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Old March 20th, 2018, 07:36 PM
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wren wren is offline
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Default Re: Starcrossed love [ Private ]

Really short but I refuse to let it die XD
When where you thinking of having dogblood, charm and shiver meet up

“Don’t call me love, someone may hear you” she said sourly tossing a furious glance back at him both her steel blue eyes hardening before going deeper into the little tunnel feeling the ground beneath her paws harden and reduce to tough rock. From a thin stream of light behind her she could see the lack of paw prints on the dusty floor of rocks which relieved her from so much of the stress. Than her shoulders fell loose by her chest allowing her stick up shoulders and hips to sag as she walked. Letting out a deep ragged breath she forced herself into the darkness ignoring the urge to allow charmpelt first into the darkness, but she refused to let fears of a kit to break her now.

So unwillingly she dove deeper into the darkness feeling heavy and dark as she went deeper into the earth. She didn’t know about any tunnels like these in shadowclan, in fact she found the tunnels quite interesting considering they where on riverclan territory. How weird. From what shecould tell the tunnels where my lower down on the hill to which the water might have carved it out but actually it was higher on the hill. Something must’ve carved it out a long time ago, twoleg kits maybe? They might’ve been small enough to squeeze in and use their paws to dig em out. Who knew.

As she stepped into the open carvern that was the gateway to militia people other tunnels. They could get lost here- together. A shiver wormed it’s way down her spine and she forced down a sigh before walking to the middle of the carbernous tunnel. There was an eerie source of light filtering through the short tunnel they had come through. Though she could admit it was quite beautiful... so majestic when she had never been a moonlit cave like she was now. Turning in circles Shiverlight eyes traced the outline of the cave and looked as deep into the tunnels as her eyes would let her. A kit like wonder flooded her features and she looked over at charmpelt, somehow she was convinced that he was sad. Or if not sad exactly he was at least reminiscing on something that caused him stress. The playful glint dropped out of her eyes and she turned to face him her tail lashing. “What’s wrong?” she pressed.

Being the serious worrier and negative one on their interactions she found herself at a loss for words and stumped at anything she could do. The Russian blue took a tender step toward him her ears flicking forward in confusion


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