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Old July 22nd, 2017, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by woly View Post

Wolfdancers claws dug into the ground in agony as she slept. She could feel nothing but pain racking through her body as her lungs heaved. She felt hot and over heated. Her kits didnt know she was training in the darkforest. The only cat that knew of her trainings were Honeycomb. the thought of them made them want to throw up bile. Not because they were disgusting or anything, but the strong discomfort she felt around them now. Currently in her dream she was in the Darkforest training. She often slept during the day so most cats wouldnt see her thrashing in her nest like this. Either that she slept in the territory.

Somehow, with her bad eyes, Briarpaw was able to track down her mother's scent that was in the den. She twirled around, looking up and around at den. This den was much bigger than the apprentice's den! She was still such a young apprentice but she already couldn't wait to become a warrior just so she can more space to sleep. Maybe she could find a nest right next to her mother and maybe even Lunarpaw, or whatever his warrior name would be at the time. She wondered what her warrior would be, she hoped it was something good and matched who she was. Her thoughts of the many possibilities of how her name could change was interrupted when she hears loud thrashing in the den. She points her ears towards the area she suspects and sniffs the ear. "Wolfdancer?" She sniffs cautiously. "Mother?" She approaches slowly towards the moving unconscious cat and her heart nearly dropped. She breathed heavily and her claws dug in the ground. "Mother!" She called in her ear in an attempt to wake her up. No response. Briarpaw softly presses her paw softly on her mother's side and was shocked at how hot she felt. She romped over to where her mother's head and desperately licked her forehead. "Mother! Mother! Please wake up!" she whimpered frantically. She was so worried. What if she...? What if she is...? No she couldn't think that. She needed to wake her mother up.
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