"Crowbreeze!" She said with a purr, though there was also worry in her tone.
"Their names are Ravenkit, Goosekit and Magpiekit." Cranewhisper said gently "You should rest, you can see them properly tomorrow."
A little more stern now.
Her mate was clearly wobbly, and possibly about to pass out any second.
Crowbreeze smiled at the names of his new kits. Ravenkit, Goosekit, Magpiekit!”what beautiful names.” he purred, but inside his emotions were roiling. He felt bad… he’d not been here when she birthed them. He felt angry… that RiverClan mange-pelt had kept him away. He felt… sad. He’d chose to fight another Clan then stay and be with his mate. But he couldn’t be sad! He had kits.
Crowbreeze shed a single, happy tear, making his expression one of soft excitement. He couldn’t wait for them to grow up, be apprenticed, and be amazing warriors. He vowed silently to the stars… one of them will be leader. he nodded. Cranewhisper always knew when he needed to rest. Though now it probably wasn’t that hard to guess. “Yes. See you in the morning.” Crow murmered, and padded away towards the warriors’ den.
Last edited by constellation; June 16th, 2024 at 04:33 PM.
Oh, so it's Maggotkit's turn, now? It glances its mother way. She's still sleeping (she sleeps a lot), flanks rising and falling steadily. Does this mean it's the only one of its friends with a mom? Lucky Maggotkit. Instead of telling the maggot story right away, it assures Morningkit: "Well if you're my friend then I have to help. That's my job. I will help." It doesn't want her thinking it'll be so easily shaken off. Maggotkit is an awfully pushy little thing, when it wants to be.
In the interest of stalling just a bit longer, it fixes a look on Frogkit, who's woken from her short nap. She looks uneasy about something, and Maggotkit realizes that they've jumbled the order; it wanted Morningkit to go, then Frogkit, then maybe itself. But here's Frogkit, looking all worried now. It wouldn't be right to make her do something she doesn't want to do—something that's making her look so fretful. Right?
Part of Maggotkit wants to ignore that, though. Part of it wants to pretend that it doesn't understand, to shine a spotlight on Frogkit and watch her squirm all so it doesn't have to do what it doesn't want to do. It lets that mean feeling hang for a moment, holds it carefully like some living thing between its jaws, before breathing it out and away. Not today. Maybe some other day...but not today.
"Once," it starts up, distant and and narrative, "Whiterabbit from Windclan ate a piece of yucky prey. Only she didn't know it was yucky until a teeny-tiny, squirmy-wormy maggot fell out. And she felt so bad for the little maggot that she scooped it up and carried it to her nest. Every day she slept and played with the teeny-tiny, squirmy-wormy maggot until it looked more and more like a kit! It grew little kit whiskers and little kit feet. And she named it Maggotkit. The end!"
It is hardly the truth, but it's the story that Maggotkit likes the best, and it's the story that it wants to share.
Frogkit thinks it is a relief that maggotkit understood her wishes. she realized
maggotkit was the perfect friend for her. "Thanks for doing that. I only trust you
with my story" She whispered to maggotkit.
want it to know that she appreciates it's kind
Maggotkit caught her off guard with the story
it told. maybe maggotkit will only tell frogkit
the real story like Frogkit would to maggotkit.
Morningkit listened to the story closely, tho saw quickly this seemed unlikely but I didn’t dare speak up. “Um. Okay.” Her frustration showed in her eyes but she kept her usually kind smile. That’s not true…
Her thoughts began to race. Maybe it was a former non-clan cat.. Or maybe it was too scared to tell her the truth. The most reasonable answer was that Maggotkit didn’t trust Morningkit with the truth. That sounds… Interesting… Um… How about we go to the elders den for a story? I’m sure they’ll take a rabbit for a story! She mewed, changing the subject. She stood up, padding to the entrance of the den before pausing, waiting for the others to come after her. ( @PINTO BEAN + @kenjaku )
(You guys can put the next post in the clearing if ya want!)
Bump Policy: Please mention me in posts, i am very busy rn though so weekly :c
Posts: 217
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Re: WindClan Nursery
Originally Posted by BlueBubble
Honeykit hits it, rolling back towards Acornkit as he moves left for Acornkit to hit it back "Thank you for playing with me!" He mews, smiling.
“You’re welcome!” Acornkit replied as he hit is as hard as he could, trying to figure out where Honeykit would hit the ball next. “Do you want to be friends?”
Morningkit listened to the story closely, tho saw quickly this seemed unlikely but I didn’t dare speak up. “Um. Okay.” Her frustration showed in her eyes but she kept her usually kind smile. That’s not true…
Her thoughts began to race. Maybe it was a former non-clan cat.. Or maybe it was too scared to tell her the truth. The most reasonable answer was that Maggotkit didn’t trust Morningkit with the truth. That sounds… Interesting… Um… How about we go to the elders den for a story? I’m sure they’ll take a rabbit for a story! She mewed, changing the subject. She stood up, padding to the entrance of the den before pausing, waiting for the others to come after her. ( @PINTO BEAN + @kenjaku )
(You guys can put the next post in the clearing if ya want!)
Frogkit stared at morning kit with a
weird look, morning kit wasn't thinking, Frogkit couldn't leave because of her punishment for swearing at crowtoothe...Frogkit was mad. She thought morning kit knew about her punishment. Frogkit walked away flicking her tail in morningkit's face angrily.
"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT?! I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!"Frogkit said as she walked away angrily. flicking her tail towards
maggotkit letting it know to stay with Frogkit.
"Crowbreeze!" She said with a purr, though there was also worry in her tone.
"Their names are Ravenkit, Goosekit and Magpiekit." Cranewhisper said gently "You should rest, you can see them properly tomorrow."
A little more stern now.
Her mate was clearly wobbly, and possibly about to pass out any second.
Ravenkit heard new pawsteps and looked up this cat resembled him and his siblings hm this must be his father he crawled over and nuzzled into his side[ /CENTER]
Maggotkit offers a wooden smile, catching the look in Morningkit's eye. It understands that she's just been treated a little unfairly; here she was, baring the truth of her origins, only to be lied to by one friend (Maggotkit) and met with silence by another (Frogkit). That's not a very nice thing, it thinks, but it doesn't feel bad enough to drop the lie. Maybe it'll find some other way to make up for it, maybe it won't. So long as it can tell an entertaining lie, Maggotkit doesn't see any urgency in it telling the honest truth. The story of a maggot-turned-kitten was far more charming than what it understood to be the real circumstances of its birth.
Maggotkit drops the split-second brooding and lights up, thrilled by the plan to hang with the elders for a bit and already inelegantly fumbling its way out of Morningkit's nest to accompany her on this outing—but, oh!
It winces, ears twitching flat in silent complaint as Frogkit erupts in outrage. Maggotkit scrambles closer to the pair, tail bristling in alarm and face crumbled in a disapproving frown. It's terribly fond of Frogkit, terribly amused whenever she's upset like this, but it doesn't want her to yell at Morningkit. It had been so worried that its friend might like each other more than it that it hadn't considered the other potential problem: what if its friends didn't like each other at all? That didn't seem much better.
"What's Morningkit supposed to know?" Maggotkit asked, unmoving in spite of Frogkit's beckoning tail-flick. It asks because it also doesn't know, hasn't yet learned of what happened with Flowerheart and Crowtooth and Frogkit, too. It had meant to find time to ask, but there's other things going on right now. "Don't yell, Frogkit," it adds in a chastising tone that falls flat due to how easily it is to tell that Maggotkit's trying not to laugh. Frogkit's just so silly when she's mad.
Sneezekit’s brow furrowed uncharacteristically, tail swishing back and forth as they hopped through the nursery bedding. Every so often, they’d pause, stir the moss with their nose, and then bounce away again, glancing about with a suspicious glint in their eyes. They didn’t want to attract the attention of their Clanmates. Not yet. Not until their masterful prank had been seen to its end... Of course, it probably would have been better to do this at night or when the nursery wasn’t quite so occupied, but all that was a bit beyond Sneezekit at this point.