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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Springlight
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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Medicine Cat: Lightningstorm
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: 3v1 Mass Healing Thread

Originally Posted by Myling View Post
| 9 Moons | ShadowClan Apprentice | Female, She/Her | Purrks:
Kitty Soft Paws, Heightened Perception [smell]
[a small, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes and an atrociously fluffy tail, a small bleeding tick in her right ear]

Right now, half of the world was the pain in her ear and the side of her face. The other half of the world was her having an imaginary showdown with her nose. She lunged for nose, attempting to brawl it down to the floor. To be fair, nose had tried to kill her first! Nose blasted scents right into her face. She roared with pain. OWCHIEEEE. She kept on fighting her one of her own senses in her mind. 'You'll never kill me alive! You'll have to kill me before i die!' Her brain stated the obvious. 'you need to mouth shut' She retorted at herself. She was so immersed in trying to stop herself from fighting her nose in her mind and focus on the real world ('OK. Stop fighting a gosh darn enemy that isn't even there. No but i need to bring justice to us! There is no us. There is really just me being a huge weirdo. How about you do mouth shut then?') that when Grousepaw seemingly materialized out of pure air, her already on-edge self jumped like a mouse. "AAAAAAAAABODIBIDIBABAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMbambamBAMBAM BAM- OWWWWWWWWW" The "BAM BAM BAM-" of her very gracious cry of alert accidentally sounded like the outro song to Seinfeld and soon the credits began rolling, but they stopped as her head bonked right into the roof. Some film director made a confused call in the distance, and small dust particles floated down in protest to the cat who just slammed her head right into the ceiling as you do.

Willowpaw is in pain.

'Willowpaw. Willowpaw does the Medicine Cat apprentice really look like someone who would try to murder you? Well, yea- YOUR MOUTH YOU NEED SHUTS BECAUSE NOW WILLOWPAW I DO NOT HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALA BLAH BLAH LALALALA-'. She put up a strained smile. Yep she was totally fine. Her head definitely didn't feel like it was whapped with a semi truck. Yep yep yep. Mhm uhuh yes yes. "Salutation, uh, Gr-Grousepaw! Th-Thank you for such much obliged, ge-generous assis-assistance when I-I am in s-such rem-remarkably prodi-prodigious affliction." She said in a small voice. Did she sound all stuck up? Did she seem like an absolute idiot? The idiot one maybe wasn't much of a question. A headache manifested with a drum-roll increasing in pitch as it appeared with the smile of that one jerma meme. Her wounds were all going to the local pain-choir because they wanted to "chase their dreams". She was normally fine with someone doing what they wanted to, but right now, NOT RIGHT NOW BECAUSE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-. She felt a little faint, but she willed the faint feeling away with her oh so shiny and sparkly unbreakable will that she definitely had that only compared to William Afton's. She flinched approximately 8 times while the redish-orange-yellowish flower was applied to her wounds. She felt ready to reincarnate into Simba and flee the savanna because that seemed better than her current situation. She was about to morph into the definition of when poppy seeds were presented to her. The stars had mercy on her! Thank you StarClan! How about you, like, fix all the moral problems in the forest next! What? N-No? Why? Willowpaw gratefully took the poppy seeds. It took a very annoying amount of time for the pain to die down, but she felt blessed when it did. There was still a weird shaky feeling in her muscles, and a she felt sore around her limbs EVEN THOUGH THEY WEREN'T EVEN HURT?? Hello sore-system explain yourself now please. "Th-Thank you a-again." 'Now, Willowpaw who do we blame for you hitting yourself on the head? Grousepa- Nope. Wrong, You failed. Your a failure, Get out loser. Its your own fault. Go eat a rotten mouse. No you. I no you your no you. Oh no what ever will i do? OoOOhHhhh nooooOOoOO! Ok please be quiet. Oh now your gonna do this? LALAALALALALAL BLAH BLAH CAN'T HEAR YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU. Wow i really am insane. Maybe i should slam my head in the roof again. I mean, sure, if you want.'

Plan A: If too embarrassed about slamming head in ceiling, slam head in ceiling again and pass out. Plan B: Slam head in ceiling again again to double pass out. Plan C: Don't do anything but use your William Afton will to pass out. Plan D: There is no plan D sorry man. Plan E: If Plan D doesn't work, make a plan.

What a masterminded genius she was.

[ @redshiftreign - Grousepaw! ]

amusement laced grousepaw's expression as his patient looked like she went through all seven stages of grief in the span of several seconds. a bemused, slightly concerned grin rested on his dogish features, tail flicking idly as he paused in his stride to observe her. after a long moment, his head canted to the side and a soft chuckle escaped him. he. . . knew the feeling. and while, perhaps his anxiety was channeled into something far more bold (like a dog, like a dog he bites when he's nervous. all teeth and bark, snarling and defensive. even if its rare, it's how he is. its his nature.), he still knew the feeling. claws in your stomach, sinking in a little too deep, heavy and crushing. stealing the air from your lungs. maybe he didn't know. not the way it was for her, in her head, because he wasn't her. but he could sympathize.

"willow," he mused, voice cool and stable. "you're doin' great, mate. you're doin' great." he assured, a genuine smile gracing his muzzle.

a pause. he had half a mind to move onto the next patient, but a moment elapsed and he added;

"you're real jittery, y'know," he mused, an eyebrow ridge raised. "got a lotta thoughts, i figure. if you ever need to ramble about anythin', my ears are always open." he offered casually, then, after flashing a quick smile, he slunk off to tend to another patient.
Originally Posted by Morrigan View Post
Shadowclan guard
Purrks: Just a scratch(active) and Shadow fiend(inactive)

The battle had been won, and Darkcloud had got some hits on a Riverclanner but she hadn't come out unscathed. If not for the warm, crimson liquid dripping down her muzzle she wouldn't have even noticed she had been hurt in the first place. Good thing she didn't feel much pain but it did cause her to be unaware of any injuries she might have.

Stalking into the med den, the spotted tabby sat down in an empty nest and waited to be attended to by a medicine cat. This wasn't anything new to her as she'd visited the healers befkre but not these particular ones...hopefully they were capable or at least able to treat what she believed were minor scratches decorating her muzzle.


"'ello, darkcloud, innit?" he asked as he appraised her few scratches. "not too bad. all-right, give me just onnnnneeeeee second an' i'll get to ya."

the mottled apprentice, though a good inch or so taller than his mentor, trotted over to the herb stores to collect up what he figured would be useful.

with only cobwebs and marigold, he regrouped with the she-cat, humming as he chewed the marigold and applied it carefully to her muzzle to stifle any brewing bacteria, then pulled a nice layer of cobweb over it to secure everything in place.

"all-right, darkcloud. if you aren't in too much pain, i reckon you're good to go. try not to re-open any wounds."

Originally Posted by Aolani View Post
Yellowtwist entered the medicine den, blood dripping off his shoulder. It hurt like hell but number one, either Mossfreckle or the apprentice guy. No, his concern was the lack of fun. [ @redshiftreign ]
yellowtwist padded into the medicine den, a shoulder wound dripping. grousepaw raised an amused eyebrow and scooped up his usual assortment of herbs before trotting over to the two toned tom.

he pushed a poppy seed forwards. "for the pain," he hummed, chewing the marigold into a nice paste to apply to the wound. as he smoothed the lukewarm paste over the scratches and tugged a bundle of cobwebs over it, he sat back to appraise his work. he was getting quicker, he found, and more efficient as he went through the motions.

"well," he began, jaws parting into a wide yawn. "that's that. you're good to go, i imagine. don't do anything too crazy and open your wounds again."
Originally Posted by kittycatburmise View Post

Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow. That was the thought going through Doeflame's mind as she padded into the medicine den, face scrunched up in pain. Blood seeped from the cuts on her stomach, staining it a sticky crimson. Doeflame collapsed into the first empty nest she saw- on her side, since she was pretty sure it'd cause extra pain to lie on her stomach, and it hurt enough already. Groaning melodramatically, she lifted her head over the side of the nest to search for a medicine cat. Her eyes landed on the new medicine cat apprentice; Grousepaw, she was pretty sure he was called. "You, get over here. I don't care if someone dies because you weren't treating them, but this hurts." Her words were laced with dry humour.

grousepaw had his small act of defiance in saving doeflame for last- that was currently in the den, anyway. though very early he heard doeflame's dry and humorous demand, he passed over the medicine den one more time before finally collecting what he supposed he'd need and trotting over leisurely to her.

"at at, you aren't dying just yet." he hummed amusedly. he grinned, amber eyes flickering like fire with the rare sunbeam that passed through the overhead window of roots, providing excellent circulation for the den. he appraised doeflame's wounds, humming, then turned to collect up what he would need. pressing a small black seed towards her, a poppy seed, and nodding for her to crush it between her teeth and eat it, he got to work chewing the marigold.

carefully, he applied the poultice to the scrapes and scratches along her belly and chest, stifling the bleeding an any brewing infection. then, he sealed everything in with cobweb and made sure that it wasn't loose. stepping back to give another once-over to his work, he grinned.

"looks good, just don't go jumping around or anything. give it a few days to really set in before you do anything strenuous. otherwise, you're free to head out."

he nodded, before noticing mistlewhisker enter. a sharp feeling hit his chest, akin to dread, and he ducked off to tend to the deputy.

Originally Posted by Mica View Post

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
[Grousepaw - @redshiftreign ]
· · ────────────── · ·
The deputy lumbered to a halt just outside the group of wounded cats, keeping an eagle's eye on everyone to ensure nothing went wrong and no one was behaving poorly to the medicine cats. Her shoulder throbbed with each pump of her heart, but she ignored the pain. It wasn't too serious, in the long run. Some basic ointment, keeping her weight off the wounded shoulder, etc would probably get her back to full health before too long. But then again, she wasn't a medicine cat. She'd leave the diagnosis to the professionals.

[Hehe whoops :dies:]

"hey mistle." grouse said, dropping the formalities like second nature. his tone was. . . impassable, perhaps. skeptical, though not specifically disdainful. just cautious. his feelings for the deputy were complicated at best. maybe he still felt the pang of betrayal at her rise to power, at her unchosen abandonment of him, and her disregard for his words. but, he couldn't lie, every word he spoke came from a place of not wanting to see her hurt.

because no one in a position of power is ever happy. and no one in a position of power is ever good. that was exactly why grouse wasn't playing that game- this wasn't power, he decided. he wouldn't let it be. he couldn't let it be, because he'd be just as bad as the rest of them. he didn't want that. for his sake and everyone elses. he'd carve a canyon through the world far sooner than he'd let himself think he could control anyone. he could control himself, and that was enough. enough to make change.

he spared a glance at the heiress's wounds before turning to scoop up some herbs and return to her. he chewed the marigold into a fine paste, smoothing it down over her shoulder and flank scratches.

"i see you're settling into deputyship well," he mused, though his tone was slightly more critical than he had intended. he was happy for her, he really was, at least superficially. he knew this had been what she wanted for a while- it would take a blind person to think that mistlewhisker didn't yearn to serve her clan until her dying breath, blindly. she may have still had one eye, but that was not enough to see through the veil of false control pulled over her face. the tyrant and her executioner. grouse almost scoffed.

but mistlewhisker was reaching for a glass sky. and one day, she'd hit the top and she'd feel empty. because the top is not an accomplishment, it is a prison wherein you are stuck defending a temporary title. it is just another hard set method of control, people in power assuming they are untouchable, trapped in their own design like a spider tangled in her own web. heh. web.

he tugged the cobweb over the wounds before sitting back to appraise his work. it was okay, he supposed. it could be better. how? he wasn't sure. but he thought it could be better. certainly.

"you want a poppy seed?" he asked, glancing at mistle with scrutinizing fire in his gaze, and an equal softness. almost pity. "how was the battle, anyway?"

[GROUSEPAW USED, IN TOTAL: 4 marigold, 4 cobweb, 2 poppy seeds]

grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Antlerkit
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Old July 3rd, 2024, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: 3v1 Mass Healing Thread


Grousepaw heard her, she could tell. But the medicine cat apprentice did another round through the den before coming to her, making Doeflame's tail lash in annoyance. So when the tom finally walked over to her (taking his time), she huffed in exasperation. "Took you long enough," she grumbled.

Grousepaw's next remark broke the scowl that marred her features, the corners of her lips tugging upwards in a returning grin. She found herself liking the tom; Dawnstar, Mistlewhisker and Mossfreckle were all too serious. Just because you had the responsibility of healing your clanmates didn't mean you had to become a killjoy.

Doeflame took the poppy seed when it was presented to her, then watched as Grousepaw chewed some golden flower and smeared the paste on her wounds, before applying cobwebs to the area. It felt weird, the poultice cool and foreign, the cobwebs pulling slightly at her belly fur. She half wanted to get rid of it, but she knew that was probably a bad idea. One, she wouldn't heal; two, she didn't think Grousepaw would be happy about it.

Oh well, at least she could head out. Doeflame was pretty sure she'd go stir-crazy if she had to stay in here, with the strong scent of herbs clogging the air. She couldn't do any strenuous activities, which was fine by her. The only thing that the order would really stop her from doing was stuff for the clan, which she didn't do anyway. Hard work was overrated.

"Cool, thanks," Doeflame told Grousepaw before she began the hard task of trying to get up without brushing her stomach on the nest.

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Old July 11th, 2024, 10:43 AM
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Default Re: 3v1 Mass Healing Thread

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend

· · ────────────── · ·
[Grousepaw - @redshiftreign ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker eyed Grousepaw as he began his work, moving in and out of storage and around the herbs like he had been doing it all his life. The Deputy was impressed. She hoped having a purpose would help curb his… rule-bending tendencies.

The comment about her settling into deputyship was pointed, but the feline didn’t react negatively. She knew just what he thought about her role, about the clan’s high ranks. And yet here he was, one of the very ranks he despised. He might have thought there was a difference between them—medicine cats heal, deputies kill.

But they both had say over who lives and who dies. That changes someone. Whether they like it or not.

Once Grousepaw was done, Mistlewhisker flexed her shoulder experimentally before putting her full weight on it. “Good work.” She murmured. She declined the poppyseed, instead scanning the now emptying den. “I never congratulated you on your promotion.” She meowed, gaze piercing. “Mossfreckle chose well. Do you like it?” After a large battle like this, anyone would get stressed out. Was Grousepaw questioning his abilities? Or was she confident in where she stood?

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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