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Old February 5th, 2024, 11:46 AM
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Default [/-Hoshi's Territory!-\] [OPEN]

Hoshi's Territory!

Home to the aggressive gal!


Hoshi's territory is a dense patch of forest, it spans around two tree lengths, and a few tree lengths from Pinewatch Patch. The crooked oaks looking horrid in Leaf-Bare. A large and sudden ravine in the ground leads snow to pile up on around the middle of the trees, and makes it easy to fall through and get trapped. At the bottom of the fall there's a tunnel, carved by a river that flowed a long time ago. Following the tunnel, you'll come across a split. One leads to the outside, the other to a cavern. The cavern is huge, with stalactites and stalagmites point grimly. A few dens are in the cavern, with the biggest one being Hoshi's den. Sometimes wild animals like foxes wander in from the opening, and the rocks can be a game over if you land on them wrong. Hoshi keeps it spotless, the territory and the cave. Any loner spotted will be confronted, if they are making the place dirty, they will most likely be attacked on the spot.



(*Me realizing dim-lit caverns exists*)

"The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies."


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Last edited by Myling; March 6th, 2024 at 04:26 PM.
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Old February 5th, 2024, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: {~Hoshi's Territory!~}

She/Her | Loner, 12 Moons | No Purrks

Hoshi, after having gone on the little trip from the burrow she had slept in last night, found a spectacular looking patch of trees. A densely packed, stretch of pines and oaks, mixed in with other trees.
The oaks would probably scare off any unwanted guests, and the dense trees would make it easy to scare off any unlucky cats, and make them never want to come back.
But when she stepped into the opaque dark, she stepped on a twig. The twig - was irritating.
Her eyes raked the ground, and she squinted. Fox dung, she thought as she saw the amount of mud and twigs and other messy things that were scattered about. This place probably hadn't been touched in a while.

Sighing, Hoshi padded around, eyes now locked to her surroundings. She rubbed her scent on the tress as she went by. After a while of scent marking and looking around, her eyes caught an abandoned badgers den. It would certainly do. She started her way over to the possible home.
That was until she fell. Fell down a hole covered by the white snow. The feeling of being trapped struck her the second she sunk down.
Hoshi's closed eyes dilated with fear, wondering what in the world was going on. She flailed, which did nothing. Her paws tried to climb her up, but that failed miserably.
Panic was now slowly ebbing into Hoshi's brain, but adrenaline seemed to take its place a few seconds later. She tried digging, but it only made her tired. She felt something in the snow;.......... the corpse of a rabbit. If a rabbit could die here, then so could she. Her thrashing grew more desperate.
Just when she thought she was trapped in the snow for the rest of forever, she fell through deeper.
She was in a tunnel now. The rocks smooth and hard as ice. Hoshi tiled her head in confusion and curiosity. Her claws were unsheathed as she hesitated, looking back the snowy mess behind her. Then she slowly and warily walked along the shallow cave.

The tunnel split. After wandering for a few minutes, the tunnel arced to either side. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from snapping at the walls around her. She stalked along the one to the right.
Her eyes widened and she huffed in surprise at the enormous cavern at the end of the path, the damp air filling her lungs as her eyes adjusted to the new light level. Long, painful-looking stalactites billowed down from the ceiling high above. The stalagmites rose wickedly from the ground of the cave, challenging their look-alikes at the top. Multiple huge stones lay around the cave, and a small glow-worm population was just beginning on one of them. The three glow worms shone dull, but she kinda liked the dark atmosphere in the rocky hollow. A set of dens caught her eye as she looked around. She sniffed the air for danger, and then padded over.
The biggest indent had a small rise in the stone. Hoshi swiped the dust away from it, which would most likely gather back after only a few days. Laying down, she sheathed her claws. She felt like falling asleep, she had eaten two shrews an hour ago, and she wasn't hungry. Her eyes lids begged to fall, but she got up from the comfy rock, and went back to exploring.


"The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies."


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Last edited by Myling; February 9th, 2024 at 11:47 AM.
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Old February 6th, 2024, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: {~Hoshi's Territory!~}

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."


She/Her, Aromantic | Loner, 12 Moons | No Purrks | Pretty Ragdoll with blue eyes

Hoshi yawned, one blue eyes sleepily narrowed. She had fallen asleep in the caverns main den, after gathering moss and cleaning the place, it had become a nice sleeping spot.
She stretched, her back curling into an arc, and her paws splaying outward. Slowly walking out to the exit tunnel, she trailed her fluffy tail of the ground behind her, trying to get off all the dust that had gathered on the rock surface while she went.

The sun was blaringly bright, after a night in the cave. Her eyes felt like they were burning in they're sockets.
Darned sun, she thought while her eyes fought against the light. She hissed under her breath, sun was being real annoying right now. Shaking her head, the bright effect soon wore off her eyes, and she stood still for a moment.
Maybe there were more snow traps, waiting for their next victim to fall into their white grasp, to swallow them whole. But she guessed that the last time it happened, was just a one-off.
She was right, as she patrolled her new-claimed territory, no snow suddenly dropped her into nothingness. Her blue eyes adopted the same harsh glare that they'd lost during the blinding light, and she seemed to tower over all the saplings and twigs scattered about the forest floor.

"The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies."


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Last edited by Myling; February 9th, 2024 at 12:54 AM.
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