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Old January 10th, 2018, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Goldenstar had heard about a skirmish on the border between Windclan and Thunderclan, and it had only made him a little more nervous about what was coming. His facade of being calm was beginning to wear off, and he spent quite a bit of time in his own den. Battle plans and other things were beginning to form in his mind, but were quickly pushed away as he found some sort of problem. As he sat there, he became aware of a figure in the doorway of his den. A familiar voice filled his ears and he called back, “I’m in here Tallwhisker!” trying to seem at least slightly cheery, sitting as he waited for the other tom to enter.

(( Sorry for shortness, in a bit of a rush currently- ))

I’ve been needing a chill post for the longest time ))

Tallwhisker lugged a sigh of relief when hearing goldenstar reply, he was always concerned if he would sometimes show up during a business meeting and have to awkwardly explain that he had barged in by mistake there and why he hadn’t asked first. The toms hackles raised at the thought but he pushed it away, grouping the bird and trotting in. As he padded into the cool den he could see the leader seated in his nest. The taller warrior dipped his head and stopped into a crouch before dropping the bird.

“Thought you’d be at least a little bit hungry” he mused laying back on his side and beginning to groom himself without hesitation. Running his tongue over wet and muddied for gathering a horrible taste but leaving his clean white fur behind. He averted his gaze for a moment as he cleaned the last bit of mud off of his stomach and legs before turning back and trying his hardest not to wretch at the horrible taste. “Hey anyways I just came to hangout, perhaps act like an actual cat for once” he said with a shrug as he leaned over and stretched out comfortably


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