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Old June 29th, 2024, 01:19 PM
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Default Climbing lessons with risingstorm

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch]


Rising walked into the grassy clearing with rosepaw, a newly made apprentice it was sun high nearly perfect weather not to hot not to cold plus the canopy gave good shade rising walked to a good sized tree turning around to look at rosepaw “So rosepaw ready to learn to climb?” he asked with a smile

(lazy post sorry)
-+ risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-

Last edited by Spider.; July 1st, 2024 at 12:25 AM.
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Old June 29th, 2024, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm

I accidentally messed up and edited my new post into this first post! Oops! There WAS in fact something else here, I just made a mistake and put the next post here instead of where it should be at first. If I find the first post, I’ll make sure to replace it!

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?
~ Rosepaw, 4/100


Rosepaw had snapped and snarled just as much as he pleased, too lost in his average mood and lack of perfect manners to care at all about a word that came out of his mouth. By unleashing his sassiness and his sarcastic personality out and into the world, reactions to his rude behavior were always provoked, and personalities were exposed and/or expressed. It gave Rosepaw a chance to see how easily many of his clanmates were triggered, and in addition, it also granted him the ability to locate the cats who he could get sassy with and not get punished by for doing so. Everybody had their limitations when it came to angsty teenagers snapping and screaming at them, but for some reason, many older cats seemed to be awfully laid back about it all. Fortunately for Rosepaw, this just made it easier for him to interact with them- he felt as if he could show his personality without them chewing him out for having bad manners the very moment a sarcastic remark leaves his mouth, even the smaller ones. Looking of the bright side of all of this, Risingstorm was seeming to be decently calm about it all, if not unusually calm. He was accepting of Rosepaw’s personality and remarks, despite the obvious disrespect that stood firmly beside it. He seemed patient, friendly. Rosepaw would never admit this out loud, but to himself, he forced himself to confess to the fact that he sort of admired the warrior for it.

It was not too incredibly rare for cats to cats to stay clam and collected even at the sight and sound of Rosepaw’s sneakiness and spunk, but the russet tabby apprentice had seen and heard enough, ‘Young man, I will not take such disrespect from somebody of such little authority!’s and, ‘Respect your elders!’s to the point that he couldn’t help but take a bit of a liking to literally anybody and everybody who did not bother him for just being himself. It was always such a shame whenever some warrior snapped at him for being honest and unfiltered, but at the same time, it was pretty funny to watch the older cats get as tired up as they did because they couldn’t handle a small truth. Even funnier to Rosepaw was the expressions of these same cats as they walked away, all authoritative and elegant, as if they have some form of significant power over Rosepaw because of his young age. The newly made apprentice found it hilarious that cats could become to full of themselves after a giving him simple lecture about manners. But even though those interactions gave him quite a good laugh, he still very much prefered the cats who weren’t overconfident with their power and abilities and weren’t making it their new life-goal to make Rosepaw feel like an old sock for being the brat that he occasionally made himself seem like.

Rosepaw blinked and narrowed his eyes at the sight of Risingstorm’s nod, and tilting his head, he listened as the warrior began to speak. The tabby warrior told him that yes, he could teach Rosepaw how to assist to the cramped environment of the forest a bit more. Rosepaw raised a singular eyebrow, allowing his head to shift back into place. Well, I ain’t askin’ for any help, but I s’pose I don’t wanna go off an’ ruin the guy’s mood already, so I’ll shut up about it. No need for unnecessary complications, eh? When Risingstorm playfully told Rosepaw that he used to be the clumsiest apprentice in ThunderClan, the russet and brown apprentice stared at the warrior blankly. Then dryly and sarcastically, he muttered stiffly, “Aha, funny.” He felt no need to fake a laugh. What wasn’t funny wasn’t funny, and Rosepaw believed that honesty was the best policy, so he felt absolutely no desire to people-please. Where would that get him? Friends? Yes, exactly the very thing that he didn’t need at the moment. Instead, Rosepaw was going to show his personality as clearly and vividly as he felt like in the moment, and at the moment, he felt like being an honest jerk, so that was all that he did. He saw nothing wrong with spreading some truth.

Eventually, the actual training session between Rosepaw and Risingstorm began, and Rosepaw found his interest finally peaked. Staring up at tree trunk as the warrior’s voice appeared near him, Rosepaw felt his eyebrows furrow. Risingstorm told him that when climbing a tree you have to hook your claws into the bark, and then push yourself up and off of the ground from there, pulling your weight up. Rosepaw out the image in his head, satisfied. It was all fun and games until the unwanted image of himself plummeting to his death entered his head, and heart sinking, Rosepaw winced. Stiff with an unfamiliar anxiety, he shuffled over to face Risingstorm again, silent and still. He stared with a wide, careful amber gaze as the tabby warrior began his demonstration, digging his claws into the bark of the tree and pushing off the ground. Rosepaw took a step back as Risingstorm pulled himself up, and as the warrior moved to a low branch that could hold his weight, Rosepaw mumbled a nearly silent, “Tsk. Don’t break a branch, man, hmph.” At that, he returned to his quiet and impatient listening state. Risingstorm told him that once he got high enough, he needed to move on to a branch. He also added that Rosepaw would need to balance himself to ensure everybody, himself include,d that he would not fall on his way up, using his tail to help him with this said-balance. Finally, Risingstorm told him that he needed to find a branch that would not break underneath the weight of his body. As the tabby warrior smiled and jumped down from his place on the tree, Rosepaw scoffed. Then in a deep-voiced snarl, keeping the tone of sarcasm alive and clear, he said, “Ah, darn, I was sure hop in’ to break a branch today, hmph… ‘COURSE I ain’t gonna snap one, duh! I ain’t an idiot!

Risingstorm then instructed him to try himself, try to climb up the tree’s trunk on his own. Rosepaw’s ears flicked, and his whiskers twitched curiously. Oh, so this was it! His first interactive training session as an apprentice was officially beginning, then. With bright amber eyes beginning to fill to the brim with a sudden, new determination, Rosepaw nodded curtly, and raising his voice, he thanked Risingstorm. “A’ight, wish me luck, man. Thanks for wastin’ your time on me, hopefully I ain’t gonna disappoint ‘cha, ey?” He did not wait for a response. Rosepaw shrank down into a crouch and narrowed his eyes, putting his focus and effort to the trunk in front of him. Branch… find a branch, one that won’t die the moment I put a paw on it… branch, branch, braaa… ‘ay, there! Rosepaw located the jagged piece of wood jutting out from the tree trunk, and beaming, he began to climb in its direction. Careful and calculated with the way he maneuvered himself around, Rosepaw hooked his claws into the bark of the tree. Then using that lovely excercise he had forced himself to do routinely as a kitten, he easily pulled himself upward, paw by paw and claw by claw moving towards the branch. If only I didn’t have so much fur, this would be a whole lot easier… ain’t it already easy enough, though? Ha, pretty simple, actually- hm- He grunted a little bit as he landed a paw on the branch, quickly hoisting himself up onto it. “First branch down!” He called down to Risingstorm impatiently and loudly, tracking his own progress for the warrior. “I’ll try an’ get myself as high as I can before comin’ down, ‘Kay? If I’m ever ‘bout to fall or I’m literally falling, I’ll probably find some branch to help me not die, then I’ll come n’ get’cha ‘r somethin’ like that. Sound good?” He returned to climbing up the tree, keeping his stare hard and focused on the task in front of him; Keep it up.

Eventually, Rosepaw made it up another two branches, and even better, he had not struggled yet. He could feel a slight strain in his muscles, but he payed no attention to it. He just had to get to another branch. He caught sight of one pretty quickly, and with a surge of triumph flashing through his veins, he swiftly began to start towards it. He did not realize that slight cracks branching out from where the branch met the tree’s trunk, due to their lack of visibility, so confidentially, he kept climbing. He reached the branch just fine, and a bit too quickly, the russet tabby apprentice hoisted himself up and onto the branch. More loudly than ever, hoping to reach Risingstorm’s earshot as best and clearly as he could, he hollered, “Got to branch four, so I’m thinkin’ I can manage a few m- ‘ay, hold on for a sec’…” There was an unexpected popping sound beneath Rosepaw’s paws, coming from the start of the branch. So uneasy, Rosepaw bent his head to take a look. “Hold up! I heard somethin’, some kinda sound comin’ from the branch… oh, oop-Crack. Rosepaw’s eyes shot open wide for a moment, and his fur began to bristle. But pretty soon after, when more crack began to splinter and pop, he simply accepted his fate. Fur falling flat and eyelids falling half way over his eyes with disappointment, Rosepaw muttered a, “Ah, dammit.” Perfect timing, the branch snapped completely off of the trunk and came tumbling down, Rosepaw just behind it.

Oddly enough, falling was quite fun. Rosepaw couldn’t resist yelling out a, “WHOOOOO!” as he came flying down to what could easily be his death , trashing his paws around until he felt the figure of the tree trunk. Then with a shrill yelp, he tossed all four of his limbs around the tree’s trunk and gripped his claws into the wood again, ignoring the sting in each of them as he slid ungracefully down the trunk. Voice swaying eith dizziness, Rosepaw called out, loopy-sounding, “Y-Yo, er… uh… hehe, I didn’t… die, fun… oh boy…” He landed slowly and nicely on the ground, shaking his pelt and blinking away some dizziness. “Glad I uh… glad I caught myself, though, ‘cause that could’a easily got… well, bloody. Anyway, didn’t see the problem with that branch ‘till I was already up and on it… what a shame.” With a scoff, Rosepaw swung his paw in the air. “Heck, it ain’t my fault the cracks there were literally invisible… I’m sure that’s rare, and I’ll climb just fine in the future!” Rosepaw nodde,d half reassuring himself that his own words were accurate. Then silently, he waited for a response and/or a reaction from Risingstorm.


// This post is… scrappy. I apologize. I’ve been dragged into a July 4 party for a country I don’t even live in, man ;-; \\

~ @Spider. (Risingstorm) ~

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

// WIP Character Biographies * Training Tracker \\

Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~

Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; July 4th, 2024 at 08:45 PM.
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Old July 1st, 2024, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch]


Rising found Rosepaw quite amusing. They sure had a spunk to them. He heard Rosepaw talk about how cramped it was in the forest, but Rising didn't think so. Maybe it was because he was used to the forest, or maybe because he was bigger. The tom nodded his head. "Sure, I'll teach you how to get around the forest better, but don't worry about falling. I used to be the most clumsy cat in the clan," he said playfully. Given his name used to be Fallingpaw, that name fit.

Rising put his brown tabby paw against the bark of the tree, feeling the grooves against his pink paw pads. However, he was slightly off-put by the weird remark from Rosepaw about "taking his eyes" if he laughed, and the strangest part was being called "sir." Rising was only 17 moons old, and being called "sir" made him feel old. "No need to call me sir, Rosepaw," he said before turning to the tree in front of him. "Here is a good tree; you should be able to grip onto this one quite well," he said, amused Looking at the apprentice.

"So, when climbing a tree, you want to hook the bark with your claws, then push yourself off the ground, pulling your weight up," the tom demonstrated, digging his claws into the bark and pushing off the ground, then pulling himself up. The tom moved to a low branch that could hold his weight. "Once you get high enough, move to a branch. But you need to balance yourself so you don't fall. Use your tail to help with that and find a good branch that won't snap out from under you." He smiled, jumping down. "Okay, you try now, Rosepaw. And don't be upset if you can't get it right the first time," he smiled, reassuring the apprentice.
-+ risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-

Last edited by Spider.; July 1st, 2024 at 12:26 AM.
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Old July 4th, 2024, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?
~ Rosepaw, 4/100


Rosepaw had snapped and snarled just as much as he pleased, too lost in his average mood and lack of perfect manners to care at all about a word that came out of his mouth. By unleashing his sassiness and his sarcastic personality out and into the world, reactions to his rude behavior were always provoked, and personalities were exposed and/or expressed. It gave Rosepaw a chance to see how easily many of his clanmates were triggered, and in addition, it also granted him the ability to locate the cats who he could get sassy with and not get punished by for doing so. Everybody had their limitations when it came to angsty teenagers snapping and screaming at them, but for some reason, many older cats seemed to be awfully laid back about it all. Fortunately for Rosepaw, this just made it easier for him to interact with them- he felt as if he could show his personality without them chewing him out for having bad manners the very moment a sarcastic remark leaves his mouth, even the smaller ones. Looking of the bright side of all of this, Risingstorm was seeming to be decently calm about it all, if not unusually calm. He was accepting of Rosepaw’s personality and remarks, despite the obvious disrespect that stood firmly beside it. He seemed patient, friendly. Rosepaw would never admit this out loud, but to himself, he forced himself to confess to the fact that he sort of admired the warrior for it.

It was not too incredibly rare for cats to cats to stay clam and collected even at the sight and sound of Rosepaw’s sneakiness and spunk, but the russet tabby apprentice had seen and heard enough, ‘Young man, I will not take such disrespect from somebody of such little authority!’s and, ‘Respect your elders!’s to the point that he couldn’t help but take a bit of a liking to literally anybody and everybody who did not bother him for just being himself. It was always such a shame whenever some warrior snapped at him for being honest and unfiltered, but at the same time, it was pretty funny to watch the older cats get as tired up as they did because they couldn’t handle a small truth. Even funnier to Rosepaw was the expressions of these same cats as they walked away, all authoritative and elegant, as if they have some form of significant power over Rosepaw because of his young age. The newly made apprentice found it hilarious that cats could become to full of themselves after a giving him simple lecture about manners. But even though those interactions gave him quite a good laugh, he still very much prefered the cats who weren’t overconfident with their power and abilities and weren’t making it their new life-goal to make Rosepaw feel like an old sock for being the brat that he occasionally made himself seem like.

Rosepaw blinked and narrowed his eyes at the sight of Risingstorm’s nod, and tilting his head, he listened as the warrior began to speak. The tabby warrior told him that yes, he could teach Rosepaw how to assist to the cramped environment of the forest a bit more. Rosepaw raised a singular eyebrow, allowing his head to shift back into place. Well, I ain’t askin’ for any help, but I s’pose I don’t wanna go off an’ ruin the guy’s mood already, so I’ll shut up about it. No need for unnecessary complications, eh? When Risingstorm playfully told Rosepaw that he used to be the clumsiest apprentice in ThunderClan, the russet and brown apprentice stared at the warrior blankly. Then dryly and sarcastically, he muttered stiffly, “Aha, funny.” He felt no need to fake a laugh. What wasn’t funny wasn’t funny, and Rosepaw believed that honesty was the best policy, so he felt absolutely no desire to people-please. Where would that get him? Friends? Yes, exactly the very thing that he didn’t need at the moment. Instead, Rosepaw was going to show his personality as clearly and vividly as he felt like in the moment, and at the moment, he felt like being an honest jerk, so that was all that he did. He saw nothing wrong with spreading some truth.

Eventually, the actual training session between Rosepaw and Risingstorm began, and Rosepaw found his interest finally peaked. Staring up at tree trunk as the warrior’s voice appeared near him, Rosepaw felt his eyebrows furrow. Risingstorm told him that when climbing a tree you have to hook your claws into the bark, and then push yourself up and off of the ground from there, pulling your weight up. Rosepaw out the image in his head, satisfied. It was all fun and games until the unwanted image of himself plummeting to his death entered his head, and heart sinking, Rosepaw winced. Stiff with an unfamiliar anxiety, he shuffled over to face Risingstorm again, silent and still. He stared with a wide, careful amber gaze as the tabby warrior began his demonstration, digging his claws into the bark of the tree and pushing off the ground. Rosepaw took a step back as Risingstorm pulled himself up, and as the warrior moved to a low branch that could hold his weight, Rosepaw mumbled a nearly silent, “Tsk. Don’t break a branch, man, hmph.” At that, he returned to his quiet and impatient listening state. Risingstorm told him that once he got high enough, he needed to move on to a branch. He also added that Rosepaw would need to balance himself to ensure everybody, himself include,d that he would not fall on his way up, using his tail to help him with this said-balance. Finally, Risingstorm told him that he needed to find a branch that would not break underneath the weight of his body. As the tabby warrior smiled and jumped down from his place on the tree, Rosepaw scoffed. Then in a deep-voiced snarl, keeping the tone of sarcasm alive and clear, he said, “Ah, darn, I was sure hop in’ to break a branch today, hmph… ‘COURSE I ain’t gonna snap one, duh! I ain’t an idiot!

Risingstorm then instructed him to try himself, try to climb up the tree’s trunk on his own. Rosepaw’s ears flicked, and his whiskers twitched curiously. Oh, so this was it! His first interactive training session as an apprentice was officially beginning, then. With bright amber eyes beginning to fill to the brim with a sudden, new determination, Rosepaw nodded curtly, and raising his voice, he thanked Risingstorm. “A’ight, wish me luck, man. Thanks for wastin’ your time on me, hopefully I ain’t gonna disappoint ‘cha, ey?” He did not wait for a response. Rosepaw shrank down into a crouch and narrowed his eyes, putting his focus and effort to the trunk in front of him. Branch… find a branch, one that won’t die the moment I put a paw on it… branch, branch, braaa… ‘ay, there! Rosepaw located the jagged piece of wood jutting out from the tree trunk, and beaming, he began to climb in its direction. Careful and calculated with the way he maneuvered himself around, Rosepaw hooked his claws into the bark of the tree. Then using that lovely excercise he had forced himself to do routinely as a kitten, he easily pulled himself upward, paw by paw and claw by claw moving towards the branch. If only I didn’t have so much fur, this would be a whole lot easier… ain’t it already easy enough, though? Ha, pretty simple, actually- hm- He grunted a little bit as he landed a paw on the branch, quickly hoisting himself up onto it. “First branch down!” He called down to Risingstorm impatiently and loudly, tracking his own progress for the warrior. “I’ll try an’ get myself as high as I can before comin’ down, ‘Kay? If I’m ever ‘bout to fall or I’m literally falling, I’ll probably find some branch to help me not die, then I’ll come n’ get’cha ‘r somethin’ like that. Sound good?” He returned to climbing up the tree, keeping his stare hard and focused on the task in front of him; Keep it up.

Eventually, Rosepaw made it up another two branches, and even better, he had not struggled yet. He could feel a slight strain in his muscles, but he payed no attention to it. He just had to get to another branch. He caught sight of one pretty quickly, and with a surge of triumph flashing through his veins, he swiftly began to start towards it. He did not realize that slight cracks branching out from where the branch met the tree’s trunk, due to their lack of visibility, so confidentially, he kept climbing. He reached the branch just fine, and a bit too quickly, the russet tabby apprentice hoisted himself up and onto the branch. More loudly than ever, hoping to reach Risingstorm’s earshot as best and clearly as he could, he hollered, “Got to branch four, so I’m thinkin’ I can manage a few m- ‘ay, hold on for a sec’…” There was an unexpected popping sound beneath Rosepaw’s paws, coming from the start of the branch. So uneasy, Rosepaw bent his head to take a look. “Hold up! I heard somethin’, some kinda sound comin’ from the branch… oh, oop-Crack. Rosepaw’s eyes shot open wide for a moment, and his fur began to bristle. But pretty soon after, when more crack began to splinter and pop, he simply accepted his fate. Fur falling flat and eyelids falling half way over his eyes with disappointment, Rosepaw muttered a, “Ah, dammit.” Perfect timing, the branch snapped completely off of the trunk and came tumbling down, Rosepaw just behind it.

Oddly enough, falling was quite fun. Rosepaw couldn’t resist yelling out a, “WHOOOOO!” as he came flying down to what could easily be his death , trashing his paws around until he felt the figure of the tree trunk. Then with a shrill yelp, he tossed all four of his limbs around the tree’s trunk and gripped his claws into the wood again, ignoring the sting in each of them as he slid ungracefully down the trunk. Voice swaying eith dizziness, Rosepaw called out, loopy-sounding, “Y-Yo, er… uh… hehe, I didn’t… die, fun… oh boy…” He landed slowly and nicely on the ground, shaking his pelt and blinking away some dizziness. “Glad I uh… glad I caught myself, though, ‘cause that could’a easily got… well, bloody. Anyway, didn’t see the problem with that branch ‘till I was already up and on it… what a shame.” With a scoff, Rosepaw swung his paw in the air. “Heck, it ain’t my fault the cracks there were literally invisible… I’m sure that’s rare, and I’ll climb just fine in the future!” Rosepaw nodde,d half reassuring himself that his own words were accurate. Then silently, he waited for a response and/or a reaction from Risingstorm.


// This post is… scrappy. I apologize. I’ve been dragged into a July 4 party for a country I don’t even live in, man ;-; \\

~ @Spider. (Risingstorm) ~

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

// WIP Character Biographies * Training Tracker \\

Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~
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Old July 8th, 2024, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm

[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up:3]

"Damn, this kid sure is something," Rising thought as the apprentice made sharp remarks. It was interesting how such a young cat could have this kind of spunk. The kid reminded him of an old friend he used to know. He watched Rosepaw climb. "Alright, good luck," the tom said, watching them move up to the first branch. "Good job," the warrior said, glad that they didn't fall.
The apprentice said they would go higher, and the tom nodded his head. "Okay then," he called out, not wanting to stop the apprentice from getting their training in. When they got to the fourth branch, Rosepaw said they heard a sound. Rising looked at the branch Rosepaw was on; it was about to give away. "Hey, Ro—" Snap! The branch broke, and Rosepaw fell with it, catching themselves on the way down and landing on the ground. The warrior rushed over, making sure the apprentice was okay, before hearing a sound of relief. The apprentice cheered, their words incoherent at first before making sense.
"Okay, that was well done, and don't worry about the branch. It happens to the best of us," he smiled with a slight nervous chuckle . "Well then, after that fall, how about we take a small break so you can gather yourself?" the warrior said, concerned for the apprentice's well-being

-+ risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
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Old Yesterday, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?
~ Rosepaw, 11/100


The russet and brown tabby tom-cat was still startled by his sudden fall once he had spent several pleasant seconds with four paws on the ground, remaining shaken up with his fur bristling. It was not every day you went flying down a tree trunk, and Rosepaw had a strong feeling that once upon a time, Risingstorm had ended up slipping himself. Slipping probably came to ThunderClan members naturally- or at least, this was what Rosepaw was beginning to tell himself in order to prevent humiliation from sweeping him into oblivion. In addition, the thought that he would learn to climb eventually was decently assuring, and whenever a new spark of shame hit him, the newly made apprentice just brushed it off by promising himself that he could reach his climbing goals simply by practicing. So sighing in relief, the russet tabby allowed the fur standing along his neck and spine to lie down flat, and with a grunt of annoyance, he told Risingstorm he was alright. Unfortunately for him, there was still some annoyance hanging out in his heart and head, so Rosepaw was not left completely freed of his emotional problems, but for the most part, he was calming down. As for his claws and physical state, the same could not be said. Nothing too terrible was going on, but there was a growing sting where his claws met his skin, as well as an increasingly powerful urge to start nibbling at a new itch on his bark-burned paw pads. Still, Rosepaw controlled it just fine, and with mild discomfort, he waited for a response from the warrior in front of him.

Risingstorm had been nice and encouraging as Rosepaw had made his way up the tree branch by branch as he climbed, offering the occasional word of support each time Rosepaw called down to him that he had reached another branch. Rosepaw had pretty much ignored them all, keeping up his work and heading up as quickly and carefully as he could, all up until he ended up falling. Now the tabby tom-warrior had rushed his way over in Rosepaw’s direction to ensure that he was alright after the fall, but once Rosepaw successfully cheered and blabbered, Risingstorm appeared to calm down for the most part. When the tabby warrior spoke to him, Rosepaw perked his ears, brushing stray bits of leaf, bark, and dirt off of his pretty-perfect-pelt as he listened impatiently. Sensing little pieces of grit popping away in every direction, Rosepaw raised an eyebrow at the sound of Risingstorm’s words, ‘Okay, well that was well done’, offering a shallow and sarcastic, “Right, clearly.” This was when Risingstorm told him not to worry about the branch, and at the sound of that, Rosepaw could not resist sneering. When he did, he turned to flower in the other direction, over at a tree separate from the one he had just tumbled down. But from then on, he listened quietly as Risingstorm spoke to him. Risingstorm then told him that it happened to the best of us, and awkwardly, Rosepaw gave him a small, short nod. The best of us being the overconfident and h observant ones, but… ah, thanks. A’ight, Risingstorm. When the warrior smiled and chuckled nervously, Rosepaw did not break his expression, not even cracking a smirk. Then when Risingstorm suggested that they take a little break after the fall, Rosepaw tilted his head quickly in a side-nod of agreement. Then grumpily, he mumbled, “A’ight. But we ain’t gonna start up some sort’a conversation durin’ this trainin’ break, yeah? I ain’t gonna go for that- trainin’s trainin’, no talkin’s necessary. Anyway, my claws sting just a bit, so that outta be the main reason for the break, but they should be pretty much good to go after ‘bout a sec’ or two of waitin’, nothin’ Medicine-Den-Springlight-Worthy for sure.

Stiff with annoyance directed at both himself and his situation, the russet tabby apprentice momentarily abandoned the white and brown tabby to he’s din his own direction, walking with little no no struggle on over to the nearest shadowed area beneath a tree. Then leaning against it, he gazed in Risingstorm’s direction, thoughts beginning to start stirring again. A’ight. So I guess he seems alright- he hasn’t gone off on any lectures or rambles ‘bout my manners r’ some crap, no. In fact, the guy might even be OVERKY chill with my personality. I mean, I’ve said some decently rude things, s’far as I can remember durin’ out interaction so far, an’ I’m pretty sure that there’s even more I’m just forgettin’. Weird guy, huh. But it was not long before Rosepaw grew tired of waiting. So huffing noisily and effortlessly hopping back onto his feet, he wandered back towards the big tree that he had fallen from climbed up earlier, stopping at the base of it. “A’ight, time to try again. I’ll pay a bit more attention to branches and what-not, I s’pose, but that last one pretty much just died on me with no noticeable cracks n’ crap, so don’t blame me. Next I’ve just gotta learn to climb fast.” Yes, in other words, the young apprentice wanted to learn to zip up and around trees like a squirrel. “Then jumpin’ on opponents an’ enemies outta be real fun- and funny, at that. Ey, ready to teach me some more? Maybe how to go up quickly?


~ @Spider. (Risingstorm) ~

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

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Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~
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Default Re: Climbing lessons with risingstorm


[Risingstorm| thunderclan warrior|Purrks: just a scratch-Beefed up 3-shadow fiend ]

Risingstorm nodded his head when that apprentice asked not to talk during the rest he sat down as the apprentice moved away from him that was fine as long as they didn't end up missing after a moment rosepaw came back saying they want to learn to climb faster and such "well with time im sure you can learn to climb faster but I'm no help with that But I can teach you how to jump from tree to tree if you want." he said "and maybe some battle moves I've learned here and there...only if your up to it." he said

(lazy post mb would you mind if rising calls rose a "loud mouth?")
-+ risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
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