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Old October 23rd, 2024, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

short-furred, black ghost tabby with dark green eyes
purrks: n/a
she/her | riverclan warrior | 31 moons

Stars, when was the last time this den was cleaned? The moment the ghost tabby stepped forth into the elders‘ den, Weepingwind wrinkled her nose at the musty scent that hit her. The air felt thick, a mixture of old moss, dust, and who-knows-what else lingering in the confined space. Her deep green eyes scanned the area, immediately noticing clumps of debris scattered about—old bedding, discarded feathers, and what appeared to be a collection of leaves that had blown in over time. The corners of the den were particularly bad, with tufts of fur and bits of twigs stuck in the crevices. Weepingwind’s tail twitched with mild irritation. “This place is practically a forest floor.” She muttered under her breath, glancing around as if expecting to see a stray squirrel hiding in the clutter. She wasn’t one to shy away from tasks like this, but cleaning up after others wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time either. Still, the elders deserved better. Their den should be a place of rest, not a den of mess. With a sigh, she set to work. The first order of business was tackling the old bedding. Grabbing a mouthful of moss, she began pulling out the damp, ragged pieces, doing her best to avoid inhaling the stale scent clinging to it. As she dragged the old moss toward the entrance, she made a mental note to gather fresh bedding later. There was no way she was leaving them with this sorry excuse for a nest.

Next, she turned her attention to the debris scattered around the floor. Her paws worked swiftly, sweeping up the stray flecks of dirt, leaves, and scattered fur with deliberate strokes. Every once in a while, she’d find something odd—a smooth stone, a cracked claw she hoped didn’t belong to one of the elders, and even a long-forgotten mouse tail. She kicked the tail out with a grimace. Stars, how long had that been here? Once the majority of the floor was cleared, Weepingwind turned her gaze toward the back of the den, where the end of two large rocks leaned against each other, forming a sheltered nook, made it’s end at. The space beneath them, though seemingly more protected, wasn’t immune to the mess. Small piles of old moss and fur had collected in the cracks within the rocks, creating a small nest of filth that made her nose wrinkle in disgust. The lichen draped over the entrance swayed slightly as a breeze passed through, offering brief relief from the heavy air. It served its purpose well, shielding the elders from the harsh elements of colder weather, but it also trapped the smell inside. She would need to try to shake it out once she was finished cleaning so she could rid it of all dirt and dust. She padded over to the wall of the rock shelter, nosing at the edges where the moss had hardened into a grimy mat. Gritting her teeth, she began peeling it away, piece by piece. The work was relatively tedious, and every so often she’d pause to shake out her paw, trying to dislodge a stubborn clump that clung to her fur.

The furrow between her brows deepened, but she pressed on. The elders needed a clean space to rest, and Weepingwind wasn’t about to leave the job half-done. As she worked, the den slowly transformed. What had once looked like an overgrown nest of clutter was now beginning to resemble a true resting place—a place truly worthy of the clan’s retired warriors. The moss between the rocks was finally clear, and soon she was tugging out the final bits of debris caught between the cracks. Stepping back to assess her progress, Weepingwind gave a satisfied flick of her striped tail. It wasn’t perfect yet, but the space was already looking much more respectable. All that was left now was to replace the bedding and give the lichen a good shake to rid it of dust and old leaves. But even as she stood there, Weepingwind couldn’t help the small, proud smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth. The elders might not realize it, but they’d soon feel the difference in their den—and knowing she’d been the one to make it happen? That was enough for her. Gathering up the small assortment of dirt and debris collected from the den, she headed out to dispose of it and replace the old bedding within the den.

closed <3
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Old October 26th, 2024, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Bravekit slowed himself down to a near-stop as he looked to find the meanest, fiercest and most terrifying-seeming elder he could try to befriend, a small mouse in his mouth at the same time. Then, he had an idea. "Anyone need something to eat?" He called out, ignoring his mouthful of fur. Tail upright like a pillar, he came into the den with the mouse.
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Old October 26th, 2024, 08:53 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Twigstep just nodded and padded to the other side of the den he hated this he hated how everyone he loved had left him to walk among the stars when would it be his turn he sighed and layed his head down
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Old October 29th, 2024, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

short-furred, black ghost tabby with dark green eyes
purrks: n/a
she/her | riverclan warrior | 31 moons

As Weepingwind entered camp, the bundle of moss dangling from her jaws, she felt a familiar sense of duty settle over her. Her steps were purposeful as she padded toward the elder's den, the clean, fresh scent of the moss a much welcome contrast to the mustiness she'd encountered earlier. She ducked her head beneath the low-hanging lichen, allowing her green eyes to adjust to the dimmer light within the large den. The den felt markedly different now, free from the clutter and dirt that had once filled it. But it wasn’t just the lack of grime that made it better—there was a new sense of rejuvenating warmth to the place, like a gentle whisper of care left behind in every corner she had cleared. Carefully setting the moss down, Weepingwind began the task of crafting new nests, her pale-colored paws working deftly as she arranged each bundle into a soft, circular bed. She pressed down gently on the moss, making sure it was firm but cushioned, each nest meticulously shaped to offer comfort. She even added an extra layer to each, knowing that the chill of leaf-bare would soon creep into camp. The elders would potentially appreciate the added warmth, she was almost certain of it. As she moved from nest to nest, arranging and smoothing the bedding, she felt an unexpected pride swelling in her chest.

These elders deserved this comfort. They had spent so many moons defending and supporting RiverClan before anyone else had, and they had to withstand everything that happened within the clan itself. Once she was satisfied with her work, she took a moment to survey the space. The den looked transformed—now truly a place of rest, worthy of RiverClan’s honored elders. The fresh bedding filled the den with the soothing scent of moss, masking any lingering traces of the old, stale air. Nodding to herself, she turned to leave, casting one last look over her shoulder to make sure everything was perfect. Exiting the den, Weepingwind shook a few stray pieces of moss from her fur, her gaze shifting to the leader’s den across camp. She straightened herself, gathering her thoughts. Reporting to Stormstar about the cleaning was hardly a grand task, but it felt important, a small duty she could fulfill to ensure the clan ran smoothly. Without hesitation, she padded toward the leader’s den, determined to let her leader know that the elders’ den was once again a place of peace and comfort for their wisest—and grumpiest—clan-mates.

closed | -5 moss
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“You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy; you ain't strong or smart. You're alive.”

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Old November 26th, 2024, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Age:82 Moons Old
Scars: A Deep Scar On His Muzzle
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The tom's deep eyes were full of sadness, and worry. His "Son" was gone and out of reach from him. "I wish he'd listen."He mumbled to himself.

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"What have you done to my brother?" - Alisi Brother of Usaliti (My Lion Oc)

♪ "There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not the world I know" ♪
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Old November 26th, 2024, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Age:82 Moons Old
Scars: A Deep Scar On His Muzzle
Interactions Open! @Goldkit
He caught the scent of the mouse, he grabbed it turning away to eat it. He growled throughout each nibble. He was grateful to have had a child raise but when that child turns against they're clan it riles him up making him more and more upset. He finished the mouse before chewing on the bones with his remaining teeth.

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"What have you done to my brother?" - Alisi Brother of Usaliti (My Lion Oc)

♪ "There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not the world I know" ♪
-No Longer You by Jorge Rivera Herrans

Last edited by Stone'Paw; November 26th, 2024 at 12:32 PM.
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Old December 3rd, 2024, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Blazestalks warm eyes opened his fur prickled feeling a cold gust of wind.

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"What have you done to my brother?" - Alisi Brother of Usaliti (My Lion Oc)

♪ "There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not the world I know" ♪
-No Longer You by Jorge Rivera Herrans
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Old December 6th, 2024, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Blazestalk was asleep (Activity Post)

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"What have you done to my brother?" - Alisi Brother of Usaliti (My Lion Oc)

♪ "There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not the world I know" ♪
-No Longer You by Jorge Rivera Herrans
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Old December 14th, 2024, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den


Streamkit padded into the elders den, his fur fluffed to protect him from the cold. He had been so bored. His gaze flicked around the room for an elder who might have a story to tell. Elders always had the most interesting stories, didn't they?
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Last edited by Sn0wDr0p; December 14th, 2024 at 10:02 AM.
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Old December 15th, 2024, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Moonstone flicked his tail grumpily, looking every part the snappy elder stereotype that he truly was. He nibbled at his fluffy mane of fur before making biscuits with his moss bedding and yawning.
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