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Old September 21st, 2017, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Burningcall stretched his limbs out, allowing his claw to dig deep in the earth's bedding before he pulled them back in, and gave his chest fur a couple of licks. He could had been helping out with the clan. Though he wasn't assigned to any patrols currently, and no mentors came to him about helping with apprentice training. That's exactly what he thought he needed. An apprentice...that would keep him busy because training was something he liked to do. Anything to keep busy instead of being sedentary. Though his eyes had flicked across the clearing when he seen the familiar pelt of his mate. She strut about like a majestic queen. Burningcall haven't even noticed that he was staring at her for a moment until he blinked his eyes. Then, narrowed them. Something always had been up about her, but he could never pinpoint it right. She had been rather...distant lately. Burningcall twitched his nose. He didn't know whether he liked that or not. The main reason was that he didn't know that he was the problem. Their family had a lot of drama...caused by him. Burningcall knew he was doing the right thing. He wasn't a bad tom for voicing the facts. The truth that needed to be heard. So, why others couldn't understand that?

Now, she was walking over to him. Burningcall flicked his ears, wondering what was up. The fiery pelted tom acknowledged her existence by giving her a nod. Normally, he would had been affectionate with his mate. As she was the only one he rather be intimate with. She sat across from him, but she didn't say anything at first. Burningcall gave her a questioning glance. Was that even a small amusement of a smirk placing on his face? Though the elder warrior knew how to hid it well, so it appeared as a frown. She greeted him. If she wanted small talk - he refused to give it. Her hostile tone quickly said as much. The tom stared at her, now confused. Why would she greet him in that way? Clearly, she wasn't happy about something. About anything. Which didn't surprise Burningcall. Which he didn't care as well. She was like the rest of them. Setting themselves aside because Burningcall refused to suck up to them and be like: Everything will be okay. He wasn't the greatest father - and, he took responsibility for that. But, he was an honest father. He was setting his kits up for the world. The harsh. The cruelty. No, they weren't kits anymore. But, still. ''You don't sound too happy.'' He spoke. His voice abnormally deep as it always had been. He had a problem with speaking low because of the tone of his voice. He couldn't whisper to save his life. Burningcall liked to cut to the chase. What was her problem - why was she hostile - what can he do to fix it? It was rare when it came to fixing problems with him because his bluntness should fix everything. And, whatever she was mad about, Burningcall was pretty sure he would hear a complete rant about it. So, the tom folded his paws neatly in front of him, and allowed his tail to slither on the ground below him.

[It's cool! ^^]

Just as he spoke Applewhisker had noticed she hadn't planned on anything to say. He always seemed to have that effect, to take all your pride right from your mouth. to cover up she licked at her paw graceful for a moment or two even though she had groomed herself earlier that morning wasting her time figuring out what to say was worth it. "Just concerned you know, asphodel and August haven't talked to me in a while" she blurted out quickly. Covering up with her sons would make conversation. Bringing that up means he'll comment. Than I can accuse him of being to harsh. looking smug she than curled her paws over each other and looked him in the eye, she looked almost expectant of a harsh answer from burningcall. Perhaps it's devious buts its not like he hasn't done the same, in a diffrent way maybe. the feline lowered her head and settled her chin between each paw. Yet, I find myself pitying him. If this plan works well I'll be yelling at him for starclan knows how long. My kids are my kids and nobody not even their father can boss them around like he does. she settled back onto her side and licked her shoulder fur a few times, flattening it down to look more reasonable. Soon enough she would have licked very morsal of fur off her body from over grooming, it was almost a time filler that cost her lots of fur. I'm going to have to stop soon or I'll be a naked cat in the snow. she shivered at the thought of having less fur in the cold months, and in windclan too.

She looked back up from grooming her shoulder and giving a curt smile. "But I suppose I could just be worrying over nothing right?" she added with a tip of her head and her ear tipped to the side. Just than she let out a horrendous cough that shook her small and weakened frame. For s moment her eyes seemed to bulge out of her skull before she jerked her head away and coughed a few times. Her breath grew more raspy and she couldn't find the courage to turn around. Than she raised a law still looking away nd wiped her nose onyl to put it back down and see the trickle of Crimson on her forepaw. She quickly tucked it beneath her chest and tunred to face him after licking at her nose a few times.there were tears brimming in her eyes before looking back at burningcall. The sickness was ebbing back but more severe each time. She had mentioned it a few seasons back but it was unlikely he had been listening, he always seemed to busy for the casual things she would say. Training with apprentices, hunting and patrolling whenever she was in camp. There was no doubt she loved him but the communication bridge had been lost between them. Once she was sure the nosebleed was gone she licked her paw a few times before turning back to face him. Blinking away the tears and sitting back like she was completely fine.

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