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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

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: Fadingstar
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Old February 17th, 2024, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ MCA

Mossfreckle’s soothed slightly as Lostspark’s amber hues fell onto him in silent appraisal, the grey oriental form of his mentor was somehow becoming more of a soothing and happy feeling rather than nerve inducing - well, his pelt still prickled with insecurity at the thought of letting her down but it did seem to hold less wait then it has at the start of his apprenticeship a few weeks ago… he would prove himself to this lithe she-cat and he hoped that soon they wound share more than just their lesson, a friend mayhaps. At last the Lostspark spoke, oriental shaped ears perked as Mossfreckle shuffled his paws nervously on the ground in anticipation. Surprise shot through him as she agreed - conditional, yes, but agreeance nonetheless.

His angular head nodded in acknowledgment of her sympathetic words, Yes Lostspark,” he meowed in his calm tones, the anxiety of waiting has flooded from his body leaving him light and unburdened for the moment, “Thank you, where do you recommend looking and I will take Goopypaw and a warrior there. Would you like me to grab some for the herb supply while I am out there anyway?” he wanted to help in anyway he could, he also wanted to prove that the clan came first for him and that this silly solution was not the only thing he was offering… oh stars please show me she does not hate me, he sent up a silent prayer to Starclan in head… there has been no signs that the fluffy grey cat sitting in front of him has any ill feeling towards him… but he was so eager to prove himself to her.

{ @Rose ~ Lostspark } { @Poprock ~ Goopypaw }
(For Kat —> ahhhhh… to be honest I lowkey just took the patrol post as him knowing that lavender smelled good, bro has no clue what it does or anything just that Lostspark said it smelled good and Goopy’s goop smells bad (but yea.. adding it to his next lesson would probably be stronger than my fired brain logic lol)

❀⊱ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ⊰❀

Bile rose in Mossfreckle’s throat at the slight hint of anger in Lostspark’s voice, he tried to form words but this situation has him shaken to his core… this apprentice, this silly little choose little brother of his… how could swanpaw have been so careless… Breath, focus, speak, his mind prompted him in short repetitive task, Mossfreckle sucked in a few soothing breaths and spoke in the clam, collected tones of a feline who had pushed emotion to their core and had nothing in their mind except the task at hand - later he has assured himself, later he could feel all the rage and guilt and unbridled emotion… but not now - “I believe he fell, I did not see what happened but Swanpaw yowled my name name so I came out of the med den, Hickorysplinter was there when I got over there and Swanpaw was crumpled in a bloody heap… I assume he may have fallen but Hickorysplinter probably knows more than I do,” his head bowed and anxiety began to prickle down his spine not only out of shoved down fear for Swanpaw but at embarrassment for not being able to give his grey oriental shaped mentor more information on what had happen to the apprentice now lying unconscious on their den floor. Stars help them, Swanpaw looked like a helpless scrap of crumpled spotted pelt and crimson blood.. how had he managed this much injury while he was confined to the Shadowclan camp indefinitely, curiously tugged at his starry mind and he turned his eyes to Hickroysplinter, “Tell us what you know,” his tone was curt but polite and he sat his freckles oriental shaped form next to that of his mentors.

{ @Rose ~ Lostspark } { @finley.exe ~ Hickorysplinter } { @Beanz ~ Swanpaw }

❀⊱ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ⊰❀

Mossfreckle’s oriental shaped ears perked as he heard his mentors name then his called in a stuttered voice, he sniffed as his mentor did - maw open, seeking purchase on a familiar tangy scent, yet, he picked up no hint of blood. Angular head lifted from his nest as his mossy hues stayed trained on the grey oriental shaped form of his mentor curled in her own nest, he would not rise until she called him but he would listen diligently to the events as his mentor greeted the apprentice - Flashpaw - and the young she-cat began to explain her presence to the medicine cat. Silently he noted the cats mention of hearing loss, his pelt pricked with guilt as he acknowledged he could not help this apprentice with their strife - but Lostspark could, so he trained his oriental shaped ears toward his mentor, waiting for her to beckon him over for a hands on lesson in how to treat, ease, or soothe hearing loss… or break the news there was nothing any cat could do.

{ @Rose ~ Lostspark } { @blxze. ~ Flashpaw }

Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat
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Last edited by ellie; February 17th, 2024 at 02:04 PM.
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Old February 18th, 2024, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

So having heard Lost before Tiger, Dawnstar assumed that meant she was tossing this hairball to Lostspark. Which now that she thought about it made more sense. He'd have mother who could already treat the damage Dawnstar knew Bleedingkit was going to sustain as he grew. Even though he'd keep Slytiger busy, putting him under Lostspark's care made more sense. Wobbles would probably be spending a lot of time in the medicine den regardless.

How many herbs would be wasted on him, though? She had thought about that. Lostspark would have to teach this accident-prone hairball a bit about herbs that way he could replenish the ones he used being himself. The she-cat amber eyes drifted downward to where the kit was hanging silently between her fangs. Weirdo. The ShadowClan leader padded down the incline that led into the ravine and made her way over to her daughter's den.

"Lostspark, I-" Dawnstar growl was muffled behind the hairball. Grumbling something to herself, the huge feline padded towards the nearest empty nest and dropped Bleedingkit there gently.

"Got you a gift. This is yours and Darkfall's from now on, not that you don't have enough kits, but figured you wouldn't mind taking in one more." Dawnstar meowed as soon as she caught sight of her daughter. She took a seat to lift her hindleg and scratch at an irritating itch that's been bugging her the entire walk home.

"His kittypet mother gave him to me, she didn't want him. Said his father had ShadowClan roots which is why she brought him to me. He's got this weird wobbling thing going on, and barely any sense of balance. He's accident prone, smacked his face into a rock earlier cause of the lack of balance. Looks like he's got a high tolerance for pain, he didn't even shed tear after hitting the rock, but figured you should look at him anyway. It sounded like it should have hurt a lot." She explained after yawning.

"Oh, yeah, named him Bleedingkit. I figured if he's not going to grow out of his wobbles, most likely going to be bleeding a lot." Not her best name but it worked. She was calling him Wobbles, though. " He adepts quickly, thankfully, doesn't stay down long after a fall, and has nice reflexes. I think he can become a warrior with the right mentor and training, but I assume you'd have a better opinion on that." Dawnstar finished.

@Rose [Lostspark] @Rani [Bleedingkit]

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Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
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Old February 18th, 2024, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Shadowclan Kit | He/Him | 6 Weeks | Just a Scratch

Today had just been the best day ever! First the big cat (Bleedingkit still had no clue what her name was) showed up and was super cool, then she didnt get mad at his wobbling and allowed him to play with her tail, then she took him home and named him!!!! Big cat was the best!

Hmmm he couldnt keep just calling her big cat could he, Bleedingkit knew that wasnt polite. Important people were Miss like not-your-mother-freak was Miss Rosa so this cat was a Miss too. But Miss what? Hmmmmmmmmm.... Well she'd mentioned tiger-something earlier and the kitten knew that tigers were huuuuuuuuge striped cats, he'd listened to some stories about them and big cat was huge and striped. She had to be a tiger! Yeah, Bleedingkit knew a good respectful name for her now, she'd be bound to like it!

Bleedingkit was about to use this new respectful name, but for now he was being distracted and gobsmacked by the camp.

There were so many cats! And they all looked so cool! This was his home now, like the kitten was really one of these?!? Yeah, best day ever and the cat holding him was the best too.
The medicine cats den was awesome also, and the little tom was a bit sad his nose was clogged by lingering dried blood from the bump so he couldnt sniff around as he was sure it smelled interesting. It looked interesting, and so did the grey molly who occupied the den. Bleedingkits wide blue eyes took in the molly and, despite the ample scars she seemed.... Kind. Motherly in a way Rosa had never been and in the split second before he was plopped down in the adult sized nest the kitty cracked a little hesitant grin and a shy wave.

The all he could see was the large nest walls of the adult nest and Dawnstar towering over the little kit without probably intending too. Well Bleedingkit didnt wanna just see moss, he wanted to see everything! So, with little glances to make sure he wasnt doing anything wrong the tiny kitten rocked his way to his paws and wobbled over to the edge of the nest, hauling himself up on top of the lip.

This, at least, gave Lostspark a clear view of the kits wobbling. His head rocked around as he walked involuntarily, and the tom took large steps like a cat on a stormy ship might to stay upright. All this too say, he had no balance and shook a bit, causing him a single tumble back into the nest in his climbing attempt before he figured out how to do it and succeeded.
Other then that he was perfectly healthy, probably more so then an average unvaccinated clan kitten might be in late winter. A mite skinny maybe, though that could just be his body type, and his little nose was plugged with dried blood from his accident but it'd long stopped and just needed to be sneezed out to be a distant memory.

Having reached the lip and sat (head still wobbling around) the kitten grinned at his name, happily chirping "Im Bleeding!" Still downright ecstatic that he had a name at all. "Dont know whata warrior is but I'll be best Miss Tiger!" There it was. The respectful name Bleedingkit was downright sure was perfect for Dawnstar that'd probably send a certain tom in the clan nuts.
The kit didnt linger however, a bit bashful now as he mumbled to the new cat he wasnt sure of but still curious about, Lostspark. "Youre eyes like fire Miss... It pretty. Nice ta meet you." Ah the lovely middle ground of kit development, no filter but an idea of what manners are.

@Undertaker @Rose
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Last edited by Rani; February 18th, 2024 at 09:26 PM.
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Old February 19th, 2024, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

short-furred, black tabby tom with gleaming amber-copper eyes; white front paws
purrks: n/a

This was uncomfortable. Unsettling. Why was he standing in front of the sharp-smelling den of all places? The young Darkfall lookalike stood adamantly in front of the cave entrance, copper eyes staring stoically into the darkened tembrosity of the den itself. The kit never liked to go out into the world and see what awaited ahead of him, preferring the safety of his nest and warm home back with Heron. Heron. The molly who tossed him out and left him to follow the paws of his father. Was Darkfall truly his dad? Did he care about him at all? Sootkit bore no interest towards the tom-cat that suspiciously looked a lot like himself. Even if they looked oddly identical towards each other, it wasn’t like he wanted anything with the tom. He wasn’t his dad. Not by blood. It couldn’t be possible. His own personal objection towards the facts of biology. His nose scrunched, paws briefly compressing against the cool soil as he stood uneasily in front of the medicine den. Or, whatever it was, really. He didn’t hold any true intentions towards the molly that suspiciously looked a lot like his mother. Why did his dad-… Darkfall, hold something for the strange molly? Like hell he knew. He was just a kit. A kit with a lot rummaging through his tiny mind.

A deep breath sunk into his lungs, filling them with the chill of late winter air and he just… began to walk. He began to enter the sharp-smelling den, feeling his nose scrunch against the both bitter and sharp acrid stenches that flooded his nose. How could one deal with such intense smells? It smelled awful here. He was certain that it would only get worse by the time he interacted with that molly. What was her name? Lostsomething? Whatever. He’ll just call her… Heron 2.0. That fit her. She looked a lot like that unmistakably excuse of a molly when he was forced to follow Darkfall to this clan. ShadowClan, or whatever. He didn’t understand. He didn’t know. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to get the hell out of here. Glassy orbs observed the cave-like den, approaching succinctly towards the familiar form of a scarred gray-and-white feline, a deadpan stare reminiscent all along his facial features as he stared up towards the blind molly, letting him be known by just uttering out a single word.

“Greetings.” Sootkit’s voice felt like it bounced off the smooth stone walls, but it was smaller than the entirety of the cave itself and this molly herself. He held no intention of wanting to quell this greeting, but he knew it was far overdue. Heron 2.0 was just a face that looked oddly familiar with someone he once knew and wished to forget, and if Darkfall somehow saw something special within this molly, then he suspected he could too if he just looked at it long enough… even though the mere thought of interacting with other cats just felt awful and weird. He absolutely despised it, after all.

@Rose [ long awaited soot and lost interaction go brr ]
Hey there.
Sorry, there isn't much, and there never will be much.
You can take a look around if you wish.
Just don't expect me to come back anytime soon.
Have a nice day, friend.

Last edited by iliri; February 19th, 2024 at 02:03 PM.
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Old February 20th, 2024, 08:30 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Purrks: N/A

She hated this. She hated everything about this stupid shecat. Why did she suddenly care for the whole clan when her children matter just a bit more than them! Howlingkit didn’t even want to go into the den, to hear her mother’s stupid nickname for her, Sundew. Howling had a name, she should use it! A shudder goes down her spine as a wave of pain begins to make its way through her pelt. Thank stars she had dragged her Papa along. She turns to the huge cat who had basically ordered her to go in. “Papa…I don’t wanna, what if she hurts me?

The shekit mews gingerly, the eldest daughter of his second litter stands silently at the den entrance. Her hesitation leading to doom filled thoughts. What if she tried to kill Howling? What if she hated Howling that much to kill her? Where was Sunny? Blue and yellow eyes scanning the den and its residents. Howlingkit’s tail fell downward to sweep the floor, dark grey paws moving forwards as she gives one look to her father beforehand. Voice taking its normal tone, harsh and unforgiving. This cat wasn’t Sunny, no. She had abandoned them all and for that she didn’t deserve anything from Howling. “Ear. Left ear.” Howlingkit raises a paw to point towards her left ear that sent another wave of pain causing her to wince. “Hurts.

The shekit had left the infection fester, she had let it take her hearing. Howlingkit couldn’t hear through it due to this infection, and little did she know what that would result in…

She fell silent as a mouse, trying to not be noticed by other members of the den. Head raised to stare at her mother, her scarred face seemed so unfamiliar. She was someone Howling knew yet she truly didn’t…it was odd to her. Papa’s face was so familiar, he was comforting in a sense but her mother gave none of that. Drawn back to her work the moment she had the chance hadn’t exactly given her eldest daughter a chance to grow a relationship with her.

[ @Rose , @Dark ]

✰ [ hunting kat and dark in leafí’s basement ] ✰

secrets you bury deep within the sand
like truth trapped in the night
the fears behind your eyes

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Old February 21st, 2024, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

@Rose ~ Lostspark } { @finley.exe ~ Hickorysplinter @Fawnheart<3

The tom coughed as he opened his eyes and looked around. "W-where am I?" he groaned in pain. "Mossy tell me where I am!" he cried out in pain.


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Old February 23rd, 2024, 12:30 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den


Shadow Fiend: Inactive | Beefed Up (T3) | Ultimate Predator: Inactive

Darkfall was all too aware that the eldest daughter of his litter of thirteen did not like her mother. He didn’t know why, as he never asked, however, he assumed it had something to do with the fact that she was often too busy with her clan duties to look after the kits. Not that he was that much better. The huge tom had a plethora of responsibilities of his own, but he tried to make time for his mini-Darkfalls and mini-Larkfires (lets be real, they all looked like him) whenever he had the chance. It was difficult. Often times he found it hard to look at them, feeling responsible for all the pain that they were in, feeling like he was inadequate, etc. However, he still had a duty. Unlike his own father whom he didn’t know existed until well after he became a warrior, Darkfall was going to be right by his kids.

Having decided this, it was only natural that when Howlingkit told him that she wasn’t feeling good, he marched her from the nursery to his former mate’s den. Though she was the one who had approached him, she still seemed apprehensive about going into the den. ”She’s not going to hurt you, little one. Your mother loves you very much – just as much as I do. She’s just… not as good as showing it,” Darkfall promised in an attempt to assuage the young kit’s fears. Perhaps that worked, he was unsure, as Howlingkit seemed to reluctantly enter the den and address her mother – not before casting another glance towards him. Why was she so scared of the scarred she-cat? To his knowledge, Larkfire hadn’t done anything to the kits, so what was the hesitation about?

Sighing, Darkfall padded into the den as well, attempting to not take up too much space. This was the first time he would properly address Larkfire since their talk some nights ago, and he wasn’t too sure how to behave around her. He desperately craved fixing the brokenness of his family, however, he knew that Larkfire needed some space and he feared overwhelming her and irreversibly ruining what the two of them had.

”Howlingkit appears to be sick. Something is going on in her ear and seems to be causing her a lot of discomfort. Is there anything you can do for her?” He asked, cringing at the question. He knew that Larkfire would have to access their daughter’s condition first, so why had he asked that? He was a concerned father, yes, but he also knew that Larkfire was not one to take too kindly to being rushed or asked stupid questions. Maybe… maybe she wouldn’t get too mad at him. Their relationship was still fixable… he could do this… just had to be a little smarter and think about the words he said before saying them… Once again, it seemed like he had to walk on eggshells in order to deal with the grey and white she-cat if he wanted to avoid her potential ire.

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Last edited by Dark; February 23rd, 2024 at 12:34 AM.
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Old February 23rd, 2024, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

[ @Spider-in-the-corner - Silentcrow ]

Lostspark pursed her lips in thought at Silentcrow's words. After a couple moments of eyeing the round feline, the Medicine Cat puffed out a breath, a silent sigh. "You're pregnant." She deadpanned after a moment. "You're expecting kits." The molly added, in case Silentcrow hadn't comprehended her words the first time. Lostspark inclined her head. "Best I can say to you is to go rest in the Nursery until the kits are born, don't overexert yourself."

[ @blxze. - Flashpaw / @/Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle ]

For a moment, Lostspark studied Flashpaw in contemplative silence. She needed to say it -- needed to tell the young apprentice... that there was nothing Lostspark could do for her. With a soft sigh, the grey feline sat back on her haunches, claws tapping against the ground. "I'm sorry, Flashpaw." She began. "There is nothing I nor Mossfreckle can do for you. Matters of the ear are too intricate and internal to be helped."

[ @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle / @/Poprock - Goopypaw ]

Blinking at the oriental tom in front of her, Lostspark allowed her gaze to drift briefly in Goopypaw's direction, as if gauging the apprentice was worth this trip she was allowing Mossfreckle to go on. Alas, even if it proved to be fruitless, Lostspark would rather the pair go on this outing and bond somewhere along the way. It wouldn't do for her apprentice to be isolated, and Goopypaw was much closer to his age -- Mossfreckle could use a few friends, cats to lean on if times were rough and Lostspark was not able to be that for him. She was his mentor, after all.

"Go to Icy Heartlands,"
was what she said finally, inclining her head. "Don't get hurt, and I want you back before sundown, Mossfreckle." Eh, she probably was in no place to give him a curfew, but give him one Lostspark would do all the same.

{ rest of the replies tba }

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.

Last edited by Rose; February 23rd, 2024 at 08:37 PM.
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Old February 24th, 2024, 04:34 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Rose View Post

[ @Spider-in-the-corner - Silentcrow ]

Lostspark pursed her lips in thought at Silentcrow's words. After a couple moments of eyeing the round feline, the Medicine Cat puffed out a breath, a silent sigh. "You're pregnant." She deadpanned after a moment. "You're expecting kits." The molly added, in case Silentcrow hadn't comprehended her words the first time. Lostspark inclined her head. "Best I can say to you is to go rest in the Nursery until the kits are born, don't overexert yourself."

[ @blxze. - Flashpaw / @/Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle ]

For a moment, Lostspark studied Flashpaw in contemplative silence. She needed to say it -- needed to tell the young apprentice... that there was nothing Lostspark could do for her. With a soft sigh, the grey feline sat back on her haunches, claws tapping against the ground. "I'm sorry, Flashpaw." She began. "There is nothing I nor Mossfreckle can do for you. Matters of the ear are too intricate and internal to be helped."

[ @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle / @/Poprock - Goopypaw ]

Blinking at the oriental tom in front of her, Lostspark allowed her gaze to drift briefly in Goopypaw's direction, as if gauging the apprentice was worth this trip she was allowing Mossfreckle to go on. Alas, even if it proved to be fruitless, Lostspark would rather the pair go on this outing and bond somewhere along the way. It wouldn't do for her apprentice to be isolated, and Goopypaw was much closer to his age -- Mossfreckle could use a few friends, cats to lean on if times were rough and Lostspark was not able to be that for him. She was his mentor, after all.

"Go to Icy Heartlands,"
was what she said finally, inclining her head. "Don't get hurt, and I want you back before sundown, Mossfreckle." Eh, she probably was in no place to give him a curfew, but give him one Lostspark would do all the same.

{ rest of the replies tba }

Tags; @/Rose ; @/Fawnheart<3

Open, Close. Open, Close.
Flashpaw couldn't get words to leave her
maw. She couldn't spit anything out other
than a long and silent struggle of stuttering
on words that weren't even there. She tried
so hard to speak, to say anything, to stop
quivering and silently stuttering and freaking
get some words out. She subconsciously used
her paw to swipe over her ear again. No, no,
no. No. This wasn't happening. She wasn't
going to be deaf-- or half-deaf. Oh, she must
be dreaming. That was why she couldn't talk!
Yes, she was dreaming. This was all a terrible,
terrible dream. She pricked her shoulder with
one claw- No, no, no, this had to be a dream.
She had to be dreaming. She just had to. With
a stutter she finally got some noise out. It was
a sort of attempt, sure, but she needed to speak.
"I-I-I-I-I'm-I'm D-r-dre-dr-dr-dre-dream-dreaming."
she forced out, tongue stuck to the roof of her
mouth with invisible honey that wasn't there.
"I-I-I th-th-this i-i-i-is a d-d-dre-dream."
her voice wavered in a quiet, crescendo-ing squeak.
She closed her mouth and bit her tongue- Oh, crap,
the last straw. She tried not to make a noise, or a
sound, but a hiccup later it was all over. She was a
stuttering, stumbling, stupid mess, and she was now
apparently even more of one. Deaf. Such an awful
word. So close to the word death. The meaning of
it was quite awful too. She began a strange state of
hiccuping-sobs, and managed to stammer- no, stupidly
stutter, "I-I-I-I'm s-s-so s-o-sor-sorry." Her voice
was thick with misery, a bitter taste on her tongue. She
was useless. A useless little rat. She didn't belong here.
She was a freaking useless, stuttering, stumbling, bumbling,
half-deaf rat. And she didn't deserve these wonderful
cats in ShadowClan. She deserved to be thrown out.
"S-Sh-Sh I-I-I- go?" See? She couldn't even
finish the word should! Wow, what an idiot. What a freaking
useless idiot.

isla, Alec, Bean, phantom, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Old February 24th, 2024, 08:28 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den


silent crow she was in a mix of emotions joy confusion and many more it took her a while to say anything "Im expecting kit...Im expecting kits!" she was joyed "Frost-Cloud will be so happy!" she touched her round belly "Thank you lostspark!" she meowed as she left the medics den

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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