Thread: [RiverClan] united in grief [plot finder]
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Old December 22nd, 2023, 12:31 AM
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Default united in grief [plot finder]

I need some non TC muse for a bit so I'm chucking this out here to see if folks are interested and if I'm able to stick with it.


Meet Skydancer, a RiverClan warrior of around twenty moons old who's just become a father to two kits with his loving mate. A gentle and kind soul, Skydancer has always prided himself on his compassion and his empathy. He would never lift a claw against another if he could help it.

Unfortunately, keeping his claws clean just isn't in the cards for him. At just one moon old, Skydancer's kits are killed by his closest companion. Spurned on by some dark reason, this cat waits until they believe no one is around to see them to do the deed, and then passes it off as a random disaster. But Skydancer saw, and he knows the truth - and instead of heading to Larkstar immediately, or taking them out then and there, he decides that isn't good enough for him.

He waits for a short while, biding his time, until he arranges a patrol with himself, his mate, and his friend. His mate has been aware of what really happened, and his plan: get his former friend alone and kill him. This never would have even occurred to him before, but loss and betrayal are powerful things. Unfortunately, the plan goes awry. Skydancer and his mate launch their attack, but in a stroke of luck, the traitor manages to cut them both down. Skydancer's mate first, and then he himself last. The traitor then drops both of them into the river and lets their bodies wash away, reporting it to the Clan as another unfortunate freak accident.

This is where the plot can deviate. As soon as he reaches StarClan, he appeals to the Council, rage and grief pushing him forward. He isn't vague or shifty about his intentions; he spills it all to them. If his resurrection is approved, he will hunt down the traitor and kill them successfully. The body will be presented to RiverClan publicly, and the truth uncovered. Whether or not RiverClan believes him is to be found.

If his resurrection is denied, either Nightmare Fuel Tier 3 comes into play, in which he kills the traitor himself through a dream, or he convinces another living RiverClanner to do the deed for him. A separate finder will be posted if the latter occurs.

What I Need:
- Mate; female; around 20 moons; RiverClan
- Two kits; unborn currently, to be born once things are situated (will foot the bill for the Baby Boomer purrk if necessary); no appearance requirements, go wild
- Friend-turned-traitor; similar in age to Skydancer; RiverClan; reason for baby murder up to you Cedarfrost @celeste
NOTE: Whichever character you use for this plot will die! This doesn't mean you can't also attempt resurrection. This applies to EVERY character listed in this post thus far.

Fill out this form - or provide a character site if applicable! You're also welcome to expand on this basic outline however you'd like.
Brief Description: (include age, gender, appearance, and brief personality rundown. if traitor, also include reason for baby murder.)
Accept the character's unwaivable untimely demise:
Mention: @dino.

'Tis all o/ this is largely experimental, I really just want to see where I might be able to take something like this.

Choices to be finalized on December 27th.

Last edited by dino.; December 23rd, 2023 at 03:40 PM.
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