Hi hello! I'm honeybear, and I'm actually pretty excited about this site. It looks so great, and everybody seems to have such a nice community built that I can't wait to join! Gotta work on developing some characters to throw in here!!
This site is just huge! So many buttons, so many places to explore! So with that, I'll probably spend a hot minute here just kinda looking around at stuff, and figuring out all these buttons just to send a message.
Some things I'm interested in are musicals, drawing, reading a lot of realistic fiction and horror, and doing well in school! Yes I'm still in school, so that will be taking priority over this, but I still intend to be very much active!
If there's anything important I should know, please let me know! Also any tips on getting started with a roleplay would be great too.
So glad to be here!! -honeybear