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Old June 25th, 2024, 12:46 AM
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Default Your Opening Act!

| I'm so eepy and I'm so sorry for how late this is /w\ ]

Oh. Oh. Oh stars! Oh stars, not now...no no no... It was almost ironic though in a sort of poetic in some twisted and messed up way. It started before they made it into the camp, though Spiritbunny hadn't even realized it at first. Assuming the throbbing pain in her entire body was the result of all the stress that she's been through (Mistyshard's earlier words about how stress can effect her babies' health rang loudly but he pushed it away like an old prop no longer in use) but no, as it persisted as she collapsed into the poor excuse of a stage, of a theater, of a home and camp. The air in her lungs felt like it was being ripped away and she was gasping as her claws dug into the ground under her. Pain, pain, pain...oh stars, was it so bad because- iron hit her nose and she caterwauled in sheer distress without even meaning to. Why! Why was there blood. She needed help! Help please! "HELP!" Air was escaping her and the pain was growing so much, she could hardly even keep her eyes open against it. Nothing wanting more than a nap the longer everything in the world around them persisted.
[ @Bean - Tansykit | @Weekend-Wondering - Nectarkit | @constellation - Lavenderkit | Rainkit - @Lightningpaw666 | Iriskit - @Hollyheart of thunderclan | @burntToast - Cloverkit | @starry - Mistyshard | @squidz - Berrypaw(?) ]
[ Alright so kits! I was hoping that you would be willing for Spirit and Misty could trade some posts as the kits are born and then checked over before you start posting for the sake of organization and speeding through this roleplay so we can finally have the kits (so sorry for the wait, again!). After that I was thinking that there could be a timeskip of 1 moon so the kits can do things and stuff. I was thinking that we could vote if we want to do 1 moon = 2 weeks or 1 moon = 1 month, so the kits can age at the same rate but ultimately you can do whatever with your character. I was thinking 1 moon = 2 weeks personally. ]

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!
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Old June 25th, 2024, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: Your Opening Act!

I vote 1 moon = two weeks
¨Dont pretend the past never happened, Lionblaze. Its like my shadow. Always following me¨ Hollyleaf in The Last Hope
Mangroveheart is Rootclan's medicine cat! Find her here!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...33#post1593933
VM me to become a BeAn.

Nobody is in the can of beanzzz yet...
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Old June 25th, 2024, 01:47 AM
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Default Re: Your Opening Act!

Also, I'm ok to misty and spirit exchanging post.
¨Dont pretend the past never happened, Lionblaze. Its like my shadow. Always following me¨ Hollyleaf in The Last Hope
Mangroveheart is Rootclan's medicine cat! Find her here!https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...33#post1593933
VM me to become a BeAn.

Nobody is in the can of beanzzz yet...
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Old June 30th, 2024, 04:53 AM
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Default Re: Your Opening Act!

RiverClan Medicine Cat
40 Moons, She/Her
Purrks: The Collector, Dreamwalker
Mistyshard's ears pricked at the sound of Spiritbunny's cries. Her one amber eye widened in alarm and she rushed over to where the she-cat had collapsed, heart pounding. The smell of blood hit her nose hard, making her move faster. Gosh dammit, a kitting! She had no experience in those...

"Spiritbunny! Stay calm, I'm here," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Berrypaw!" she called out loudly, urgency in her tone. "I need your help!"

Kneeling beside Spiritbunny, Mistyshard quickly looked over the situation. The pain, the blood - it was clear that the kits were coming. She'd always had a bit of a bad feeling about Spiritbunny's kits, especially after how stressed the queen had been about them and how that could affect their health.. "Breathe, Spiritbunny. Just keep breathing," she said, trying reassure the panicked queen.

Realizing she needed supplies, the herbalist sprinted to the medicine den. She grabbed some moss, marigold, and cobwebs, her paws moving as fast as they could. She raced back to Spiritbunny's side, panting slightly but remaining focused.

She started getting the herbs ready, her mind racing but paws steady. As Berrypaw joined her, Mistyshard gave her instructions. "Berrypaw, we need to keep Spiritbunny calm and comfy. Get some moss soaked in water and bring it here. We need to keep her hydrated. And a stick if you can find one maybe.." She turned back to Spiritbunny, giving her a reassuring look. "You're doing great. Just a little longer, okay?"

The air was tense, but Mistyshard focused on the job. She knew every second counted now. This wasn't how she thought her day would go, but she was ready to do everything she could to help Spiritbunny and her kits. It was her duty after all, and she loved (most of) her clanmates dearly.

[ @Dolomedes - Spiritbunny ] [ @squidz - Berrypaw ]

Mistyshard is RiverClan’s current Medicine Cat. She has a semi-closed den policy. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to VM or DM me!

RiverClan Healing || Medicine Cat Den
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Old June 30th, 2024, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Your Opening Act!


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Berrypaw had been trying to investigate some of the sparse vegetation near their designated healing area when Mistyshard's anxious, high-pitched yowl caught her attention. Whirling around in alarm, Berrypaw raced over, fur standing on end with what she might find. There was a faint blood scent in the air, and... oh. Spiritbunny was bleeding! Were queens supposed to bleed? It had never really crossed her mind. It made sense, but... oh, stars, who cares. She had to focus!

"I-I'm here!" She stammered, slightly panting from her mad dash over. Her little heart was already racing, looking at the pained queen with widened eyes. It was then that she remembered she didn't know the first thing about kitting... guess it was time to learn.

She had been a little lost in those thoughts when Mistyshard's instructions snapped her back to the present. Drinking in every word as intently as she could, the young apprentice nodded firmly, rehearsing them in her head. "Water, stick... got it!" She confirmed with a huff, bolting off to grab the supplies. Finding the nearest clean puddle she could, she dunked the moss into it, getting it nice and soaked for the struggling queen. Snagging a spare stick from the medicine supply on her way back, the small brown-furred apprentice reappeared within a few minutes, panting but having retrieved all she needed.

She dropped the moss ball near Spiritbunny's maw, helping squeeze out some water and offering her a smile that was simultaneously nervous yet encouraging. As she did, Berrypaw glanced at Mistyshard, lowering her voice as if trying to hide the words from Spiritbunny: "What, uh... what's the stick for?" She whispered, as if the queen two pawsteps away from her couldn't hear.

Heart racing, Berrypaw watched all that Misty did as best she could, taking in how she began to treat the kitting queen. Stars, this was already intense... and there wasn't even a single kit coming out yet. Not to mention the fact they were in completely unfamiliar territory, up here on the mountains after being exiled from the forest...


She'd been getting herself worked up, and now was not the time to try to process the situation. Taking in a deep breath, Berrypaw steadied herself, ready for anything else her mentor might say as she watched with widened eyes.

[ @starry - Mistyshard | @Dolomedes - Spiritbunny | IT'S TIMEEE ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

Last edited by squidz; June 30th, 2024 at 11:44 PM.
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Old Yesterday, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: Your Opening Act!

| Any Pronouns | RC Queen | 23 moons?? Or something | Purrks: Silver tongue |

Spiritbunny lifted her head in the direction of the medicine cat that entered the space, oh thank the stars that she was here and efficient. Not that her brain was able to hold onto the gratitude for very long before pain swept up all rational thought again when another bout of pang seared through her stomach. Oh great. Never again, never again will she have kits. She blinked and honestly thought she passed out for a bit because next thing she knew there was moss in front of her, alright, yeah that made sense. Though whatever words the herbalists were saying to the queen were lost with the blood rushing through her ears. This was fine and probably a totally normal thing to be happening during a kitting, yeppers.

The first kit was a little molly, dark furred with little speckles... Spiritbunny couldn't even get any words out to name the kit before she was in more pain and then also focused on the blood the littered the kitten's fur. Oh she was fine, she was going to be fine. It was likely just Spiritbunny's own blood on the kit, besides both medicine cats were right here still so it was going to be okay, right? Perfectly- ( Tansykit - @Bean | Tansy is half blind and born weak )

The next kit was a tom who was born with white and russet split fur, straight down the middle, except for his face that was, with red being on both sides though...oh was that crimson blood not russet? Spiritbunny attempted to lift her head to fully turn it and really look at her kit to make sure that he was okay but she couldn't find the energy to do so when yet another searing of pain ripped through her body. ( Nectarkit - @Weekend-Wondering | Nectar is born with a bloody nose and a condition that makes bleeding incredibly hard to stop.

The third kit was a mostly black molly with a white tummy and paws, she seemed to be okay, less blood on her though it was still there. Spiritbunny took some of the water off of the moss and then clenched her eyes shut against the next round of nauseating pain. Yep, if she ever wants anymore kits then she was going to adopt. No way in starclan's name is she going to go through this again ever. Huge respect for queens who have multiple litters, or just one litter for that matter. Ugh.

The fourth kit was a white tom with russet speckles. Though, oh stars, he was missing a front leg and his tail was a stub...that... no that was okay, at least he was still breathing and alive. It was okay, Spiritbunny was crying, had been crying but this wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to have her kits at home, in the Riverclan camp she's lived in her entire life and have a healthy litter so her kits could grow up with no issues or fear of lingering wars but that wouldn't happen. At least they were alive. All of her kits so far are at least alive. ( Primrosekit - @/Dolomedes | Primrose has a missing front leg (albow? down is gone) and a stubby tail but that's fine lol. )

Her vision was starting to get blurry and she laid her head down, though it was her body threatening to allow her head to just drop than her willingly laying down. The world was spinning but she couldn't rest yet. Though the corners of her vision were started to line with black. Was Spiritbunny going to die here?The next kit she didn't even have the strength to look at. Then the next, and the next, then finally the last. Though at that point Spiritbunny realized there were no more and her body very faintly released some of the pain but at the same time her eyes slipped shut and she fell unconscious.
[ @starry - Mistyshard | @squidz - Berrypaw ]
[ Sorry for how fast this moves, wanted to get it all done-ish so you guys could do your posts and then the kits can finally be roleplayed after like 2 months of waiting (sorry about that again || The final kits were: Lavenderkit - @constellation | Healthy // Rainkit - @Lightningpaw666 || Deaf // Iriskit - @Hollyheart of thunder || Blind // A stillborn, unroleplayed // Then finally Cloverkit - @burntToast || Weak at birth and a low immune system ]
[ Spiritbunny passed out from blood loss, but she should recover soon ]
[ Hope I got everything right? If I didn't please let me know and I'll fix it right up ]

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!

Last edited by Dolomedes; Yesterday at 01:58 PM.
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