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Old June 22nd, 2024, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Yellowtwist sat at the entrance of the camp, staring around the pile of dead trees he now lived in. Yay. He was guarding the camp entrance.

"Tomatoes are in the same family as some of the world's deadliest poisons. That just goes to show how rebellious tomatoes are."
"What about how the apple can fall far from the tree?"
"No, sometimes the tomato falls from the plant."

Ɛ> Toyhouse <3
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Old June 22nd, 2024, 07:39 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Pure black pelt; Barely visible dark gray mackerel tabby markings; amber eyes
She/her || 4 moons || ShadowClan
Agatha Kitty

So my stripes are hard to see, she thought. Huh. She knew it didn't really matter, but it was good to know... Her attention snapped back to Mosquitokit when he started talking. He seems really nervous, she thought. "My name's Shadekit," she replied cautiously. There was no harm in him knowing her name... Then Mosquitokit's demeanor changed abruptly, his eyes shining as he asked his next question. She blinked at the excitement coming off of him and stared at him.

He changed so quickly from being nervous to excited... Suddenly he wants to talk to her? What happened? Her fur prickled slightly as she thought. She was a little intrigued by this strange kit. It was kind of like a puzzle, trying to figure him out.

A long moment passed when she realized she still hadn't answered his question. "Um. Sorry," she said, "I'm five moons..." Stars above, this was a disaster. What was wrong with her? Her fur prickled uncomfortably, suddenly anxious to get away. This is one reason why I don't like socializing... "S-sorry," she stammered, scooching away. "sorry," she mumbled, slipping away.

Her fur was still prickling as she padded towards the nursery, sticking to the edges of camp. She could hardly believe what had happened. I'm such an idiot, she thought. More than halfway there, she paused, looking back at Mosquitokit, seeing whatever his reaction was.
Another late post :')

Also, just so you know, I am going on a week-long hiatus tomorrow (the 23). Feel free to reply to this, I am available today, and it wont bother me if you mention me during my hiatus, as I cannot go on my chromebook anyways. I'll just pick up where you left off when I get back.

Last edited by SnowheartTC; June 22nd, 2024 at 07:48 PM.
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Old June 22nd, 2024, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Wildkit walks into the clearing " Oh, hey Shadekit watchya doin?" Wildkit mewed approching the kit
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Shadowclan apprentice
Purrks: Mind reader(permanently active) and Shadow fiend(inactive)

So her challenge had been accepted...alright then, she'd have to put up a fight. Noticing the large tom nearing her, Quietpaw took up a more defensive posture. Letting herself uncoil into full height, taller than the average apprentice, and claws almost being released from their sheaths. She doubted he would actually use physical force against her but she had to establish herself as a cat not to be pushed around. It was vital to put up a strong suit in front of this cat or it might happen again. She couldn't risk cats thinking her weak because she didn't seem tough enough in front of this bossy warrior.

Changing her own manner to reflect the shift of the atmosphere, the dark furred molly looked on with subtle hatred as the warrior started his description about...whitecough. Was that it? Honestly, she expected more. This was why she thought so low of her clanmates. Even if the way he presented it was "scary" it had no effect. Quietpaw had witnessed much worse. Her, at the time, oldest littermate was eaten. Or so mother had told her and her siblings. This really wasn't that horrifying compared to what she was hearing. Plus it sounded like he was describing it from his own experience so it could definitely be exaggerated. It probably was.

Oh, thank stars that was all over, she was pratically falling asleep through all of it. Now, time to tell this cat what was what. Quietpaw would not stand for his attitude toward her no longer. She could not stand for it. "Are you done? Because I really didn't come out here to listen to your yapping." She stated bluntly. It really was quite selfish of the warrior to waste her time. "Maybe you should mind your own buisness, hmm? I don't care how terrible it is you say, I'll go in when I feel like it. If I feel ill, I'll go to the medicine cats as soon as possible, I'm sure it won't be much of a problem for them." Every word was spat with venom. It was also quite bold of the black and white warrior to assume she feared death. Done with speaking now, Quietpaw's icy gaze burned like blue fire into this insolent cat. "I find it quite insulting you assume that I'm stupid. You'd be smart to fix that mindset of yours before someone puts you in your place."


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Last edited by Morrigan; June 23rd, 2024 at 12:57 PM.
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

he/him | Shadowclan Warrior | 39 moons
Beefed Up T1
The Dancing Bird

Owlthroat was almost taken aback by the response he had just received, never ever had he experienced this before. Most seemed to shrink away from his hefty dousing of intimidation. Every word she spat seemed laced with venom, akin to his own bitterness. The idea of someone putting him in his place was preposterous, none would win against him in a fight. Or so his wily mind believed. But he was an efficient brute, not talented at much else. Gifted with a clever tongue, mind and his sheer muscle. Failing when it came to hunting, stealth or really much else. An inadequacy he fronted to carefully disguise.

Low rumbling laughter broke the silence and his intense gaze, trickling up from his chest. The bluntness and absurdness of her statements had him rolling. He laughed and laughed. What a mouse brained young cat, to believe getting drenched out in the rain wouldn’t bring bad. To believe that someone would put him in his place. The maniacal laugh droned on and on, everytime he thought he was about to stop it started up again. Dear Starclan he hadn’t laughed like this in such a long while. The defiance and challenge of Quietpaw almost forgot in his mind as humour had triumphed.

Of course he found her stupid, but to him it appeared as if she tried to be so big, so clever, so brave. But perhaps she was nothing underneath it all. He couldn’t be so sure, to a certain extent it reminded him of his own mask. He hoped he’d gotten that right, if not he’d work himself up once more. So he forced himself to believe it.

”What did you come out here to do then?" Owlthroat's sarcasm began to beam through. "Play pretend melancholy? Connect with the fishlegs we just drove out of their territory?” The guffaws continued as he drove in dig after dig. As quick as he came to anger he let it slide away, not promising it would revisit and rear its ugly head. But this, well this was just laughable. Far less serious than his first impression. He tried desperately to staunch his outburst, calm his laughter. Crooked yellow teeth shone as his jaw tried to clamp down his loaded goading smile.

A moping young cat with no sense, nothing more.

[​​ @Morrigan ]


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Old June 23rd, 2024, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ---Bluestar--- View Post
Wildkit ran out of the nursery and over to the fresh kill pile. She grabbed a huge bunny big enough for two cats. Wildkit picked it up, walked over to a sunny spot, and waited for her friend to share the bunny.
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✧ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

Mosquitokit totters out after his ginger buddy, trying to fight against his rising nervousness to stay hot on her heels. He's getting better at stomaching trips outside of the nursery...but he has yet to be the best.

No matter! Focusing on a friend helps.

"That thing's bigger'n the both of us!" He remarks, blinking roundly at the rabbit that Wildkit's wrestled from the pile. "You sure it's okay we eat it?" He doesn't want to be accused of waste if they can't.

Last edited by nyme; June 23rd, 2024 at 05:20 PM.
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

dizzycloud sneezed.

"Tomatoes are in the same family as some of the world's deadliest poisons. That just goes to show how rebellious tomatoes are."
"What about how the apple can fall far from the tree?"
"No, sometimes the tomato falls from the plant."

Ɛ> Toyhouse <3
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

LionFlop Sat In The Clearing, Resting And Vibing.
. @Windy
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog View Post
LionFlop Sat In The Clearing, Resting And Vibing.
. @Windy
Darkfire sat up from his nap, yawing. The warrior looked around, and spotted another warrior nearby. He didn't know the other warrior's name. "Hi, I'm Darkfire." The gray-furred, dark-eyed tom asked the other warrior. Darkfire was bored, and decided to he wanted someone to talk to. Not normal, not for Darkfire. He was usually a loner. And this cat seemed nice to talk to at least.
Snowpaw: Primal Instincts, Silver Tongue
Cloud: Mind Reader

I am currently on summer hiatus, will make it as semi as possible so if am not answering for a long while, that is the reason why! Looking forward to being back full time, which is not happening until school starts up again. Will miss you all, have an amazing time! (mumbles 'lucky' under her breath)

Also my characters actions and thoughts don't reflect my own.
Also go see https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76821&page=2 Claw! He's nominated for COTM and I wanna win that!
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Old June 23rd, 2024, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Windy View Post
Darkfire sat up from his nap, yawing. The warrior looked around, and spotted another warrior nearby. He didn't know the other warrior's name. "Hi, I'm Darkfire." The gray-furred, dark-eyed tom asked the other warrior. Darkfire was bored, and decided to he wanted someone to talk to. Not normal, not for Darkfire. He was usually a loner. And this cat seemed nice to talk to at least.
He Opened His Eyes, And Saw A Grey Warrior. Oh, Hello, Dark fire! Im- He Kinda Coughed, Ears Turning Hot. Why? Why Were His Ears Hot? LionFlop. Sorry About That. My Throats Been Dry Lately. He Smiled, Cocking His Head To The Side Slightly. The Golden Giant Lowered Himself Into A Loaf Sit, Being More Comfortable.
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