Current Name: Ottersplash
Other Names, if any: Otterpaw, Otter (both backstory purposes)
Age (in moons): 27
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Creation Date: Don't remember, some time last year.
Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: Loner
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: RiverClan, Loner
Rank: Current, loner. Former, warrior
Mentor(s): Ashtail (NPC)
Apprentice(s): none
Interpersonal Connections
Father(s): Unknown
Mother (s): Tansy (NPC, biological mother), Cloud (NPC, foster mother)
Sibling(s): Minksplash (Unknown status) Ferretnose (Alive)
Offspring: none
Best Friend(s): Unknown
Friend(s): Unknown
Neutral: Unknown
Acquaintance(s): Cotton (Loner)
Enemies: Unknown, former RiverClan
Crush: none
Significant Other: none
Overview: Slightly depressed, just sad overall
Traits: Depression
Mental Age: 30 - 35
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: Foxes, Coyotes, Spiders
Sociability: 4/10
Outlook: ???
Responsibility: 4/10
Cleanliness: 4/10
Generosity: 2/10
Manners: 3/10
Bravery: 4/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: more emotional
Favorite Season: Leaf-fall
Favorite Food(s): Mouse
Favorite Word: ???
Favorite Sound: Lazily flowing rivers
Greatest Hope: Amend her actions
Greatest Strength: Unknown
Greatest Weakness: Grief
Worst Nightmare: Being found by the clans and executed
Deepest Darkest Secret: Her being a former murderer
Most Treasured Memory: Kithood
Quirk(s): Always seems to trip on her own paws. Almost as if she has
two left paws
Theme Song(s): Sound of Silence - Disturbed (current) In the end - Linkin Park (future)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Former rank(s): Warrior, apprentice
Beliefs: Unknown
Physical Traits
Fur Color(s): Brown, dark brown
Fur Texture: Rough
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Color point
Eye Color: Yellow
Body Type/Structure: Boney
Height: 1 ft
Weight: 17 lbs
Voice: Soft, voice claim is Billie Eilish
Gait: ???
Scent: Dead trees
Scars / Deformities: Multiple scars on her body and face, blind in right eye
Diseases / Conditions: Partial blindness
Coordination: 3/10
Reflexes: 3/10
Strength: 5/10