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Old May 22nd, 2022, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

~Vine, She/Her~
"I simply don't respect RiverClans leadership. There's not much else to it."
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Old May 23rd, 2022, 08:46 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

The sound of pawsteps on the soft layering of pine needles that covered the ground alerted Rajah to the approaching cat. He lifted his head and light green, almost gray eyes met the amber ones of Dawnstar. The pretty comment surprised him slightly, but he allowed his muzzle to curve into a smirk.

"Never been called pretty before, but I can't say I mind. And no, I don't live with Upwalkers. I used to, but I left as soon as I could fend for myself and been a rogue ever since." The Toyger shrugged nonchalantly as his gaze raked over the large molly, taking in the obvious scars and well muscled body. A fight he would most likely lose if it came down to it.

"My name is Rajah, and I'm here because I've heard of large groups of wild cats who eat kittypets for lunch. I was curious to see if the rumors were true, and join one whether they were or not. It gets lonely living alone all the time." Rajah's tone was quite lighthearted the whole time, and it was clear he didn't actually feel that lonely, but he did genuinely want to join. While he wasn't sure if he was at the Shadow group he'd heard about, the molly in front of him had said this was her land and seemed to be an impressive fighter so he would take it.

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Old May 23rd, 2022, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post

This cat was lucky that Dawnstar wasn't trying to mask her scent. Well, in hindsight there was no point to considering the cat was smart enough to keep her out of ShadowClan's territory. Shaking off some stray pine needles clinging to her pelt, the enormous she-cat stepped out of the darkness and padded right to the border. Dawnstar exaimed the cat in front of her with hot amber eyes, this cat smelt like a kittypet. "I don't know what you want, kittypet, but the forest is no place for softhearts like yourself. Go back home to your twolegs." Dawnstar sneered mockingly, obviously have little to no interest in the other cat.


She hissed, shaking, trying to stand up to her. Exuse me? I AM TRYING TO BE POLITE! She hollered, before smoothing her fur down. Now, if you listen to what I have to say, I would lilke to join your group. Glaring at the molly, she quickly added My mother left to become a 'Clan' Cat, so I need to join you, OK? She said glaring, trying to make herself clear
x ghostie is haunting this signature
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Old May 24th, 2022, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Age:6 moons
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Reason for Joining:Just wanted roleplay and be part of shadowclan
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Old May 24th, 2022, 07:38 PM
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Name: Silverkit
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Old June 1st, 2022, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by Atticus View Post
Burningkit | she/her | @Undertaker

For a while, the young she-cat was unaware that she was being followed. Her amber eyes stayed glued to the forest in front of her, focused on getting back to camp before yet another twoleg decided she was free to be carried off to who knows where. Her lips pulled back into a small scowl at the thought, white teeth glinting in the faint light filtering through the trees. Her tail, or what remained of it, throbbed faintly but she ignored it for the most part.

Eventually though, the crunching of leaves coming from behind her caught Burningkits attention, and a familiar scent soon followed. Recognizing Dawnstar, she stopped in her tracks to turn and face the leader. No fear showed on her face, nor did she really feel any in the first place. Unlike some of her clanmates, she understood that the leader only showed her claws to those that deserved it. And, well, if she deserved it then so be it.

"Dawnstar" she mewed, dipping her head lightly before once again looking up to meet the leaders yellow eyes with her own, "I apologize for disappearing. When I left camp I only meant to be out for a bit. I wanted to have a moment of peace. I knew that the chances of getting lost or hurt were likely, but I foolishly assumed that nothing bad would happen to me." she stopped briefly at this part, face slightly scrunching up. How stupid was she?

"I dont remember if or when I even left ShadowClan territory, but at one point a twoleg kit came racing towards me while riding on.. some thing. It crushed my tail before I could react, and the twoleg yanked me up and rushed me to his den. I tried to claw at it and escape, but he wouldnt let go of me. He forced me into a small, hard den and carried me away in a monster.. I dont really remember much after that, they put me to sleep somehow, but when I woke up half of my tail was gone and there was some weird thing around my head and neck. They kept me at their den under constant watch for moons, but eventually they removed the thing from my neck and I was able to squeeze through a hole in the wall of their den and ran away. I know that this may sound unrealistic, but its the truth. Im ready to face any punishment you see fit"

Her tail hadn't been like that, or so Dawnstar was pretty certain. The large leader got up once more and padded around to sniff at the kit's tail without touching it. It was indeed gone, not all of it but a good chunk of it. Besides the odd smell, Burningkit appeared to be alright beyond that. Dawnstar listened as retold how her troubles came to be. The leader found it hard to be understanding when it was Burningkit who had willing defied the Clan's rules and left the safety of the camp. Yet, it didn't look like she was looking for pity, and wasn't shaking in fear at the repercussions of her actions.

"Your actions were indeed foolish, you knew that kits aren't allowed out of camp yet you walked out on your own paws all the same." The low growl building in the leader's broad chest gave away how annoyed she was with Burningkit's unwise decision. "You got lucky, hairball, not a lot of cats, especially your age manage to escape getting caught by twolegs. Too bad about your tail, although with enough work I doubt it will hinder your training. I would hope you take losing a chunk of your tail has taught you a valuable lesson as to why kits aren't allowed out of camp." Dawnstar has seen short tail cats fight as well as long-tailed ones. She'd just have to keep the hairball out of trees.

"I should keep you in the nursery for another moon, but seeing as you did get away from twolegs and managed to find your back to ShadowClan, shows me you have potential or something close to it. Denying your training will hinder ShadowClan from helping, so I'll let you off this once. If this happens again, I won't be so kind. Follow." The scarred mainecoon-mix gave that single order and began leading the way back to the gorge.

Originally Posted by Amber Shadow View Post
(meant to say shadowclan.... oops)

[Oh, okay then that's fine]

Originally Posted by lonely.lilyx View Post
"B-b-badger," she croaked. She didn't normally cry, even when the others teased her for being quiet. But remembering the short-legged creature made her heart twist in fear again.

"I went out to get some air, the clan is so noisy sometimes," she mewled, cringing. She knew the leader would detest such a weak, vapid response, but it was the truth.

"I only planned to go a short distance away, somewhere where I could hear my mama if she called. I found these really, really pretty flowers and I wanted to pick them and give 'em to the other kits as presents. But then, a big, big badger came out of a burrow. I think it was a mama, Dawnstar. I heard some faint barks in the burrow, so I ran." She'd remembered her mama's words, that a mother was someone you didn't wanna mess with.

"It was so fast," she said, shivering. "Its jaw caught my foot, but I managed to kick some dirt into its eyes and it left. I think it didn't wanna leave its babies."

Her hackles slowly rose at the word badger. Of course, it was a badger. The leader sniffed at the kit's leg again and tried to see if it was broken or not as she explained herself. It sounded like she had gone outside of camp, stupidly, but not too far away. Dawnstar wanted to be mad at the kit for leaving camp for the dumbest of reasons, but her worry about a badger and potential kits being close to the camp trumped her irritation with a kit being a stupid kit.

"And now you understand why hairballs aren't allowed out of camp." Dawnstar huffed, "You're lucky it had kits and wanted nothing more than to chase you off. Otherwise, you'd be dead." The leader paused in her reprimanding, already noting at Mistkit looked like she was ready to cry at any given second. She reeked of fear and the scent would attract unwanted attention, not to mention Dawnstar should get her looked at by their medicine cats. "I'm going to take you to Elmshadow and Ivysnake, they should be able to do something about your leg and maybe tell me if you'll be able to use it in the future. You're going to need to tell me where you saw the badger, I'll need to take out a patrol to get rid of it. It sounds like it is too close to the camp for my liking. Don't squirm, I'm carrying you." Dawnstar dipped her head, parting her maw to grab Mistkit firmly by her neck so she could take her back to camp to the medicine den.
[Done, I'll move this RP to the medicine den as soon as I check in with Ravensong.]

Originally Posted by Willie Warf View Post
Rumble glanced up from her bowed state to see that the larger cat wasn't displeased with her yet. She breathed a small breath of relief. She needed this. She bowed her head again "My Mother called me Rumble, and the blood is from my weaker siblings. They refused my father's teaching; he had taught us to hunt and fight and swim. Yet those weaklings simply wanted to play and suckle up to our mother. They said that they would never need any of Father's lessons, but claimed to remember everything if they needed it. So I tested them. As you can see, none of them passed." She said these last sentences with a slowly going smile, growing more twisted with each word. " I wish to be strong. Stronger than any enemy that crosses my path. I feel that under your guidance that will happen. Please allow me to join your clan. Give me any test and ill pass it to prove that I can handle almost anything."

Well, that was an interesting way to decide whether your kin is fit enough to handle themselves or not. Dawnstar cocked her head at Rumble's clear drive to make something of herself and eagerness to improve. However, killing a bunch of soft, weak, siblings wasn't all that impressive. Dawnstar could have killed her traitorous sister ten times over and that wouldn't have done anything other than earning her mother's scorn, or so she believed. Still, she wasn't Icestar and she could use more outsiders. It was easier for her to earn and keep their loyalty compared to many of her clanborn clanmates.
"What happened to your parents?" Dawnstar asked curiously before making any final decisions.

Originally Posted by Glitch_Candle View Post
~Vine, She/Her~
"I simply don't respect RiverClans leadership. There's not much else to it."

"As simple as you say that, that means a lot to me. You'll willingly give up all your clan's secrets just because your respect has faltered in RiverClan's leadership." As much as Dawnstar disliked the other clans, they all held a certain amount of respect for them... well except ThunderClan. She still thought of them as nothing more than hypocritical kittypets.

Knowing that a clan cat, regardless of who's clan it was, came here willing to expose another clan out of a lack of respect for their leadership irritated her. "You're a stain to all clans, get out of my sight." Dawnstar snarled loudly while lashing her bristled tail. Dawnstar wanted nothing to do with the trash so willing to forsake any clan.
[Just a heads up, Dawnstar will attack Vine in her next post if she doesn't leave.]

Originally Posted by NinjaBloss View Post
The sound of pawsteps on the soft layering of pine needles that covered the ground alerted Rajah to the approaching cat. He lifted his head and light green, almost gray eyes met the amber ones of Dawnstar. The pretty comment surprised him slightly, but he allowed his muzzle to curve into a smirk.

"Never been called pretty before, but I can't say I mind. And no, I don't live with Upwalkers. I used to, but I left as soon as I could fend for myself and been a rogue ever since." The Toyger shrugged nonchalantly as his gaze raked over the large molly, taking in the obvious scars and well muscled body. A fight he would most likely lose if it came down to it.

"My name is Rajah, and I'm here because I've heard of large groups of wild cats who eat kittypets for lunch. I was curious to see if the rumors were true, and join one whether they were or not. It gets lonely living alone all the time." Rajah's tone was quite lighthearted the whole time, and it was clear he didn't actually feel that lonely, but he did genuinely want to join. While he wasn't sure if he was at the Shadow group he'd heard about, the molly in front of him had said this was her land and seemed to be an impressive fighter so he would take it.


The tom's striped pelt was so distracting that Dawnstar wouldn't have noticed the cat was talking to her had her senses not been so finely tuned. She tore her gaze from the tom's lovely pelt and locked eyes with him. Hmm, look at that they had something in common Dawnstar's never been called pretty before either. The leader's broad chest shook as she silently laughed at herself. Her ears flickered themselves at the word upwalker. She forgets that cats outside of the clans had strange names for twolegs.

Dawnstar could feel the tom's eyes roam over her physique but paid little heed to it. All cats did that, alarmed either by her size or her scars, both of which she took great pride in. Her nose scratched up as the striped cat gave his name. Rajah. Strange name for a strange cat. Her tattered left ear flattened itself at the comment about eating kittypets and his reasoning for seeking them out. "I really wonder who spread that rumor," Dawnstar grumbled to herself. She has never partaken in such a practice, although has thought about it. Meat was meat and if ShadowClan was suffering, she'd take what she could find if it meant keeping her clan fed and alive.

"You truly want to join a clan out of whimsy? Nothing more?" The ShadowClan leader's tone of voice suggested that she was unimpressed with his reasoning. Cats without solid convictions or drive usually end up disappearing within moons. Not to say that cats who do have convictions and drive don't disappear as well, but they were more likely to vanish without them. To be truthful, Dawnstar would like the tom purely for his pelt. It was pretty to look at and pelts usually last long on living cats. He'd probably have fetching kits if he took to take a mate in ShadowClan, but Dawnstar wouldn't let her personal interests get in the way of strengthening ShadowClan.

Originally Posted by Bean_The_Cat View Post


She hissed, shaking, trying to stand up to her. Exuse me? I AM TRYING TO BE POLITE! She hollered, before smoothing her fur down. Now, if you listen to what I have to say, I would lilke to join your group. Glaring at the molly, she quickly added My mother left to become a 'Clan' Cat, so I need to join you, OK? She said glaring, trying to make herself clear

For the love of all things dark and bleak, this cat was annoying her. The solid muscles rolled underneath the she-cat's thick scarred pelt as she unsheathed her huge claws and rolled her broad shoulders. "You are becoming a pest, luckily, I've been looking for a new toy to experiment with. I've been meaning to try skinning a cat alive to see if they actually live through the entire process or die from the shock and blood loss. It seems that you've volunteered yourself." An unhinged fanged grin overtook Dawnstar's former sneer. The threatening leader waved her tail back and forth behind her lazily, tensing her muscles. "This is your last warning, kittypet, you can walk away or I'll be making today your last."
[If Nala doesn't run, Dawnstar will attack her.]

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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Old June 1st, 2022, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining


Name: Ice Eye
Age: 45 Moons
Gender: Tom, He/Him
Rank Request: Apprentice (Though, if he could somehow enter the clan as a Warrior that’s be great.)
Reason for Joining: Tired of his wanderings, the “prince” has decided to try to settle down in the life of a clan and take in the company of other cats for once.

Ice Eye
“The Wandering Prince”

The tall, regal tom picked his way through the forest, fluffing up his thick chestnut fur as he walked, careful not to trip on any roots or undergrowth. With him, he carried a bundle of cobwebs, which he had collected on the outskirts of this strange territory and decided to bring with him, in hopes of gaining some sort of favor from the fact that he was bringing something of medicinal value to whomever was the leader of this dark, wild forest.
The wayfaring prince had seen many different places in his life, but never had he seen such a land as this, where cats banded together to create tribes that weren’t even based upon family bonds, but on friendship, love, religion, and all sorts of other mysterious things.
His head was held high as he walked, for he did not fear even the most wicked of monsters, why should he fear a creature of his own kind? It was silly to walk in fear when the ferocious animal was one of your own natural kin.
Soon, he came upon a heavy scent that he could only imagine was cat scent, and it was clear from the strength and might of it that this must be the leader of this region. So, stopping where he stood, Ice Eye opened his mouth and spoke in his deep, rich voice,
“I am Ice Eye, a wayfarer by nature. Yet, my travels come to an end… I have heard soft whispers in the long nights about the ferocity of you forest folk, but I do not fear you. In fact, I wish to join the ranks of you ‘Warriors’ and your brotherhood, as I have walked many places, and I have never heard of such a strong companionship within our species, save for your ‘clans’,” It was odd, this speaking to a scent, but he knew that the scent alluded to the presence of the leader, and he wanted to speak directly to them, not to some lackey who he could see.
The wind whistled through the pine trees as the prince stood, statue like, waiting for the appearance of the mighty, fabled leader of the tribe from the deep forests.
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Old June 2nd, 2022, 07:23 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Name: Brackentail
Reason for going missing: wanted to leave ShadowClan where all of his stress took place, until he remembered how many cats he would’ve been leaving @Undertaker
How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

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~ Fritz ~
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Old June 3rd, 2022, 10:23 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

~Vine, She/Her~
[She's a bit stubborn, so I'll have her leave the post after this one, but as long as she doesn't die here that's fine.]
"Respect is hard-earned, at least to me, and Kestrelstar was beyond saviour at that. It isn't just the leadership- I had no relationships. I didn't have an opportunity to do what I wanted to. I figured I never would, not after 19 moons of living there. Not one opportunity. Just a demotion and several threats." She tried to bite back a slight hatred at her former clan's leadership, trying to ignore what got her in that situation- "I respect you, that's what should matter here, right?"
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Old June 3rd, 2022, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post

Well, that was an interesting way to decide whether your kin is fit enough to handle themselves or not. Dawnstar cocked her head at Rumble's clear drive to make something of herself and eagerness to improve. However, killing a bunch of soft, weak, siblings wasn't all that impressive. Dawnstar could have killed her traitorous sister ten times over and that wouldn't have done anything other than earning her mother's scorn, or so she believed. Still, she wasn't Icestar and she could use more outsiders. It was easier for her to earn and keep their loyalty compared to many of her clanborn clanmates.
"What happened to your parents?" Dawnstar asked curiously before making any final decisions.
Rumble glanced up again, noticing the intre
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