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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cats:
 Drizzlecloud, Springlight

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Moonpaw was in no mood to stay out later than necessary. His siblings were going to snitch on him it he messed up even a little. Thats why he was the first of his patrol to scurry home, knowing the two warriors were close behind.
“I got these honeycomb for mom- er. For you.” He mrrowed to the medicine cat, depositing his herbs.
@ellie @Morrigan @Starphobia (mobile post im so sorry LOL)
Character site!
Goopypaw pixel creds to @/ramen !
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Old June 26th, 2024, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty | Kitty Softpaws

Hawkbite padded through the camp entrance, hopefully followed by Mistlewhisker and Sleepypaw. He could skip the reporting but would dip his head gratefully to the deputy for filling in where another clanmate couldn't contribute. Slowly, he'd make his way towards the Warriors' Den. His nest was calling.

As he padded away, the Commanders head hung lower than normal. The normal confident stride he graced wasn't present today. Gosh, it probably hadn't been present in the last half-moon, huh.

@Mica - Mistlewhisker | @Estelle - Sleepypaw



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Old June 26th, 2024, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty | Kitty Softpaws

Well. The Commander was tired of waiting and pulling tails around. He padded back into the camp with irritable flicks of his tail. He merely hoped Brownpaw was following behind him or he'd have, not one but, two apprentices to go searching for and punishing. If Mossfreckle didn't provide a good enough punishment, Hawkbite surely would.

Eggpaw seemed to have disappeared off the face of the Earth during their patrol, he'd be heading back out to search the area for the apprentice. He wanted to grit his teeth, but there were delicate herbs in his mouth that prevented it.

"Here," Hawkbite grumbled, setting the herbs down at Mossfreckle's paws before turning to look for any sign of Brownpaw. "I'll be back later. Eggpaw decided to disappear. I'm going to skin him alive if he has the audacity to linger around the territory with nothing to show," Hawkbite growled, half to himself. The fur along his shoulders were on end and his movements were tense. "Also, Brownpaw... she's... not herself. I can smell the illness on her. I think she needs to visit you and Grousepaw."

With that, the Commander set off back towards the territory.

[+3 catmint, +1 chickweed, +1 celandine]

@ellie - Mossfreckle | @zozelen - Brownpaw



Last edited by SuspiciousMindz; June 26th, 2024 at 10:17 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Brownpaw, She/her, 8 Moons
Shadowclan Apprentice

Brownpaw skidded to a stop in the patrol place, having used the little strength left in her body to run after Hawkbite. She dropped the herbs at her paws, panting and taking a few moments to catch her breath, trembling a little from exhaustion and the feverish chill in her pelt. Then the apprentice started coughing.

She couldn't get any words out for at least a minute, at least nothing coherent. Everything ached, and her nose was stuffy and she really, really just wanted to stop chasing her mentor. Was Brownpaw really that slow? Maybe today she was.

Once she finally felt like she could breathe again, after devolving into the coughing fit in front of Mossfreckle, Brownpaw weakly raised her head to look up at her mentor- who... wasn't there anymore. Oh. Had he already walked out, by the time she arrived? Brownpaw couldn't remember. She quietly sniffled, nose running and heart feeling a little like it was stepped on.

"Got... flowers. And catmint," Brownpaw informed Mossfreckle, pointing at the herbs by her paws. Her voice was small and raspy. "N'd, um, where... where did Hawkbite go?"

(+3 celandine, +2 catmint)

@ellie @SuspiciousMindz

my rp tracker

Last edited by zozelen; June 26th, 2024 at 10:38 PM.
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Old June 27th, 2024, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

very large & fluffy dilute gray tortie she-cat with goldish-green eyes
[ shadowclan warrior | she-cat | 26 moons | abrasive, standoffish, loyal ]


Briarsplash bounded in, casting a glance behind to make sure her patrolmates were following. Briefly shaking out her fluffy coat, the large warrior moved forward and dropped her three pieces of prey into the fresh-kill pile: a lizard, a frog, and a robin. Not too bad for a quick patrol.

Padding over to Mistlewhisker, Briarsplash dipped her head in respectful greeting and cleared her throat. Her light, raspy voice sounded proud to be representing the successful patrol (her first one leading, she would silently add) as she reported its progress.

"We each caught a few pieces of prey — the pile should be well-stocked by now. Also took to marking the borders... thankfully, there weren't any predators or enemies that we saw, but I did smell some stale badger 'n fox trails. Might've just passed there, I dunno, but should be careful just in case."

With that she stepped to the side, letting Hillstrider and Wispypaw drop off their prey and make any reports as needed. When they finished, if the deputy didn't need anything else, Briarsplash would dip her head again in farewell and head out. Satisfaction gleamed in her chest — she'd successfully led her first patrol! Hah! Let anyone call her non-Clanborn again... well, she technically still wasn't Clanborn. But she was as 'ShadowClan' as they come now, right? No one could deny that. Her days as a rogue felt far behind her — much longer ago than just 13 moons.

[ +1 lizard, +1 robin, +1 frog ]

[ @Mica - Mistle & Hill | @Kix - Wispy ]
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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Old June 28th, 2024, 12:34 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat

❦ The herbalist had returned moments before, freckled oriental form returning to its perch beneath the ancient jutting stump of the Grimpeak with the poisons he had gathered tucked neatly beneath his petite paws for safe keeping as his feathery, white tipped tail fluffed to curl over his paws in an added level of protection between the deadly herbs and the world beyond as the other patrols returned of seemingly did not return seeing as they never left - he respected the rules Dawnstar set forth for them seeing as it truly was not an ideal situation to risk a line feline being turned into a delectable meal for lunatic that resided amongst the ranks of Shadowclan, albeit they seemed to have taken a hint and put their danse macabre on hold. Mossy hues darted towards a lone marbled figure that padded towards him radiating annoyance and a seeming distaste for the situation that they were in… not their fault… but regardless of whom truly deserved the blame Mossfreckle’s feathery tail began to twitch idly before lashing in small, controlled flicks of discontent and minute irritation at what seemed to be an inkling of their past lackadaisical manners that had lead to their move - a subsequent punishment. ”Mudslide,” a can’t of his head the sole acknowledgment of the molly as he contemplated the needed actions of their current situation, ”Since those assigned to your patrol decided that their time was better spent serving themselves over the clan, you are welcome to head out with me and we can complete the patrol [ Moss is allowed out without following the rule, you would pp him going with mud and getting the herbs ] or you can find two other clanmates to go out with you [ you will have until the 4th of July to complete it, but feel free to ask for an extension if needed], I do not care who but make sure the patron is completed - this is not your fault but it is you problem,” he was not mad at the feline that stood before him but at the end of the day the patrol needed completed and she was the only one who had showed up and thus the responsibility fell on her.

{ @Marigoldwhisper ~ Mudslide // sorry this is short /w\ }

Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat
Mossfreckle’s Tracker // ShadowClan Healing // ShadowClan Herb Storage // Roleplay Tracker

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Old June 28th, 2024, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now

+ she/her + No purrks

Wispypaw followed right after Briarsplash and Hillstrider, looking a tad disgruntled but with her catches in her mouth. She was glad that neither warrior had seen her little mishap back there so at least she didn't have to feel embarrassed. That didn't mean that she wasn't too pleased it had happened in the first place, it had hurt her ego she had. Smelling out the prey pile she dropped her crow and mouse before she stood off to the side of Briarsplash. She had nothing to report or say to the deputy that would be deemed of any importance. Wispypaw wasn't sure if Hillstrider was going to say anything but she glanced over at him with her blind gaze. The dark-pelted feline hoped the other didn't have anything to say either because she was ready to go back into the apprentice's den and sulk under her nest in shame.

[ 1 mouse, 1 crow ]
@Mica @squidz

Header made by Marigold

Any actions or words said by my characters are not a reflection of how I feel!!

Feel free to hit me up if you want to rp with me
Springburst/ Sunpaw / Wispypaw

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Old June 29th, 2024, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Shadowclan guard
Purrks: Just a scratch(active) and Shadow fiend(inactive)

Darkcloud padded back to camp, amber hues locked onto Moonpaw as he scurried at the lead. They both seemed to have collected only honeycomb. A bit inconvenient, but hopefully Iceclaw had gathered the other required herbs. The patrol depended on it. She didn't fancy being demoted.

Locating the medicine cat on her arrival, the guard placed the honeycomb at Mossfreckle's paws with a polite dip of her head. Almost completely forgetting she'd been stung once or twice on her paw. The pain was nonexistent. "If you need anything else let me know." was the last murmur she gave before starting to stalk away. She'd contributed to the patrol and that was it.

(+3 Honeycomb)

@ellie @Poprock @Starphobia

Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
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Old Yesterday, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Sharpfrost padded back into the camp with a mouth full of herbs. She dropped off her cargo and and grimaced at the leftover flavors.
Purrks! Shadow Walker, Kitty Softpaws are Both active!
Credit to Jude for the sig pics!


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Old Yesterday, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

he/him | 21 moons
[Big fluffy orange tabby with yellow eyes]
· · ────────────── · ·
[Briarsplash - @squidz ] [Wispypaw - @Kix ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Hillstrider padded along with his patrolmates, dropping off his prey in the prey-pile. He followed Briarsplash up to Mistlewhisker, giving the deputy a sheepish grin. He remembered reporting to her about the incident with the ThunderClan kid, and she had promised to report it to Dawnstar. That was his job done, right? Stars, even thinking about the kid had him all riled up. He would have to offer his help to Hawkbite or whoever headed the investigation. No way was he going to let that slide, man! Oh crap, right, reporting. "All's clear, just like the boss lady said, cap!" He chirped, making no sense per usual. He felt Wispypaw's blind gaze on him--how did he feel watched even if she was blind??--and brushed the apprentice's spine with his tail lightly to let her know he saw her. "The kid did great! Super talented." With that said, he gave Mistlewhisker a little salute and trotted off.

[Hillstrider delivered +1 finch, +1 vole, +1 mouse!]

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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