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Old February 10th, 2024, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

{ @Micanomancy }
(I will get ya started on her heading back so it is not abrupt <3 also YES I am always up for a Birdie/ mossy rp)
Mossfreckle felt guilt prickle in a shiver across his pelt - the frost of reminiscing had settled thick on his heart - he was not strong, he had been helpless, and why was this kit thanking him… he was not the hero in this story, not even Starclan was. His gaze locked on the sky and he allowed a minute amount of anger to flood into his usually calm mind, what had he done in that situation besides allow his mother, brother, and sister to perish - one by one they had left him. However, his heart warmed at the kits words, so similar to the sun melting the snow of leaf-bare, he loved this kit as if she was his sister… he allowed himself to feel that selfish relation, he allowed himself to pretend that maybe, just maybe things could be good… Starclan knew things had been turning brighter for him.

Thoughts reeled in his head though, think, focus, let it go, let it go, let it go… but the thoughts and worry and guilt would not take their claws out of his mind and when they did they left rips in his heart. Gingerly he nudged Birdkit up and out of her nestled position. The kits stifled coughs sent panic down his spine and he gave her a few quick licks to warm her up, “I think the little birdie princess needs to head back to the nursery,” he sweetly purred to hide the new anxiety rising like bile in his throat… no, no, no, not her, Starclan please keep her safe, he sent a silent plea to Starclan, he would allow himself to be selfish on this too. With another nudge he urged Birdkit foward, “Has Lostspark looked at your cough?” he meowed more confirmation of a fact than a question.

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Last edited by ellie; February 10th, 2024 at 04:07 PM.
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Old February 10th, 2024, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

she/her | 2 moons
[Blue-grey tabby with deep blue overcoat, white unders, paws, and amber eyes]
Purrks: Lyrebird's Lullaby (ACTIVE)
· · ────────────── · ·
[Mossfreckle - @Fawnheart<3 ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Birdkit hobbled to her paws, shaking one out as it had fallen asleep under her. She turned back to look up at Mossfreckle. Had she done something wrong? Was he kicking her out? She opened her mouth to protest, but a yawn ripped its way out of her throat and she conceded that, yes, it was time for bed. He was asking about her cough... "Muma gave... honey." She recalled. "S'not bad," she promised him. "S'okay." She smiled up at him, some of her previous energy returning even though she blinked sleepily. "Bye bye!" She chirped. "Thank you for story!" She pushed herself up on her hind paws to press her nose against Mossfreckle's, then teetered over and scrabbled towards the den entrance on unstable kitten paws. She disappeared into the night, and the distant rustling of the nursery nearby indicated she had returned home.

Birdkit settled in the squirming mass of her siblings, letting the soothing scent of her loved ones lull her to sleep. Today had been a good day.

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Old February 11th, 2024, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by shoomy! View Post
Yellowpaw crept into the den. It was his first time in the den since he lost Drippingpelt. The den was cursed to him. Not actually, but still. Oh well, he had to get his ear healed from the run-in which was definitely not his fault. Yes, it was the thunderclanner's fault- wait, no, the guy that was dumb enough to eat an obviously poisoned piece of prey.

He still had a torn ear, but no one needed to know where it came from. "Hey, my ear got torn... on... a tree." Yep, that didn't sound suspicious at all. Nope, sounded perfectly normal, Yellowpaw. "I got distracted by the abnormally strong smell of plants. How do you live here?" He wrinkled his nose.

He sat down where he assumed was out of the way.
@Rose (first post actually in this thread, tell me ooc if I should've added/removed somethin)

Lostspark peered at Yellowpaw as the apprentice sauntered into the den with a flurry of words. Words she didn't have use of answering. "Mossfreckle." She called instead. And then; "Watch." Picking up the minimal amount of herbs she needed to wrap up Yellowpaw's injury, Lostspark inclined her head.

"His ear is torn, bleeding." She stated the obvious first. "It could be worse, could be less, but watch anyway. You already know what cobwebs do. This, on the other paw, is marigold." She gestured to the herb at her paws. "It’s a go-to herb among all of the clans for preventing infection by adding it to any wound poultice. It can also treat infection but it’s fairly plentiful to find during newleaf to leaffall so it doesn’t hurt to use it for prevention as well." After finishing speaking, Lostspark first cleaned off the excess blood from Yellowpaw's torn ear, chewed the marigold into a poultice, and then applied the paste over the wound, binding it with cobwebs.

Lostspark blinked at her apprentice. "Just, basically, marigold stops infection and bleeding for minor wounds."

[ @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle | - 1 Marigold / -1 Cobweb ]

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Old February 11th, 2024, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

{ @Rose ~ Lostspark } { @Poprock ~ Goopypaw (just so you can see) }
(For Kat —> For the sake of realism, would you be okay if in the rp with goopy I have moss go deeper into the den to speak with Lost (this post) who is busy?)
Mossfreckle had twitched his feathery tail towards Goopypaw as if to say wait as he retreated into the deeper confines of the medicine cats den seeking out the grey form of his fluffy oriental shaped mentor. Their mind was reeling as they attempted to find a solution, Starclan knew that this cat would live and die with this curse figuratively and literally stuck to him. Anxious claws dug into the ground as he sought out approval for his only - yet mostly useless - idea to ease the apprentice’s suffering. Oriental shaped ears pressed against their angular head in a combination of guilt and insecurity … useless… that is all Mossfreckle felt they were in the moment as their through filled with bile.

Would Lostspark even agree to letting him use the herbs in their storage, he contemplated noting her aversion to wasting herbs and his newness as the medicine cat’s apprentice - stars he was in no position to be asking a favour of Lostspark this early on… yet, he could not sit by and watch another cat suffer as they felt they had done only moons ago as one after another had perished under their mossy gaze. Deep down Mossfreckle understood that he could have done nothing but knowing that he had never even had a chance to save them, that he was so useless in that moment made his tail lash in anger. Never again, never again would he let any feline suffer under his mossy hues without doing, something… anything.

Shaking his oriental shaped head, Mossfreckle cleared his starry mind… calm, now is now, ask, listen, do… his mind soothed with small task. Tension released from their muscles as the anger was flushed away by rational, who was he mad at anyway, the kit he had been moons ago… he knew it was mousebrained to hold onto that feeling of inadequacy but in the end it drove him to do all he could for his clan so he could endure the pain because it meant Shadowclan was better off in the end.

Their mossy gaze finally soothed of the fires anger had lit in them, Mossfreckle called out to the grey hazy oriental shaped form of Lostspark, “I know you are busy and I know you do not like wasting herbs,” he started, paused, assured himself every thing would not go to hell and continued, “But there is a cursed cat out there - erm Goopypaw - well umm.. he is goopy and it is sticky and stinks and I know I can do nothing for him…,” Mossfreckle trailed off casting his mossy gaze helplessly onto his mentor, “I promise I am able to handle myself and do not need babysat but my solution is a little odd and kind of stupid so I wanted to ask you… I cannot just tell him there is nothing I can do,” Mossfreckle continued on with the confidence one gained form knowing they were in the right, “I wanted to make the apprentice a lavender flower chain he could wear for the stench of the goop.. I will go find it myself or replenish the stock… I know it is silly but it is something I can do for this miserable feline.” Mossy hues locked pleadingly onto Lostspark as they waited helplessly for their mentor to respond… stars Mossfreckle would feel so guilty is they had to return to the helpless apprentice who had waited so long to even ask for help just to shatter any hope that had flourished. Wait, listen, respect… he truly doubted that Lostspark would flat out deny him - make him get more lavender almost certainly - but not out right deny him… if she did, however, he would not argue as he too knew she would do anything for Shadowclan and regardless of if he ever knew her reasoning - he was not owed it - it was not made without thought and cautious calculation.

Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat
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Last edited by ellie; February 11th, 2024 at 06:34 PM.
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Old February 12th, 2024, 06:10 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

→Swanpaw ←
|He/him | 9 moons | Purrks: | Bisexual | Apprentice |
white tom with black,brown, and white markings

[Mossfreckle - @Fawnheart<3 @Rose
Swanpaw bloodied body was carried in.


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Old February 13th, 2024, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Silent crow walked in the dim medicine den her coat was darker then the inside but her green eyes stood out
"Umm Lost spark?" she said "Can i talk with you?" she asked her voice nervous @Rose
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Last edited by Spider.; February 13th, 2024 at 08:48 PM.
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Old February 15th, 2024, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Flashpaw | ShadowClan Female | 6 1/2 Moons

TAGS: @Fawnheart<3 ; @Rose

Flashpaw slowly padded into the medicine den,
and one large, tufted ear flicked to the left, since it was
in fact, making her struggle to hear, trying never hurt anything.
With a soft whimper, so quiet she didn't think anyone
heard, she clutched a leaf that'd blown out of the den
so tightly her jaw hurt. "L-L-Lo-Lostspa-Lostspark?"
She called out, her words a jumbled mess of stutters.
With a deep, focused breath, she attempted to say,
"Mo-M-Mo-Mos-Mossf-Frec-Freckle?" She swallowed
and dropped the leaf. When one of them came up,
she'd tell them what was wrong. Her stuttering was
awful because of her nerves, and so it was getting
harder and harder to spit some understandable words
out of her stupidly, embarrassingly stuttering mouth.
She scratched her ear again. It felt like there was
water in it, even though she'd been careful to never
let water touch the tender, short-of-hearing left

"Underground look around not a sound can escape
Freakin out I'm how many hours away!"

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Old February 16th, 2024, 08:13 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

[ @Micanomancy - Birdkit | We can end this here o7 ]

Lostspark smiled softly at her daughter's sleepy mumbles. "Sleep, my little bird." She murmured to the kit, repeatedly brushing her tail along Birdkit's spine, hoping the gesture would offer her kitten some semblance of comfort. Lostspark remained there in silence for who knows how long, feeling warmth unfurl in her chest as peace descended over her. Who would have known, that just being in her kit's company would make her feel this way.

[ @Poprock - Moonkit ]

Lostspark couldn't help the purr that rumbled through her, escaping past her lips along with a quiet chuckle. "That's it." She told him, smiling faintly as he burrowed into her fur - and then kept going, paws scrabbling at her sides and throat and- "Moonlove, darling, what are you-" Lostspark couldn't rein-in the laughter that escaped her as she rolled onto her stomach and attempted to pull him into an embrace, allowing Moonkit to climb over her if that was what he wished to do.

[ @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle / @Poprock - Goopypaw | iiii think we're pretending the herb lesson was before this in the timeline? So that's how Mossfreckle knows lavender? Either way I'll do lavender in my next post just to back this up ]

Gaze drifting up from the trickle of blood on her forearm - in Lostspark's defense, the nick had been an accident - the Medicine Cat turned towards Mossfreckle as she heard the tom approached her. A frown tugged the corners of her mouth downward at Mossfreckle's words, not because she was displeased, but because of how unsettled Mossfreckle looked in her company. No worries. Lostspark wouldn't comment on it, they'd learn to be at ease soon enough - she supposed she could overlook his... nerves.

The lithe grey feline canted her head to the side in silent appraisal as the Medicine Apprentice finished speaking. "Go ahead," she said finally, blinking once. "Not from our herb store - go find a lavender patch in the territory, and take a warrior with you to keep you safe. Don't get yourself into trouble - and take Goopypaw with you too; It's better if he knows what lavender looks like and knows how to collect it so he won't have to keep coming back to you."

[ @Beanz - Swanpaw / @finley.exe - Hickorysplinter / @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle ]

Head snapping up when Mossfreckle burst into her den, followed soon after by the cloying scent of blood as it filled her den, Lostspark stalked over, eyes narrowed to slits. "What happened?" She snarled to either one of the two conscious cats in the den, voice dangerously low as she gestured for Swanpaw to be set on the ground and began to take stock of his wounds.

[ @Spider-in-the-corner - Silentcrow ]

Lostspark stepped into the den behind Silentcrow, passing by the feline without a word. Once inside the den, she turned around to blink at her companion. "Yes?"

[ @blxze. - Flashpaw / @Fawnheart<3 - Mossfreckle ]

Lostspark lifted her head from a corner of the Medicine Den, where she'd been lounging in her nest, head on her paws, eyes shut. Now, however, the scarred feline turned her face towards Flashpaw, lips pursed with mild impatience as she lifted her muzzle to the air and sniffed - attempting to seek out the scent of blood. There was none, however, as far as Lostspark was currently aware.

Focusing back on the apprentice, the Medicine Cat halted a moment before parting her lips with a sigh. "Flashpaw." She greeted, and then said nothing more, waiting for the apprentice to go on with whatever she had to say.

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Old February 16th, 2024, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den


she walked closer but not to close "i feel weird like im bigger some how?" she said confused "well i dont know what i feel"
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Old February 16th, 2024, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Flashpaw | ShadowClan Female | 6 1/2 Moons

TAGS: @Fawnheart<3 ; @Rose

For a few moments, Flashpaw's mouth
moved but nothing came out but a few attemped
mews. Her nerves were sparking. With a deep breath,
Flashpaw mewed, "I-I-I-'ve been ha-hav-ha-having
a-a lo-lot of t-tro-tr-trouble with h-hea-hearing o-ou-out
of m-m-m-my lef-lef-left-"
trying to focus, the ginger-
striped molly mewed, "Ear." satisfied, her dark green
eyes looked up from where they'd been fixed on the earth
to view Lostspark.

"Underground look around not a sound can escape
Freakin out I'm how many hours away!"

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