Thread: Willow's Rise
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Old October 24th, 2023, 12:32 AM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Sprucepaw |
Kitty Softpaws - Inactive

Ouch. Owee. Oh he was in pain. Oh he was in a lot of pain. And what was worse, his attempts at just... getting some distance between himself and the felines he'd been assigned to go on patrol with had been in vain, for he was fairly certain that was one of them lifting him from hell plant's devastating embrace and onto slightly less painful ground.

Lifting his head to stare up at the feline who had just saved him from what had no doubt been a devious, malicious trap placed by the plant cat, he was met with Violent's olive hues. You know... Fudge would never understand these cats and their naming conventions. As of so far, Violent had not lived up to her name. If anything, she was a really, really nice molly. Was her name meant to be defensive? Make others think she was really, really violent and then they left her alone? Smart, actually, if that was the case.

Prickled nose still stinging horrendously as he tried to regain some semblance of having it together - his dribbling nose and watery eyes failing to convey this in any capacity - the former kittypet attempted to shake himself, admittedly embarrassed as he felt the unfamiliar sensation of being groomed. Right. So he needed a game plan. Because there was no way he was leaving here without ripping some of those plants to bring back with him. He was going to show herb cat that he could handle anything she threw at him! But simultaneously there was no way he was going to put any of those devil plants in his mouth, either, thank you very much. And speaking of thanking...

"Gratitude," Fudge mumbled, half glancing at Violent, shame still running down his pelt at the fact that he had to be saved against a pile of plants of all things. Not even the squirrel's bullying had been this humiliating.

Lowering his by now deadpanned gaze to the ground, he noticed the pile of nettles being bundled up from what had been caught in his fur. Wrinkling his nose, he wondered if there was some way of making the stingers sting anything other than them. Frowning as he thought, the former kittypet's tail lashed. He was young. And obviously nowhere nearly as experienced as the older wild cats. His pool of anecdotes to rely on in just about any matter was probably lesser than theirs with the exception of housefolk, warm, giant dens, and snuggly blankets lining up your nest.

It was as if a firefly had just buzzed over the young tom, lighting up his head. That was it! The snuggly blankets! One of his sisters - Cookie - had always been more independent than the rest. She hated being picked up even more than he did, and whenever the housefolk needed to tend to her in some way they always used a blanket to stop her scratches. Would that work here? Would a blanket stop the stinging?

Well, maybe not a blanket. Fudge hadn't a clue how he would find one out here. But... these wild cats had things, right? What did they use to line their nests? Fur - no thank you, these things had already taken enough clumps of his - feathers, moss, sticks... and leaves? Moss seemed like an obvious choice, but he wasn't seeing much in the area. But leaves? There were leaves everywhere. Could they perhaps stuff a few of the horrible nettles between some leaves and avoid stinging their mouths as well?

Taking a step forward, the tom winced, feeling a bolt of lightning course through his entire body, pain rushing through in an instant. Alright. So moving still hurt. Hurray. What else was new? Gratefully, there were leaves all over the forest floor, and he didn't have to move very far, even considering how dry and brittle most of them were at this point in the season. While Violent the Nice was still helping him, he dipped his head, grabbing a few leaves at his paws and laying them down on the ground before hesitantly shoving a few of the nettles on them. There. Now the nettles would be little, harmless bundles of rage. Take that herb cat! And she thought she'd heard the last of him!


| +5 stinging nettle |

@dino. [Bumblestar] | @vex [Violetfreckle]
| Bump here, as the patrol is due tomorrow! Not sure if I'll be able to post again today, as there is a storm and my power has been flickering a fair bit, so thought it would be better to have Spruce help with some of the nettle just in case we get a blackout. |
Wow. Ridiculous. Bumblestar snorted as she watched Sprucepaw tumble right into the plants, then as Violetfreckle pulled him back out. Kits and their clumsiness.

She bent down to nip a few more of the stems, careful to avoid the prickly bits. [BI"We good?"[/B]
@vex - +3 stinging nettle

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