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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Springlight
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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

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Old October 5th, 2023, 09:50 AM
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Default herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

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It was rather sunny out, and Springpaw had been feeling rather giddy as of late. There haven't been many issues abrupting as of late—other than the occasional drama or so—so why not gather some kits around and tell them about how some herbs worked? Carrying an average bundle of random herbs by her jaws, the feline set down the assortment of herbs by her side and used a forepaw to split them up from any that was lethal and anything that was used to help heal her clan-mates. This initial knowledge would be useful for kits to learn and they would probably use it to their advantage as they grow older. There was at least one deathberry—that she was bound to keep away from any kits’ mouths if they were going to try to eat it. One head of marigold, one tiny poppyseed, and a couple cobwebs. She would get more if necessary, but these seem to be the main priorities that kits will require if they were wanting to survive.

“Hey kits!” She called, peering her head into the entrance of the nursery to call out for all of the youngsters to start coming out by the call of her voice. “If you all are interested in a little lesson about herbs, then go right ahead and come out here in the clearing!” She flashed the young balls of fluff a sideways grin before pulling her head back from the nursery, sitting down right by the organized herbs so that she could start whenever kits gathered around.

next post by 10/9


this kit class is also open to any potential apprentices or warriors that would like to learn about any herbs that could help them out in the future if they wish to learn!
this class is only going to be going over the basics of some herbs that will be essential to be used for any dangerous situations and about the dangers of eating a deathberry and what would happen if they do.
this lesson should last for approximately for 3 to 4 posts max!
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Last edited by iliri; October 8th, 2023 at 08:50 PM. Reason: changing of date
Old October 5th, 2023, 09:51 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

Eelkit looked up at her. Ooh, herbs.

(Image by Pangoligon)

Spiderpaw just wanted to learn about herbs.
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Note I have ADHD and autism. I get easily overwhelmed, take a while to write long posts and I struggle to focus.
My cats' opinions are not mine. They are whatever they think.

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Old October 5th, 2023, 09:52 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

White she-kit with brown patches, has blue left( or right I forget) eye and orange right
5 moons
20/20 post completed

Foxkit purked as springpaw spoke in the nursery, the molly got up and ran over curious what herbs are, the molly looked at springpaw intently.

Calm as a water a stone will sit there peacefully

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Last edited by SpiritWolf_yt; October 5th, 2023 at 10:45 AM.
Old October 5th, 2023, 09:53 AM
Katiethewolfchild Katiethewolfchild is offline
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

Dogkit arrived.

Beetlekit arrived.

Sheepkit followed Beetlekit, the large deaf kit not sure what was happening.
My posts are always open unless I say otherwise. VM me if you would like to set up a roleplay with one of my characters or even if you just want to talk. If you have a character that knows one of my characters somehow you're welcome to make a starter and mention me whenever you want to roleplay them together. I often end up editing my applications, especially if I'm not using a form so don't consider my first draft to be final as it likely isn't, especially if it's a kit finder. If one of my characters says, thinks, or does something you don't like please don't get angry at me since I'm just trying to roleplay their personalities.

Last edited by Katiethewolfchild; October 5th, 2023 at 09:55 AM.
Old October 5th, 2023, 09:56 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

Shypaw tended to hang around the nursery anyway looking for cats to goof around with so she figured it wouldn't hurt to attend.

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Old October 5th, 2023, 10:02 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

His frantic eyes darted around in case something seemed even a smidge bit off. Heaving a reluctant sigh he plopped himself down eyeing the she cat whom was the apprentice of miss drizzlecloud. Speaking of her he still needed to ask the she cat questions about the shadow things. Eyes searching for his brother shrewkit couldn’t help but shiver.

꧁༺ inside this place is warm, Outside it starts to pour ༻꧂

Old October 5th, 2023, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

Cloudykit purred in excitement when he heard the word. He hauled himself up, bending down to grab a gift he had been making for Springy. He had made her a red flower -shaped thing. It was made to tuck behind her ear. He figured that if he got her a real flower, then it would die and then be gone so he would have to get her a new one. And they were always the hardest to find in Thunderclan camp.

He bounced out of the den, red flower in jaws, and pure joy shining on his face. He was smart and crafty, yes, but that didn’t mean that sometimes his emotions couldn’t take control, even if his brain was in control most of the time.

He ran up to Springy, purring affectionately. “I made you this.” he said, pushing the red flower to her. He figured he’d have to explain his wonderous creation so that she didn’t just think he had shoved a flower in her face. At was actually just a bit of feathers being supported by stick tied together with small vines.. but he had found some random red berries and painted the feathers with his paws after mashing the berries. He had cleaned them off, of course.

“Basically, you grab this red flower that I made, and then you tuck it behind your ear and your even prettier, Springy.” he explained, a large, wide smile on his face as he spoke

Dimkit purrkks: Lyrebird’s Lullaby

Last edited by Caspian; October 6th, 2023 at 08:50 PM.
Old October 5th, 2023, 10:38 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]


The hyperactive kit barreled out of the den as fast as they could. Did they hear something about a lesson?! Spotting the medicine apprentice, they trotted over calmly as if they hadn't just run into the clearing like their life depended on it.
Spider: Lands on Screen*

Me: Oh hi ;-; Do you need something?

Spider: *Crawls off screen*

Me: Oh... Okay then ;-;

Bumb after like 5 hours I'm on pretty often so If I don't get to our rp the means I forgot- ;-; (Yes if you were wonder ing the ;-; is my favorite face)
Old October 5th, 2023, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]

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Not even a few second after, Mosskit stumbled out. He got right back to his feet immediately, shaking himself off before trotting over to his sibling and plopping down next to him. The kit glanced around cautiously, after seeing just how anxious Shrewkit was..But upon seeing nothing, he sat there quietly, awaiting further intructions..Or the lesson, in general. He only heard about half of what the older cat had said.

kit || non-binary || they/them

Chestnutkit bounded out happily at the sound of the cat's voice, sitting down right in front of them with a soft giggle. This sounded fun! Maybe they'd even be able to learn a thing or two about those so-called deathberries that the other cats often spoke about. Morbid, yes, but the cat was intrigued.
Old October 5th, 2023, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: herb lesson time![kit curriculum class]


Shockkit awoke to Springpaw's call. She had heard of the cat, and had grown to recognize her voice, but had never personally spoken to the medicine cat apprentice. She turned to her sleeping brother. "Pssst, Sparky, Springpaw's calling us. Wake up," she whispered, nudging him. She scanned the nursery for Plumkit [ @Tecumori ], her friend, in hopes of finding him. "I think we should go."


Sparkkit awoke to a stab in between his ribs. Surprise surprise, it was his annoying sister, Shockkit. "I'm up, I'm up," he grumbled, standing up and shaking any leftover moss and feathers out of his pelt. He noticed Shockkit searching the clearing for something. No, someone. He knew about her relatively recent friendship with Plumkit. He didn't like the nasty troublemaker. The mischievous little kit always got in trouble, and Shockkit got in trouble right down with him whenever they were together. It was like putting Hades in Pandora's box. Those two were like sticks of dynamite ready to blow, and all it took was putting them together to light it up. He thought Plumkit was a bad influence. But whatever. He couldn't control who she made friends with. As long as she stayed out of his friend life, he would stay out of hers. Speaking of, where was Lilackit [ @Theodore_510 ]? He hadn't seen her in a while, and he missed her. She was a good friend. Sighing, he stumbled forward, legs still asleep. "Come on Shocky, let's go." He stepped outside and squinted at the bright sun that was devouring him. He shrugged it off, searching for Springpaw [ @eris ]. He had seen her before, when he went with Lilackit to the medicine den. Back when she twisted her paw. He found her, with a crowd of kits and a single apprentice, Shypaw, who he remembered playing with last night, sitting around her. "Hey everyone, I'm Sparkkit, and this is my sister Shockkit. If you don't already know her from the huge racket she makes every day," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
My characters are all in this doc.
Check this out! -its a book im working on!
Here are all the images of my cats that I have
Credit to the one and only @Cinnamon~
Check this out!- my rp on a wolf pack. Major roles include- General, Alpha, Beta, Gazer, and Healer!

Last edited by Sleek; October 5th, 2023 at 11:40 AM.
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