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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cats:
 Drizzlecloud, Springlight

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Deputy: None
Medicine Cat: Lightningstorm
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Once Grousepaw had been located, it was time to head back.

"Border has been marked!" Goopywhisker chirped to the deputy. He gestured to the others to put their prey away before heading off.

Character site!
Goopypaw pixel creds to @/ramen !
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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

grousepaw padded up following goopywhisker and lifted his head to mistle with a glitter in his eyes. through the stick and flowers between his glittering teeth, grin bared, he mumbled; "takin' dee'se t' th' med den, boss." he informed, then ducked his head and scurried off to the medicine den to deposit his bounty.

[+3 cobwebs, +2 marigold ]

grousepaw is shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice
they and mossfreckle have a semi-closed den policy.

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Antlerkit
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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

she/her | 8 moons | 39/100
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
· · ────────────── · ·
[Goopywhisker - @Poprock ] [Grousepaw - @redshiftreign ] [Gutspaw - @wolfie ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Birdpaw trotted along behind her patrol, absolutely thrilled with how things went. New friends, new prey, new territory explored!!! She would have so much to tell Muma! And Freckle! Once the group dispersed, she skittered for the medicine den, ready to tell Freckle all about her patrol.

[Birdpaw delivered +1 lizard, +1 vole!]

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old July 1st, 2024, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

it . . teeth . . bite
spiky-furred black tabby with striking icy blue eyes; huge fluffy tail & a few scars in the shapes of bite-marks - has a few black nailcaps
[ ╰┈➤ @Mica

By bone, its paws were sore by the time Gutspaw had arrived back at camp. It looked as if teeth had fought a shrub and completely lost to it. Ferns were wrapped around its neck, leaves & twigs stuck out from its fur and it was desperately trying to hold onto all the items in bite's mouth. Its cheeks were puffed out, resembling a black squirrel attempting to hold all of its nuts.

The first task at paw it carried out was setting down the shrew & mouse it had caught into the fresh-kill pile. It dipped its head, murmuring an unintelligible prayer of gratitude. Best not to frustrate any entities. They did not tolerate any disrespect. The second task was speaking to Mistlewhisker. Gutspaw assumed the other three had already spoke to her considering it couldn't quite see them.

After a few brief moments of searching, the deputy was located and Gutspaw made a quick trot towards her. Maybe it should've simply dropped off all of its items at its nest before reporting but it had full intention of collapsing in it the moment it saw it. Besides, it would only make bite more late.

Gutspaw leaned down and dropped all of the items it had gathered which was as followed: pinecone, a pretty pebble, and pine bark. Eurhg, that did not taste good. Not at all. Not at all. It protectively scooped the things closer to it before glancing up to the deputy, "Kept findin' things. Didn't realize how much I got behind, my uhm, bad - er, caught a shrew 'n a mouse though, " It explained.

❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

-- the sleepy consumes me --

Last edited by wolfie; July 1st, 2024 at 09:23 AM.
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Old July 1st, 2024, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty | Kitty Softpaws

Hawkbite padded through the camp entrance, hopefully followed by Mistlewhisker and Sleepypaw. He could skip the reporting but would dip his head gratefully to the deputy for filling in where another clanmate couldn't contribute. Slowly, he'd make his way towards the Warriors' Den. His nest was calling.

As he padded away, the Commanders head hung lower than normal. The normal confident stride he graced wasn't present today. Gosh, it probably hadn't been present in the last half-moon, huh.

@Mica - Mistlewhisker | @Estelle - Sleepypaw

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
[Sleepypaw - @/Estelle ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker padded back into camp with Hawkbite and Sleepypaw, giving the latter a nod before settling by the Grimpeak to wait for the rest of the patrols to come report. As Hawkbite slowly turned away, Mistlewhisker narrowed her eye. "Hawkbite." She meowed, only continuing once he turned around and looked at her. "I will find you after patrols are finished. I wish to speak to you." With that said, she let the Commander go. She wasn't going to let him mope any longer.
Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

She, Her\Warrior\14 moons\Shadowclan
"I miss the yellow. I miss the yellin' and the shake downs."

Lybirds Lullaby [ACTIVE] Mind Reader [ACTIVE]

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
A tall cat ducked into the camp, hoping that the two apprentices were close in suit. It wasn't very hot, but Mudslide felt like tearing her own fur off. The sun practically drowned her fur, almost making it look a bright odd orange. "Mistlewhisker." She called, her voice barely reaching a yell. "Just finished." A long pause opened up in the air like a cavity after that. She let her words ring in the deputy's head as well as hers before continuing. "All is calm. Both Squirrel and Grackle.... Were... Efficient." Her voice had gotten cracky but that was the norm when reporting for these patrols. There was always something that made her sound like a goose on steroids.

She then bowed, lowering her head to the ground and raising her tail up high. It wasn't a sacred gesture, but Mudslide liked to do it, it made whatever she was doing feel important and worth doing again. That's probably why she liked patrols so much, minus the "exploring" aspect.
@furrensic // Squirrelpaw
@chickadee // Grackle
(No need to respond! o7)
@Mica // Mistlewhisker

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Ah, the first patrol to report. Mistlewhisker dipped her head to Mudslide in gratitude. If Mudslide could always prove to be this reliable, she might be worth assigning as patrol leader more often. The feline's rather deep bow had the deputy raising an eyebrow, but she did not comment on it.
Originally Posted by Estelle View Post

With a nod to both apprentice and warrior, Nightshiver gave them a soft smile between the mice in her jaws and began leading them back to camp. The trail felt like a bit of a search, but luckily, they had remained on the correct path and were making efficient time back - or at least, efficient enough, it felt as though they were cutting it close. Entering back into camp, glancing beside her to see Tuftedtusk and Quillpaw, Nightshiver approached the ShadowClan deputy with a respectful nod of her head after depositing her prey on the preypile, letting Quillpaw and Tuftedtusk do the same while she went to report.
"Mistle...whisker; we.. were a-able to... catch... well enough... prey. There... we..weren't any.... issues. Quillpaw... did... a fine... job."
She smiled, happy with how well the apprentice performed.

[ @Mica - +2 mice | @Aroogi @furrensic - to include all the catches, 2 blackbird by Tufted, 1 frog & 1 mouse by Quill I believe ]

Originally Posted by furrensic View Post

he/him. 8 moons. dark grey tom; tabby markings; light grey markings, amber and blue eyes.
[ mind reader ]

the walk back from the darkwater mire was far less interesting than it was on the way there. with the frog and mouse clamped in his jaws, he's quite proud of himself. looks like mistlewhisker's hunting training was decent .. she may be on his good list. though as he pads up to his mentor, all he offers is a curt nod followed by a short report, "everything was fine." and then he's off to whatever quill does.

[ @Mica :
+1 frog,
+1 mouse]
Originally Posted by Aroogi View Post

He/Him / Warrior / 28 moons / ShC


The tom followed the two into camp, laying his prey on the pile. "All went well, Mistlewhisker." He rumbled, before moving off to lay in a patch of weak sunlight and groom his pelt.

[ + 1 Blackbird ]
[ @Mica ; only one blackbird ! ]

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
The next group was a full patrol, and this one she had vested interest in. She gave Quillpaw and Tuftedtusk both appreciative nods as they dropped off their prey and gave their reports. "Thank you."

Turning to Nightshiver, Mistlewhisker raised her tail tip to keep the forever queen from wandering off too far. "Nightshiver. I am sure you have questions as to why you were assigned to a hunting patrol." The deputy felt the need to explain herself on this decision. "You have been doing good work for the clan for a long time." 'Good work' hardly covered it. Nightshiver was a star-send. "I wanted to give you the opportunity to stretch your legs and explore the territory. To get out of camp." The deputy canted her head, studying Nightshiver. "How did you feel? If you would like me to continue assigning you to the occasional patrol, I will. Though if you would rather I refrain, that is fine too." Mistlewhisker really had no qualms with either choice, since she had plenty of other warriors to pick from. But if Nightshiver wanted to go, she had beyond earned the right to.

Sure, she could have just asked the forever queen if she wanted to go hunting, but the thought had not actually occurred to her until after the patrol had left the camp. Oh well.
Originally Posted by squidz View Post

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
[ shadowclan warrior | she-cat | 26 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Briarsplash bounded in, casting a glance behind to make sure her patrolmates were following. Briefly shaking out her fluffy coat, the large warrior moved forward and dropped her three pieces of prey into the fresh-kill pile: a lizard, a frog, and a robin. Not too bad for a quick patrol.

Padding over to Mistlewhisker, Briarsplash dipped her head in respectful greeting and cleared her throat. Her light, raspy voice sounded proud to be representing the successful patrol (her first one leading, she would silently add) as she reported its progress.

"We each caught a few pieces of prey — the pile should be well-stocked by now. Also took to marking the borders... thankfully, there weren't any predators or enemies that we saw, but I did smell some stale badger 'n fox trails. Might've just passed there, I dunno, but should be careful just in case."

With that she stepped to the side, letting Hillstrider and Wispypaw drop off their prey and make any reports as needed. When they finished, if the deputy didn't need anything else, Briarsplash would dip her head again in farewell and head out. Satisfaction gleamed in her chest — she'd successfully led her first patrol! Hah! Let anyone call her non-Clanborn again... well, she technically still wasn't Clanborn. But she was as 'ShadowClan' as they come now, right? No one could deny that. Her days as a rogue felt far behind her — much longer ago than just 13 moons.

[ +1 lizard, +1 robin, +1 frog ]

[ @Mica - Mistle & Hill | @Kix - Wispy ]
Originally Posted by Kix View Post

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now

+ she/her + No purrks

Wispypaw followed right after Briarsplash and Hillstrider, looking a tad disgruntled but with her catches in her mouth. She was glad that neither warrior had seen her little mishap back there so at least she didn't have to feel embarrassed. That didn't mean that she wasn't too pleased it had happened in the first place, it had hurt her ego she had. Smelling out the prey pile she dropped her crow and mouse before she stood off to the side of Briarsplash. She had nothing to report or say to the deputy that would be deemed of any importance. Wispypaw wasn't sure if Hillstrider was going to say anything but she glanced over at him with her blind gaze. The dark-pelted feline hoped the other didn't have anything to say either because she was ready to go back into the apprentice's den and sulk under her nest in shame.

[ 1 mouse, 1 crow ]
@Mica @squidz

Header made by Marigold

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Another patrol Mistlewhisker had an interest in. Briarsplash had proven to be very useful recently, and it seemed her first time leading a patrol had gone well. This would be noted.

Mistlewhisker nodded in response to the she-cat's report. Badger and fox trails, hm? "Thank you. We will keep an eye on that." Better increase patrols to the area, just in case.

Wispypaw did not say anything, though Hillstrider seemed content to speak for her. The deputy pushed away a flicker of irritation at his nagging joviality. Stars, how did one cat have that much energy. "Well done, Wispypaw." She meowed, then gave Hillstrider a terse nod before awaiting the next patrol.
Originally Posted by Poprock View Post
Once Grousepaw had been located, it was time to head back.

"Border has been marked!" Goopywhisker chirped to the deputy. He gestured to the others to put their prey away before heading off.

Originally Posted by redshiftreign View Post
grousepaw padded up following goopywhisker and lifted his head to mistle with a glitter in his eyes. through the stick and flowers between his glittering teeth, grin bared, he mumbled; "takin' dee'se t' th' med den, boss." he informed, then ducked his head and scurried off to the medicine den to deposit his bounty.

[+3 cobwebs, +2 marigold ]
Originally Posted by wolfie View Post
it . . teeth . . bite
spiky-furred black tabby with striking icy blue eyes; huge fluffy tail & a few scars in the shapes of bite-marks - has a few black nailcaps
[ ╰┈➤ @Mica

By bone, its paws were sore by the time Gutspaw had arrived back at camp. It looked as if teeth had fought a shrub and completely lost to it. Ferns were wrapped around its neck, leaves & twigs stuck out from its fur and it was desperately trying to hold onto all the items in bite's mouth. Its cheeks were puffed out, resembling a black squirrel attempting to hold all of its nuts.

The first task at paw it carried out was setting down the shrew & mouse it had caught into the fresh-kill pile. It dipped its head, murmuring an unintelligible prayer of gratitude. Best not to frustrate any entities. They did not tolerate any disrespect. The second task was speaking to Mistlewhisker. Gutspaw assumed the other three had already spoke to her considering it couldn't quite see them.

After a few brief moments of searching, the deputy was located and Gutspaw made a quick trot towards her. Maybe it should've simply dropped off all of its items at its nest before reporting but it had full intention of collapsing in it the moment it saw it. Besides, it would only make bite more late.

Gutspaw leaned down and dropped all of the items it had gathered which was as followed: pinecone, a pretty pebble, and pine bark. Eurhg, that did not taste good. Not at all. Not at all. It protectively scooped the things closer to it before glancing up to the deputy, "Kept findin' things. Didn't realize how much I got behind, my uhm, bad - er, caught a shrew 'n a mouse though, " It explained.

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Ah, another patrol. Mistlewhisker studied Goopywhisker as he approached, noticing the lack of prey in his jaws. The rest of his patrol seemed to do well for themselves; the apprentices carrying multiple pieces of prey each. As the three apprentices moved to put their prey away--she gave Grousepaw a nod when she mumbled that she would be putting the herbs away, "well done, as usual."--she turned to Goopywhisker as he began padding off. The corner of her mouth twisted into a frown for a brief moment. While she understood it was hypocritical of her to prize efficiency over everything else while still wishing her, uh, ward, would stop to chat, Mistlewhisker was painfully aware of her frustration. She tucked it away for later.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign

Last edited by Mica; July 1st, 2024 at 09:41 PM.
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