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Old August 1st, 2020, 10:13 AM
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Default of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Beekit- ahem Beepaw was super, really excited about her new mentor and getting to train!
She was a little sad she didn't become apprenticed with her brother Songkit and sister Sparrowkit, but they'd follow her soon enough! Then they could all train together!
She wiggled with excitement.

"Deadpoool, are you ready for training? Are you ready to teach meeee? Also, can I bring my friend Stagpaw? I didn't get to talk to him long enough earlier! And he's like, super cool and fun!"

She had to keep herself from running in a circle, what is she needed that energy for hunting or like battle training? To waste it in something as silly as an excited run about?
She did, however, allow herself a little hop in place.

@Moonraven @Arie
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Old August 1st, 2020, 10:31 AM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

-- @Moonraven @Rainquail --

Training... again! This time with a friend.. or somewhat of a friend. Yes! that fit well! Stagpaw was excited for this. And maybe Twiglight and Deafloop would be too. So trotting out to the other excited and hyped up apprentice he sat next to her as he awaited Twiglight's appearance and Deafloop's of course. Maybe Twiglight was asleep? Did he need to drag her out of her den again? Maybe Beepaw could help! Together they could surely get the leader out and maybe Deafloop wanted to help with that too? Hopefully! It would be their last resort, not that they had many, if Twiglight didn't show up. "YEs! Twiglight going to come too! If she doesn't come.. do you want to help me drag her out of her den? Because I know that works! And also.. I am sure the two of us can beat Twiglight! We can also beat Deafloop I think. Yes! It'll be... AWESOME!" He was fully on board with this training thing. Were they going running? or beating each other... OH he would have to tell Beepaw that the rabbits were dangerous! They ate cats. "Sooo... You have to be aware of rabbits you know! they're dangerous. And they eat cats!"
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Old August 2nd, 2020, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Deadpool had taken a seat to watch her apprentice be a ball of pure energy. She resembled nothing of the little cat she had seen cowering during the meeting, which was great. Deadpool had the patience to coax Beepaw out of that stage, but she was happier with seeing Beepaw all hyper and ready to go.
"Yes, yes, readies is me to teach." Her delight shifted to with distress with a touch of anxiety when she heard about Beepaw's new friend.
NOOOOOOO!!!! Why silly apprentice friend Beepaw?! Deadpool inwardly panicked as the Stagpaw showed up and started acting like himself. Bad manners, rude, gonna corrupt my Bee! She had nothing personal against Stagpaw, but it did seem like he was a little dull in the head. Which was perfectly alright, but some of the stuff he was saying was going to give Beepaw the wrong idea. Deadpool parted her maw to scold him for calling their Clan leader a twig and even suggestioning such an idea, but at the sight of the molly walking up behind Stagpaw, Deadpool shut her maw.

Twilightstar had left her den as soon as she heard Parasite's big mouth. Deafloop was a new name, she was curious as to who he was talking too. Deadpool, she should have known it was the chimera. Deadpool was another face in the crowd to the leader, beyond her weird face, funny speech, and her small bouts of panic, Twilightstar paid little much mind to her. The warrior was quiet and caused her no troubles, Twilightstar's favorite kind of warrior.
"Parasite." The leader disciplined her idiot with a sharp cuff to the head as she came up behind him.
"Did I hear you say something about beating me?" Cocky brat, clearly she didn't hit him enough.
"Stop telling newly made apprentices that rabbits eat cats, I already told you hundreds of times that they don't. If you scare the new apprentices and they don't learn how to catch rabbits because of you, I will withhold any form of cuddling and snuggling with you for a full moon." The leader was dead serious about that. She did not need the new generation terrified of rabbits because of one idiot.

@Arie @Rainquail

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Last edited by Moonraven; August 2nd, 2020 at 12:44 PM.
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Old August 2nd, 2020, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Beepaw used a paw to lightly bap Stagpaw.
"Her name is Deadpool, not.... whatever that is!"
She wasn't really upset with him, but she doubted her mentor would like being called.... floop. Her name was Deadpool and she thought it was a very nice, very pretty name. Pool was a pretty suffix.
"Sure, we can drag her out.... but no hitting! Hitting is mean and it hurts and I don't feel like being exiled!"
She squealed happily, but was cut off mid sentence by the leader herself appearing.

Beepaw glanced at Twilightstar. She tried to look past the usual face blurring that didn't seem to happen when she looked at her Moomoo or Deadpool and eventually cleared up from Stagpaw, but with very little luck.
"Hellooooo, miss Twilight."
She sat, tucking her paws under herself politely like her Moomoo taught her to. She couldn't stop her tail from being wiggly, though.
Did she call him parasite? That was mean!
Cuddles? Stag got cuddles from the leader?
Her nose scrunched as she thought. This was..... so weird and she struggled to wrap her baby brain around it. Too many new thoughts entered her head before she could finish one.
She just wanted to start training. Preferably with less talking so she could sort this mess of thoughts and new information.

@Moonraven @Arie
Profile picture drawn by Rani and used with permission

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Old August 4th, 2020, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

-- @Moonraven @Rainquail --

"Hi Twiglight!" Stagpaw acknowledged, flickering his ears with annoyance at the cuff. Why did she keep doing that to him? He was determined to make her stop doing it, although it secretly made him happy. Twiglight wasn't slapping him hard so it meant she still liked him, at least that was how the apprentice took it. Yet as Beepaw too bapped him on the nose he returned it with a poke. No one would bap him without expecting it back! Training with Beepaw, Deafloop and Twiglight was going to be soooo much fun! And at Twiglight's question he pointed at himself and Beepaw, and then at her. "We can beat you yes! Together! Because... you can beat us when we don't work together." It was logic. Because he knew that he couldn't beat Twiggy alone, that had already been proven before. Maybe he could with a companion? Oh he was sure he could do it with a companion. With that he stood up and shook out his fur and smiled at Deafloop and Twiglight. He was ready! As ready as he could be. "What are we doing today?" Hopefully something fun. He hoped it would be something fun.
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Old August 5th, 2020, 04:18 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Deadpool lowered head when she felt Twilightstar's eyes on her. The molly was still scary, she found it extremely peculiar hearing some of the stuff coming out of her mouth. Did she give Stagpaw cuddles? Deadpool glanced over to Beepaw, she'd snuggle with Beepaw at any chance she got so maybe it wasn't that strange. Noting the impatience in Beepaw's body, she shut her maw and looked to Twilightstar not wanting to throw out suggestions in case the leader had plans of her own.

"I'd beat you even if you worked together." Twilightstar meowed, rolling her eyes. The leader shifts her gaze over to Beepaw finally, not certain what to make of the apprentice just yet. If she was friends with Parasite that she must be annoying as well.
"We'll do some hunting and maybe so battle training." She announced, noting that Deadpool didn't have anything to add. She looked nervous as usual.
"Hunting first, Deadpool, you haven't taken your Bug out to the territory have you?" The chimera shook her head no and Twilightstar wished she'd give her a verbal answer.
"Good then, you can show it to her while we hunt. Let's go." The leader took charge, padding out of the camp with the three cats on her tail. @Arie @Rainquail

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Last edited by Moonraven; August 5th, 2020 at 04:18 PM.
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Old August 5th, 2020, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Beepaw was more than happy to trail after Twilightstar out of camp into the vast expanses of the territory. Her eyes widened at just how open it all was.
She'd been afraid there would be towering things to watch her and point their judgement to, to stare and unnerve and pester and annoy until she broke down.
But this was good. She liked it. Liked the openness. Could almost forget her fears here.

She turned to Deadpool, briefly, wanting to ask a question of her, but almost immediately forgot it. Her brows furrowed in confusion.
How could she forget her own thoughts?
Was this going to happen now that she was an apprentice?
If so, that was dumb and impractical.

Then a different question formed in her mind.
"What will we be hunting today?"

@Arie @Moonraven
Profile picture drawn by Rani and used with permission

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Old August 7th, 2020, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

-- @Moonraven @Rainquail --

Hunting? Yes. Stagpaw was once again onboard with the idea. He didn't know how to hunt either so him and Beepaw would be on the same paws here... or well, paw? Considering wait no. He still had four. One might just be dead. But he still had four! and so did Beepaw. Oh they were going to see the territory again too? He knew the territory! Quite well actually, or so he believed. Maybe they could visit the rabbit hole he'd fallen into? Because... if they were hunting rabbits they needed to find a rabbit hole right? At Beepaw's question, which was more or less directed at Twiggy and Deafloop he caught up to her, despite his awkward gait and pointed to the leader with his tail, "I think Twiggy wants us to learn how to hunt rabbits! She's always on about how I'll never learn to hunt rabbits but... I think I can! And I think you can learn how to hunt rabbits too.. We'll learn how to hunt rabbits TOGETHER!" That sounded like a surefire plan to the apprentice at least. But... Beepaw was called a Bug? Directing another question at Twiglight, "Is Beepaw called Bug? Since I am Parasite.... Bug and Parasite out on a trip.. with Deafloop and Twiggy."
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Old August 13th, 2020, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Does he ever shut his mouth? Did Twilightstar have to listen to him like this all the time? Deadpool brought up the rear of their little group, keeping a close eye on Beepaw while on the lookout for any rabbit holes.
"Pestpaw talk lots." She lowered her voice so she was talking to herself, but Twilightstar must have heard her because the molly stopped and looked over at her. Deadpool was seconds away from moving into a crouch and tucking her tail between her legs, but the leader simply turned away a stare later.

"Parasite, you're being way too loud, shut your maw I can't hear myself think." Twlightstar yawned after turning away from Deadpool. Pestpaw, fitting nickname. "If you're too loud the rabbits and everything around will hear you come fox lengths away." She flickered an ear at Deadpool. The leader wasn't here to train both their apprentices, the chimera could help a little.
"Smell air, says what yous smells." Deadpool offered, parting her maw and tasting the air herself.
@Arie @Rainquail


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old September 2nd, 2020, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: of paws and disaster ((private training thread))

Beepaw lifted her snout and sniffed, she noticed her mentor part her maw as she did and so now she did as well and balked as a new wave of smells hit her palette.
Wow! It really did help!
She kept sniffling for a bit before turning back and reporting.
"I smell a lot of wind, but it also carries other smells? I think I smell.... rodent. And rabbit, but rodent is prevalent."
Her tail wrung itself around her legs as she waited for Stagpaw and Deadpool and Twilightstar to get around to answering if she was right or not.

@Arie @Moonraven
Profile picture drawn by Rani and used with permission

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