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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:11 PM
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ThunderClan Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Event [#event]

It was a cooler night in the forest, and Greenleaf has taken over the forest. As the sky developed into pink hues, an idea hit Webstripe. The black tom made his way to the middle of the clearing, green hues flickering across the clearing before speaking.

"ThunderClan! Greenleaf is upon us, and that means that Firefly Cove will be light up with fireflies. Any cat who wishes to relax join me to go to firefly cove - we can hunt, share tongues, and enjoy the night. Kits, you must stay as it is too dangerous. We head out once the sun sets," he called out sitting down.

A night at firefly cove would be nice - the clan deserved to relax after the events that have happened lately. So, this would be the break they deserved.

How this works

-This is an event where ThunderClan is supposed to relax!!
Please keep all drama out of this thread <3

-Kits who follow / join the event will be shooed back to camp.

-Have fun!!

My next post will have web leading the cats who joined to Firefly Cove

@BEAR. @Fawn @Dust @SuspiciousMindz @Starfall @Dark @Silverfur & Co @dino. @vellichor @appariitiion @beau @MelonMile @furrensic @Dirtfur @Estelle @Silverware @TheNyanCatMinecart @The Kitty. @Quasar @Rani @gs29513 @Peril @iliri @Frozen Reign @interloper2 @WinterMara @Poprock @poppy @Aroogi @Wintersun @starry @Tiabirb @elswhere @carmen @Weekend-Wondering @Swiftheart <3 @nyx @Jayvines @error @Galaxy_ @taillow @Bean @Tecumori @SpiritWolf_yt @Snivellus @sol. @Warriorsfan9054.1 @SpiritedWarrior @Alchemist Kitsune @ghost. @Kaybug. @Caspian @Streamtail @leader @Fernwillow @Starii @Dakotaa @lem~ @hermeswind @Spookez. @SeonghwaBerry @Ymir @FruitBatz @Frosted pelt @Kix @Morrigan @Omari @RoxyTBDW @Katiethewolfchild @roo! @birdbrain @Spider. @Barnaby @tulin @Carrot @DarkGold @SunsetWhisker @Ladiebugg @ChaosBringer. @silver. @Neptune. @K1TTEN @Saki @RavensCall @stardawn @Sleek @Theodore_510 @braveleopard. @isla @Jungle @Fish @Hestia! @Mica @hawkboi @Starphobia @_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ @spoon_ @Blueberry^^^Galaxy @Sunny Cheerful @endlesshax @Samantha @Luck @Desert Rain Frog @Firestar512 @.Sunshine. @Moon Shark @Kieran. @lys.luvbot @lesbianism @Naila @chickadee @MangofDoom @Luminous @Windy @Eraserhead @Myling @f0rg0tt3n_v0id @Blazimations @Shrew @Beanz @Epiales @alec @IntrovertIRL @Bluue @Sealcloud @ellie @WCFan @kittycatburmise @MaplestrikeWCUE @ashstar1 @RoboPrism @Dolomedes @Cygnus @Tallstar @Highsnow of Matterhorn @Littlesun0112 @Donnie @Janis @zozelen @Moondapple @bramblemask @Blazing @PolarIce @JuniperSeed @20874 @ramen @DaffodilFlight @ollie @Seamrog @WCUEhoneyfur @IDIOTICBEAN101 @Lightningpaw666 @PoisonOrchid @Zero_2001 @burntToast @Goopysharkboi @rubberRatroom @constellation @Hollyheart of thunder @DragonloverWV @Rowan @SnowheartTC @lionparty25 @Patagonia @---Bluestar--- @dagnyme @olive-shine @hiraeth @~Jade @King of the northern cats
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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Crowtalon and salmonshade padded up
Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy


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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101 (for skunk mention)

Ooo…firefly’s? That would be so pretty to watch! And relaxing for him. And maybe it would help calm his down since his new emotion of anger earlier. He could also get his mentor—whom he hoped would be okay with their injury.

His cloudy eyes searched around, eyeing the warriors den and finally spotting Skunk’Ridge. He bound up to the cat, offering a gentle smile. “Wanna go with me? It’ll be cool! And you can show me around the area!”

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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Skunkridge-Any Pronouns
29 Moons


Skunkridge heard Webstripe mention fireflies at Firefly Cove, and then Stormpaw came up to them asking if they would go with him.

"Of course!" Skunkridge said, standing up "It's a good thing to do after that battle, it'll help everyone relax."


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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Old June 28th, 2024, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✪ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

Peachkit perks up hopefully, but...foxdung, this isn't a kits-allowed sort of thing.

Well, fine! He sniffs, indignant. He didn't even wanna come. Peachkit sticks his tongue out at those already up on their paws ready to head out, and then he turns back to whatever he'd been doing.

── ⋅ ⋅ ── ❊ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

Oh? Oh, yes? Oh absolutely yes??

Goldenpaw's on their feet in an instant, up so fast they get a headrush and reel for a few panicked pawsteps to one side before the static fuzz in their vision fades. Whoopsies. Anyway.

So what they're hearing is: get-together for funsies and social hour outside of camp, coolcats and nonbabies only. So what that means is: today's suddenly gotten so fun they barely even know what to do with themself. Starclan, is Goldenpaw glad they're not still stuck in the nursery. Suckers!

They're quick to trot over to Webstripe, tail raised cheerfully and gait all light and frolicky. Late day sun lights up their markings; red and gold and bright all over. "I'm coming! You're bringing me, no takesies-backsies. Hey, can you eat fireflies, y'all think? Think they're any good, even? Could that make you light up on the inside? How many do you think could fit in a cat's mouth? Like, just hypothetically, claws to your neck, right, like in a life or death scenario, how many do y'all think you could fit in your mouth?"


Last edited by dagnyme; June 28th, 2024 at 07:53 PM.
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Old June 28th, 2024, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Dawnpaw was excited and wanted to go and looked for hawkcatcher... She was almost itching to get out to see the firefly's. @Luminous

Snowstripe- RC Featherspirit-RC ~ ~ Lightpaw {Sunshine}- WC Leopardfire- WC

Last edited by Silverfur & Co; June 28th, 2024 at 08:03 PM.
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Old June 28th, 2024, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Berrypaw wandered over. Whitepaw wondered what was going on, so the deaf apprentice wandered over as well.
Wisppaw is the medicine cat of Darkclan. She has an open den policy. Find her here
Snowpaw: Primal Instincts, Silver Tongue
Cloud: Mind Reader

I am currently on hiatus, will make it as semi as possible so if am not answering for a long while, that is the reason why! Looking forward to being back full time, which is not happening until school starts up again. Will miss you all, have an amazing time! (mumbles 'lucky' under her breath)
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Old June 28th, 2024, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

She/Her | 37/100 | [ #flocklitterkestrel ]

Aha! Something for her to do. Eat firefli- Can you even do that? Maybe she should ask someone old, since all the olders know things, or that's what they say. Of course, her mentor counts as old, so Kestrelpaw craned her neck to look for the cat in question.

Huh. Sproutfleck wasn't here. Neither was Mountaintalon. That just wouldn't do. Wouldn't do at all, hmph! Why? Because if neither her mentor nor her father were here, then she would be lonely who was she to bother until they wanted to scratch their ears off? The rattlesnake-patterned apprentice had just been about to turn back (because duh, if her dad or her mentor weren't here, then she didn't need to impress either of them and could just flop back down in her nest to laze the day away) when her pointed ears pricked, swiveling in Webstripe's direction as a voice beside him piped up, reaching her ears.

'Hey, can you eat fireflies, y'all think?'

No, that was her question! They can't ask her question! Kestrelpaw didn't even listen to the rest of her denmate's chatter. She just marched over with a single-minded purpose. "By the way," the beige feline rattled off the second she reached their side. "That was actually my question, the one about if you can eat fireflies, but I'll forgive you for stealing it if you admit that you can actually read minds. Cuz you read my mind. And like, stole it from my mind, yknow?" There.

Shooting her companion a smug look, Kestrelpaw sat back and waited -- to be proven right, of course. Cats could read minds, she knew it! It was only a matter of time before Kestrelpaw herself grew into her own super duper cool powers of ... making cats turn into birds with her eyes. It was called. Um. Kestrel-death. She wouldn't tell anyone about her super-special-power-to-come though. It was a secret!

[ @dagnyme - Goldenpaw | I hope you don't mind me snatching this, wheeze ]

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Old June 28th, 2024, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

《 Alpinepaw 》

she/her | Thunderclan apprentice | 6 moons

Alpinepaw padded to the Clearing and sighed. Maybe, it would be a good time for her to be with her clanmates.

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Old June 28th, 2024, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Your beauty shines and lights up the sky

Weepingwillow blinked.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
- Park Seonghwa
lio lurked here
hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here

]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN

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