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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Springlight
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Old July 18th, 2024, 02:45 AM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The High Priestess ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆

❀⊱ { + 3 lavender // + 5 chamomile } ⊰❀

❦ Angular star marked head bobbed in a nod of acknowledgment and approval to the apt apprentice and the eagerness they showed to serve their clan as its future, with a directional signalling flick of a feathery tail the lanky oriental padded out of camp on diligent paws, Mossfreckle’s pace remained hastened but smooth as he darted through underbrush and strode beneath the tall conifer canopies that filled his senses with the heady bite of alpine scented breeze. Mossy hues remained silently fixated on the two younger mollies as he allowed them to do as they pleased on their way trusting them to know the difference between work and play and to have actually remembered what was asked of them herb wise. Reaching Mourning Ruins the medicine cat stood a moment to take in his surroundings before allowing calm tones to slip from his white twinged maw, ”Lavender is used to mask the scent of death while Chamomile in layman’s terms is used as a soothing herb to ease a number of physical and mental ailments - while both are important focus on the latter, we have no chamomile in the stores as we didn’t have any when we moved camps,” a petite paw rose to point in two separate directions as the tom pointed out certain spots during the moments pause, ”There and here are where I usually find the two, lavender is most likely there if the patch remained and chamomile is over there but there will probably be some throughout us general,” aid given and mental boxed checked off in his starry mind spotted tabby pelt disappeared from view as he dipped into the underbrush and made is way to gather a few fronds of lavender before heading back and scooping up a bushel of chamomile as he made his way with the dark pelted duo back to camp but for the time being he made sure he was always within distance of the two - although hidden to any onlookers besides the scent he allowed the apprentices to smell - his eyes flitting from verdant and twiggy views to feline shadows in his peripheral. Three fronds of lavender toned fronds drooped from the herbalists mouth as he returned from his latent state to stand within the sunlit speckled gapping of trees for a moment to watch Birdpaw and Midnightpaw before he bent down to gather between his sharp teeth the small, sweetly scented daisy like flowered, ”Are you two finding everything alright?”

{ @Omari ~ Mid } { @Mica ~ Bird }
[ short /w\ I’m sorry lovlies // bonus two basic understandings of herbs as compensation /hj ]

Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat
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Old July 18th, 2024, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins

she/her | 9 moons | 48/100
[Blue-grey tabby with dark blue overcoat, white underside and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby [PERMANENTLY ACTIVE]
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Fool ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Mossfreckle - @ellie ] [Midnightpaw - @Omari ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Birdpaw trotted along with Mossfreckle and Midnightpaw, bounding over rocks and logs as the trio descended further into the territory. She had obviously matured since she became an apprentice, more likely to be quiet during a journey rather than talk the ear off of whoever she was with. But she still moved with a bounce in her step. She didn't say much, but her body language was enough to show that she was just as playful and energetic as she had been as a kit.

Reaching the Mourning Ruins, Birdpaw stopped to let Mossfreckle go ahead and explain what they were looking for again. He mentioned what the herbs were used for, and Birdpaw hummed in interest. Sure, the information went in one ear and out the other, but new information was always fun! Giving Freckle a big smile, Birdpaw padded off to look for chamomile. She purposefully avoided lavender, due to his description of what it was used for. She wanted nothing to do with anything related to death. Lavender had kept the medicine den from smelling like the corpse of her brother, and if the visions swirling through her mind were any indication, smelling it again might cause her to break down. And that was no good!!

Birdpaw snuffled about in some plants, noting a few sticks that looked very tasty, but with the memory of the last time she put a random stick in her mouth still fuzzy from its sleep-inducing qualities, she knew better. The sweet, earthy scent of chamomile lured her a few cat-lengths away, earning a purr from Birdpaw as she spotted a cluster. Reaching down and plucking a few stems with her teeth, she collected a clump before pulling her head out and looking over her shoulder at Mossfreckle's call. She waved at him with her tail, padding back to meet up.

[Birdpaw gained +3 chamomile!]

Birdpaw dropped her chamomile at his paws, then regarded the clump. "Hang on, I can get more!" She chirped, turning and racing back to the bush beffore returning with another two sprigs. Dropping them on her pile, she nodded decisively. Maybe she would get to try some if Freckle said so. It smelled very tasty.

[Birdpaw gained +2 chamomile! 5/5 carrying capacity!]

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old July 18th, 2024, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins


Purrks: Silver Tongue(active) & Hulk Smash(inactive)

Not one for dilly-dallying, Midnightpaw followed the medicine cat closely, wanting to follow through with this herb patrol efficiently and quickly. She didn’t mind the way that Birdpaw carried herself, in a youthful, exuberant manner fit for an apprentice her age. Midnightpaw, not so much. She was well into her apprenticeship now, just about finished–well, technically finished. She was just waiting for her warrior ceremony now. She’d no longer be a paw for much longer.

Upon arriving at Mourning Ruins, the black furred molly pauses, tail flicking left and right as she averted her attention to Mossfreckle as they spoke. The quick lesson in some of the basics of these herbs was something that she’d dedicate to memory–perhaps it would be good to know some day.

[ Midnightpaw has left the party ]

With a nod of her head after taking in all of the knowledge that had been given to them, she toddled off on her own solo mission to gather up some of the herbs that they were looking for today. Although, she made sure to stick close enough so that she could scent her patrol-mates.

With Grousepaw’s explanation of the two herbs still fresh in her mind, she hoped that she’d be able to find chamomile, seeing as that was what they needed most. During her little solo journey, she came across the pretty little white flower that she had been told about before… And she assumed that this was chamomile. Right? Had to be. She leaned forward, nipping at the root of the flower to pull it up by the stem, to which she uprooted two more nearby.

And… lavender. The nice smelling flower that she had heard so much about–hm! Purple, pretty and nice-smelling. She came across the purple flower in the second place that Mossfreckle had pointed to, and she wasted no time in plucking them right up. With a mouth full of fresh herbs, she padded back to meet with the party!

[ Midnightpaw has joined the party ]

[ @ellie - Mossfreckle, @Mica - Birdpaw
3 chamomile & 2 lavender c: ]
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Drizzlecloud Midnightpaw Smolderkit
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Old Yesterday, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 42 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Chariot ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Cherryblossom - @---Bluestar--- ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Getting the answer as to where Sunnyfern's body was out of Foggymask was much harder than it should have been, and by the time Mistlewhisker returned to Cherryblossom, who was waiting by Slugshore's body, the deputy was beyond irritated. She jerked her chin for the warrior to follow, stalking out of camp and into the territory.

Mistlewhisker found Sunnyfern's body not too far from camp, picking it up without ceremony and returning to the Mourning Ruins. She laid it down gently near where other clanmates were buried, then looked at Slugshore's body. Dawnstar had said toss it in the outskirts, but that would have to wait until Sunnyfern was buried.

"Start digging." The deputy ordered Cherryblossom, voice gruff but not hostile. She just really wanted her clanmates to stop being morons.

Once the hole was big enough, Mistlewhisker carefully laid Sunnyfern's body down, kicking the dirt back over her and murmuring a prayer for safe passage to StarClan. Once that was done, she returned her attention to Slugshore. "We're going to take this body to the outskirts and dump it." She knew Dawnstar had told her to rough Cherryblossom up a bit for entering her den unannounced, but Mistlewhisker was not inclined to make troublemakers who insisted the clan wasn't fair.

As the pair took Slugshore's body to the outskirts, Mistlewhisker spoke up. "Next time you enter Dawnstar's den without permission, I will see to it that your claws are ripped from your paws and pierced through your ears. Understand?" She said the threat with such nonchalance, like she was just making a statement about the weather. While it might have been an extreme threat for entering a den uninvited for anyone else, to Mistlewhisker it was as merciful as Cherryblossom was going to get. Anything involving Dawnstar, her leadership or her comfort was of utmost importance to Mistlewhisker.

Reaching the border, Mistlewhisker snagged Slugshore's body and slung it unceremoniously over the invisible line. Let the predators at it. She would have to patrol the border a bit more frequently to ensure the predators didn't get cocky and wander in, but that was fine.

"We're done here." Mistlewhisker meowed, turning and heading back to camp.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old Today, 10:41 AM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins

"ok" she mewed @Mica
Please know that my character's sayings and actions are not how I really feel.
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