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Old July 19th, 2017, 04:13 PM
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Default July Gathering [Leaders]

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@Random Winchester

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Old July 19th, 2017, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

Leaping up onto the large rocks, the Windclan leader made himself comfortable near the front edge of them. He was simply looking down on his clan mates, awaiting the arrival of the other clans and their leaders. He especially wanted to know how Skyclan was coping with their territory. They had only been around a few moons and remained the most mysterious of them all. It wasn't a bad thing, but he didn't like knowing anything about them. He at least knew a few things from each of the other clans, but Blazingstar didn't even know where the Skyclan camp was. Perhaps that was for the better? Anyways, the ginger tom allowed his fluffy tail to wrap around his paws, shielding the sight of his unusually long claws from the felines below. Now, he would simply wait.



Old July 19th, 2017, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

( @Suspiciousmindz )
Snowstar led her Clan in next, her short white fur neatly groomed. Now it was definitely more apparent she was expecting, her large stomach weighing her down slightly as she padded along. The Siamese didnt speak, letting her gaze flick over the cats already gathered, and her heart sank.


Sighing, the young leader turned her gaze back onto the large rocks, where Blazingstar sat. It reminded her of the last gathering, which brought a pang to her chest, recalling how nice all the leaders were. Now she knew tensions would be high. Oh, well, she still had SkyClan to look forward to, and she always enjoyed seeing Grousestar. So, with another sigh, the Siamese made her way forward and leaped up the rocks, pausing beside Blazingstar but shuffling away to give them some distance. "Hello," She mewed curtly, glancing at him with wide ice blue eyes before returning her gaze to the clearing to wait for the other leaders.
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Last edited by Random Melody; July 19th, 2017 at 06:20 PM.
Old July 19th, 2017, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

@Random Winchester
It wasn't long before a new group of cats appeared on the horizon. His maw parted slightly to breath in the scent which sent his body bristling momentarily. Of course. Thunderclan. Blazingstar prayed another clan showed up before this clearing -- filled only of Windclan and Thunderclan -- broke out in arguments or flat out war. Of course, he had strictly told his cats not to start anything no matter what, he only prayed Snowstar was wise enough to do the same. As she neared the rock, he took note that she was expecting. She'd be touchier than ever about the smallest things. Great. Blazingstar's long pelt hid the fact he was tense, very tense. If it wasn't for the rock under him, his claws would've been sinking down into the ground. It had to keep his cool despite the fact this feline was holding his mother hostage at this very moment. Tomorrow morning... Alderscreech will be back at camp with us, he vowed mentally as she leaped up onto the Seastones and made herself comfortable. "Snowstar," Blazingstar spoke curtly. His voice was cool, however there was much of a warning behind his tone. The ginger tom didn't even bother making eye contact with her, he merely watched the clearing below, praying another leader showed soon to relieve the clearing of the tension it was facing. It was awful to watch. The clans were only talking to their own clan mates and even Surgestorm appeared shook up about Thunderclan's arrival despite his rules about not being involved. It didn't help the leader in the least bit.



Old July 19th, 2017, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

@Random Winchester

With a relaxed, slow exhale and a smile on his muzzle, the familiar brown tabby lead Skyclan into the gathering area. While he wasn't the first, he most certainly wasn't the last to arrive and he didn't mind that one bit.
Lets see lets see.. That smells like.. Windclan and Thunderclan.
Being that he hasn't had contact with any of the other clans since the previous gathering, Grousestar didn't know what was happening between the four of them and was quietly eager to know. Not because he wanted to use the information to his advantage, but rather to simply stay informed. It was a strange and uncomfortable feeling for him as a leader to not be informed of the other clans and part of him wishes that the gatherings could take place sooner together time-wise. But regardless, surely the clans had done it this way for many many moons, why should he come about and change it?
Regardless, letting his clan disperse among the other two clans present, he made his way to the large rocks in which the other two leaders sat, his smile brightening. As much as he knew that this was supposed to be business, he couldn't help but be excited to talk to the others and to express friendliness to all of them, it was in his nature to do so. At least until one does something to cause him to stop, but none of the clans have done such a thing, so there's no reason to worry about his friendliness ever ceasing.
Gracefully leaping up onto the stones, Grousestar couldn't help but be reminded of his old territory, where he would leap upon stones daily, just in order to get to a good hunting ground. Shaking his head, the tom would allow himself to purr and dip his head to Blazingstar and Snowstar.
"Greetings Blazingstar, and greetings Snowstar, a pleasure it is to see you again!"
Unsure if they had been having a conversation before he arrived, the Skyclan leader would take his seat next to Blazingstar as opposed to in between the two, not wanting to seem rude in the slightest.

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Old July 19th, 2017, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

( @Duskflight @Suspiciousmindz )
Snowstar nodded at Blazingstar a little, deciding to simply end the conversation there, not wanting it to get too out of hand. Besides, she didnt have much to say to the older WindClan leader, anyway, so she kept silent and waited for the other Clan's to come, thoughts trailing. She really wanted to have these kits and get it over with, not feel so snappy all the time. Soon.

Snowstar's ears flicked up when she smelled the familiar SkyClan scent, and the Siamese rose to her paws slightly and paced forward, ears pricked up eagerly. When she saw Grousestar leaping up onto the rocks, a purr escaped her lips, nodding to the SkyClan leader. "Greetings, Grousestar. Its nice to see you as well." Snowstar mewed politely, looking around Blazingstar and sitting back down, curling her tail up at her side. "I hope all is well with SkyClan."
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Old July 20th, 2017, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

The tension radiating from Blazingstar didn't shift as Grousestar joined them on the rock. However, unlike with Snowstar, Blazingstar's golden gaze shifted towards the tabby tom with a friendlier appearance. "Greetings Grousestar, enjoying it in your new territory?" he inquired. He couldn't help but feel the Siamese peeking past him just to his other side. All of it irritated Blazingstar and man, was he trying his hardest to hide it. It was similar to how a kit would react, only Blazingstar didn't make it as obvious. It was still there though. He only hoped Grousestar wouldn't ask as he wasn't sure how he'd react to such a question. Would Blazingstar just blurt out the fact Snowstar took his warrior? Or leave it as a clan issue. Even if Grousestar asked, Blazingstar hoped he responded responsibly, he didn't wish to upset Starclan tonight.

@Duskflight @Random Winchester




Old July 20th, 2017, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

@Random Winchester

Strangely enough, the air seemed sort of.. Thick between the two leaders, and Grousestar most certainly picked up on it, a curious look appearing on his features for a moment before he let it go. It was none of his business to question what was going on, perhaps one had said something a tad rude to the other that caused some tension of the sort, or perhaps it was something bigger. Regardless, he would push it to the back of his mind for the moment, instead focusing on his greeting to the others.
A small chuckle couldn't help but escape when he saw the excitement of the young Thunderclan leader at his arrival, in fact, it made him quite happy to know that his presence could excite another one such as it did for Snowstar. He didn't want to be feared, or hated, he wanted others to be happy in his presence, relaxed. That's what he wanted.

"Ah yes, business is fairing quite well in Skyclan, no need to worry about that." Meowed the brown tabby to the Thunderclan leader, a happy grin on his muzzle as his eyes momentarily traveled to the crowd below, watching them interact. Is it just me or are the Thunderclan cats and Windclan cats trying to avoid one another? His head tilted slightly for a moment as he made a mental note before he blinked it away and looked back to Blazingstar as he caught his question.
"Hm? Oh yes, very much so. I believe Starclan favored us with a bountiful forest, to which I'm glad. It was one of the things I worried about when deciding to relocate my clan here." Flashing a smile, his emerald eyes focused on the Windclan leader. Is he trying to hold back irritation?
His eyes traveled to the Thunderclan leader for a moment before looking back at Blazingstar with a questioning look. Had something happened between the two clans?

"How is greenleaf treating your clans, surely prey is plentiful for you all as well?"

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Old July 20th, 2017, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]


Snowstar giggled a little, her ice blue eyes shining. All her past irritation seemed to slip away. Well, some of it. A small spark of kit-like satisfaction appeared on her face when she saw that Blazingstar was trying to keep an annoyed look off his face, but she masked it quickly. The Siamese rose to her paws and padded around the WindClan leader, coming to stop on Grousestar's other side with a kind smile.

"That's great to hear. Im glad SkyClan is faring well." She purred, looking down across the clearing for a moment before glancing back up at Grousestar. A slightly annoyed look flickered through her blue eyes when he addressed Blazingstar, but she didnt say anything yet, not until Grousestar seemed to speak to both of them. Immediately, Snowstar's eyes lit up like a kit's would when receiving the desired attention from their parents. "ThunderClan's doing great! StarClan must be happy with us, no?" The Siamese couldnt help but glance toward Blazingstar as she spoke, but then turned all her attention back to Grousestar, still smiling.
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Last edited by Random Melody; July 20th, 2017 at 08:05 PM.
Old July 20th, 2017, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

@Random Winchester @Duskflight

The Siamese started walking and the moment she sat on Grousestar's other side, Blazingstar's gaze averted the direction. He refused to even look at the feline acting so innocent. It was petty, but that was how the ginger tom was. To be honest, if it weren't for the gathering, he'd be sharing a few foul words with Thunderclan's leader. Though, he was respectful enough to not do so under Starclan's light. Without looking towards Grousestar, the Windclan leader nodded curtly. "It's good to hear. Windclan is honored to have Skyclan so near," the tom spoke briefly. It was a hint only Snowstar would catch, though Blazingstar also meant it genuinely. Blazingstar couldn't help but feel a flash of resentment towards Snowstar about her comment towards Starclan. He kept his mouth shut. At least happy with 4/5 tonight, he thought bitterly. His golden gaze rested on the clearing below. Skyclan seemed to set everyone to ease, however Windclan and Thunderclan still seemed to be in their own separate areas. Only a few had dared to communicate with the other, though Blazingstar wasn't judging. The only feline who had his undying annoyance was Snowstar. Speaking of, after she was done speaking, Blazingstar once again nodded. "The moors are filled with hares and Windclan is strong. The strongest we've been in a while. We are definitely taking advantage this green-leaf,"




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