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Old April 8th, 2023, 08:43 PM
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Default Tawny’s OC’s V.2


Basic Information

Current Name

Previous Names
Morning’Kit, Morning’Paw

38 Moons

Female (she/her)

Sexual Orientation

Creation Date

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan

Former Affiliation/Clan


Interpersonal Connections

Work Relations



Biological Relations





Daughter | Deceased/StillBorn | RavenKit

Social Relations

Best Friend(s)

Supportive | DoveFluff (@/jupiter)

Name: DoveFluff
Rper: @jupiter
Current Clan: ThunderClan
Previous Clan: ShadowClan
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Rank: Queen
Age: 24 Moons
Appearance: A long furred, fluffy, grey shecat with blue eyes.
Relationship dynamic: A wholesome duo that are best friends and extremely protective/supportive of each other, a mother of four and a mournful ex-mother, a likely pair that can understand each other in more ways then one. MorningCall help’s coparent DoveFluffs kits and is always ready to defend the little family against ignorant idiots that like to take jabs at them for their blood linage in ShadowClan. MorningCall has become like family to DoveFluff since their first meeting.
Backstory: “DoveFluff isn't what you would expect to be a product of the shadow forest.a caring, generous, selfless but also timid and insecure lass, she is a proud mother of four kits. when she was about halfway through her pregnancy, she left ShadowClan with the help of TC warrior Sootfur and his mate, Flameheart, and soon settled in. She still struggles with her past, but tries to push through it to make a better future for her kits.” - Jupiter

Understanding | DrizzleCloud (@/Omari)


Name: DrizzleCloud
Rper: @Omari
Current Clan: ThunderClan
Previous Clan: none
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Rank: Warrior
Age: 43 Moons
Relationship dynamic:


Friendly | THC | RabbitChatter (@/wren)


Friendly | THC | Sootfur (@/Wingnettle)


Neutral | THC |SpringPaw (@/ares)

Neutral | THC | RobinPaw (@/Apollo.)

Neutral | THC |AutumnPaw (@/ophelia)

Neutral | THC | AshKit (@/flaming ice)


Romantic Relations

Potential Love Interests


Significant Other


Fling/Lover | Neutral | WolfMask


Name: WolfMask
Rper: Npc
Current Clan: WindClan
Previous Clan: ThunderClan
Gender: Male (he/him)
Rank: Warrior
Age: 40 Moons
Relationship dynamic:
Type of relationship: One night stand that turned into a temporary relationship of mutual interest.
Length of relationship: 2 moons
How old were they when it started/ended:
Morning = 20 moons - Wolf = 22 moons | Morning = 22 moons - Wolf = 24 moons.

Rp example of the pair:


First Ex | Hostile | BrokenSoul

Name: BrokenSoul
Rper: @~WallyDarling~
Current Clan: ShadowClan
Previous Clan: none
Gender: Female (she/her)
Rank: Warrior
Age: 43 Moons

Relationships dynamic: Extremely hostile and resentful relationship due to how toxic their romantic relationship was. Lost contact after the break up.
Type of relationship: Fling that turned into a toxic relationship.
Length of relationship: 3 moons
How old were they when it started/ended:
Morning = 16 moons - Broken = 21 moons | Morning = 19 moons - Broken = 24 moons.

Rp example of the pair:

The tortoiseshell molly sat on that hard cold branch, her amber eyes seeming devoid of any sympathy, any affection or any kindness, only hatred, pure hatred. Almost like a flame of rage screaming at her as it burnt her thoughts to the ground. Ash filling her forsaken heart. She watched as BrokenSoul snuggled close to another lonely fool. That was the 4th cat this week that the shecat had caught her significant other with. The feline thought harshly to herself, the flicker of a building resentment growing in that killing glare of hers. ‘ They were laughing. Smiling. Happy.’ Her jaw clenched, her tail twitching. ‘How dare she? How could she sit there and laugh knowing that her mate was waiting back at home… no that I was back home, wondering if she was still okay when waiting up until the crack of dawn until you returned, wondering what happened to be so hated and avoided’. She angrily hopped down from the branch, enough was enough. She was not going to be made a fool of any longer. “I hope you are happy with yourself, I hope you got your fill of pitying those who are too blind to see your ugly mug”. She snarled as she stormed her way up behind BrokenSoul and her lover. She continued, not allowing for a moment more to pass. “Was I nothing to you? Was I just another one of your puppets to play with? I know what I was getting into when accepting your offer to be nothing more then a pass time, but i thought maybe we had something special. But no, you hold no one dear. You are heartless, devoid of any love, I hate you more then I hate this life I lead, I hate you with every fiber of my being, you hold nothing sacred, all you do is toy with your lovers like prey, actually im glad we were nothing serious because you are DEAD to me! Enjoy your life in ShadowClan, never talk to me again”. Turning on her heels, the young warrior stalked off, keeping back hot tears by padding with her head held high, life was too short to cry.

”It’s Complicated” Mates/Lovers

Second Ex-Mate/Love Interest | Resentful | VultureFang

Name: VultureFang
Rper: @Leafí
Current Clan: ShadowClan
Previous Clan: Rouge
Gender: Male (he/him)
Rank: Warrior
Age: 32 Moons

Type of relationship: Both fell for each other slowly over the course of several moons before making their relationship more intimate. Break up had been unexpected.
Length of 1st relationship together: 6 moons -> 4 moons for the talking/chasing phase and 2 moons of actually being something more than interest.
How old were they when it started/ended:
Morning = 26 moons - Vulture = 20 moons | Morning = 32 - Vulture = 26.
Length of 2nd: Tbd

Relationship dynamic: These two have an extremely turbulent and complicated past together, both having met at the border many many moons ago which sparked a keen interest from VultureFang’s side of things. MorningCall had been more then reluctant given her first relationship and considering the fact she wasn’t as easy to persuade so easily, caused a series of events where the shecat was sought out by the Tom at gatherings and at the border. The more the Tom had charmed his way into her heart the more MorningCall admitted she had developed feelings of love for him, engaging in an act of passion one night with VultureFang to express these feelings she wasn’t good at putting into words, talking about their pasts together and seeming almost vulnerable and open with each other. However after an emotional night of vulnerability, things became radio silent for a moon. Not a word nor peep from the Tom. Finally he popped up again, MorningCall beamed in happiness and relief, originally worried something had happen to him. However upon the toms words of harshness and coldness, the Molly couldn’t help but feel anguish as he ended their relationship that had started to enter on a serious note only a moon prior. Explaining how their night together was a nice mistake but he had better things to do then to waste his time on her when he could have anyone he could ever want. It wasn’t that much of an explanation, however the Molly’s emotional state due to trauma and her new discovery of pregnancy made her emotional control wear thin as she asked him to leave, holding her head down in remorse as he left her life. The Molly had never told him about their kit that had died stillborn nor that she had been pregnant with his kit. Later they run into each other again and the two couldn’t help but feel drawn back together through the past and the present moments they shared. A bond, attachment, maybe even love bound to surface between two complete opposites who share similar values in the Love department.

Rp example for the pair:

MorningCall stood there in shock at what had just been dropped on her, her amber eyes wide, her mind was spinning. ‘No… not again not again-‘. She stared at the one she loved in front of her. Her mate stood there coldly, his rough appearance only adding to the venomous tone he slipped from his tongue, although the look of grief and guilt soaked his eyes. He continued to explain his situation very vaguely. “I just don’t want you, that night with you was a mistake I made on a whim, get used to it sweetheart- this is who I am, what I am, not some sappy pathetic excuse for your pity-party. I can have anything I want, everything I want, and I’m not letting anyone stand in my way…not even you ”. VultureFang concluded his statement, the atmosphere was hostile and cold between them. MorningCall tried to hold his gaze out of a stubborn pride but her eyes betrayed her as she gave a look of anguish and betrayal. She felt like he was acting like this was a normal occurrence for him. MorningCall let out a sigh, almost like she was struggling to process any of this ridiculousness, emotions gripped her ability to talk without a tremor in her soft tone so she remained quiet for a moment. Her tail moved to curl around her own stomach that had begun to show a bit of pudge. Pregnant. She was pregnant. With his kits. Oh she made a mistake alright, a mistake for trusting such a man. She left her bleeding heart out on her sleeve and he ripped it into pieces. She was such a fool. MorningCall couldn’t stop the tears that started to drip down her face, her throat burning from the words left unspoken. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak she just looked away in her last pitiful attempt to hide her anguish, her entire world crushing down on her. This seemed to surprise VultureFang maybe seeming like he was about to break that heartless mask he had up as for a sliver of a moment the Molly swore she heard concern in his deep voice. “MorningCal-“. “leave. just…leave”. She snapped back under her breath, trying her best to remain firm as she turned her amber gaze back to him in a now returning cold glare. The Tom seemed to take a small inhale before silently stalking off, there was no goodbyes, no apologies, just the tension of knowing so much was left unsaid but the silence spoke a thousand words more then either of them ever could. MorningCall felt herself break down into sobs as the Tom was a bit of a distance away from her. Oh what a fool she has been. A fool she always seemed to be.

Personality Information

After growing up in a very traditional household, MorningCall had become known as the “oddball” of her family, which caused quite a bit of distance between her kin and herself, always deemed the troubled child of the family due to her being the consequence of her mothers forbidden affair and her open-minded views of clan life. Due to her mother being the only one that ever really cared for her but had passed away during her apprentice hood, she always wanted to carry on the gentle, motherly and loving spirit her mother had to her own kits one day, which she tends to display these traits to those around her that she cares about. Due to her extreme trust issues due to romantic relationships, she’s quite reserved about her personal life to a secretive degree, only letting a select few know about her trauma and life experiences. Despite her tendency to be the more mysterious shecat, she is surprisingly quite a social butterfly, very charming and a former-flirt, as well as a bit of a jokester, although you might want to be careful, she’s a bit of a hypocrite. She despises the idea of being gossiped about yet does quite a bit of research on everyone she knows herself, having small gossip session with her little friend group as well. She has a bit of a weird perception that if she has dirt on everyone then she won’t have to ever worry about dirt on her, it was her coping mechanism to keep herself safe emotionally. She is always up for making friends, although she always keeps them at a distance emotionally unless they push the right buttons. Her stubbornness makes her very defensive and sometimes even determined to prove her point which can lead to very opinionated conversations with the shecat as she rarely likes to admit that she’s actually upset/hurt and not angry. She has a soft spot for kits due to losing her only kit, as of current times, due to being stillborn, she felt she lost her only chance at being a mother yet constantly wishes, although will never admit due to being in-denial and still grieving, for a second chance to be a mother. Due to her trauma she has very low self-worth issues which causes her to be reckless with her well-being for the sake of others, constantly putting others before herself. Overall, she is pretty stubborn, she’s very loving to those that are lucky to receive it and loyal to a fault, despite being a bit of a hypocrite will always make sure that she’s understanding of others and is very empathetic. MorningCall really is just a kind-hearted soul who has been through a lot of hardships.

+: Sincere, Loyal, Passionate, Caring
-: Overly-emotional, Grudge-holder, Secretive, Somewhat negative
=: Considerate, Easily-embarrassed, Observant

Mental Age
38 Moons

Psychiatric Complications


Favourite Season
Leaf Fall

Favourite Food(s)


Place of Birth

Date of Birth
June 10th

Former rank(s)
Kit, Apprentice

StarClan, DarkForest, Clan Beliefs

Physical Traits

Cat Breed
Tortoiseshell ShortHair

Fur Colour(s)
Black | Dark
Ginger | Light + Dark
White | Light

Fur Texture
Short and Soft

Fur Length
Short Haired Cat

Tortie Markings

Eye Colour

Body Type/Structure
Average | Slender | Feminine



Scars / Deformities
Scar across left eye and small notch in right ear.

Diseases / Conditions



"Just like how a flower needs sunshine to grow, you need love to grow"
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Last edited by TawnyNeedsACoffee; September 4th, 2023 at 05:43 AM.
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