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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:36 PM
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WindClan WindClan Deputy Applications

Hello there, it's been a while—years actually. I never would have imagined I'd be on the lookout for another successor. Wow, I am ancient... although my twoleg informs me I am not that old considering the ages of leaders in the canon... which I still don't understand more importantly let's get straight to business.

Fallownose, my friend, and dear deputy murdered by Riverscum. I still refuse to believe that his death was deliberately plotted by soulless twolegs out to make my remaining lives nothing but pain and misery. Because that would not make any sense, I mean even when Dawnstar was at her lowest and kidnapped me, she had motivation as insane as it was, what in the world have I done to twolegs to make them want to hurt me like that, intentionally?

But as that will be a mystery I will never solve, the reason, I've gathered you all here is because I need a new deputy. WindClan needs one. Even though I still haven't gotten over Fallownose, RiverClan has been punished, and life must go on.

So here I am searching for my... seventh deputy and hopefully my final. Oh, me, who am I? Well, that's insulting. If you don't know who I am you don't belong here.

Do you have what it takes?

*I want an older cat, not super old cause then they'll die and I'll be back where I started. I want no younger than 30 moons, that's a good age. Not super old but not young enough to be an inexperienced moron.

*I don't want to micromanage but I don't want to be left out of the loop either. My deputy should be able to handle small situations without me stepping in.

*I do not want a deputy who lets me walk over them because of my rank, respect is nice and expected, but I enjoy debating things and opinions. I'm not a dictator. I would like to know what's on my deputy's mind, even if it goes against my initial plans.

*Do not bore me! Those typical tragic backstories, nice guys, or the grumps, even the cold ones, I'll toss you out on your ass. I want a cat with a different personality, unique, something I haven't seen before.

*I need someone I can trust my clan to one day, I don't particularly care much for myself, but my clan is everything to me. This job is often thankless and exhausting, but someone has got to do it.

*If you're going to let your kin and loved ones, come between you and doing what's right for the clan, leave. My life belongs to this clan, if you want a stressless life with a family, you're better off remaining a warrior, this rank has more downs than ups, and you will struggle. You break under pressure, and the clan suffers for it.

*If cats come preaching about strength and making the clan strong, I won't even look at them. I hate the stereotypical morons who believe that the clan needs to sit at the top and be the strongest, I know my clan has an inner strength it doesn't need to be screamed for all to hear.

Got it? Good. Apply?

One second, please..... Servant...... Twoleg..... Girl...... Remove the infernal noisemakers from your ears I am speaking!!! You can't hear me? Fine then, I'm throwing all the hairless rodents you call kittypets outs-- Oh! You can hear me now. I thought so. The servants want to know about the applications.

Very well, so other twolegs, my servant says no forms. I'm not looking at these she is, I'll be making the final decision out of the choices she's settled on.

She wants creativity, you must make the cat stand out to her without being boring. She doesn't care what you do if it is not a basic form or dull. Try not to be too cliche.

All applications must be submitted here, I have things I need my servant to do so don't waste her time looking for your application. Do not quote or mention.

So you're getting seven sunrises, for the twolegs that is... what did you call this moon again, twoleg. July? Yes, July 3rd 11:59 pm CST. What? Nope, I don't understand what that means either, weird twoleg code or something. But that's your time limit to show off. Or at least make your servants make you look good.

Questions? Give them to my servant, I have to lead a clan.

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

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The Gentle Giant
WindClan Deputy Application

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Who Is Ravenfrost?

Ravenfrost is a very sturdy, muscular, and handsome tom who uses he/they pronouns. He is a dark blue-black tom with green eyes and a large curved scar over his right eye, a scar going straight from his chin to the middle of his chest, a scar on his back and scars on his legs. They have had many people crush on him, but he doesn't really like others and is closed off because he knows most of those cats just like their handsomeness and not his personality. While they look strict and stern on the outside (which they can easily be if they need to), he's a big softie on the inside, lending a shoulder to cry on and comforting them. They are a little hesitant to be in a relationship for the reason mentioned already, and he'd only be in a true relationship once they realize the other cat actually cares about them on the inside and not just the outside. He also has schizophrenia, so he often looks like he's scared of nothing. Mostly he sees shadows of his past, but there are more things that he sees.
wip wip wip

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Last edited by ghost.; June 26th, 2024 at 09:02 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

placeholder- GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Spider-claw is the current leader of bug clan please join

Bugclan sign ups

-+{My characters}+-

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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications


Hello Moon!! It's me!! You're friendly WCO Bean is here to try out for deputy of WC o7 Just wanted to let you know that I SUCK at applications so apologies in advanced kuytrefrgthyj
It would mean a lot if you considered me let alone chose me for the role

Anyway, I wanted to note a couple of things before I start:

-I am currently 12 years old, Turning 13 on the 20th of August. Despite that, I would say I am very mature and stable enough for the role of deputy

-Due to my age, I do not have Discord. However, I plan on getting it as soon as my bday rolls around. Until then, I can use VMs and PMs for communicating.

-I am on here very often, and more often then not write minimum of 100 words for my characters posts. I do not write one liners (In fact, I hate them) !!

-I have been on this site for over three years now, and I am very active!! I promise you I have no plans of leaving anytime soon.


Now with that out of the way, onto my application !!

Hey bean since perch is 43 moons he was born on Nov. 27th 2020

Behind the Scenes

Basic Info***:

Name: Perchwind
Gender: Male
Age: 43 Moons
Affiliation: WindClan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentices?: Willowpaw [Current]

The Star
[OOC NOTE: Perch is the one who is speaking]

Question 1: Describe yourself in 3 words

In 3 words? That's not very many but I shall do my best.

First off, I would say that I am very loyal, I will follow my clan and Twilightstar to the ends of the earth, and would gladly give my life for them. I do my best to do what I can for my Clan.

Another word that describes me would probably be responsible. Yeah yeah I know that it's a very basic and broad word, but It's true. I keep up with all my duties, and I do my best to make it to every gathering and meeting. I also stick to the warrior code, but if there is something that is very wrong yet it is still 'allowed due to the code' then I am not afraid to speak up. And I am not afraid to speak up to anyone - Including Twilightstar.

And lastly, I would also say I am a very Patient tom. I do not like to rush things, as If i do mistakes could be made. That also allows me and others to process things a lot easier, making it to where we understand more clearly. Patience can be crucial in some circumstances, and I always make sure to do so.

Question 2: What would be something you strive for as deputy?

Something I would do If chosen for this role, is not to make WindClan the 'most powerful clan,' sure that is reasonable but it is a stupid idea. What I would do however is focus on developing our clan and making it more stable then ever, also assuring that we will be peaceful unless struck. I do not want to fight unnecessary battles, but instead figure out a way to solve it. Under rare conditions [like fallownose's death], I am all for a battle. A clan killed our deputy and deserves to pay. I'm not some sort of heartless monster [Unlike some cats *cough*RiverClan*cough*]

A Final Note From The Weird Twoleg Girl

Heya Moon [and twi] !! First off i want to thank you for reading my application, I put a lot of work and effort into it. I have been here for three years and I can say I know my way around the site, and I think that I would make a good deputy. I know that I and Perch may not be as well known [or as some like to put it- "popular"], but that isn't what makes a good deputy. A good deputy gives dedication to their role, and uphold their duties. I am very active here on the site, and I can proudly say that I can dedicate my time to fulfilling this role. I worked hard on this application [I take these things very seriously], and it would mean a lot if you considered let alone chose me for this position. If you choose not to, however, I will respect your choice as you are only doing what's best for WindClan.

Appreciate yall lots, and that's all from Bean here <3

ll Webstripe ll Russethowl ll Rainpaw ll Cloverkit ll Perchwind ll
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Last edited by Bean; June 28th, 2024 at 02:04 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications


Ravenhawk's Deputy Application!
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RiverClan: None
Outsiders: Crow

Never Ending Sky Book (also on Kindle)

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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:46 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

this is a totally legit application
dusklion 4 windclan deputy
the real reason she killed fallow
dun dun DUN

...okay dusklion is glaring at me so perhaps nevermind heheh


dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Last edited by taillow; June 26th, 2024 at 08:06 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

good luck !!!
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications


You don't think I know my own palace? I built it.
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

Good luck o/

Seabreeze is currently one of Riverclan's Lionhearts!
[ Seab is open to giving kit/app lessons || Seab is closed to all RPs currently!
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Old June 26th, 2024, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Deputy Applications

Silkkit should totally be the deputy...
Good luck everybody!
Take your time, hurry up--

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