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Old January 14th, 2024, 08:07 AM
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by Blaze_Songs239 View Post
Tags: Private battle training thread

Flutterpaw hadn't fully anticipated the move, but she knew he would be trying to assess her abilities. With a gasp, she fell to the ground. Instead of lying there shocked, she rolled to the side, which gave her just enough time to stand back up on her paws again. She dashed to the right of him and slammed her full body weight into him, and she knew that would make him stagger, but she was still pretty young for an apprentice. Instead she then swiped a paw at his ear.

(Alr, sorry!)
Summary: Flutterpaw got knocked to the ground, rolled far to Garlic's right, then stood up, and ran toward him. She then turned so her flank hit his, and lashed a paw out at his ear- though this blow was weak and clumsy from just getting up again
Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather felt a brief ripple of pride that his faked attack had worked, but could tell that Flutter Paw was clearly quick on her feet with thinking. What potential! Garlic Feather was able to move away from the flank attack with a step away knowing the dodge would put Flutter paw at even more of a disadvantage, but flinched as her paw lashed out against his ear clearly he hadn't been quick enough, Garlic Feather shook it off and reached out for her scruff and tugged downward trying to throw her off guard and toward the ground, he kept in mind that it would be wise to end the spar soon and work on the moves, the main problem here seemed to be that Flutter Paws moves were clumsy from just getting up and she clearly wasn't using her size to her advantage especially considering she'd focused more on landing blows then keeping herself on her paws or tiring the opponent out. Garlic Feather always had a keen eye when it came to battle, it was just his specialty! He bragged about it every chance he got of course, but hopefully that keen eye would rub off onto Flutter paw.

Summary: (Garlic Feather managed to dodge the hit to the flank, but not the blow to the ear. Because of the clumsiness, it doesn't affect him much- Garlic Feather tried to grab Flutter Paws scruff and pull her down so she gets thrown to the ground sort of)

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Old January 17th, 2024, 06:20 AM
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by Fritter View Post
Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather felt a brief ripple of pride that his faked attack had worked, but could tell that Flutter Paw was clearly quick on her feet with thinking. What potential! Garlic Feather was able to move away from the flank attack with a step away knowing the dodge would put Flutter paw at even more of a disadvantage, but flinched as her paw lashed out against his ear clearly he hadn't been quick enough, Garlic Feather shook it off and reached out for her scruff and tugged downward trying to throw her off guard and toward the ground, he kept in mind that it would be wise to end the spar soon and work on the moves, the main problem here seemed to be that Flutter Paws moves were clumsy from just getting up and she clearly wasn't using her size to her advantage especially considering she'd focused more on landing blows then keeping herself on her paws or tiring the opponent out. Garlic Feather always had a keen eye when it came to battle, it was just his specialty! He bragged about it every chance he got of course, but hopefully that keen eye would rub off onto Flutter paw.

Summary: (Garlic Feather managed to dodge the hit to the flank, but not the blow to the ear. Because of the clumsiness, it doesn't affect him much- Garlic Feather tried to grab Flutter Paws scruff and pull her down so she gets thrown to the ground sort of)

Tags: Private battle training thread

Flutterpaw's flank thumped the ground, driving much needed breath from her lungs. She sucked in more, forcing back a rough, wheezing cough, and instead taking tiny breaths. Before her mentor could fight back, Flutterpaw twisted so she could jam her hind paws hard into her mentor's throat with a strong, hefty shove. She then, in an attempt to surprise him, flicked a massive spray of snow over her eyes, narrowing her own against the dusting. Flutterpaw twisted her head so she could gently clamp her jaws on her mentor's ear, not wanting to draw blood.

Flutterpaw was thrown to the groud, but was able to make a strong, hard kick into Garlicfeather's throat (Claws sheathed, of course,) and twist her head to bite his ear.

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old January 17th, 2024, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by zMoonstone View Post
Tags: Private battle training thread

Flutterpaw's flank thumped the ground, driving much needed breath from her lungs. She sucked in more, forcing back a rough, wheezing cough, and instead taking tiny breaths. Before her mentor could fight back, Flutterpaw twisted so she could jam her hind paws hard into her mentor's throat with a strong, hefty shove. She then, in an attempt to surprise him, flicked a massive spray of snow over her eyes, narrowing her own against the dusting. Flutterpaw twisted her head so she could gently clamp her jaws on her mentor's ear, not wanting to draw blood.

Flutterpaw was thrown to the groud, but was able to make a strong, hard kick into Garlicfeather's throat (Claws sheathed, of course,) and twist her head to bite his ear.

Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather ,surprised by the sudden strength, was thrown staggering back from the powerful kick to his throat caught off guard and gasped to regain his breath as it knocked some energy out of him. But he managed to nonetheless catch sight slide out of the way of the snow just as it was thrown up. although a few flecks of it got onto his fur anyway in the hasty dodge. Every move was powered by pride in Flutter Paws good fighting skills. More then just potential that was sure, he was definitely assigned the right apprentice! Garlic Feather saw the attempt to bite his ear as a result of getting out of the way of the snow but wasn't quick enough to avoid it and bit back a snarl at the pain and tried to lash out a forepaw across Flutter Paws face and knock her back a little so he could get free, he kept in mind what to do next and how to counter any possible moves he'd seen Flutter paw use so far.

Summary: (Garlic Feather was thrown back by the hit in the throat but dodged the snow, when Flutter paw bit down on his ear he tried to slap her in the face and get free.)

Heya! If you’re interested in rping feel free to message me whenever! I’m also lf help with rping better!
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Formerly: | The-legendary-cowstar | Spider-Cow
Hello! Sometimes I'll be a little busy or get sick or not have access to my technology/Laptop so my apologies if I forget to reply or do something!
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Old January 20th, 2024, 08:07 AM
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by Fritter View Post

Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather ,surprised by the sudden strength, was thrown staggering back from the powerful kick to his throat caught off guard and gasped to regain his breath as it knocked some energy out of him. But he managed to nonetheless catch sight slide out of the way of the snow just as it was thrown up. although a few flecks of it got onto his fur anyway in the hasty dodge. Every move was powered by pride in Flutter Paws good fighting skills. More then just potential that was sure, he was definitely assigned the right apprentice! Garlic Feather saw the attempt to bite his ear as a result of getting out of the way of the snow but wasn't quick enough to avoid it and bit back a snarl at the pain and tried to lash out a forepaw across Flutter Paws face and knock her back a little so he could get free, he kept in mind what to do next and how to counter any possible moves he'd seen Flutter paw use so far.

Summary: (Garlic Feather was thrown back by the hit in the throat but dodged the snow, when Flutter paw bit down on his ear he tried to slap her in the face and get free.)
Tags: Private battle training thread

Surprised by the whack, Flutterpaw tumbled backward, snow clumping in her golden pelt. Welp, there goes her pride.
Oh, well.
Flutterpaw stood back up again quickly, and lunged forward, grappling her mentor's shoulders with her hind paws raking his spine. She knew he would easily squash her, so quickly leaned forward in an attempt to force his head to the ground.

Flutterpaw got whacked in the face, rolled a bit, then sprang up. She leaped onto Garlic's spine, scrabbled her hind paws on his back, then leans her weight forward to try and shove his head to the ground.

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old January 23rd, 2024, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by zMoonstone View Post
Tags: Private battle training thread

Surprised by the whack, Flutterpaw tumbled backward, snow clumping in her golden pelt. Welp, there goes her pride.
Oh, well.
Flutterpaw stood back up again quickly, and lunged forward, grappling her mentor's shoulders with her hind paws raking his spine. She knew he would easily squash her, so quickly leaned forward in an attempt to force his head to the ground.

Flutterpaw got whacked in the face, rolled a bit, then sprang up. She leaped onto Garlic's spine, scrabbled her hind paws on his back, then leans her weight forward to try and shove his head to the ground.
Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather couldn't help but feel amused seeing how quick Flutter Paw was to get back to her paws, he was taken by surprise at the leap and before he could react had his face in the snow, with a gag he lifted his head up quickly, shaking the snow off. He blinked and decided it was time to conclude and assess what needed to be adjusted, Flutter Paw had fought well but he already had some good notes on what needed to be improved. He needed to get another willing apprentice over to spar with her soon, just like he had done in his training. It was the best way to learn what others had well maintaining the ability to fight against cats who weren't just their mentors. In fact, it seemed like a wonderful idea to him, although he didn't know any cats who had an apprentice available for said occasion. Maybe Dandelion knew someone? Anyhow, back to training session. Battle stuff. He tried to shake off Flutter Paw, if she couldn't already tell it was over. 'Cease!' He yowled it nice and clear so it was nice and easy to hear incase Flutter Paw had her head in battle mode like Garlic did. As much as he itched to continue battling and see what other tricks he could absorb into his fighting skills he also needed to still mentor and criticize. 'You did really well, and you're quite light on your paws I see. But you also got knocked down really easily and didn't plan your attacks well and went straight back into the fight. Although you could draw up size as an excuse any cat can take down a cat as big as me if they've the right moves.' Garlic Feather salted his praise so there was critic in there as well, and drew in deep breaths slumping down into a sit.

(Summary: Garlic feather tried to shake flutter paw off and concluded the spar)

Heya! If you’re interested in rping feel free to message me whenever! I’m also lf help with rping better!
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Formerly: | The-legendary-cowstar | Spider-Cow
Hello! Sometimes I'll be a little busy or get sick or not have access to my technology/Laptop so my apologies if I forget to reply or do something!
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Old January 30th, 2024, 06:20 AM
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Blaaze Blaaze is offline
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Default Re: Garlics battle training with Flutter Paw [P]

Originally Posted by Fritter View Post
Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Garlic Feather couldn't help but feel amused seeing how quick Flutter Paw was to get back to her paws, he was taken by surprise at the leap and before he could react had his face in the snow, with a gag he lifted his head up quickly, shaking the snow off. He blinked and decided it was time to conclude and assess what needed to be adjusted, Flutter Paw had fought well but he already had some good notes on what needed to be improved. He needed to get another willing apprentice over to spar with her soon, just like he had done in his training. It was the best way to learn what others had well maintaining the ability to fight against cats who weren't just their mentors. In fact, it seemed like a wonderful idea to him, although he didn't know any cats who had an apprentice available for said occasion. Maybe Dandelion knew someone? Anyhow, back to training session. Battle stuff. He tried to shake off Flutter Paw, if she couldn't already tell it was over. 'Cease!' He yowled it nice and clear so it was nice and easy to hear incase Flutter Paw had her head in battle mode like Garlic did. As much as he itched to continue battling and see what other tricks he could absorb into his fighting skills he also needed to still mentor and criticize. 'You did really well, and you're quite light on your paws I see. But you also got knocked down really easily and didn't plan your attacks well and went straight back into the fight. Although you could draw up size as an excuse any cat can take down a cat as big as me if they've the right moves.' Garlic Feather salted his praise so there was critic in there as well, and drew in deep breaths slumping down into a sit.

(Summary: Garlic feather tried to shake flutter paw off and concluded the spar)

Screenshot 2024-01-30 7.17.45 AM.jpg

Tags: Private battle training thread

Flutterpaw's thick tail curled upward, kinking it over her back.
She'd done well! Why, of course she did well! Flutterpaw loved
battle training. She'd always been good at it.
"Thank you, Garlicfeather." she said, beaming. Her hazel
eyes shone in pride and delight. "You're the best mentor ever!
And she did in fact mean it.

[Roleplay end?]

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Last edited by Blaaze; January 30th, 2024 at 06:20 AM.
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