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Old July 3rd, 2024, 01:25 AM
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RiverClan Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

The Rose-Colored Hawk

Rosehawk's ears perked up just in time to catch Shiira's little 'speech'.

''Are you done?'' The RiverClanner snorted, giving a whisk of her plumy tail. ''We didn't come here to spill blood. We came here to talk things out.''

The dark-cream and white warrior exchanged a glance with Fadingstar. ''Besides, I'd rather keep my claws clean than get them dirty.''

Rosehawk's gaze was almost desperate as she looked at her Clan Leader, as if she were saying, Enough of RiverClan's blood has been spilled.

She turned her attention back to the Atari, her fur flat and smooth along her spine, although her shoulders had hiked up. She had to defend Fadingstar - he was her Clan Leader. Rosehawk's claws slid out, scraping the stone beneath her paws as she sent a silent prayer to RiverClan's ancestors.

StarClan, please protect our tails today.

{ @Minkuu // @occultation - Fadingstar mention, as she's interaction with him. (not directly, but looking at him.) }

Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.

Last edited by isla; July 3rd, 2024 at 01:26 AM.
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Old July 3rd, 2024, 07:19 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

( lets pretend i read all the posts up to now)

jayfrost would do damn well anything to help, now that he was effectively stuck in this clan and had a family to protect, but the battle, the move, he knew he was nearing his breaking point. he hadnt reached it yet, walls up and secure to protect the insecure, tired man that rest beneath the often cold facade, still, when fadingsun - fadingstar - called for attention he couldnt help the eyeroll passing his face. he actually wasnt sute if it would be as attention catching as before the incident, with scars stretching like a reminder at the motion, did the eye still move like before? he should probably ask someone eventually.. the lithe grey tom pushed himself to light grey paws, lightly dirtied from the dust and soil he had been resting on, to make his way closer to the starpoint. another group of cats possibly aiming to main and kill? great, bloody damn great. torn ears shifted subconciously, now resting mostly turned back in annoyance. he caught a bit of conversation from behind but didnt necesarrily care enough to listen. steel blue eyes sought the crowd of pelts for the familiar golden-black splotches and dark form he hadnt seen in forever. he would attend the patrol, but knew he had no sane reason to spot garlicfeather, but goldfish in another potential battle so soon didnt sit right with him.
so jayfrost followed fadingstar like a good damn warrior would, staying back as he watched the leader cross the border, before following his intructions and himself pushing over the scent marks, ears flicking from side to side, listening for any and all signs of life around.

"i wish things were different, but it werent us who changed."

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 09:36 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

| 18 Moons | Atari Initiate | Female, She/Her | Purrks:
Beefed Up T1
[a burly ragdoll she-cat, with polished blue eyes, long, lustrous fur; scars running along her face]

[tw: mentions of violence (in thought, hoshi is an angre bebe but she won't actually kill you :3 maybe)]

Boooring. Boring boooring booooooooored.

Hoshi rolled around mindlessly in her nest, the Initiates den was very, very, oh so INFURIATINGLY BORING. She, of course, blamed that on the universe.

She'd just been chilling and imagining going to another very specific place and then wanting to distract herself by stabbing someone, which Hoshi did not like doing as a matter of fact. It was, one: Maaaybe making her a little sad, and two: HECKIN BOOORIN-

So when Saturn's voice came, she sprang up, and out of the TORTURE and AGONY OF BEING BORED. Rip an ear? Morons trying to take their territory? THAT DIDN'T SOUND BORING AT ALL! LIFE MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED ('Well, half accomplished'). Violence was the solution to everything and there was no way you could make her think otherwise. Someone biting your tail annoyingly? Even if its a kit, stab em with you claws! Problem solved! Annoying mosquitoes? Show it to their family! Problem. Solved. Don't want to think about something? Violence! Problem! Solved! She immediately gathered with the group going to ATTACK SOMETHING ASHSDFAFJ SHE DIDN'T KNOW.

So many cats to brutally slaughter and NOT feel bad about it AT ALL! YOU HEAR THAT UNIVERSE? NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT IT AT ALL.

Hoshi wanted to fight someone already, she was itching to sink her claws into pelts but that did make her feel sorta bad BUUUT HEYY IT SEEMS AS IF "MUSHY FEELINGS" HAS BEEN SENT TO THE MOON WITHOUT AN OXYGEN TANK! OH WELL! AND NOTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST. But BOO-HOO, OH SO GREATEST GREAT LEADER HAS TO TRY TO MAKE PEACE WITH THE CATS WHO WERE VERT CLEARLY TRYING TO INVADE THEM. Hoshi could practically claw her eyes out by how slow stuff was dragging on. Fadingstar? More like- More like- More like- Fadingear! Because Saturn had specifically said that some ears were going to be torn! Ok maybe she wasn't that good at insults! But she still wanted to see someones ear get violently ripped out to distract her! Wh- Scratch that, more like Fading-low-self-esteem! Hoshi wanted to scream at Saturn: "HUH. YOU SEE DIS. YOU SEE DIS STUF? ATTACK DEM ALREADY YOU LIL SNAIL WITH THE REACTION TIME OF A SAND GRAIN. HURRY UP HURRY UP HURRY UP." Her fur was bristling like the funny blue hedgehog. THEY WEREN'T MEANT TO THREATEN THEM?? She wanted to see someone GAUGE that FISH SMELLING SNOLLYGOSTER'S EYEBALL OUT and USE IT to GET RID OF HIS EAR.

If only she WAS SANIC so she could give someone QUILLS to STAB SOMEONE'S EYEBALL out FOR HER.

"We cannot change our destiny. We just have to have the courage to know what it is, and accept it."


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Old July 3rd, 2024, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Atari Trapper

Camilla observed warily as a tortishell tom emerged from the crowd. Was this the leader? Apparently so. Fadingstar...a strange name indeed. Riverclan was their name...even more peculiar. They must be from far lands. And what did they want? The so-called "Riverclan" wnated to be left alone and to show this...they stole some of their territory and threatened her family...sorry what? The logic...how in the spirits' name did that work? These foreigners demand no violence yet they came her and provoked them. Like the leader said, the mountains were huge so why steal some of the Atari territory when they could carve out their very own? These cats...they were no geniuses but they screamed trouble.

Silky fur bristling in silent rage, the beautiful huntress almost snarled as Fadingstar went on. Threatening them that if her family did what they had already done to them...they'd slaughter them. How brazen could they be...This could not be tolerated. Without a word, she stalked closer, fear forgotten and replaced by anger. Pale hues glared at the one who called himself the Fading star and hatred formed in her heart. "You...You wish to be left alone but you steal out territory and threaten us? Violence is unneeded, if you had not provoked us now then there would be no need for your little message. You are not above us, treat us how you want to be treated. See? Now there's a need for the nonsense you're spewing, the fading star. Each word laced with venom and delivered in a quiet hiss. She didn't want the Atari to be harmed...but she had to speak out against this unfairness.

Message now delegated, Camilla moved her cloudy gaze to Saturn. Expression softening she lowered her voice to a whisper. "Sister, we can not let these tyrants push us about." Emphasis on Tyrants. That was what they were acting like so that was what they shall be called. She trusted her crown and sister. No harm would come to her family. She just had to stay strong and believe. Ward off these cruel foreigners and protect what was hers. Easier said than done but she could do it. She had to for the Atari. Her life and soul.


@Luminous @occultation


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Last edited by Morrigan; July 3rd, 2024 at 12:46 PM.
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Old July 3rd, 2024, 10:31 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Riverclan | 2 moons
Mind Reader

"Aye!" She let out as a warrior whose name she didn't know picked her up. Tiny paws dangling in the air, she let herself be carried in silence with her tiny tail curled on her belly, between her legs. In a moment, she was again in the nursery and the warrior disappeared.

Aspen? She looked at the older kit, wondering why the warrior had left her with him. She didn't know him! Where was Mistyshard, instead? What about Elderkit?

The little furball scampered around to avoid this "Aspen" as she tried to get out of the nursery again. It was a hot day, and she needed to feel the breeze on her fur. She had decided to ignore the old ones and just let them be, but she couldn't stay inside.

"The river..." she whispered to herself, deciding to head that way. She knew that just sinking her paws into the water would cool her down. And off she went!

@Marigoldwhisper @burntToast @Estelle (you can stop Starry before she gets out ofc)

Blood is one of the Atari healers. He has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Atari healer
he/him | age unknown

The scorching sun seemed to make his own blood boil in his veins. Ugh, how he hated feeling hot!
He was padding steadily behind his den-sharer, noticing small leaves falling from her mouth from time to time. His own was closed around a bundle of various, different stalks and leaves that filled his scent gland with a thousand different odors. He sneezed, and a whole capony exploded from his mouth.

As they reached the focal point, he noticed Saturn and Nyx talk with a couple of authoritative-seeming cats in a diplomatic tone. Joking, heh, they were actually screaming at each other with bared teeth and fur bristling like mad cats. Oh, these leaders! Such complex matters! He raised his eyes to the sky, but listened with interest anyway.

He flicked his ears and his eyes lit up as the Claw of the Crown told him something very interesting. Ooh, more skeletons for my collections? I'll be ready to take as many bodies as I can. Though in reality, he would probably be busier healing his soldier than killing their enemies. He would have to hope that Claws and Trappers didn't do too much of a mess of those cats out there, mhh.

When he noticed Mumble waving amiably at one of the intruders, Blood covered her sight with his body and frowned visibly. "What do you think you're doing, huh? We're not here to make friends." He scowled and glared at her, the bundle of herbs at his paws.

@@finley !! @Luminous @burntToast


Blood is one of the Atari healers. He has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 10:52 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post

Willowtail looked at Berrypaw, hearing the quiver in her tone and nodding sympathetically. Touching her muzzle wordlessly to Berrypaw's muzzle she purred. "It'll be fine. me and Stagheart will be fine. Were strong, were Riverclan." Willowtail attempted to reassure gently. Accepting the touch on her shoulder with a gentle smile, Willowtail flicked her ears in goodbye. "See you after." She purred softly.

Seeing Stagheart, Willowtail padded to him, just in time to overhear his worries. Freezing in place she let out a small mew to announce her presence. Her eyes worried as she'd clearly heard his worries and her body rigid.

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post
Willowtail stood behind Fadingstar, deciding it'd be more intimidating to give off a cold, eerie silence, bringing no emotion to her body language and eyes as she stared at this supposed leader. Willowtail kept her eyes narrowed but coldly calm as she looked ahead, completely different as to when she was around her clanmates alone. Willowtail noticed Stagheart near her, but made no attempt to move backwards as she kept her cold gaze locked on the cats ahead, keeping an eye out for any signal from her leader or any other authority around. Flicking her long tail she brushed it along Stagheart's shoulder, hoping he'd get the subtle hint she wanted him beside her, not just to look intimidating, but for Willowtail's comfort, her tail gently quivered against Stagheart's shoulder, as Willowtail wisked her tail away she brought her quivering to a forceful end.

@squidz Stag mention <3


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Berrypaw nodded to Willowtail's words, offering a small smile and nod to confirm them. It didn't quell the doubt and fear stirring in her belly, but... it helped some. "Yeah, see you after..." I hope, she added silently, praying her Clanmates wouldn't return to camp torn apart by these mysterious mountain cats.

She had only just gone back into her daze when she heard Cobwebfern asking if she was okay. Berrypaw jumped a little bit, blinking rapidly to come back to the present. She ducked her head apologetically and took a shaky breath. "Y-Yeah, just... worried," she admitted quietly. Flashbacks of the healing that took place after the 3v1 raged in her head, and she wanted nothing more than to be happily surprised to see everyone coming back unscathed. Not that she thought it would happen, but... the idea was nice.

She also felt a little stir in her chest after Cobwebfern called her 'Berries'. Isn't that was Dusklion had called her before, too? It had a nice ring to it. Focusing her attention on her friend (as to stop herself from going into an anxious spiral once more), Berrypaw found a faint smile creeping on her maw, watching her gray-furred friend ramble on about the Atari's strange name.

"Heh, yeah... MountainClan would make a lot more sense... I dunno what an Atari is." Berry's voice attempted to be lighthearted as she agreed, trying to take Cobweb's opportunity to relax, though she couldn't entirely shake the foreboding feeling of her Clan returning to camp in shreds.

[ @finley !! - cobs <3 ]


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2 | just a scratch

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart heard Willowtail's subtle noise to alert her presence and turned his head to her, giving her a firm nod. He wasn't too happy about the idea of having his former apprentice face off a group of cats whom they had no real idea about — but then again, all of them were in the same situation. He pushed down some of the instinctive protectiveness that rose in his chest and took a quick breath, sidestepping closer to her to show that he'd felt and understood her gesture. Let any cat try to go for Willowtail while he was there... he'd make them regret it, that was for sure.

He waited in the terse moment as Fadingstar announced who they were. He had a glimmer of respect for the leader's bold and confident words, yet also felt a twinge of unease. He didn't imagine the group's leader would take too kindly to infringing territory. Stagheart tried to keep his fur from bristling as he watched, every sense heightened as he prepared for anyone to try to lay a claw on his Clanmates.
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 11:26 AM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Originally Posted by squidz View Post


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Berrypaw nodded to Willowtail's words, offering a small smile and nod to confirm them. It didn't quell the doubt and fear stirring in her belly, but... it helped some. "Yeah, see you after..." I hope, she added silently, praying her Clanmates wouldn't return to camp torn apart by these mysterious mountain cats.

She had only just gone back into her daze when she heard Cobwebfern asking if she was okay. Berrypaw jumped a little bit, blinking rapidly to come back to the present. She ducked her head apologetically and took a shaky breath. "Y-Yeah, just... worried," she admitted quietly. Flashbacks of the healing that took place after the 3v1 raged in her head, and she wanted nothing more than to be happily surprised to see everyone coming back unscathed. Not that she thought it would happen, but... the idea was nice.

She also felt a little stir in her chest after Cobwebfern called her 'Berries'. Isn't that was Dusklion had called her before, too? It had a nice ring to it. Focusing her attention on her friend (as to stop herself from going into an anxious spiral once more), Berrypaw found a faint smile creeping on her maw, watching her gray-furred friend ramble on about the Atari's strange name.

"Heh, yeah... MountainClan would make a lot more sense... I dunno what an Atari is." Berry's voice attempted to be lighthearted as she agreed, trying to take Cobweb's opportunity to relax, though she couldn't entirely shake the foreboding feeling of her Clan returning to camp in shreds.

[ @finley !! - cobs <3 ]


very large, muscular, & scarred light brown tabby tom with stark blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 2 | just a scratch

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 51 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart heard Willowtail's subtle noise to alert her presence and turned his head to her, giving her a firm nod. He wasn't too happy about the idea of having his former apprentice face off a group of cats whom they had no real idea about — but then again, all of them were in the same situation. He pushed down some of the instinctive protectiveness that rose in his chest and took a quick breath, sidestepping closer to her to show that he'd felt and understood her gesture. Let any cat try to go for Willowtail while he was there... he'd make them regret it, that was for sure.

He waited in the terse moment as Fadingstar announced who they were. He had a glimmer of respect for the leader's bold and confident words, yet also felt a twinge of unease. He didn't imagine the group's leader would take too kindly to infringing territory. Stagheart tried to keep his fur from bristling as he watched, every sense heightened as he prepared for anyone to try to lay a claw on his Clanmates.
Willowtail licked Berrypaw's ear gently and padded away to the warriors.


Willowtail saw her former mentors nod and gave a gentle, comforting (hopefully) smile. Willowtail placed her long tail along Stagheart's own tail, twining it for a moment and giving him a reassuring look, "Were going to be fine. Were Riverclan. If there not absolute frog-brains they'll leave us alone." Willowtail purred gently, her eyes filled with fear of the upcoming battle, fear for herself, fear for her clanmates. Fear for Stagheart.

Willowtail looked into Stagheart's eyes, sighing gently, placing her head on his shoulder to comfort herself as well as attempt to comfort him, her now normal gesture lasted a bit longer than usual. Willowtail tried her best to keep her whiskers from trembling in fear of the uncertain destiny ahead. Willowtail lifted her head and sat down, murmuring gently under her breath, "We'll come back... we have to.. Were Riverclan not these mangy rouges... try and stop us and they'll feel our claws. We can do it..." Willowtail growled, her blue hues showing determination which battled the fear. Turning to Stagheart she meowed, "Is it normal to be this freakin terrified? I feel like I'm going to shake out of my fur and my whiskers are gonna fall off.... holy crap my heart is racing." Willowtail admitted, "And... I'm afraid if we fight I'll end up hurting them way worse than needed.... I feel like if I get to mad then I'll take out my grief on them and......." Kill someone.

Willowtail didn't finish her words, hoping Stagheart got the message at her words. "I'm scared not only for us but for them.... and... and what if they have no heart? What if they hurt Berrypaw? Or come raid our camp once were weak and hurt Daisykit? Or Softkit? Sweetsap can't fight.... shes a new mother and injured from the previous battle."Taking a shaky deep breath Willowtail exclaimed. "Hell were all still hurt from the battle! I've got a healing wound and I didn't even fight in it!" Willowtail feared, her meows turning into mini wails of distress. All the memories of her mother's dead body and her uncles mangled and broken corpse rushed back into her mind. Willowtail's breathing got heavy and her fur fluffed up as she looked at the ground. "I don't want more cats to die what if this goes completely south?" Willowtail growled, her growl (which showed her fear as she was sure Stagheart had never heard anything but her meow and purrs.) showed her immense and deepining fear.

(<333333333333333 Had to add some angst bc we stan traumatized cats/j)

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Old July 3rd, 2024, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

Amberwing watched closely. She was further back, wanting to keep her distance. Maybe she should just... No, any idea she had was bad. Or at least, bad for her newfound apprentice. Even if they weren't exactly responsive about the whole training thing and maybe she should just-

She paused herself and waited for responses.
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Old July 3rd, 2024, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: riverclan, attack! [rc v atari 1]

The Atari / No Purrks /34 moons/ he-him

Just in case a TW for violent thoughts!
Skirmish bounced up to his paws at the sudden roar by the crown, eyes flickering open wide, a call to all those able to tear off an ear? Perhaps he should follow tenfold! He snickered mentally at the fact before shoving himself up to his paws and skittering over to follow. “ I dont know why any morons decide to get on our bad side and try to take our land” they were being attacked? Skirmish’s upbeat attitude quickly snapped like a twig and his face held a hefty scowl. He hated filthy little rats that tried to skitter and take their land. And he’d hate them more if the crown hated them too. He couldn’t wait to feel his claws rake into the flesh of somecat, claw and scratch and tear. He’d shred them into so many pieces there will be nothing left. The bubble of usual violence in skirmish’s day to day train of thought turned into a boiling messy fire that had his paws scratching at the ground like he was digging for something, to say he was bloodthirsty was an awkward understatement; it had been too long since skirmish had attacked something and by default he’d snap at anything he got the chance to. Skirmish hoped he got the first strike, and when the snivelling rat themself slinked over to view Skirmish’s heart had a metaphorical leap into the sky in excitement and anticipation. Riverclan? Were they going crazy, there was barely any rivers in the mountains. Perhaps this was a sob story.

Then a..threat? A threat? To kill off cats that they had no right to nor need to? Skirmish anchored himself and every part of him tensed. He wanted to shred the cat running their tongue more than any other cat they had skittering amongst them. Perhaps he could show some of these big-talking nobodies what a real great loss is! The thought sent his smile manic. Hold up! Tone it down skrimish, you’re yet to hear an actual command to attack and as much as the cats before you look so so so shred worthy you wouldn’t want to stirr anything up. Yes, logical thinking took its step forward for once in Skirmish’s life and with a huff he eased the smile but remained tense as ever, just one word. One phrase. One movement or nod was all it would take to send this walking anger container imploding into a furry of attacks, his tail tip twitched back and forth, eyes narrowed on one cat in particular. For the crown he’d shred a lot of cats but for his fury he’d shred a dozen more. It felt like there was a fly stuck buzzing around his ears, what was taking so long? Attack!! Shred them already! Surely no-cat would stand for such slander? Skirmish knew he wouldn’t. Some cats we’re talking to one another on both sides, this certainly rose skirmish’s suspicion. Being chummy with intruders surely wasn’t allowed. Hmm.. maybe he could distract one of these rat cats with some basic conversation and strike them down right after? He wouldn’t be very good at it but he knew he was very distracting if he tried. Skirmish rubbed a paw over his head with a sigh, too many thoughts and things bouncing around his brain all at once. He focused on preparing for attack instead. He wondered if the riverclan intruders had blood that flowed out as fast a river? Perhaps that’s why they had to bring so many cats, so they could replace ones dying out in the battlefield.

(Open for interaction from either side 2nd ever skirmish post )
- posting with garlic feather tomorrow just getting a few things done first!

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Greenleaf Cleaning!...
Last post by isla
Today 10:43 PM
riverclan, attack! [rc v...
Last post by JellyCat
Today 09:20 PM
Hunting Contest...
Last post by Alchemist Kitsune
Today 08:54 PM
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