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Old June 28th, 2024, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Caveclaw cheered the new names

[this is so lazy oml]

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
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Old June 28th, 2024, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Hollytail lounged. Featherkit exploded.

Duststar is the current leader of DesertClan! She has a semi-open den policy!


Rose stopped by to brush away all the dustbunnies!

"Yeet or get yeeted. -Sun Tzu probably
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Old June 28th, 2024, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Antsy. That's what Dusklion felt when she found that her paws had nothing currently to do. The deputy had been going over in her mind how to make their camp more secure against that strange group she had scented at the border. Most of the camp was surrounded by tall cliffs and rocks that would make it hard to attack them, but the main slope that lead out of camp was vastly unprotected. It made her fur crawl, especially with the paranoia that had come since the battle (at least she wasn't seeing Dead Fallownose everywhere she turned).

"Duskleaf! Redmire! Wrenseeker! Bearsnout! Rowanmane! Need your help with somethin' so come on over here if you're not doin' anythin'." There wasn't much to do, so the dark tabby expected each cat she called to come over. Her tail flicked behind her, the broken base of it having healed rathernicely. The large jagged scar on her blank was another story - it looked and appeared healed, but stars above it still ached with a pain that, at this point, Dusklion wasn't sure would ever go away.

"Wanna make a barrier of sorts up near the entrance. Yeah we're in the mountains 'n there's tall cliffs 'n rocks pretty much on all sides, but durin' my patrol to lay down borders I caught the scent of a strange group of cats. Don't know who they are, but I don't trust outsiders as far as I can throw 'em - well, actually," the deputy thought with a chuckle and a half-smirk, "I can toss 'em far just fine so... yeah, just don't trust 'em period until they prove themselves as no threat to the Clan. So," Dusklion looked at each cat in turn as she continued, "I wanna gather up sticks, bramble bushes, rocks, anythin' we can use to create a "wall" between our camp 'n the outside territory. You all up for the task?"

She was asking, but Dusklion's tone didn't really leave any room for cats to say no. Warily she eyed the still-healing jaw of Rowanmane. "Rowanmane [ @Rowan ] 'n Wrenseeker [ @Neptune. ], I want you to gather up as many long sticks in the territory as you can find. Bring 'em back here when you're done. If you get done and I'm not back yet, head out again 'n gather more." It wouldn't hurt to have excess.

Gaze flickering towards the next two warriors, the deputy mewed, "Bearsnout [ @chickadee ], Duskleaf [ @Seamrog ] - I want you both lookin' for rocks. The bigger the better, try 'n roll 'em back here 'n get at least a few. We'll use these as the base for the wall." That should be easy enough - plus they were both strong and, to her at least, seemed like the perfect cats for the job.

"Redmire [ @dino. ], you'll be comin' with me. We're gonna gather up some bramble bushes. Watch out for the thorns, 'cause I'm sure we'll get some in our pelts and paw pads collectin' 'em. But I trust you'll be smart about it." Red was a tough cat like Dusk herself was, a none-complainer when it came to getting her paws dirty for the good of the Clan.

"Everyone got their assignments; we'll meet back here as the sun starts to fall in the sky, which is a good while from now. Everyone got it?" Dusklion had talked a lot during that, so before splitting off she would make sure each warrior understood what their duty was before splitting the group up.

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old June 28th, 2024, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Originally Posted by starry View Post

These herb patrols are due the 5th of July. If you would like an extension, request one by the 3rd of July (preferred). If you'd like to be replaced let me know via VM or DM no later than the 29th June.

Post orders are encouraged. If someone has not replied within 24 hours feel free to bump them and if they still haven’t replied within 72 hours from the original post you can skip over them.

Not completing the patrols will result in IC punishment. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR FINDINGS TO THE PATROL MENU; SQUIDZ AND I WILL BE ADDING THOSE.

RiverClan Medicine Cat
40 Moons, She/Her
Purrks: The Collector, Dreamwalker
It was time for patrols again. Mistyshard headed to the center of the new camp, clearing her throat before she let her voice ring out. "It's time for patrols! Please listen up in case your name is called." Her amber eye scanned the cats around and her mind puzzled over ways to make this work best.

"First, I want Wormbite [ @/wolfie ] to take Amberwing [ @Sklee ] and Tulippaw [ @chickadee ] to the territory. Collect borage, a tall plant with either blue or pink star-shaped flowers. Also, look for juniper berries, which are purple-blue and grow on prickly, dark green bushes."

"Next, Honeystep [ @Fish ], lead Heroneye [ @Fits ] and Cobwebpaw [ @finley !! ] to search for coltsfoot, a flower that looks a bit like a dandelion with white or yellow flowers. And bring back some cobwebs too; we always need those."

"Right, then I'd like Duskleaf [ @Seamrog ] to take Cinderflare [ @occultation ] and Jaggedpaw [ @Madeleine ] to look for marigold, a bright yellow-orange flower with many leaves around its stem. Also, gather some moss while you're out there."

"And finally, Willowpaw [ @SeonghwaBerry ] and Rootpaw [ @poppy ], you two are coming with me to search for dandelion, a flat-headed yellow flower that grows low and has vibrant leaves. Also, let's find some poppy, a red flower with a dark center. Be careful with the seeds. Berrypaw [ @squidz ]... how about you also come along, and I'll kinda leave the lead to you? just try your best and let me know if I ever should take over." She had no doubts Berrypaw would be able to do fine, but she also didn't want to overwhelm the young healer. The lanky molly headed towards the camp entrance and paused there, waiting for the two cats to join her.


19 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

RiverClan Lionheart

Returning from the newly-marked border, Duskleaf heard Mistyshard call his name for a herb patrol. It wasn’t anything too difficult, marigold and moss, two plants he was familiar with. "Cinderflare! Jaggedpaw! I'll be with ye in a moment, I just have to do something first!" He shouted, before walking over to Dusklion to report back after the border patrol. "The border's been marked, seems safe from what we’ve seen. Brokenstream and MorningMimic didn’t notice anything strange either, so the border should be okay." He said.

@taillow (sorry this took so long! Had basically no time in the last few days due to travel taking twice as long as I was originally told, then after that I was exhausted)
@occultation @Madelaine
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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Male / Warrior / 30 Moons / Riverclan
large, strong mackerel-striped brown tabby with long fur and gray eyes — he has a crooked jaw with a scratch across his mouth and half his ear missing
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @taillow @Neptune

For some reason, hearing his name called was a sort of relief. It felt nice to be of some use, especially since he’s felt awkward with his injury. He went over immediately from the spot he was sitting, not having much of anything to do.

Once he went over he listened to her every command. Okay—simple enough. Outsiders are bad (though eh used to be one), cats are nearby…okay, build defensive wall. Easy enough for him. He caught the moment of possible hesitation as Dusk’Lion eyes his injury, which looked stupid as his tongue hunt limply out of his mouth. Stupid. He reminded himself how he looked. Pure dumb.

Carrying sticks? He’d try to hold as much as he could. Maybe he could find a way to drag them or carry them on his back. He eyed Wren’Seeker. Maybe they could make a team effort and each carry an end in their back? They would figure it out.

“Yes ma’am” he nodded his head respectfully to his deputy. He was happy to help and he would damn well show it.

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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

11 moons || she/her || RiverClan Warrior || Silver Tongue
long furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes

"What's up?" Wrenseeker asks at Dusklion's call, pleased to have been called upon regardless of why. As she listens, though, her interest quickly turns to boredom - though she doesn't show as such on her face. A defensive wall, huh? Alright. Sure, why not? Wren prefers claws and teeth over cowering behind a wall but whatever, it'll give them more time to come up with a game plan should these maybe/maybe-not dangerous outsiders choose to attack them.

"Alright," she agrees when given her task, "we'll get it done." Affirmative answers given, she turns crystal eyes onto her partner for this operation: Rowanmane. While she doesn't know much about the tom, she does find herself wondering how he'll carry anything back with his mouth like that. No matter, she'll pick up the slack if it comes to it.

Wincing, Wrenseeker gets to her paws and stretches a moment before looking to her partner again, expression carefully neutral. "Let's get going, then," she says, and limps her way out the camp entrance, assuming that Rowanmane will follow rather than actually checking to make sure.

[ @taillow - dusky || @Rowan - rowan ]
[ rowan, next post can be out in the territory !! ]
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Old June 28th, 2024, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Male | apprentice | purrks: N/A

Covepaw sat around, waiting for something to catch his eye. He saw a few birds pass, but then they disappeared quickly. He sighed, grumbling.
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Old June 29th, 2024, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

[ shadowkit | she/her ]
/ 2/100 \

~ black she-cat with gray spots, yellow eyes, and one white foot ~

The black molly zoomed from rock to rock, trying to find a cat to pounce.

(anyone want to get pounced by this little teethy shadow?)
testing my activity. plz don't bother me too much.

[ shadowkit ]


Last edited by bubble[error].; June 29th, 2024 at 07:15 AM.
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Old June 29th, 2024, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

He, Him\Warrior\24 moons\Riverclan
"Da da da we're dead-"

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·
Deerspark wasn't hungry. That was apparent in the way he picked at the slimy bird he had caught. Its feathers were ruffled and matted from his teeth lodging into it, only for the bird to zip away, desperate for escape. Teeth marks littered the bird, a good amount of them not deep enough to actually kill it. That was until seeing the neck. That was when Deerspark successfully killed the bird. It probably took him an hour. And still. He wasn't hungry.

Why did he do this to himself? He wasn't sure. What he caught certainly didn't look appetizing anymore, now it just looked dead. The “bad” kind. It looked as though someone forgot to retrieve their prey after burying it, and this was the result. An ugly, unappetizing, bird.

The lengthy warrior shuffled onto his paws, still feeling the pain of teeth lodged into his neck. He lifted a paw and rubbed the scar. The pain didn't subside, in fact it flared up. Deerspark winced, dropping his paw like he'd just touched fire. He then looked back at his bird and sighed.

Oh you poor thing. Yes, he was pitying his meal. Mostly because it just looked pitiful. So sad and droopy.

He didn't want to just plop this thing in the freshkill pile (wherever that was). Some cats would probably shriek at the sight of it. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the negative was all that clouded Deerspark’s green gaze. He picked up the bird, having to twist it around a bit to keep it in his crooked jaw.

He spotted Redwater and then hesitated. Should he really make his bird her problem? No, was the answer that quickly came to mind. It was common sense. Don't bother her, don't bother anyone. But the bird… Deerspark began to shake, his ears pinning back as though he saw a ghost.

C'mon paws, move. Please move. Deerspark urged his paws to start walking. And they did. But his gait looked as though he hadn't slept in moons (he hadn't). “Hi.” He rasped, expertly avoiding Redwater’s gaze. “Wanna… share? You can say no… I. I would say no. If I. If I were you.”

@constellation // Redwater

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-When You Grow Up, Your Heat Dies

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Old June 29th, 2024, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Camp

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post

(Your free to mention me whenever!! The interaction would so cute <33333 I'm cool with the idea <3)

Willowpaw has finsished her blabbing (finally). She listened to Berrypaw, feeling the gentle comforting tail and the comforting words, this made Willowpaw purr. "Glad I'm not the only one" She remarked playfully towards the response to her apologizing for her awkwardness. Willowpaw looked at Berrypaw's tail and purred brightly as Berrypaw accepted her words. She pressed her muzzle gently to Berrypaw's ear in gratitude. A gesture of Willowpaw's thankfulness and sisterly affection as she was to happy to express it in words. Her long tail reached over and stayed beside Berrypaw, gently brushing the she-cats fur to show her comfort was accepted and very much welcome. Purring gently Willowpaw promised, "No matter what happens... if you need herbs... or just someone to hang out with or talk to. I'm there ok?" Willowpaw purred, her eyes shining with happiness. Purring brightly she nodded, "Yeah, I saw Stag go into the den once, I'm sure Daisykit's given you an earfull, she's so annoying but so cute that you can't ignore her. And she knows it which makes it worse" Willowpaw mewed, "Oh yeah.. also... sense your already taking care of Daisykit.. she asked me once were related... I told her to ask you, it's up to you but uhm, if you want... could you maybe tell her your... close to me or maybe even her sister.... I feel like shes to young to be turned down... growing up without a mother and.....I don't know, I think I'm asking to much but I don't want her to feel the grief I felt....." Willowpaw stammered, once again getting nervous.

Willowpaw had accepted Berrypaw's condolences to her family and decided it's better to let Berrypaw's know now rather than find out later... "Oh uhm...... I hope this doesn't change... anything but uhm...." Willowpaw paused, hesitant and clearly nervous, "My father... is from Windclan... so I.. it's kinda the reason I was happy that Stagheart took me in... Watertail.. my dad he uhm..he... met my mother.. Brightnight.. and....it ended badly" Willowpaw looked at Berrypaw, hoping the fellow apprentice got the idea of what her father did to her mother. "I have a brother to.. his names Weepingpaw.. he's more distant because of what our father did..." Willowpaw mewed, her eyes a bit worried although she'd seemed to have leaned gently into Berrypaw's warmth as her now sister rested her tail along Willowpaw's shoulder. It was comforting and Willowpaw hoped Berrypaw didn't take her tail away. But if she did.. Willowpaw would understand. "I-i'm sorry for the random dump of information.. I just figured to get it out of the way just in case you see me acting weird towards some things.... just so you don't... like... think I'm crazy" Willowpaw nervously chuckled.


small & nimble dark brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes | the collector

[ riverclan mc apprentice | she-cat | 9 moons | timid, kind, hardworking ]

Berrypaw was pleasantly surprised to see how affectionate and grateful Willowpaw was, glad that her intentional kindness hadn't gone unappreciated. Her eyes glistened a bit as Willowpaw mentioned the part about herbs and need someone to talk to, feeling her chest warm from the words.

"Oh, that's so kind of you to say. I've... never really had someone like that," she admitted quietly, a somber smile on her maw. Being found as an only kit, she never had any siblings — Stagheart had always been there for her when he could, but he'd always been a busy and dependable warrior — he couldn't hang out in the nursery like a queen. She'd been really lonely in that nursery, spending moons mainly talking to herself or the sky. Besides that, a lot of cats didn't necessarily want to hang around a non-Clanborn cat...

At the comment about Daisykit, Berrypaw let out a mrrow of amusement, agreeing that Daisykit was an earful but an adorable one. Berry never had the heart to tell the kit to quiet down. At the mention of being related, Berrypaw smiled and nodded.

"I'd love to tell her that we're family, of sorts... not being from the same mother, of course, which is why we look so different. But hey... that doesn't mean we have to be any less family, right?" She offered optimistically, more than happy to appease little Daisykit's hopes.

When Willowpaw started to speak about her father from WindClan, Berrypaw's eyes widened. She laid her tail on Willow's shoulder she spoke, a silent encouragement to keep going, even though she could tell the words were difficult. Berrypaw let Willowpaw scoot closer to her, lightly brushing her flank in an effort to comfort her as she slowly put together what the apprentice was fully saying. A shudder ran through Berrypaw, and she briefly shook her head in disbelief of the situation.

"I'm... so sorry to hear that. Some cats can be so cruel..."
Her eyes glistened with emotion, genuinely grieving the fact that some could be driven to such cruelty. "But... you don't have to worry about him anymore, okay? You're with us, and you're full RiverClan in our eyes. If Watertail ever tried anything... I'm sure Stagheart would be more than happy to handle it," she added, thinking about how ferociously Stagheart had fought on her own behalf during the 3v1. She didn't imagine that'd be too far off for Willowpaw, either.

She ducked her head a bit as she added, "A-And I don't mind that you're half-Clan... you know, I'm not Clanborn myself. Stagheart found me when I was abandoned as a kit... then he brought me in." She paused a moment, still finding it hard to not be shameful when she admitted her heritage (having other kits and warriors make remarks about it was enough to stick in her head). "It's been hard to feel truly RiverClan, especially because I wasn't cut out to be a warrior... but I have a new path now, one that fits me much better." She lifted her bright green gaze to Willowpaw's blue eyes, smiling gently. "I've felt alone for awhile, but these past few moons have been better... and it's nice to not be alone anymore, you know?"
*despite everything, it's still you.

Berrypaw is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice!

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