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Old April 17th, 2022, 05:51 PM
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Default a change of scenery [p]

Hunting was quickly becoming one of Fernpaw's preferred activities. Not that there was anything wrong with fighting-- (he didn't like it) but knew it was necessary, he just.. enjoyed the peacefulness of the hunt. No cat had to be harmed in chasing down a rabbit.

Today, he'd been stalking the scent of a rabbit over the moor. The wind had carried it further than he anticipated, pulling him deeper and deeper into the moorland and away from the more familiar territory landmarks. They didn't come this way often, but he shrugged that aside to eye up movement ahead.

(He wondered if Bravebird had followed, or if she was focused on other game.)

Just a little bit closer..

Fernpaw crept in, muscles tensing in preparation to spring forward. Then he did, outstretched paws gracing the rabbit but the sway of grass had gotten its attention.

It kicked him in his face, and he recoiled with a hiss. The rabbit dashed off into the field and he sprinted after it. They were going uphill - it wasn't the most ideal way to head, but maybe if he could get it cornered...

[ @tulle ]
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Old April 18th, 2022, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

With preparations to retake the Sky Glade in place - the filthy name would have to be removed once it was reclaimed by WindClan - Bravebird decided to work out the anticipation she felt by hunting. And she had been about to seek out Fernpaw to bring him along when a familiar brown tabby pelt slipping away from camp caught her eye.

That was new.

Her curiosity officially peaked, the warrior trotted a good distance behind the apprentice so that she wouldn't give herself away by scent or sight. He seemed to be tracking a rabbit (she could tell by the smell that wafted past him) and internally she gave a leap for joy. Oh, how she wished he would be granted this one catch! A smile stretched across her muzzle as she sunk low and tailed him, eyes brimming with joy.

...Slowly they began to move further and further into the depths of WindClan territory, away from the landmarks she had known and grown up with. But Bravebird couldn't detect any danger on the horizon so still she followed. She had to stifle a bit of laughter when Fernpaw got rounded in the face by the rabbit, thankfully not seeming to have deterred the young tom.

Just as he took off into a sprint, so did she, paws skimming the flattened heather. At this point she didn't care if Fernpaw spotted her or not - she didn't wish to miss his first catch. Nor did she wish to distract him, so for now she kept her maw shut as she hared after him.

Hopefully this hill was leading to something that would trap the rabbit, and allow Fernpaw another chance at catching it. Bravebird sent a silent prayer to StarClan for the success in this hunt.

[ @BILL. ]

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Old April 19th, 2022, 05:31 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

Over the hill, it turned into flatland. Fernpaw was focused enough on the rabbit he didn't pay much mind to it - getting closer, and closer to his quarry. He was so close! This time, the dumb thing wouldn't be able to kick him before he got a better grip.

The perfect opportunity came when the rabbit started to skid, legs turning to start in another direction. He almost barreled into it, using his outstretched legs to knock it over so he could pin it. A bite to the neck ended any attempts of escaping.

His sides were heaving as he sank down, wide eyes looking at his surroundings in almost a daze as he tried to catch his breath. The platform he was on was a bit larger than WindClan's camp, but most importantly..

It seemed to be cliff-like? Fernpaw was glad when he saw Bravebird join him at the top of the hill, huffing at her in greeting. "What is this?" He didn't need to move to see how the land below them stretched for miles. Not too far beyond them appeared to be a forest, the size undiscernible to him though it didn't look small. He was pretty sure they weren't near the borders with the other Clans, a relief considering he didn't want a run in with .. Them. "It's.." cool, yes. "Pretty." Having a world's view, to see anything that might approach them from any direction. He wanted to see it during sun-set, or sun-fall. The light over the weird hill would probably be gorgeous.

[ @tulle ]
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Last edited by BEAR.; April 21st, 2022 at 02:58 AM. Reason: fixed typo
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Old April 19th, 2022, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

Her sides heaved with each breath she raked in as Bravebird slowed her sprint. Her eyes landed on Fernpaw and his successful catch - a silent cry of joy echoing in her mind! - as she padded over to him. She was about to comment on the catch when his question caught her off guard. "Where are we? We're on-" she began as she lifted her head, the words falling from her mouth as it went agape.

Below, in the direction they had come from, was the rest of WindClan territory. It stretched on for many tree-lengths, as far as her eyes allowed her to see. Everything seemed so... small from far away; Adder Rocks was just a pile of pebbles from here. The forest that marked the rest of the Clans seemed tiny as well.

Shifting her gaze over behind them as she turned, Bravebird took notice of a forest not too far, one that didn't look familiar to her - so it certainly wasn't territory that belong to one of the other three Clans. No scent markers were around either - not that she could detect anyways as she finally caught her breath. On either of the remaining three sides was a steep drop off. Her paws carried her closer towards the edge where she could look out, a thrill shooting up her forelegs at what they might be standing on.

An idea had accompanied the little tingle and Bravebird looked over her shoulder at Fernpaw, smiling widely. "Fernpaw, I have an idea," she breathed, taking another moment to look all around as she headed back towards her apprentice. "Bury that rabbit and follow me." Her gaze then turned to the nearby forest; if her idea was right, then she would want to at least scout the nearby surroundings before disclosing it to Fernpaw, and then from there perhaps the others...

[ @BILL. ]

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Old April 21st, 2022, 04:55 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

Fernpaw wasn't sure he was following. Bravebird hadn't explained what this formation was-- maybe it was just a weird cliff after all. He wasn't an expert on land and decided not to think too much on the matter, at the end of the day it wasn't important.

He pulled his gaze away from the view to oblige, working on digging a shallow hole. It took only a moment: with the dirt softened from recent rains, it offered little resistance as he finished up and pulled the rabbit in. He scraped the dirt mound back over it, and moved to join her. She was looking... at the forest?

"Are we going in there?" At least it seemed less scary than ShadowClan's pines. If that'd been what they were facing, he wasn't sure he'd be so down.

[ @tulle ]
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Old April 25th, 2022, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

As her paw steps drew closer to the forest and up upon the treeline, her jaws parted to try and detect any lingering scents. Nothing of alarm to her - no pungent smells or distinct border markings. This land was as free and open as the moorland closer to camp. A spark of excitement shot through her as her eyes lit up, tail whipping about behind her. Her mind took her back to all those moons ago, when Twilightstar had proposed a camp relocation. Back then, their resources had been limited and the Clan scattered. Now with a medicine cat to assist them and a strong deputy at the helm, perhaps they could be polished into reality.

"We don't have to - try to scent the air," she encouraged her apprentice, glancing back at him with excitement in her features. There would be no distinguishable smell, only that of the woodland forest and perhaps a faint trace of a morsal or two.

With a newfound spring in her step she circled back around Fernpaw, unable to hide the kit-like smile and wonder from her expression. "What we were just on is a plateau; a cliff-like structure. And this forest... it's uninhabited by any other cats. And I think I have an idea that Twilightstar may like..." Part of her wondered if Fernpaw would catch on. The distance from camp, the way three sides of the plateau ended in a sheer drop off. It meant that if ShadowClan - or any Clan - were to attack them, they could be more prepared than last time.

[ @BILL. ]

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Old April 25th, 2022, 02:43 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

Fernpaw couldn't help but be a little nervous as they neared the treelines. It wasn't that he sensed any danger, he just couldn't help but be on guard around weird places. The forest didn't feel natural to him, try as he might - it was suffocating compared to the open skies of the moor.

"There's.. not much to smell." Trees, grass, dirt, the usual. Fernpaw was torn on if he was actually glad they weren't going in yet - a part of him was curious to see what was beyond the edge.

A plateau sounded fancy. Fernpaw didn't understand why it was called that if it was just a cliff, but he wasn't going to bother questioning something so minor. "Are you thinking of us taking this?" It made sense - he couldn't recall the last time they actually expanded their territory. Vaguely, he recalled Twilightstar's interest in moving things around.. "Oh!" That's probably what Bravebird was thinking. "Yeah, I think she might like this too."

Last time, the Clan had been in a lull. Getting the scouting patrol out was hard enough. Hopefully with this discovery, things would be easier.

[ @tulle ]
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Old May 12th, 2022, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

Energy sparked in her blue gaze as Fernpaw caught onto the tendril she had left for him. She gave a nod of her head, energetic as she bounced subtly from paw to paw much like she was an apprentice as well. This would be a good thing, something for WindClan to come together and work for.

"It doesn't appear like the forest belongs to any cat, and if that's the case, it could open up more possibilities than ever if it were to be WindClan's new home and hunting grounds. Plus, we still have all of this moorland!" Her tail swept out to indicate the rolling hill they had just come up, smiling. WindClan didn't have a lot of territory, what with ShadowClan pushing their luck whenever they could at the borders. By relocating here, they could expand their hunting grounds and avoid ShadowClan!

With another little tap of her paws, she nodded to Fernpaw with a playful look in her gaze. "We have to get back to camp to tell Twilightstar. Fernpaw, you're a genious for finding this!" Pride warmed her heart as she grinned. "...Last one to camp is a fish!"

And with that Bravebird took off, pelting back towards camp as laughter trilled from her voice. The future for WindClan was certainly looking bright.


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Old May 21st, 2022, 04:09 AM
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Default Re: a change of scenery [p]

[ SMH @marni ]

Anxiety swirled in Fernpaw's chest as he peered into the woods. "We should still see if there's anything in there, before we get too.. Situated." The last thing they needed was to move, only to find hungry predators around the corner! "But, the Clan could use a change of scenery. Everyone else knows where our camp is, it might be nice to have a new one."

At Bravebird's challenge, he braced himself to dash after her-- before he remembered his rabbit. Oh, shoot! He made a beeline to grab it from where it'd been buried, before making a sprint after her. Bogged down by the fat creature, he'd be a fish alright - but at least he tried!!!!
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