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Old June 30th, 2024, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by ghost. View Post

(random question, if i bought one with the warren for him would he have the knowledge to become a tunneler?)
He dipped his head. "Apologies for getting ahead of myself." he said. He listened as the leader began to talk about the raid and him attacking Berrypaw. "I understand not being upset. I'm not even angry at Stagheart. In all honesty, I respect him. He defended her from something I shouldn't have done. And if you see fit, I wouldn't blame you exiling me. I deserve it, honestly. I basically broke 2 of the most important rules you set down. While Rootpaw wasn't a kit, she was freshly apprenticed by the look of her. Truthfully, I was a bit delirious from blood loss after my face was mauled- not that I blame Stagheart for doing it- so I thought she was bigger then she was. I think I may have broken one of her ribs." he finished. The tripod gave a heavy sigh, adjusting himself to be more comfortable.
@Moonraven - Twilightstar

[No, getting that purrk doesn't automatically make cats tunnelers, they just know how to navigate in the tunnels. They'd still need actual tunneling training. Just how get the purrk Herbal Knowledge doesn't automatically make a cat a medicine cat. ]

So Twilightstar would have been more impressed with Thrushfeather's response and willingness to take responsibility for his actions if he hadn't come here, getting ahead of himself as he did, and left her to bring up his wrongdoings. At the moment it just sounded like he was saying sorry cause he got caught. But he was taking responsibility so she wouldn't fault him for that.

"You'll be spending the next two moons as Thrushpaw, with all the same restrictions of an apprentice. You can rehabilitate yourself while you're demoted. The only reason you're not getting exiled is because of Stagheart." The injury he received were a lesson in themselves. Unless he had more to add, he could go.

[Thrushpaw's punishment will be up on August 25th]

Originally Posted by cowboy froggo View Post
2 moons | she/her | windclan

She walked into the leaders den, trying not to step on anything that she
can mess up. she liked everything to be perfect! "Hey miss! um I can
finally get out of the nursery now! I just have a thing to tell you, I d-dont
know what it is, but I just start shaking sometimes, it makes me feel like
my heart is going to explode, am I ok? I'm sorry to bother you! Should i
go to the medicine cats den? By the way, I like ur den! it's pretty!"
the kit
said as she sat there looking around at everything.


Twilightstar blinked her eye slowly after Frogkit stepped inside. The lilac-gray she-cat took a moment recall that the she-cat's punishment was indeed up. Twilightstar hoped that whatever she was visiting for didn't involve Flowerpaw, Twilightstar wasn't looking forward to arguing about why the she-cat was unfit to be a mother. Thankfully, today it seemed there would be no swearing involved and the kit had a new problem.

"Shaking and heart exploding... that's concerning. It sounded like an adrenaline rush, or a panic attack but I'm not a medicine cat." Twilightstar replied politely with a touch of concern in her eyes. She leaned in to give the kitten a few sniffs. "You don't smell sick and you don't look sick, you should be fine. But I'd visit Lightningstorm just to be certain." Twilightstar urged. The randomness and lack of attention span was very much in time with regular kitten behavior.

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post
[ @Moonraven ]

Watertail limped into the den. "Twlightstar?" The senior warrior rasped. The bandage on his torn ear showing in the dim-ish light. Waiting for his leader to notice him. The elder sat, his old bones not able to hold him up as much as they used to. He'd avenged his mate and kits. Orangepaw had died and he needed to tell his leader...... as well as his personal desires.

Twilightstar peered at the senior warrior as he entered her den. She eyed him curiously. Leechscar had reported to her about him being a pain in his tail during the raid regarding Lostspark. Her son had referred to the older cat as a walking embarrassment and questioned how he got his warrior name in the first. That, and his strange amnesia.

"Watertail, how are you? Leechscar has told me you suffered a head injury after the fight with RiverClan that messed with your memory." Among other things, but Twilightstar could touch upon those later. She was a bit surprised that he even recalled her. Leechscar said he recalled certain cats but not others, which was odd. Twilightstar dealt with multiple cases where cats lose their memories, she's never seen or heard of a cause of whatever Watertail had.

Owlkit bounced on her bottom as she looked at Bigcat with wide, hopeful blue-green eyes. She was gonna say-- oh. Owlkit somehow kept an upbeat smile on her face. And then allowed it to droop to neutral for a moment. Then she perked up again. It was a desperate attempt by the kitten, and she could only cross her paws to hope it worked. See, The only thing Aubs wasn't carefree about was... well, kits. They just weren't nice to be around. For her at least. Although she could certainly befriend a denmate if she tried, all the kits wanted to do is yell. Be loud. And Owlkit, an attention seeker, felt sober and unheard around kits. Well, some kits anyhow. But the thought of a BIIIG game of hide and seek sounded rather enjoyable, so she gave in rather quickly. She bounced in excitement. "Yay! Yes! Big'ame of hidden seek! Hide n Seek!" She could never say Hide and Seek right, could she? "We 'onna win! By lots!" The cinnamon tortie boasted, tail sticking straight out like a twig. "By thiiiiis much!" She spread her front paws out wide- SNEEZE. SNEEZE. Wowee, big sneezes! No matter! She'd win anyhow! She ALWAYS wins! Cause she can fit anywhere! An exaggeration. She wishes she were flexible. But it's the thought that counts!

Twilightstar noticed the bright twinkle that surrounded the kit dim for a moment. It was barely noticeable and wouldn't have been caught if Twilightstar hadn't been watching. She didn't see fond of kits. Twilightstar wasn't sure why, but if she caught it right the molly was putting on quite the act. But she seemed so genuinely excited to play together. Perhaps she was like Leechscar, he could cooperate and tolerate other cats, but he didn't really like being with them. He got his social stimulation from one or two cats at a time and in small doses.

She supposed they didn't have to play long if Owlkit got bored or felt ousted in somewhat. "Wonderful, come along then, let's see who wanted to play with us." Twilightstar purred softly before leading the way out of her den.

Originally Posted by Spider. View Post

the white and black tom shook his head "No windclan smell or any smell of a clan cat i believe the apprentice was and outsider due to the scent but no not a single predator in the area I could smell." the tom told about the smell twitching his tail as he spoke "The cat had a dark brown pelt with a few white splotches and I think green eyes it was hard to tell...I did bury the body temporally in starry meadow unsure what to do." he told the leader dipping his head after he finished speaking the air in the den was tense with a slight hit of dread tallgrass never liked seeing young cats dead it always made the taste in his mouth sour the tom took a heavy breath,

This was getting stranger and stranger. It wasn't uncommon for warriors to chase off or even kill outsiders that roamed in their territory, but normally things like that were reported and the body taken to the outskirts so not to attract predators. It was also odd to kill cats as young as an apprentice without a very good reason or you were ShadowClan.

There was no predator around either. The description given wasn't anyone Twilightstar was aware off. It sounded like they had a full blown myst— hold it what?! "Wait you buried the body?" The tension in the den amped up when the leader growled. "Tallgrass, you can't go burying unknown cats in the Starry Meadow! I would also would have liked to have a look at the cat to see if there was anything that you missed. If there is a murderer or something going around killing apprentice, I would like to very much know who."

If there was so unknown threat roaming her territory, she'd like to at least get some idea on who or what it was. They didn't even know who the cat was! It could be nothing, or it could be something. Twilightstar would have liked something peace of mind that it was nothing before she reported it to the clan.

Twilightstar sighed loudly and then stood and shook out her pelt. No point in crying about something she couldn't change now. "Can you show me where you found the cat. Perhaps I'll spot something that you did not."


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:14 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den


16 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

WindClan warrior

"Twilightstar, I know you’re busy but could I have a moment please?" Sunburst said as he entered the leader's den. "So uhh…a little while back I was relaxing and enjoying the weather, when all of a sudden this young rogue appears, so I told her to leave but she didn’t listen and insulted me." He was telling the story not knowing that Tallgrass, who was also in here, had come to report the murder of that very cat.

"So I gets angry, y'know, and I attacked her. I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I injured her pretty badly before telling her to never come back. Anyway, after that fight I suddenly gets really tired and I'm not sure why, so I starts walking back here, but I fell asleep on the ground there. When I woke up, I vaguely remembered being in a fight but just assumed it was a dream, but more memories kept coming back to me and I realised over time that this was real. So not long ago I went back to where the fight happened, y'know to check that she got out alright, and I seen a bit of blood but no cat, so I know she at least made it out. Maybe I was a little harsh on her though, but I don’t see her trespassing again."

Little did he know he’d basically just admitted to murder in front of the leader of the clan and the cat who’d found the body, but he had no idea that this cat died after he attacked her and just assumed she'd taken his warning and ran away. Sunburst could be a completely different cat when rage overtook him.

@Moonraven @Spider. — Looks like the murderer just confessed by accident XD
Duskleaf is currently a RiverClan Lionheart. If you need him at all, feel free to ping or message me!

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Old June 30th, 2024, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

[No, getting that purrk doesn't automatically make cats tunnelers, they just know how to navigate in the tunnels. They'd still need actual tunneling training. Just how get the purrk Herbal Knowledge doesn't automatically make a cat a medicine cat. ]

So Twilightstar would have been more impressed with Thrushfeather's response and willingness to take responsibility for his actions if he hadn't come here, getting ahead of himself as he did, and left her to bring up his wrongdoings. At the moment it just sounded like he was saying sorry cause he got caught. But he was taking responsibility so she wouldn't fault him for that.

"You'll be spending the next two moons as Thrushpaw, with all the same restrictions of an apprentice. You can rehabilitate yourself while you're demoted. The only reason you're not getting exiled is because of Stagheart." The injury he received were a lesson in themselves. Unless he had more to add, he could go.

[Thrushpaw's punishment will be up on August 25th]

Twilightstar blinked her eye slowly after Frogkit stepped inside. The lilac-gray she-cat took a moment recall that the she-cat's punishment was indeed up. Twilightstar hoped that whatever she was visiting for didn't involve Flowerpaw, Twilightstar wasn't looking forward to arguing about why the she-cat was unfit to be a mother. Thankfully, today it seemed there would be no swearing involved and the kit had a new problem.

"Shaking and heart exploding... that's concerning. It sounded like an adrenaline rush, or a panic attack but I'm not a medicine cat." Twilightstar replied politely with a touch of concern in her eyes. She leaned in to give the kitten a few sniffs. "You don't smell sick and you don't look sick, you should be fine. But I'd visit Lightningstorm just to be certain." Twilightstar urged. The randomness and lack of attention span was very much in time with regular kitten behavior.

Twilightstar peered at the senior warrior as he entered her den. She eyed him curiously. Leechscar had reported to her about him being a pain in his tail during the raid regarding Lostspark. Her son had referred to the older cat as a walking embarrassment and questioned how he got his warrior name in the first. That, and his strange amnesia.

"Watertail, how are you? Leechscar has told me you suffered a head injury after the fight with RiverClan that messed with your memory." Among other things, but Twilightstar could touch upon those later. She was a bit surprised that he even recalled her. Leechscar said he recalled certain cats but not others, which was odd. Twilightstar dealt with multiple cases where cats lose their memories, she's never seen or heard of a cause of whatever Watertail had.

Owlkit bounced on her bottom as she looked at Bigcat with wide, hopeful blue-green eyes. She was gonna say-- oh. Owlkit somehow kept an upbeat smile on her face. And then allowed it to droop to neutral for a moment. Then she perked up again. It was a desperate attempt by the kitten, and she could only cross her paws to hope it worked. See, The only thing Aubs wasn't carefree about was... well, kits. They just weren't nice to be around. For her at least. Although she could certainly befriend a denmate if she tried, all the kits wanted to do is yell. Be loud. And Owlkit, an attention seeker, felt sober and unheard around kits. Well, some kits anyhow. But the thought of a BIIIG game of hide and seek sounded rather enjoyable, so she gave in rather quickly. She bounced in excitement. "Yay! Yes! Big'ame of hidden seek! Hide n Seek!" She could never say Hide and Seek right, could she? "We 'onna win! By lots!" The cinnamon tortie boasted, tail sticking straight out like a twig. "By thiiiiis much!" She spread her front paws out wide- SNEEZE. SNEEZE. Wowee, big sneezes! No matter! She'd win anyhow! She ALWAYS wins! Cause she can fit anywhere! An exaggeration. She wishes she were flexible. But it's the thought that counts!

Twilightstar noticed the bright twinkle that surrounded the kit dim for a moment. It was barely noticeable and wouldn't have been caught if Twilightstar hadn't been watching. She didn't see fond of kits. Twilightstar wasn't sure why, but if she caught it right the molly was putting on quite the act. But she seemed so genuinely excited to play together. Perhaps she was like Leechscar, he could cooperate and tolerate other cats, but he didn't really like being with them. He got his social stimulation from one or two cats at a time and in small doses.

She supposed they didn't have to play long if Owlkit got bored or felt ousted in somewhat. "Wonderful, come along then, let's see who wanted to play with us." Twilightstar purred softly before leading the way out of her den.

This was getting stranger and stranger. It wasn't uncommon for warriors to chase off or even kill outsiders that roamed in their territory, but normally things like that were reported and the body taken to the outskirts so not to attract predators. It was also odd to kill cats as young as an apprentice without a very good reason or you were ShadowClan.

There was no predator around either. The description given wasn't anyone Twilightstar was aware off. It sounded like they had a full blown myst— hold it what?! "Wait you buried the body?" The tension in the den amped up when the leader growled. "Tallgrass, you can't go burying unknown cats in the Starry Meadow! I would also would have liked to have a look at the cat to see if there was anything that you missed. If there is a murderer or something going around killing apprentice, I would like to very much know who."

If there was so unknown threat roaming her territory, she'd like to at least get some idea on who or what it was. They didn't even know who the cat was! It could be nothing, or it could be something. Twilightstar would have liked something peace of mind that it was nothing before she reported it to the clan.

Twilightstar sighed loudly and then stood and shook out her pelt. No point in crying about something she couldn't change now. "Can you show me where you found the cat. Perhaps I'll spot something that you did not."


Watertail dipped his head. Mewing in a respectful but weakened voice. "I'm doing better. My memory is still a mystery to the naked eye." Watertail mewed. Looking at his leader he winced gently, his once muscular and formidable looking self was now a bit skinny and fragile. Though the muscle never faded. Gently placing himself on his haunches, he shot his leader an apologetic look for sitting without being asked. It hurt to much for him to stand. "I have.. two things to tell..... one to inform and one to ask." Watertail rasped, his tail gently going over his paws, looking neat despite his injured self. Watertail's dementia shot in.. "I...I forgot my own son... Orangepaw... but I remembered him to late" Watertail meowed, his voice filled with grief and pain, closing his eyes briefly as he let out a shaky exhale. "Orangepaw....... is gone.... he took his own life... and I think I'm the reason why." Watertail finally said, it took the seasoned Tom a moment to grow strength in his words, forcing himself to look normal though the pain was seeping into his tone.

Watertail waited until after his leaders reaction and his response. He then mewed, "The thing was.. no matter what den I'm in, wheather it's the warriors den, the medicine den..." Pausing for a breath he finished, "Or the elders den, I will still serve Windclan with my life. And be loyal no matter what. But I would like to ask... may I join the elders den? I'm beyond my time... I strived for one thing.. and now that I've achieved it." Watertail paused once more, his eyes glazing in pain as he meowed, "I'd like to retire... I'm reaching my 100th moon, I think i'd be better off serving Windclan by helping kits grow to be formidable warriors rather than being one. No matter how much I'll miss it. I think my time is due....." Watertail explained. His words seemed a bit off as his head was killing him, but he still felt the need to share his feelings, Watertail was also a fairly reserved and quiet Tom, which made him feel a bit akward at sharing so much.

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Last edited by SeonghwaBerry; June 30th, 2024 at 08:08 PM.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

@Moonraven @Seasmog

TallGrass dipped his head feeling the air turn heavy as the leader growled at him "Yes twilightstar I do apologize I didnt know wht to do with the body so i buried it thinking of the most reasonable option ." the tom said feeling like he messed up "Yes miss I can show you were the body was found and if you want I can take you to starry meadow as the body was very recently buried" he meowed sawing his tail uneasy
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

| Lightningstorm |
20 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

It was quite amazing how simple it was for the lithe form to climb to the leader's den. Far easier than convincing herself to enter. She'd gathered enough of clan life and what it entailed during her moons living silently without her memory. Some cats had noticed, the one called Crowtooth especially receptive among the warriors. She assumed a few others had figured it out as well, but none had openly stated as such to her. Why that was, she didn't know, but it made the prospect of facing the leader all the more daunting. Had she figured it out? Would she dismiss her entirely because of her condition? She felt she had been serving the clan well... and if she was kicked out... what else was she to do? StarClan had sent no message her way, and of its existence she was certain. As much as she knew she was meant to stay here and heal the clan.

With that job, unfortunately, had come a few problems. Ones that she couldn't ignore. Watertail's condition had not improved in the time she had been assessing him. His amnesia shouldn't prove him incapable of working as a warrior, but there seemed to be something else there. Unlike her own. And then there was the matter of Flowerheart and the last batch of patrols to report. Hopefully... she would be able to speak clearly enough that she could prove her worth even if the leader knew about her... There was a chance. Why else would she have not allowed her to participate in that RiverClan raid if not because she sensed something was off, after all?

"Twilightstar?" Lightningstorm mewed, her tail twitching lightly behind her as she poked her head through the entrance, balancing herself gracefully just outside. "May I have a word?"

@Moonraven [Twilightstar]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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