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Old January 17th, 2017, 08:31 AM
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Default Tɪɢᴇʀғᴜʀs Aᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ Aᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ

The tom wriggled slightly, wondering how he had found such a small opening to the tunnels. I'm sure there is bigger holes. He growled slightly as he finally fit himself in, tail lashing slightly as he leaned back and flattened the fur down on his shoulders. Hmph. Despite his irritability at his luck, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement as he looked to and fro. Sunlight leaked from holes in the roof, along with the fairly common dripping of water. "Alright," He rumbled quietly to himself, picking one way down the tunnel. "Let's start exploring,"

Last edited by Tigerfur; January 17th, 2017 at 05:54 PM.
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Old January 17th, 2017, 05:17 PM
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Blessed slipped into the tunnel, ears perked with curiosity as she began to explore. A smile crossed her lips, the relative warmth of the hole a reprieve from the blustery cold of the outdoors. Shaking her silvery fur, a small cloud of dust and snow rose from it and settled to the ground, dusting it lightly in white. Tail flicking in an interest of her surroundings, she pioneered on, treading lightly over the ground, the soft crunch of dead leaves underneath her feet telling her that this tunnel had gone unused for a long stretch of time. Which also meant that she might be able to use it as a home, for a time. Surveying the walls and ceiling, she found holes above her and hoped those would dissipate as she moved deeper into the passageway, the light slowly dying as she trod on, away from the entrance. Her eyes glinted as light reflected out of the back, as her pupils dilated to pick up more of the meager light. Despite the bit of cover the underground shaft provided, it was still cold, and the frigid air bit at her exposed nose and feet. It would be cold for longer, but that was alright; she'd been a loner long enough to know how to cope.

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Old January 17th, 2017, 05:53 PM
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The tom slowed his pace as the darkness grew, allowing his eyes to adjust to the fading light. As he began to tread on leaves a bit further into the tunnel, he thought he heard shuffling ahead, a little bit quicker than his own gait. He paused for a moment, and there it was still. So it's not my imagination. He took a few steps closer, ears pricked slightly as he leaned forward. "Hello?" He finally called quietly into the darkness, suddenly feeling like a fool for announcing his presence. The excitement of exploring the tunnels, the prospect of finding something helpful to his clan, had all but faded, replaced instead with a sudden wariness of what lie ahead of him. If they aren't very nice, or if it's not even a cat.. He shivered at the thought of having to battle a fox in the slightly cramped space. The tom couldn't turn around without a struggle, lest fight something or someone.
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Old January 17th, 2017, 07:55 PM
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The molly froze in her tracks, ears erect and perked towards the darkness, as a loud, resounding hello met her attentive ears. Her tail flicked with anticipation, as she was unsure of who the voice belonged to. She pulled in a deep breath, to try to detect scents buried under the cold of the environment. And there she smelled the faint trace of ThunderClan, musky and deep, buried among the softer, earthier scents of the tunnel. Foxdung!, she swore mentally, too cautious to make such a mistake as utter a word. She did not know why a clanner would be in the tunnels, but it could not be good; as far as she knew, it was a foray of cats searching for food outside of the territory, the scare prey of winter driving them to search further. A frustrated growl dropped from her lips, and she decided, against her best judgment, to press forward. The curiosity was too great, and she wasn't sure that any clan would decide to send a patrol this far out anyway. It was most likely a single cat, one who would simply ignore a loner in the tunnels, and be on their way. So, tentatively, she called into the blackness; "Hello?"

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Old January 17th, 2017, 08:20 PM
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Tigerfur was silent for a moment before finally shifting his weight on his back legs. He opened his maw slightly, catching a mixture of scents from the tunnel as well as a warm scent from ahead. So she isn't of clan. A loner, then, or a rogue with a group awaiting her return. He shook his head, brushing away the thought, and letting out a sigh. "I mean you no harm, I'm just.." Was he about to tell a strange cat that he was doing something as childish as exploring? As long as it keeps her from getting tense. "Exploring. I was exploring the tunnels, to see what was down here." He hoped the pause didn't make her suspicious, though knew that if he were in her position it would. He tried his hardest, but alas, could not make out even a form of cat, despite being able to feel her in front of him.
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Old January 18th, 2017, 02:47 PM
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She stalked forward, slowly, apprehension causing her to move slowly, and carefully, despite the tom's word of assurance that he was no danger. Her eyes sparked with fear; was he a threat, or truly as he said to be, just a tom exploring? For the moment, she decided to believe him; she could detect no other scents in the tunnel, only his own musky odor. Blessed continued towards him, though jump with fright. "Alright, then. Why are you exploring? I can smell that you're ThunderClan. Don't you have a nice warm nest to go back to and a full prey pile? There's no reason you should be out here, in the cold. Prove to me that you're just here for a nice stroll," she called in reply, her words strong and sure. There really was no reason the clan cat should be outside the territory, beyond the borders that offered him protection and respite. A bit of worry gnawed at her; were the clans looking to expand into the tunnels? That would certainly give a reason for a cat to be out, scouting for suitable passageways to lend them a further reach than just their own territory. Her ears flicked at the realization that it was very possible, and so she paused, waiting for him to come to her.

I belong with you,
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you're my sweetheart

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Old January 18th, 2017, 03:12 PM
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He gave a slight sigh, ears flicking forward as he heard her moving. "Prove it? How in the name of Starclan am I supposed to prove I'm simply out wandering?" He asked in a bemused way, though flicked his tail in a rather annoyed way. He allowed for a moment of silence, thinking up a way, before replying. "I realize it's cold outside, and it must be odd I'm not in camp, all snug and warm. But wouldn't you get bored, doing the same thing everyday, sitting under a cold sun?" He hoped this was enough, as he really couldn't think of a way to prove that he meant her no harm other than to explore. He twisted and looked backwards at a fairly loud noise, almost like a rumble, and sat on his haunches. What was that? After waiting a moment, he looked back towards the general area of the she-cat. "I'm Tigerfur, by the way. What may I call you?"
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Old January 18th, 2017, 04:42 PM
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As his words, she pulled back slightly, eyes widening a bit. That had been one of the very reasons she had left her clan, and her family; the monotony of doing the same thing every day had dragged on her until she could bear it no longer, and left. Her ears flicked towards him, and her stance relaxed. She understood him, understood what he was saying and why. It must have been torture, being forced to stay in a clan with no reprieve from the dull sameness of living. She raised her deep blue eyes to his and nodded against her best reasoning. "I.. I do understand. I don't blame you for wanting to do something other than sitting around waiting for spring. But, don't you have a mate and a family who you could share stories with and laugh with and.. and just be happy with?" she mewed in response, head tilting along with her curiosity. Blessed wanted to know why he didn't stay in camp, other than just wanting to explore. She herself would've stayed in WindClan if she'd been closer to her family, or had a mate and kits. She could've been okay if some would've listened to her, not just pass her off as a new, bored warrior, looking for some excitement. She let out a soft sigh at the memories of being a kit; Dapplestar had been an excellent mother to her, with always a kind word and a soft nest. But that hadn't lasted; after having kits of her own, the molly had felt pushed out, even though her surrogate mother would have always accepted her back. But what was done was done, and Blessed had turned her back on WindClan for good.

I belong with you,
you belong with me,
you're my sweetheart

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Old January 18th, 2017, 06:43 PM
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He laughed, swishing his tail back and forth for a moment. "Mate? Family? The only cats who can stand me are those who either care for my health or depend on me for prey and protection. Apparently I'm too talkative, and I've been told once that kindness is suspicious. Mate.. I have yet to find someone that I want to spend the rest of my years with." Maybe I do talk too much. He hadn't exactly meant to give her a whole run through on what went through his head, and gave an apologetic shake of his head. "See? I talk too much," He had a good enough lock on his tongue that he didn't spill the rest about his past, of why a few cats disliked him. About being raised from a clan mother and loner father, about how he never knew Robinheart but knew that he reminded Hawkfeather of him. About how much his mouther mourned the accidental death, of her own insanity infused passing... He shook his head, clearing his throat and forcing himself back to the present. No need to go back there, Tigerfur.
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Old January 18th, 2017, 10:34 PM
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Head tilting to the side a bit, a small smirk passed over Blessed's lips. Against everything she should have thought, she was starting to like the tom. Her lips raised a bit to one side, and her stance relaxed visibly. "Trust me, you don't talk too much. You're surprisingly like my mom. She has to talk to whole hordes of cats. The whole of WindClan, in fact!" she replied, and quickly realized her mistake. She had let slip that her mother was from WindClan, and she was too, by extension. And he would probably be able to guess, from context, that it was Dapplestar. Her ears paled, despite the cold weather, and her muscles tensed. She didn't think he'd attack, he was too mild mannered for that, but it wouldn't look good for her. Taking a deep breath, she raised her sky-blue gaze to his, her legs twitching in anticipation for a fight, or to flee, though she stayed her ground. Her tail lashed once, as she waited for his reaction. Her eyes were steady on his, as she waited, waited, and waited.

I belong with you,
you belong with me,
you're my sweetheart

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