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Old July 5th, 2024, 10:10 PM
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Default “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

8 Moons

Chill of Death-Not Active


Leopardpaw was going into the territory with Ravenhawk and Redface.
This was so cool, she was going out to train with two warriors!

She trotted cheerfully with them, cheerfully yet quietly.
“How much prey do you think we’ll catch?” The spotted apprentice asked cheerfully.

[Please do turns in same order as mentions!]

@SpiritedWarrior - Ravenhawk
@dagnyme - Redface
@Rowan - Scorch
@Bean - Soot

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)

Last edited by Idiotic.Bean101; July 5th, 2024 at 11:50 PM.
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Old July 8th, 2024, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

[changing turn order to go ahead and get this started!]
@dagnyme - Redface
@SpiritedWarrior - Ravenhawk
@Rowan - Scorch
@Bean - Soot
[apologies for mentioning everyone again!]

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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Old July 8th, 2024, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]


"Mmm...well, let's see..."

Redface's voice is still rough around the edges, the final indicator of that nasty cold he'd been nursing for what felt like all of the moon prior. He's no longer wheezing and hacking like he had been, but he still sounds like he's been through it.

"Wind's movin' like it likes us today...sun's extra sunny...everyone's coats are clean...plus there's no storms a-brewin', divvied up by the amount of cats...oh! Equals twenty-five rabbits each. Easily." He shoots Leopardpaw a lopsided grin over one russet shoulder, pausing for effect. It is a joke, of course. Continuing on with a twitch of his thin tail, the warrior adds: "Do your best, alright, kiddo? Let me 'n Ravenhawk know if you need to stop for anything."

It does seem fairly nice out, all warm air and clear skies—must be the source of his good mood. The ginger tom's put himself at the head of their trio, setting a brisk pace toward the Thunderglade. Ought to be teeming with prey there, he figures; a good place to take a newer and less experienced hunter to help her polish her skills.

"And Ravenhawk! Don't you be afraid to speak up, either, now." Redface adds brightly. He's not very close with the other warrior, doesn't quite know his personality yet, so he hopes he isn't coming off as overbearing right now—particularly since Ravenhawk's got seniority, here. "In case your joints start to ache, yeah?"

Oookay, well. He's not worried enough to not try his luck with a bit of teasing.

@SpiritedWarrior ; RAVENHAWK
@Rowan ; SCORCH
@Bean ; SOOT

gravelly waypoint
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Old July 11th, 2024, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

@Rowan @Bean @IDIOTICBEAN101 @nyme
//Apologies for being slow with replies! Currently sick\\

He never really interacted with that many cats, and Redface was not an exception. Ravenhawk didn't entirely know why he's never socialized with the others unless it was absolutely necessary. Building relationships was good, so it was just a mystery the older tom would never solve. Perhaps he needed to spend less time training and more time actually getting to know the cats he would fight alongside one day. Plenty of battles had been fought by WindClan, but Ravenhawk enjoyed staying back and defending the camp should the enemy break through the first line of defense.

As ridiculous as it sounded, the tom knew that every cat had an important part in every aspect of Clan life. Battle, hunting, you name it, there's always more than two involved. Speaking of hunting... he and Redface agreed to go with Leopardpaw to hunt. The older tom was looking forward to catching prey, there were probably a lot out in the sun! It's too nice of a day to not do something. His fellow warrior had a... strange sense of humor. 25 rabbits each? What is going on inside his head to make an outrageous guess? He's clearly joking, but yeesh.

"Why would I be afraid-- oh. Nevermind," Ravenhawk took a moment to realize the tom was joking. I really need to get out more. All he does is observe, so he knows what type of cats his Clanmates are. He just... was not great at socializing with them. "You know I'm not that old, right?" The older tom laughed and flicked his tail.

"Just twice your age... almost. Uh, hey... speaking of age and all that fun business, Leopardpaw how's training going along? You're almost halfway through your apprenticeship aren't you?"
ThunderClan: None
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Old July 12th, 2024, 01:29 AM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

[Also there is no rush with post, take ur time guys, post whenever you have the time!]


8 Moons

Chill of Death-Not Active


Leopardpaw looked at Redface “Twenty-five?” She joked along “I can do that easy peasy!”
Honestly she bets she could, but gotta save some of the rabbits for other days.
(She actually hasn’t learned how to hunt a rabbit yet, but shhhhhhh she’d never confess)

She looked at Ravenhawk as he asked her about her training, giving an excitable smile “Super cool!” She said “I’ve been around a lot of the territory and I know how to hunt! Isn’t that like- super epic?”

After she finished talking, and the others went ahead of her, she scented… something? Hmmm….
Maybe she could get a super big catch and surprise the other two!

Leopardpaw crouched and stalked toward the scent.

[and that would enter the attackers, however you guys wanna go about it <3]
[combat will soon be initiated!]

@Rowan - Scorch
@Bean - Soot
(Wow they match)
@nyme - Redface
@SpiritedWarrior - Ravenhawk

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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Old July 12th, 2024, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

Outsider | Male | 23M
Dark brown Tom that appears to be black. His eyes are a cold blue and he’s heavily scarred.

Mentions: @Bean @nyme @SpiritedWarrior @IDIOTICBEAN101

The tom had been stalking the clans and was ready for a patrol any time soon when he hear voices. He crept through the territory, slaying low to the ground as he tried to remain hidden in the more flat, plain area. Thank goodness! He spotted some bushes and went to hide in them, trying to ignore the painful scratches he got from the various branches. That wasn’t important now though. He peaked out and saw a smaller, young cat. Bingo. An easy target to inflict damage on. To kill. He was shocked at her lack of skill as she believed his scent was prey and she started stalking towards him. She made his job easier but damn was he trying hard not to laugh.




He leapt out at the perfect time, pushing his weight onto her shoulders to knock the apprentice down. His first targets were always legs and eyes, but he had already got her knocked down. “I think you might be confused in what I am. I’m the predator. Not you. And I’ve already caught you.” He snarled. He enjoyed seeing the fear in cat’s eyes when he attacked them, inflicting more was fun. He hoped the warriors were to shocked to attack him immediately.


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Last edited by Rowan; July 12th, 2024 at 01:48 PM.
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Old Today, 07:12 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]

[@/Bean asked not to be involved in this plot anymore!
Turn order will continue in order of mentions again after this, apologies for any confusion and delays!]

8 Moons

Chill of Death-Not Active


Leopardpaw felt a sudden surge of panic when a weight suddenly bombarded her.
“Huh!?” Was the only thing she managed to say, before the Outsider on top of her started talking about her being prey.

[pp perms granted by @/Rowan to have Scorch injure Leopardpaw]

She tried to push the other cat off of her in her panic, but with no battle training, and being super small compared to the stranger, she found little to no success.

The next thing she new, claws met her eyes.
She let out a yowl.
That hurthurthurt!

The wound felt deep.
She couldn’t see!
She kept trying to get the outsider off of her, in her now blind fear.

@nyme - Redface
@SpiritedWarrior - Ravenhawk
@Rowan - Scorch

Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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Old Today, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: “The Fool Falls for the Ploy”[P]


Redface twists to peer over his shoulder, keeping a half an eye on Leopardpaw as she veered off into the sea of grass. He bites back the urge to tell her to slow her roll. Let her live some, he figures through a twinge of amusement. You only get to experience that childhood wonder once.

"Guess our li'l buddy's got her own plans," he whispers to Ravenhawk, craning to try and keep track of where that spotted coat's gone off to. "Kinda wanna give her a bit, see if she actually—"

A sudden, high wail has the red tabby's heart dropping into his stomach. Oh, stars—!


Redface scrambles, panicked. No, no, nonono! What had he been thinking? Childhood wonder? Starclan, he's an idiot. She's just an apprentice—a young apprentice, they shouldn't have—he shouldn't have—!!!

He cuts through the grass until he sees it: Leopardpaw bleeding and thrashing under some...some stranger. Inwardly, Redface curses himself again; his sense of small must have still been dull. He hadn't known a trespasser had been lurking nearby.

Redface is quick to act, no longer thinking of anything beyond getting the assailant off and away from Leopardpaw. He leaps, attempting to bowl Scorch off of the younger cat.

he's destined to die here; all powerplay perms granted o7
@SpiritedWarrior ; RAVENHAWK
@Rowan ; SCORCH

gravelly waypoint
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