] (wip)
ততততত▣ ▶������◀ ▣ততততত
"As the river flows I'll show you who swims like a true warrior!"
BeachHeart of Riverclan
20 moons old
▁▂▃▅▆▇ beachheart nodded, watching the kit. "alright, lets start with the crouch, it was good but needs more practice" he then stood by raccoonkits and lowered into a crouch. "paws have to be tucked in like this and your tail needs to be low, not touching the ground but low so the prey doesn't see it." he did everything he said as he looked at raccoonkit "when moving, keep your paws silent with each step, slow and set them down softly, this way if your hunting a mouse..it wont hear you or a frog wont even know your there." he stepped forward with quiet pawsteps "last but not least, and remember this depends on the type of prey, leaping is important, you push all weight on your back paws and jump up, when going down, your claws are to be out and your paws slam onto the prey and that's when you end it with a killing bite" he then sat up and smiled "its a lot now but by the time your an apprentice, I'm sure you'll get all of this and be the best hunting in the clan" he purred "fish is a whole new thing and I'm sure your mother has taught you how to swim?" he tilted his head. ▇▆▅▃▂▁
Raccoonkit • He / Him • Riverclan apprentice • 3+ moons
After a bit of spitting out leaf shreds and sand, the tom listened to Beachheart, nodding to each different direction that Beach gave. Once he was done speaking he tried once more. His body was still awkward, but slightly less awkward than before. The tom's next words caused the tom to pause, his brows furrowed as he tried to think of a not-depressing way to explain why he didn't yet know how to swim.
Raccoonkit flashed a sheepish smile "er- well... my parents have been busy with my littermates- That's fine though! I like spending time with my older siblings anyway" He said, flashing a somewhat forced smile, though his eyes held a slight sadness that hadn't been there before.
ততততত▣ ▶������◀ ▣ততততত
"As the river flows I'll show you who swims like a true warrior!"
BeachHeart of Riverclan
20 moons old
▁▂▃▅▆▇ his ears flickered back. "how about...I teach ya to swim hm?" he stood up and walked to the kits side. "if you need to learn anything I'm here." he smiled at raccoonkit. he meant it. he wasn't sure how many littermates the kit had but he must have had busy parents...he didn't like to think of it too much, he wont push into this... ▇▆▅▃▂▁
please @ me when mentioning any of my cats or me please ^^
[TC]Hollykit(she), Sunfall(she)
[RC]beachheart(Tom), frostkit(she)
[Outsiders] (wip)
Bump Policy: Anytime! <3 (I won't be able to respond on Tues and Thirs as well as wensday and Sunday morning!
Posts: 58
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Re: RiverClan Nursery
(TreeClimber)-(Agender)-(14 moons)-(Riverclan warrior)
Treeclimber groomed Mistykit's pelt, they could never stay put of trouble could they?
(Mistykit)-(6 moons)-(Riverclan kit)-(Genderfluid)
Mistykit tried to get TreeClimber to spar with them, but instead they got their fur groomed and a lecture along with it! She was determined to get them back when she was older.
My character's thoughts and actions dont reflect my own thoughts/feelings, Thanks for reading! ^-^
ততততত▣ ▶������◀ ▣ততততত
"As the river flows I'll show you who swims like a true warrior!"
BeachHeart of Riverclan
20 moons old
▁▂▃▅▆▇ his ears flickered back. "how about...I teach ya to swim hm?" he stood up and walked to the kits side. "if you need to learn anything I'm here." he smiled at raccoonkit. he meant it. he wasn't sure how many littermates the kit had but he must have had busy parents...he didn't like to think of it too much, he wont push into this... ▇▆▅▃▂▁
Raccoonkit • He / Him • Riverclan apprentice • 3+ moons
Raccoonkit's eyes lit up as his gaze rose to meet the warriors "FOR REAL?" He said, suddenly bouncing from side to side at the warrior's offer "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" he said in time with his bounces, his tail waved behind him excitedly.
It's less that he had a lot of siblings and more of a he hadn't seen his littermates or parents in a few days kind of thing. He hadn't mentioned it to anyone, and none of his other siblings seemed to notice or care.
(want to do a private thread rp of Beach teaching Racc how to swim? I could toss a starter! we could say they waited until he was older/bigger to fit his timeline lol)
ততততত▣ ▶������◀ ▣ততততত
"As the river flows I'll show you who swims like a true warrior!"
BeachHeart of Riverclan
20 moons old
▁▂▃▅▆▇ the Tom smiled softly at the excitement. "for real" he sat down and wrapped his tail by his paws "I'm sure you'll enjoy getting your fur wet" he chuckled. ▇▆▅▃▂▁
(yeah, we could do a private lesson for raccoon)
please @ me when mentioning any of my cats or me please ^^
[TC]Hollykit(she), Sunfall(she)
[RC]beachheart(Tom), frostkit(she)
[Outsiders] (wip)
Eveningkit was bored. And sad. Kits got to move around, become Apprentices while she can't. She started crawling. She didn't know where. Anywhere. Her eye on the floor, not dading to make eye contact. Cats probably thought she was pathetic. She felt her fur mouth with someone else, and then she knocked into them. "M' sorry." She mumbled. @korok
"You were born to be real, not perfect."
Hello! My name is Cherry, or you can call me Blossom! Message me if you need something!
She didn't want to do this. But life in the Clans for a kitten who couldn't use their back legs? It was no life at all. She'd gone back and forth with this but as far as she could tell, whoever Eveningkit's mother was, wasn't in the Clan any longer. And the father... well, if there was one, Stormstar had never seen them.
Pushing her way into the nursery she spotted Eveningkit nearby, knocking into another. Oh dear... "Hey, kid, you got a second?" She was nearing the age of being an apprentice. It wouldn't hurt to have one last check with either Berries or Cobs, but she was sure they'd come to the same conclusion she would; that the life of a RiverClan warrior was not the best course for Eveningkit.
[ @Cherry_Blossom - since Eveningkit is now around five moons I believe from one of the previous posts with her, Stormstar will be taking her for a final check up, then to Twolegplace as previously discussed! ]
__________________ <3
Last edited by taillow; November 9th, 2024 at 12:20 PM.
"Y-yeah." Eveningkit held her head low. Did StormStar also think she was useless? Eveningkit herself felt useless. She couldn't do anything. If she couldn't walk, how could she become an apprentice? Much less a warrior. She looked up to the leader and nodded. [ @taillow ~ alright! Sounds good!]
"You were born to be real, not perfect."
Hello! My name is Cherry, or you can call me Blossom! Message me if you need something!
Last edited by SillyLittleCherry; November 9th, 2024 at 12:25 PM.