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Old June 24th, 2024, 02:54 PM
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Default Shadows in the Mountains [P]


It had been many moons since they had taken to the mountains in search of their lost sister. The silvery she-cat let out a sigh, letting her gaze wander over the stones of the foothills.

At least the snow has melted...

Truthfully she was beginning to lose hope. Her best friend was dead, her mate was missing, and now her little sister. She glanced over her shoulder, catching sight of her other sister continuing to investigate the underbrush for any sign of the missing. The black tabby was nose deep in a juniper bush, ears swiveling, mouth open to catch any faint scent.

Closing her blue eyes for a moment, Wolfsong took a cleansing breath, then padded back to Moonfrost.

"I don't think they're here either. We should cross this location off of our list," she said, and Moonfrost gave a hoarse, agreeing chirp. The dark striped warrior gently placed her tail tip on Wolfsong's shoulder before padding farther away, finding a path through the foothills to continue their search.

Wolfsong stifled a sigh and padded after her sister. This search was truly fruitless, but she was grateful that through everything she still had her sibling to comfort her. Moonfrost had always been by her side, and the silver tabby was certain that without her, she would have lost her mind a long time ago.

She looked up suddenly as Moonfrost's tail went high in alert as she fervently sniffed at the ground.

"What is it, Moonfrost?" Wolfsong inquired as she padded to Moonfrost's shoulder. The dark warrior's eyes were glittering with both joy and alarm as she indicated a bramble in front of her. Wolfsong opened her own jaws and drew the scents over her tongue. Shock tingled through her paws.

Riverclan scent?!

{ @poppy @taillow }
~Riverclan~ Wolfsong & Moonfrost ~
~Thunderclan~ Embertalon | Moosecrash ~
~Windclan~ Hawkblaze | Pinestrike ~
~Shadowclan~ Spiritfire ~

I apologize for any delay in my replies, I work nightshift at the hospital.
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Old June 24th, 2024, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: Shadows in the Mountains [P]

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
It had been quite some time since her and the former RiverClan leader had spoken. The last interaction they'd had was when Dusklion had asked for Birds help in gathering up any stray kits or younger apprentices before they had to flee their home. There was still an uncertainty there between them, but due to everything else she'd been dealing with over the last several days the deputy had no energy to try and sort through it right now.

Still though the Clan needed food, and Dusklion didn't want to just rely on patrols. So she had recruited the ragdoll in the hopes that she could see how she was doing healthwise. She seemed... okay. But the dark tabby was no medicine cat and couldn't really spot an illness so quickly like they could. "Hopefully there's somethin' out in these mountains for us to find. It won't be good if we settled somewhere with no prey," she tossed to Birds with a look to her companion.

Before she could say much more though the scent of outsider hit her nose. It smelled similarly to how the mountain was, but Dusklion wasn't used to all of that yet which made it easier to pick up the scents nearby. Signaling with her tail for the former leader to follow, the deputy slunk around a patch of bramble bushes to spot a pair of cats nearby. They must be at one of the borders the patrol had set up. "Sorry, this territory's been claimed. Move along." It felt like a dagger to her chest to not immediately drive these cats out, but RiverClan as a whole was still new to this area. As much as Dusk wanted to chase them out, she didn't want to start something that blew back on the Clan.

[ Birdsnow - @poppy ] [ Wolfsong, Moonfrost - @Rizo ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old July 1st, 2024, 10:58 PM
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Default Re: Shadows in the Mountains [P]


Both she-cats turned with a start as someone spoke behind them. The silver striped warrior tilted her head at the newcomer, jaws parted slightly to draw in the scent. Her dark pelted sister waved her tail in a friendly, non-threatening gesture as she turned and padded closer. The pair stopped a couple tail-lengths from the stranger.

Moonfrost looked over the other cat, giving a hoarse, inquisitive chirp. Wolfsong dipped her head respectfully. "Pardon us, clanmate. We don't recognize your specific scent, but it seems we are all from Riverclan. Were you sent to find us?" Wolfsong asked as she sat and gently wrapped her tail around her paws, her sister quickly following suit.

Moonfrost couldn't keep the sparkle of excitement from her gaze. She had missed her clanmates and friends so much. And her son!
Pikestar. Wormbite. Cloudpaw. Are you here as well? Will I see you soon?
The black tabby let her paws fidget against the ground at the thought of seeing her family again, those that she had left, anyway.

Wolfsong flicked an ear as her sister's excitement rubbed off on her. Meeting the gaze of the warrior in front of her, she blinked her eyes in a friendly manner.
"Ah, pardon my rudeness. I am Wolfsong, and this is my sister Moonfrost," she added, realizing she had completely forgotten her manners.

{ @taillow @poppy }
~Riverclan~ Wolfsong & Moonfrost ~
~Thunderclan~ Embertalon | Moosecrash ~
~Windclan~ Hawkblaze | Pinestrike ~
~Shadowclan~ Spiritfire ~

I apologize for any delay in my replies, I work nightshift at the hospital.
Posting Schedule: Mon-RC | Tues-ThC | Thurs-WC | Fri-ShC

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Last edited by Rizo; July 1st, 2024 at 10:59 PM.
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Old July 6th, 2024, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Shadows in the Mountains [P]

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
...Alright, so Birds had disappeared somewhere. Dusklion gave a snort of frustration but moved it to the back of her mind to deal with later. Right now there were two outsiders facing her - wait. From RiverClan? Not dropping her walls even a little the deputy narrowed her eyes. "I don't recognize a hair on your pelt," she countered, taking note that there wasn't any familiar scent on these two cats. They didn't... seem hostile, but the deputy wasn't wanting to take any chances.

Wolfsong and Moonfrost... well at least they had Clan names. Didn't... didn't Bites say something about a Moonfrost once? The name was faintly familiar. At this Dusklion forced her fur flat and blink curiously at the two of them. "...Does the name Bite- er, Wormbite, ring a bell for you?" If they happened to recognize that name, that would clear up any misconception regarding if they were RiverClan or not. Dusklion trusted the former Lionheart undeniably.

[ @Rizo ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old July 7th, 2024, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: Shadows in the Mountains [P]


Moonfrost's icy orbs sparkled as she heard the name of one of her best friends. She nodded and let out a happy, hoarse chirp. Wolfsong gave a smile and nodded.

"Yes, of course we know Wormbite. He's one of Moonfrost's closest friends. They were Shields together," the silver tabby explained. "Pikestar, Wormbite, and Moonfrost are best friends, and Moonfrost is Cloudpaw's mother," she continued before her blue gaze narrowed in concern.

"Are they alright? What is Riverclan doing so far away from our territory? What happened?" Wolfsong inquired, genuine concern lacing her voice. Moonfrost realized that her sister had a point. They hadn't expected to run into Riverclan so far from home. The dark tabby's gaze darted around, looking for other Riverclanners that may be nearby. Were her friends okay? Was her son okay?

{ @taillow @poppy }
~Riverclan~ Wolfsong & Moonfrost ~
~Thunderclan~ Embertalon | Moosecrash ~
~Windclan~ Hawkblaze | Pinestrike ~
~Shadowclan~ Spiritfire ~

I apologize for any delay in my replies, I work nightshift at the hospital.
Posting Schedule: Mon-RC | Tues-ThC | Thurs-WC | Fri-ShC

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Old Yesterday, 11:53 PM
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Default Re: Shadows in the Mountains [P]

┆彡 T H E S I N - E A T E R ☆
heavily scarred & malnourished black tom with white speckles; cloudy light amber eyes. walks with a prominent limp & has protruding fangs that overlap his bottom lip.

content + interaction warning : this character frequently explores themes of mental health, complex trauma, and abuse

└➤ ⌗ @taillow @Rizo

the camp felt stifling, suffocating & all words of unfamiliarity that seemed to set his fur ablaze with a insatiable need to move. moreover, the territory itself was still unknown to him. the more familiar wormbite he was the less nerve-wracking ,, the change of surroundings was. (it truly had to be ironic that the moment he returns riverclan is exiled from their own home.)

at least there wasn't any sand & and the ground wasn't so,, wet. a small win. riverclan's territory always bothered him a bit with the abundance of soggy soil and mud in the warm seasons. he liked - water, actual water, but even the transition in-between was undeniably unpleasant.

the sin-eater trailed through the territory, jaws slightly parted for any hints of prey. always beneficial to bring additional prey to help maintain the pile. however, strangely enough - wormbite does not smell any. he only smells riverclan and - and the scent of cold rain & fresh grass. it causes him to pause, blinking rapidly. no, surely? it had to be .. it was impossible. (wasit?)

suddenly, his pawsteps pick up in speed and he is trampling through the underbrush to the source of the scent. if he returned, then - maybe. it gives him hope and he clings to it, even if it may be brief. eventually wormbite crashes through the bushes, leaves sticking out of his short black fur that were snagged on his way. he pants, shoulders heaving up and down before squeezing out a raspy, "m - moonfrosst??"


❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

-- the sleepy consumes me --

Last edited by wolfie; Yesterday at 11:53 PM.
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