Previously Mintkit, the newly made apprentice has gone into her ShadowClan Warrior training with a bang. Overflowing with excitement, questions, and an optimistic personality, Mintpaw will win over any cat with buckets of patience. Any conversations meant to be a short, meaningless interaction will drag on for hours, with really only one cat talking the whole time. Take a guess?
Mintpaw is a mainly white cat, with brown paws, face and tipped tail. Her fur is long and silky, with a bit of a bounce to it just like Mintpaw’s gait. Mintpaw inherited her looks from her father, a previous kittypet who joined the clan for a short time, then returned to his Twolegs, leaving Mintpaw’s mother expecting kits. Or kit, I should say. The little Mintkit was hated by her mother, and Mintkit’s mother gave her away to a surrogate mother, who raised Mintkit to be a brilliant cat. Mintkit’s birth mother became a warrior again, and never spoke to Mintkit again.
”Questions are the only way to learn anythin’, right? I mean, what’ll you learn if you don’t ask?” — Mintkit
Mintkit talked a lot, and was a loner for a long time. Apprentices looked down on her, and none of the other kits really played with her. She was an outsider in a big, lively community. Mintkit liked to visit Dawnstar, and ask the leader large amounts of questions, most of which were not answered. Let’s just say, Mint annoyed a lot of cats through her kithood. Even as she got older, Mintkit still didn’t have any friends. Not that she worried!
Eventually, little Mint turned six moons old and became apprenticed to Hemlockleaf, and this was a good choice (kudos to you Dawnstar!) as Hemlock seems to like to answer all of Mint’s questions, and he is a patient character. I’m excited to see where Hemlock will take Mintpaw. It will be somewhere great, I know that.
◦ Birthmother:
◦ Birthfather:
◦ Surrogate Mother:
◦ Surrogate Siblings:
◦ Mentor:
Hemlockleaf — @/Luna16
◦ Friends:
Pigeonpaw — @/Luminous
◦ Territory Tour:
◦ Hunting:
◦ Battle:
◦ Stealth:
◦ Swimming:
◦ Flaying:
◦ Tree Climbing:
◦ Fishing: